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Oasis 6 Munktiki Mug Deal

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hodadhank posted on 05/16/2006

On 2006-05-16 08:45, Unga Bunga wrote:
This might just very well be your lucky day...NOT! :)

Unga Bunga sez ye... Unga Bastard sez I!

[ Edited by: hodadhank 2006-05-22 11:17 ]

hazmania posted on 06/02/2006

I was disappointed in missing the 6 mug since I had gotten the 4 and 5 in my two previous trips from Texas. I feel like my string has been broken. Any thought to a second run ina different colorway for those that missed out?

ookoo lady posted on 08/11/2006
tedtiki posted on 08/12/2006

On 2006-08-11 15:17, ookoo lady wrote:
Does anyone know who monkey_oasis is? Because they seem to have an good supply of Tiki Oasis 6 mugs.

This is at least the third one they've posted on e-bay.



I was in line for the mug(right behind Tikiwinebear) and I saw a couple with a baby in a stroller with at least 4 mugs. 2 for him 2 for her and don't hold me to this because I'd had a few by then but I think the baby bought 2.

rugbymatt posted on 08/13/2006

I agree that this totally sucks when events are only offering limited editions and people take advantage of it just to make some easy coin a couple months later on Evil-Bay. Maybe that's how they were starting the baby's college fund? To screw fellow tikiphiles out of even one mug just to line your pockets is plain freakin' wrong! There need's to be better planning on quatities made for events and if need be a limit of just one per customer (adult customer that is). That seems to be the fairest way to address this, if you only get one and then you choose to part with it when you're in dire need of cash that's cool it was your decision and only your loss.

On a related note I just noticed that while many are still waiting for their Tiki Mag mug from TF that some bugger has already put one up for sale. I just have a problem thinking of folks like that as real ohana.

Okay, stepping off my soapbox now. Gotta go pack for Catalina (minus any carry=on liquids!). Aloha.

tikiwinebear posted on 08/13/2006

Howdy tedtiki.. so that was you in line behind me, huh? Yeah, as the mugs were running out, most of the people near the end of the line opted to only get one mug, as we watched LOTS of those at the beginning of the line getting 2 or 4 (if there were 2 people). I didn't stick around long after I got my mug, but you must have gotten the last one, tedtiki?

  • Myke
Unga Bunga posted on 08/15/2006


Than the dude gets greedy.

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga 2006-08-15 06:41 ]

tedtiki posted on 08/15/2006

On 2006-08-13 14:20, tikiwinebear wrote:
Howdy tedtiki.. so that was you in line behind me, huh? Yeah, as the mugs were running out, most of the people near the end of the line opted to only get one mug, as we watched LOTS of those at the beginning of the line getting 2 or 4 (if there were 2 people). I didn't stick around long after I got my mug, but you must have gotten the last one, tedtiki?

  • Myke

Actually my sister pulled the old ladies 1st trick on me and she got the last one. But knowing my love of all things tiki she gave it to me. Thanks sis. Btw I love your tiki cabana tikiwinebear.

tikiwinebear posted on 08/15/2006

Thanks tedtiki... we have had some fantastic parties this year using my "new" tiki hut / cabana. After making the postings here on Tiki Central, I have have had numerous TC'ers contact me from the Bay Area. I guess they are selling like hotcakes in Sunnyvale! I love mine!

I agree with your HOLY SHIT, Unga... They set their Ebay Reserve over $177 for the Tiki Oasis 6 mug after getting over $270 for their first one. I would say someone is taking advantage of other TC'ers who weren't as fortunate to get one of the 100 issued mugs.

rugbymatt posted on 08/15/2006

Maybe we can catch this person and since they seem to be swine we could use them for a live pig hunt on Catalina this weekend?

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