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Still Bored? How about a photo of Jerry Lee Lewis In Hawaii?

Pages: 1 9 replies

bongofury posted on 03/03/2003

Aloha...came across this old framed photo at an antique store. Owner was not sure but thought it was a picture of Jerry Lee Lewis near Diamond Head. He got it from an estate that had 6 photos of famous people from the 40s-60s. Who do you think it is?

Can anyone date those bathing suits?


PolynesianPop posted on 03/03/2003

Looks like Jerry Lee Lewis to me. I can tell by the Chantilly Lace...

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 03/03/2003

Didn't he marry (or mess with) underage girls? I see underaged boys there....."Great Balls of Fire!" ?

purple jade posted on 03/03/2003

[ Edited by: purple jade 2006-03-20 21:19 ]

Formikahini posted on 03/03/2003

Couldn't get very into the '60's, though, not with those super-tight swimtrunks.

Guys always seem to look older than they are, to me, in old movies and all. The hairstyles always make them look so mature (as did the gals with their short, tight, hairdo's in the '30's-'50's).

bongofury posted on 03/03/2003

Hey Popster and Jade....I looked on JLL website to see if there was an old pic to compare and Mrs Fury agrees that the hair, chin and eyes are the same, but no exact match....picture looks older than ....maybe it's his dad.....or????

SugarCaddy.....didn't he get ordained as a minister ? little boys .....yikes....or was that Little Richard?....

purple jade posted on 03/03/2003

[ Edited by: purple jade 2006-03-20 21:19 ]

purple jade posted on 03/03/2003

[ Edited by: purple jade 2006-03-20 21:19 ]

stentiki posted on 03/03/2003

Or the Reverend Bamboo Ben! :wink:

Leilani posted on 03/03/2003

Those bathing suits are from the 30's or 40's, certainly. The hairdos are from that period as well. But the guy doeslook an awful lot like JLL!

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