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Shag Frames

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Frame Fetish posted on 01/22/2006

Mahaloha Tiki Freaks! My name is Link, I own & operate http://www.framefetish.com, I specialize in art presentation using a unique approach to picture framing, I have framed just about every Shag print along with anything & everything, please follow links below for evidence. Since I have been operating on the internet, I have had people from all over the country send me their items to frame & then ship them back in custom sized boxes I have made to secure the quality of the items. If you are local, I operate out of a residential compound in Newport Costa Mesa, CA Wednesday-Sunday, 2-8PM, I would be glad to show you your framing design options & quotes along with my crazy collection of creations.

NEW FRAMES->http://www.framefetish.com/photo%20galleries/New1.html
SHAG FRAMES-> http://www.framefetish.com/photo%20galleries/Shag.html
RUFF QUOTE-> http://www.framefetish.com/photo%20galleries/Buy.html
CONTACT-> 949-645-3744, link@framefetish.com or link@linkdavid.com, some email filters do not like the word "fetish".

Please look me up for more info!

Link David

[ Edited by: Frame Fetish 2007-03-08 02:51 ]

[ Edited by: Frame Fetish 2007-03-13 18:31 ]

ookoo lady posted on 01/22/2006

We first saw Frame Fetish's work at the Tiki's restaurant in Waikiki. It's so impressive that we had him frame several of our own Shag prints. He has a unique style of matting that incorporates elements of the print, and really enhances the presentation. On top of that, he's a very nice guy and it's fun to visit his workshop.

8FT Tiki posted on 01/22/2006

Aloha Link. Glad to see you here on TC.
To the ohana let me preface this by saying that the following comment is given freely without request.
(That means I said it myself and nobody asked me to, SO THERE!) Now I gotta tell you that we have one and only one Shag print. Had it several years now and we sent it to FrameFetish to be properly framed back when we first bought it. WOW, is it gorgeous. We have "Banana Liqueur" and it is proudly displayed in the entry area of our home. The colors are dead on matches and the matting cuts are exact, clean and precise. I have a very dear friend here that has a framing business and has for 20 years. He has seen this piece and was very impressed. Now I don't know about you but when someone receives a comp from another in their own field, I think that counts double. So in conclusion, I can wholeheartedly recommend FrameFetish to you as a fantastic source for framing your Shag art in a brilliant way. You will be happy and proud to hang Links' work in your tiki space!
OK, unpaid endorsement over. Go for it! 8FT

Frame Fetish posted on 01/23/2006

Thanx to all the framing followers, their patronage & their missionary work!


isotiki posted on 01/24/2006

Hi Link,
I first saw your work on Ebay. Proud owner of four Frame Fetish pieces. Love them all.

tikiskip posted on 01/24/2006

WOW! Great stuff!

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Monkeyman posted on 01/24/2006


Aloha and welcome to Tiki Central after all this time.

I have corresponded with Frame Fetish for the past 3 years and I can never stop preaching.

His work is some of the best you will ever see.

I have 4 matted works from Frame Fetish and they all are important pieces of my tiki bar.

Stick around.....


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Unga Bunga posted on 01/24/2006

On 2006-01-24 10:58, Monkeyman wrote:
I have corresponded with Frame Fetish for the past 3 years and I can never stop preaching.
His work is some of the best you will ever see.
I have 4 matted works from Frame Fetish and they all are important pieces of my tiki bar.
Stick around.....

You can't get (or even buy :) ) a better compliment than that.
Welcome FF!

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MEAN GENE posted on 01/24/2006

Hey Link,

I'll half to stop buy the next time I go visit Ragnar. Great work....

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Krustiki posted on 02/01/2006

I just had Mr.Lucky framed:

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and it really made the image POP!

Thanks FrameFetish!

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tikiracer posted on 02/03/2006

awesome work, really inspired me.

I've been down the reclaim yard, looking for some inland driftwood for my art.

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Kaikaina posted on 02/28/2006

So, so cool.

[ Edited by: Kaikaina 2006-02-28 15:16 ]

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Monkeyman posted on 03/01/2006

Come on link, show us some more juicy stuff not yet available on the website.

bring it

Frame Fetish posted on 03/01/2006

As a matter of fact Monkeyman, I have new items here..........
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I am always available for your framing demands!
Thanx again folks!

[ Edited by: frame fetish 2007-03-13 18:50 ]

[ Edited by: Frame Fetish 2007-03-13 18:51 ]

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hewey posted on 03/02/2006

Wow - I am really impressed. They do compliment the art really well, but don't take away from it at all. Nice work

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Monkeyman posted on 03/02/2006

Thats what Im talking about.

I really like that circular bamboo cut......

I have searched far and wide and have never found any who does work like you.

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teaKEY posted on 03/02/2006

They really add to the art, hell they are art in themselves. I bet Shag has or needs a couple of these for himself

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Mai Tai posted on 03/15/2006

bump For this cool post. I'm having a couple of prints matted by Link. I can't wait to see how they turn out!

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kingstiedye posted on 03/16/2006

i just had this doug horne print framed by frame fetish. i really dig gecko's logo in the matting. mahalo linkImage Missing: http://imageshack.us/

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Monkeyman posted on 03/16/2006


Frame Fetish posted on 03/16/2006

Just a week ago, "Kingstiedye" was a stranger, he now has my frame on his wall, gawd bless Tiki Central & thanx King!

"Mai Tai"........your'e up!

"Tiki-Kate" was the first member to visit the compound here in Costa Mesa as a result of Tiki Central, thanx to "ookoo lady"!"Monkeyman" is the man!

Thanx to all for your support!

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kingstiedye posted on 03/16/2006

mahalo link! now i need one of monkeyman's awesome frames.

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aikiman44 posted on 03/17/2006

Yow! Now I'm looking for a Voodoo print to frame like that. I have the card that came with the outstanding Gecko mug. Can that be enlarged by someone with computer chops?

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Mai Tai posted on 03/17/2006

On 2006-03-15 23:22, kingstiedye wrote:
mahalo link! now i need one of monkeyman's awesome frames.

I wasn't going to mention it until my project was finished, but since you mentioned it - they will work on collaborations. I'm having exactly that done right now - matting by Link, then frame carved by MonkeyMan. I'll post pics when everything is done.

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Exoticat posted on 03/19/2006

I have really loved your work since i first spotted it a couple of years ago.

[ Edited by: exoticat 2006-04-02 22:31 ]

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kingstiedye posted on 03/19/2006

On 2006-03-16 19:01, Mai Tai wrote:

On 2006-03-15 23:22, kingstiedye wrote:
mahalo link! now i need one of monkeyman's awesome frames.

I wasn't going to mention it until my project was finished, but since you mentioned it - they will work on collaborations. I'm having exactly that done right now - matting by Link, then frame carved by MonkeyMan. I'll post pics when everything is done.

that's a brilliant collaboration!

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[ Edited by: kingstiedye 2006-03-18 16:39 ]

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Exoticat posted on 08/18/2006

Well, I finally had one done through Frame Fetish. {{{ Huge thanks }}} to Link for doing a most superb job on framing!

[ Edited by: exoticat 2006-08-29 23:02 ]

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VanTiki posted on 08/18/2006

I just found this thread about Link's fabulous work! A few years back I had Link frame a shot of me in costume (along with some tiny prop souvenirs) on the set of From Dusk Till Dawn. Needless to say, it was a wacky photo - and Link asked for my permission to "Try something new". I took a deep breath and said "go for it" - and man, am I glad I did! SUCH a cool frame! Absolutely top notch work - so creative!

Mahalo link!

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aikiman44 posted on 08/18/2006

Hey Van, I'd like to see that shot from Dusk Till Dawn!

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kingstiedye posted on 08/18/2006

yeah, c'mon henrik! you can't tell us how cool it is and then not post a pic! :)

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VanTiki posted on 08/18/2006

Sorry everyone! I had a feeling you may want to actually see the frame!

I must admit, I had it in storage as the house is one big never-ending construction project at the moment. All this talk of cool frames inspired me to dig it out and hang it over my desk - I forgot how cool it is! Someday when I get around to finishing my haunted office this will have a place of honor:

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Link made the frame into a window - as if you are looking in on the vampire madness. You can see some of the cool little props from the set in the close up - bloody dominoes, dice, and monster claws. Link rules!


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kingstiedye posted on 08/18/2006

i love it! mahalo, henrik, for diggin' it out and showin' us!

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aikiman44 posted on 08/19/2006

Man is that cool. I've recently come to realize that many of us are into the monster thing, i.e. Vampira, Tor, etc. More early 60's obsessions, along with secret agents, Batman, etc. Also, sometime next week I'll try and post some pictures from recent issues of Legend of the Dark Knight with prominent inclusions of tiki.

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croe67 posted on 08/19/2006

Here's my latest LINK acquisition - it just arrived this week. I jhaven't cleared a spot for it, yet, but will soon:

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& with a previous LINK item that I LOVE!!
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kingstiedye posted on 08/19/2006

great stuff, croe! those shag purses almost make me wish i was a wahine! :)

Frame Fetish posted on 08/28/2006

Thanx again to all, I am flattered by all your comments, the market is always open for your framing demands!

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[ Edited by: Frame Fetish 2007-03-13 18:53 ]

[ Edited by: Frame Fetish 2007-03-13 18:53 ]

Pages: 1 35 replies