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New tiki finished---->>>#12 carved and burnt....{Advice on stone carving?} pg.3

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good day, yesterday i spent a little bit of time into making these two little tikis. hope you like them

that one i drilled a hole through the head to make a necklace. im giving it to somebody today for their birth day.

that one i like best out of the little ones.

and here is me and my tikis

such a happy family.

thanks for looking comments are always appreciated.

[ Edited by: Tiki Duddy 2006-09-26 14:33 ]


Duddy, you're making progress, not bad at All for only 7 and 8. The more you do the better you will get.


hey thanks ben. i feel like i have gotten better sinse tiki number one. now i know what to do at least a little bit.
thanks for the kind words

hey this is tiki number nine that i made the other day. i used the wood burner again like i do on my other small ones. brings them out great.
here it is hope you like him.

and thats it. more to come yet just still working on them.

Good job TD! Woodburning adds a lot to your work. They look better with more contrast like that. I have a question: What made you, at such a young age, decide to carve tikis?


Yes it Does. I'm glad to see more pyro projects going on. Duddy, that last one really looks great and is your best so far.

hey thanks alot it really means something to have great carvers like yourselves comment on my stuff here.
buzzy- i really love your work and like how you take us on an adventure through the story as you go from beginning to where you are now. and about your question....i had some chisles around one day and ive always liked carvings and art but all i could do was drawing well so one day i just picked up a random piece of wood and started carving. a few days after i found this site and it just got me right into it. then i made my decision that i want to do this from now on.
benzart- thanks alot i also admire you so much. i still think you are some kind of tiki god in desgise. yes the woodburner helps alot with the look of the tikis.

thanks you guys i got another tiki but i just got to take a picture of it today. it will be on here in a little bit.

ok here is another one i finished up about a week ago. tryed to do something a little more....real i guess i could say but this is what i got. im pretty happy with it and hope you enjoy....

and thats it for now. i got another one but i gave it to my sister before i could get a picture and now she wont give it back for a day so i can go take a picture so....ill get one eventually.


Sweet stuff, TD. I wish I would've started when I was in HS--you can only get better with age/experience. I'd be an ancient master by now!!! Like you will be by the time you're my age (somewhere between 25 and 50) :)

haha thanks there. well thats the plan is to get better with time. i think ive improved sinse tiki #1 and i hope i get alot better though the years.

Less than a dozen under your belt and you're on your way to a lifetime of carving tikis-each one sicker than the next! Keep up the great work and sharing these killer creations with us all! We truly envy you with all that energy and youth!


I love the character of this one with the bent nose and Twisted,Smirky smile. Cool one TD

Zaya posted on Wed, Aug 23, 2006 1:46 PM

These are great Tiki Duddy! I think you were definitely meant to do this. Sometimes don't you wonder what you did before discovering carving? You can really see the progress in your work. I like how much the burning really brought out the features of that little guy. Looking forward to seeing your next project!

hey thanks all. means alot
little lost tiki- hey thanks. yes im supprised how many i have got done so far. and im not too sure about the envy part haha because i see AMAZING work here on TC.
ben- yes i like this guy's face too. i wasnt sure what to do with his mouth but it just came together at the end better than i thought it was going to. the reason his nose is like that is because there was a more elevated strip running down the wood and i thought "hmmm, that would make for a unique piece in the face" so i made it his nose and im quite happy i did.
zaya- hey i actually think that i was meant to carve haha. well i do it alot better than i thought i could ever. i know i would not be as happy now if i had not ever picked up that first piece of wood and started to carve. i would be wasting my time on something useless or on nothing at all. so therefore i think i made a good decision here. and ive kept with it and still feel strongly about carving so im pretty sure im gonna be doing this for a long time and that its not just a "phase"

well thank you for looking and thank you for the compliments i really appreciate all of you.
i also have another tiki done but i cant get a picture of it at the moment.

Paipo posted on Wed, Aug 23, 2006 5:06 PM

Nice work Duddy - make sure you get pics of your tikis before you give them away! How old are you anyway (if you don't mind me asking)? I didn't start carving until my mid-20s, and then only made a piece or two a year. I only got into it seriously when I turned 30 (I had sort of a mid-life crisis 20 years early) and it took almost another 5 years after that to go full-time.
I guess what I'm saying is that if you're as young as you look you've got a great head start on a lot of people, and have a long and promising future of carving ahead of you.

hey paipo thanks alot.
yes i know i need to get pics before i give them away. its just my sister has been rather.......demanding? yes i think thats the word. and she wanted it a certain way and all so i was pretty excited when i could finally give it to her. and now....well she wont let me take it for a day to get a pic of it. but she will take one herself so it will be on here soon.

oh i dont mind you asking my age. im fifteen years old and in grade 10. yes im glad i started this early so that i know when im older ill be atleast a little bit better.

GMAN posted on Wed, Aug 23, 2006 5:17 PM

Hey duddy,

I love what you are doing here, and yes, starting young is a great way to improve. Just keep looking at your older work and learn/try something new with each piece. You are already putting a great amount of character into each of your pieces (that last one looks like Benz!). I would bet that in a few months you will be light-years ahead of where you are now. Keep going, thinking, and concentrating on slow steady progressions. I love it! I've been carving for over 25 years, and I learn something new every day :)

Paipo posted on Wed, Aug 23, 2006 5:18 PM

Wow, you're exactly the same age I was when I taught myself to draw by copying from comic books, but as I mentioned I didn't even try to carve anything for almost 10 years after that. You know you're already doing good work when someone won't even let you have a piece back long enough to take a pic!

hey gman thank you alot. im hoping that ill be better than i am now in a few months. well i think sinse my first one ive gotten better....with great help from the skilled carvers here on TC. you all have helped me alot.
paipo thats awsome that you started drawing at my age. i also like drawing. on of these days ill post some if they come in clearly. but thank you aswell.

all comments appreciated always

Nice work Duddy. It will be fun when you get to a point where people will just say, "Hey, great tiki Duddy!" instead of , "You're how old?"

Keep carving away and try not to stop for too long. I do that sometimes and I definately loose something when I come back. I've been doing this for two years now, and I'm only on #15.

hey fink thanks. means alot.
well that would be pretty cool if people started recognizing me someday as "hey he carves those tiki things" and yes i never plan on taking a break for too long. well your on #15 but im sure all of them were big amazing tikis. im still just working on getting them a little bit bigger.

hey i finished this tiki last night. its about 3 or 4 feet high. its a little deformed because of the stump growing out of the side of his head but i like it because it looks a little bit more natural.
hope you like...

and there is my cat beside it being well.......a cat.

also decided to show a picture of my tools right aways.

and that is my carving area. yep my front step haha.

well there he is. later tonight i should have the one i gave to my sister on here.


I really like how your work is progressing! Keep it up!

Looks great. Don't be afraid to go deep with your cuts. As you progress, you'll find that the depth and form of your cuts will define the tiki. Your carving area is the same as alot of people on this board. Keep those chips flying.


Go deeper my son. Pull the Tiki from the wood (or whatever media you posess ie; plaster, concrete, foam, clay)

That's a fine first biggun sir! Keep at it.

Oh and your carving area... is a Cadillac compared to mine. I got a Yugo carving space.



hey thanks again.
yes i was thinking i should go a little bit deeper but i really had no idea what to do with the big tikis. i wasnt sure if i should use the chainsaw to outline the facial parts or what. so i pretty much did it all with chisle. and from the pictures i took it shows that i went less deep than i really did. but i still need to go deeper.

thank you


TD, It looks like your "Big" tiki is coming along nicely. We Really need to get you a new camera, that phone camera just does not do it. A Bigger camera will make your tikis look SO Much better because I think we are missing ALL the detail??
Still though, he's looking good.


hey ben thanks man. yes the camera phone just dosent do it at all. but its all i got at the moment and im thankful for that.

thanks again for all the kind words.


ok here is number 12 all i need to do is stain him and varnish him. i gave it to my mom and she collects blue china and stuff so she wants me to stain him blue. so ill post some more when i get around to that.

here he is....

and thats it for now. hope the pictures turn out ok on here.


Looks like the Best one yet. Tel Mom to hang on to this one as it may be worth big bucks some day when you are Famous!
Nice one

Hi Duddy. Im a new member here & slooowly getting around to meeting you folks & checking out the great artworks. Sorry to go dragging your age into it again, but I have to agree with the others in regards to this... You have made a great start & with so many years ahead of you Im sure you are going to be a chap to watch!! My 'medium' is stone & I really have limited experience with wood, but know that the approach is much the same whatever you use (to quote Benzart -we are just removing everything that aint tiki, haha!) **The learning never stops & after about 10 years carving off & on, am also still learning/developing. Its those undeniable 'Eureka' moments when something new just 'clicks' in your mind. Im sure you know what Im talking about... Anyway, two thumbs up from me. Good on you!! Tama :)


Duddy, I think you should make some large Tiki's using some of your earlier smaller ones as models. They would look awesome as large ones. Keep up the great progress!


well all thats left on that one is the stain and poly.

benz- thanks man it always means alot to have your positive comments. i think mom might just hold on to this one. she was a little flustered when i said that i gave dad one before her (the big tiki). and i really hope some day im well im not too sure about famous but...known maybe.

tamapoutini-hey thanks to you too. and WELCOME! such a great place is it not? all these great amazing carvers giving you such warmth. like a family. it really is no problem talking bout my age...it actually makes me feel good haha. and yes every time i carve i learn ALOT...you also learn by the cuts you get of course.

freddimon-and thank you as well. yes you hit it right on the head. that is what i wanted to do make a few small ones so that i dont mess up a big piece of wood...(when i finally find a good piece that isnt destroyed)

thank you all. i have said it once im sure and i will say it many more times... it means ALOT to have such great carvers say such kind words. and i appreciate that GREATLY.

thank you

McTiki posted on Tue, Sep 5, 2006 5:16 AM

Very Very nice. Keep em coming.


hey mctiki thanks alot. im gonna be putting more up soon enough.

hey ive had a coconut in the fridge for a while now and really want to make a tiki mug out of it, but......the problem is i have absolutley no clue of what to do. should i scoop out the inside and then what? i know benzart told me once that they work ALOT better if they are fresh but this one is brown. so is there still a way to carve?

if anyone knows please give a post.

ok i bought a dremel a few weeks ago and it has a few attachments for stone work. im not too sure what i all need though. will a dremel do it? what attachments do i also need?

any comments would be a big help.

Paipo posted on Tue, Sep 26, 2006 2:45 PM

You'll need some of these:
The grinding burrs that come with those sets wear out and lose their shape too quick.
You'll also need to get the water running onto the burr, Tama and I have described this in detail in other threads (our own ones, pdrake's etc)
What sort of stone are you going to use? Don't start on something too hard...marble or granite would be a good choice.

Another potential 'stoner'? Great stuff! (Paipos right, we are going to have to have a go with wood...) Give it a whirl, we're watchin'. Good luck Duddy! T3

hey guys thanks alot. always helps having people comment and help. right after i posted the last one i went outside to try and see if it worked. it actually turned out great. i just picked a random rock up and took it to the dremel. the dremel bits are perfect still so it didnt do too much damage. ill post it as soon as i can. right now the camera phone i use for pictures isnt sending them right. so ill try to fix it.
untill then...

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