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Affordable, Intimate Wedding in Hawaii Suggestions

Pages: 1 18 replies

Koa posted on 08/15/2006

Anyone out there have any suggestions on how to get hitched in Hawaii on a budget? It is going to be just the two of us.There is lots of information out there on the web but I was hoping for some real life testimonials from fellow tikiphiles. We would like to stay four nights and go to one traditional luau.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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Blowfish posted on 08/15/2006

If you are going to Kauai I bet TikiHula and I could help point you in the right direction... not sure for other islands.

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VanTiki posted on 08/15/2006

Hey there,

My brother, my best friend, and myself all got married "on the cheap" here on Oahu. My friend and brother took advantage of the fact that it is free to get married on the beach! If you plan the wedding for a weekday, and if you get out there early enough, you will be one of the few (if any) on the beach. For early Beach Weddings on Oahu, I'd recommend the windward side (you get the sunrise that way). My brother chose Makapuu beach, my friend was hitched at bellows, and I'd throw Lanikai and Kalama beach in the mix as good suggestions. For my wedding, we got hitched in the backyard of my parent's house (a B+B). While they no longer run their B&B, there are a handful in the kailua area that have beautiful gardens, and most cost the same (or are cheaper) than a noisy hotel in Waikiki.

Hope that helps!

Koa posted on 08/16/2006

Thank you both for the information. This will be my second visit to the Aloha state and my fiance's first.Both Kailua and Kauai look like very appealing spots to wed and honeymoon. Would you say both spots were remote? Would we need a car? What's the best way to get around the islands? Being from New Orleans, we are searching for good places to EAT and DRINK, as well.I don't expect you have the time to be my personal travel agent but I sure do appreciate your expertise.

P.S. VanTiki, your mugs are impressive! High fire glazes and very sculptural, well done. I minored in Ceramics in college. By far it is the most physical of all the discplines.

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christiki295 posted on 08/18/2006

Congratulations, Koa.

However, you need to identify how you want your special day and honeymoon to be.

Do you want the luau on the same day - sort of a wedding feast?

Do you want a formal ceremony, and a white dress?

Which island?

Will you be satisfied with a minister waiting for you at the beach, giving you 10-15minutes and then being on his way?

Do you want to be all alone or will tourists gawking not bother you.

What is your budget?

After Las Vegas, Hawaii (and all of its islands) is the 2nd most popular place to get married (actually, I just made that up). Nevertheless, there are thousands of options.
Here is one inexpensive:


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Pacific Andy posted on 08/22/2006

You will also need to get a marriage liscense before your wedding. I did it on Kauai about 5 years ago and it was a lot of fun. The Licsence wasnt but everything else is great. We actually go married at the Hyatt on Kauai and it cost about $3,000. Not sure if that is in your budget but it was a lot of fun. That included photo's, a guy playing a uke, a minister and some other wedding stuff.

Koa posted on 08/23/2006

Thanks again everyone! Probably the Hyatt is a little out of our budget. We are looking to spend 3,500 for the entire trip. I'm hoping to locate a bed and breakfast on one of the smaller islands. We want something very casual and laid back.
Is renting a car a hassle? What should we do and see?
Anyone know of a site to book air fare?

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VanTiki posted on 08/23/2006

If you want the ultimate in small island settings, plan your trip for Lana'i. I've talked about how great it is in another post in this thread. The Hotel Lana'i is affordable and beautiful

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here is Ms. VanTiki in front of the Hotel Lanai

  • I'd reccommend one of the rooms with a balcany that overlooks sleepy Lana'i Town. You don't need a car - the shuttle is free from the airport and you can walk around the town, to the Four Seasons Loge (where you can play croqet on their AMAZING grounds), and you can take the shuttle to the four seasons resort at the bay for world calss snorkeling. If you want a jolt of "city life" you can take the ferry over to Lahaina, Maui for a day of shopping. On top of that, the hiking is terrific! Cant be beat!

Here is where I want to retire someday (plantation manager's house on "Haole Hill":
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Here is the whaling town Lahaina as we pull into harbor on the inter island ferry:
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Here I am snagging a Tahitian lime for Mai Tais and the like from the Four Season's Lodge (don't tell!) - we liked the limes so much I planted a tree in the back yard!
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beautiful upcountry Lana'i:
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As you can guess - Lana'i is my fav, but any island caould host a great wedding. Best wishes!


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[ Edited by: VanTiki 2006-08-23 15:23 ]

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TikiHula posted on 08/24/2006

Congrats you guys! Here's the people we contacted and went with- Virginia and Candace are the best! And check out the TC Oahana section for photos of our ceremony on a great little secluded beach in Kapaa. You do need to have a car on Kauai as there are so many great places to go- and their bus system doesn't seem to be very good.


Here's photos that Candace took of our beach wedding:

Here's other photos we all took of our other island adventures:

"But why is the rum gone?!" -Capt. Jack Sparrow

The Tiki Gallery has over 1,400 photos!

[ Edited by: TikiHula 2006-09-10 10:49 ]

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paul120 posted on 05/08/2008

Mauius.com Is Here For You

Hey friend your problem will be solved if you mindfully read what I have posted in the paragraph below in order to have a great wedding at Hawaii...

Maui Wedding – Mauius.com best represents our approach and expertise in planning Maui weddings online. We work with the finest Maui wedding professionals to make sure that your wedding on Maui is just as we call ourselves, the best ever Maui Wedding. Your wedding will be a celebration that reflects the truly unique and special couple you are which we Guarantee. For more information visit our website http://www.mauius.com/

[ Edited by: paul120 2009-08-29 04:51 ]

[ Edited by: paul120 2009-09-15 05:37 ]

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catmomma posted on 05/08/2008

in 2004 my husband and I renewed our vows on the beach in Kauai. For $50 more it would have been a wedding (liscense). $600 included photos, officiant, music (he sang beautifully and blew a conch shell), a audio tape of the ceremony, leis, and a chanpagne toast. It was AWESOME!

you can see a couple of pictures from our renewal here: http://amazon.webwizards.net/Hawaii04/Hawaii04-2.html

It looks like the link to our coordinator is not working but I have her phone number around here somewhere. PM me if you want it. Also from what I saw when I was shopping around her packages were pretty similar to what others were offering.

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Aaron's Akua posted on 05/09/2008

On 2008-05-08 02:10, paul120 wrote:
Mauius.com Is Here For You

Hey friend your problem will be solved if you mindfully read what I have posted in the paragraph below in order to have a great wedding at Hawaii...

Maui Wedding – Mauius.com best represents our approach and expertise in planning Maui weddings online. We work with the finest Maui wedding professionals to make sure that your wedding on Maui is just as we call ourselves, the best ever Maui Wedding. Your wedding will be a celebration that reflects the truly unique and special couple you are which we Guarantee. For more information visit our website http://www.mauius.com/

The thread you are responding to is over a year and a half old. However, with only one post to your name, you should be congratulated on your mastery of the Tiki Central "search" feature. Nice job!

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gropupairfare posted on 08/28/2009

On 2008-05-08 02:10, paul120 wrote:
Mauius.com Is Here For You

Hey friend your problem will be solved if you mindfully read what I have posted in the paragraph below in order to have a great wedding at Hawaii...

Maui Wedding – Mauius.com best represents our approach and expertise in planning Maui weddings online. We work with the finest Maui wedding professionals to make sure that your wedding on Maui is just as we call ourselves, the best ever Maui Wedding. Your wedding will be a celebration that reflects the truly unique and special couple you are which we Guarantee. For more information visit our website http://www.mauius.com/

Please send tell some more about your services. I am going to arrange a honeymoon party very soon.

Group Airfare | Group Airfare Tickets

[ Edited by: gropupairfare 2009-08-28 04:19 ]

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apsysindia posted on 12/17/2009

On 2008-05-08 07:34, catmomma wrote:
in 2004 my husband and I renewed our vows on the beach in Kauai. For $50 more it would have been a wedding (liscense). $600 included photos, officiant, music (he sang beautifully and blew a conch shell), a audio tape of the ceremony, leis, and a chanpagne toast. It was AWESOME!

you can see a couple of pictures from our renewal here: http://amazon.webwizards.net/Hawaii04/Hawaii04-2.html

It looks like the link to our coordinator is not working but I have her phone number around here somewhere. PM me if you want it. Also from what I saw when I was shopping around her packages were pretty similar to what others were offering.

I think you have suggested the right thing to the thread starter. He is having problem regarding his marriage party arrangements. Hopefully he will be able to solve it out after this.

seo company orissa | seo company in india

[ Edited by: apsysindia 2009-12-16 20:12 ]

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christiki295 posted on 12/18/2009

Oahu may be the most cost-effective to fly into and to stay, but it is also VERY developed.
You will be staying in a skyscraper hotel, particularly now that the Hawaiian Hotel is gone.
You may be reminded of Las Vegas. However, you will not have to pay for a rentacar, like you would on Maui or Kauai or the Big Island.

I recommend marrying at Sunset (although in Waikiki the sun does not set over the ocean.)
Immediately thereafter, head over to Tiki's Bar & Grill for a nice dinner overlooking the Pacific framed by Tiki torches!

AAvacations or Pleasantholidays I've found to be the best travel sites and have booked through both.

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TikiMookie posted on 12/22/2009

Congrats! I can't speak for the wedding part, but the best Luau is on Maui. The Old Lahaina Luau, it's wonderful, authentic and food and drinks are great. You even get a really beautiful real flower lei and they have traditional seating if you wish. Look them up online. You do need to book ahead. It's been a few years for us but I'm sure they are still there.

I've never stayed in the Yurts in Hawaii but Yurts are really fun, kind of large round tents with lodge style amenities, most have kitchens and bathrooms in them and they are quite affordable. I'm sure you can do a search on those as well.

Hope you post pictures and let us know how it all went :)

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dtconline posted on 12/23/2009

On 2009-12-17 22:43, christiki295 wrote:
Oahu may be the most cost-effective to fly into and to stay, but it is also VERY developed.
You will be staying in a skyscraper hotel, particularly now that the Hawaiian Hotel is gone.
You may be reminded of Las Vegas. However, you will not have to pay for a rentacar, like you would on Maui or Kauai or the Big Island.

I recommend marrying at Sunset (although in Waikiki the sun does not set over the ocean.)
Immediately thereafter, head over to Tiki's Bar & Grill for a nice dinner overlooking the Pacific framed by Tiki torches!

AAvacations or Pleasantholidays I've found to be the best travel sites and have booked through both.

I am very much agreed with you, Maui and hawaii are two of the best location of USA. thanks a lot for creating this thread.

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christiki295 posted on 01/06/2010

On Kauai, weddings begin at $325 at the Fern Grotto, a traditional wedding place.
The $375 includes a minister and leis, and a river cruise.

$95 for a ministe to marry you on the beach on Oahu by Diamond Head:

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christiki295 posted on 01/23/2010

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