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Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

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Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/23/2006

Hiltiki: Thanks for the tune...
Tiki Duddy: Those little ones: I bought those. If I were to carve those, it would take about half a day each. Then I wouldn't be able to sell them because the signs would have to cost $400. So, I did a little work in exchange for some products and took some "raw" carvings from indonesia in exchange and fixed them up slightly. Then I made signs with them and a few other things that were laying around. The plan is to be able to further finance my tool and carving habits through tiki endeavors. Originally, I was just going to use bamboo for the signs, but then I had the idea to place tikis for the vertical frame pieces when the guy who I worked for offered them up. I think that they look great. The eventual plan is to make a frame with my carvings on it, but for now, I'm just figuring out the best way to construct these.

Visited the owl yesterday:

He's gettting bigger...

Yesterday, Zaya got me something called a "Benzart Carving Seminar" for my birthday. I've never heard of that. I'll look on google on MY new laptop to see what it is.
Birthday Loot Buzzy Out!

here's the link for the other owl posts

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2006-08-23 10:40 ]

hewey posted on 08/24/2006

happy birthday buzzy man!

Benzart posted on 08/24/2006

Yes HappyHappyHappy Birthday

congatiki posted on 08/24/2006

happy birthday Buzzy...that owl looks awesome...almost real...put him aside now until after
the Benzart seminar...Ben will teach you how to finish the detail work.

Stiki Tiki posted on 08/24/2006

Happy B-day Buzzy!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/25/2006

Stiki, Ben, and Hewey: thanks guys
Conga: Nice one. Zaya and I both burst out laughing when we read your reply

Did that fake beach at the beach thing again today. From this view, you cannot see the miles of cars sitting bumper to bumper, trying to get out of La Jolla. They should put the view 300 yards to the east on La Jolla Shores Dr on those tourist postcards. That's the real San Deigo. Not this:

And I hacked away at this guy a little:

That tiki in the garage peeking out looks worried. He probably thinks he's next

paipo:secret's out, but thanks all the same. You tried...

Going Back to the Beach Tonight Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/25/2006

Finished carving and sanding this guy



cleaned and ready for staining



harro posted on 08/25/2006

wow you pump put some amazing work at such a rate Buzzy!!
love it!

Benzart posted on 08/25/2006

Love the stain job on this last neat tiki Buzz. Izzit my imagination? Or have you lost a step since your birthday? Getting a little older and Feeling Older too? Doesn't matter as long as you keep carving these Excellent tikis and Owls.

Tiki Duddy posted on 08/25/2006

man does that look GOOD! like the pearly whites on that guy. great work.

nice stuff always

kingstiedye posted on 08/25/2006

hey buzzy, i love the aloha sign. also, outstanding work on the last tiki. happy belated birthday, too!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/26/2006

Kingstiedye: thanks, and here's a sign I made tonight with more of those indonesian 10" tiki carvings

Some of these have neat grain patterns and are made from all kinds of different woods

Harro: Here's more of today's activities on the first six footer. Close to being done with the carving part, so that means this one will be all done in about three months

TDuddy: those teeth on that one will get tan with a little time. In that picture, they are so bright because I just sanded them down and did not put any clear stain on yet. the whole thing will darken slowly over the next few weeks.

Benzart: Slowing down? More like warming up...


Benzart posted on 08/26/2006

I Love it, Great "Warm-up" stage. can't wait to see you warmed up and going full tilt.

Really happy to see your name on the "Left Coast Tiki 'Oki 'Oki" list.

hiltiki posted on 08/26/2006

OOOOOO, Buzzy got his Birthday gift!!!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/29/2006

This is in front of a tiki bar. The short guy is the door man. The other two are the bouncers. They wouldn't let me in because I was un-tiki. I finally got in after a long wait, but they threw me out when I ordered a straight shot of SoCo. I'm so untiki, according to them.

I am assembling a tiki army. In this picture: They listened as I recited the Art of War by Sun Tzu and discussed how we will take over the world, all while making stickers.

Here is a new Benzart sticker. Oops! Rather, (at the time of this picture) here is THE(only)new Benzart sticker:

Finished the guy on the right, started the guy on the left today:

The tiki had a mouth:

This looks bad. I hope it turns out better. Sometimes it doesn't. you still have to try.

If that was one of my first tikis, I'd be done already.

I burned more lines tonight:

There are two types of lines: straight and curved. If you can draw these two line types, you can draw anything. Now go do it. There are no more excuses now.

I gave him eyes. He needs them to see the new Camaro coming out in 2009.

I officially started growing my mullet today when I saw the prototype.

I am so tired of this tiki, I cannot wait to finish it so I can get it out of my sight forever. When it leaves, I will call it late at night crying for it to come back to me. It will say no, not until I give up all my other tikis. So heavy a toll...

They should make UFC holiday weekends three day weekends. I'm still worn out from watching Nick Diaz hit Josh Neer in the face so many times. It's a wonder I got all this stuff done, with the hustle and bustle of the holiday and all.

Busy Again Buzzy Out!

hewey posted on 08/29/2006

Looks great man.

That Benz sticker is a killer too

Benzart posted on 08/29/2006

More excellent stuff going on. I Love it. The burned guy is really getting Fancy, love the shading. The 2 in progress are gonna be killer too. Keep upmthe good work. Oh Yeah, the sticker is perfect, Love that too!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/29/2006

Went back to office today...

I have to go back and tear it down at 10 pm. I hate double shifts. I think I put in two hours today.
Back to carving...

Keeps me sane after a hectic day on the job site.

Beach Party Buzzy Out!

hiltiki posted on 08/30/2006

Buzzy now that you know how to throw a beach party, when is your own party?????

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/30/2006

Hiltiki: I'm throwing the non stop party that I fondly refer to as "my life," 24-7 these days. All are welcome...


Two more days of borrowed wifi...

Party On!
Buzzy Out.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/30/2006

Sunset picture(of the tiki I am working on):

part of the log is super dry, part is totally wet. That's why the different tones appear. Makes it hard to figure out what is going on, so far as the pictures show.

Benzart: List of things for me to do tomorrow:
#1 wake up at noon
#2 Go get paid
#3 Send out package to Florida
#4 Carve
#5 Post
#6 Carve
#7 Post
Hey partner, glad you like the sticker! More to come...

Hewey: You get your stuff yet?

I've had a signal most of the day. Irony=I got the bill for my internet service today and I'll bet I never lose this signal again.

The More I Make, The More I Spend, Still Broke Buzzy Out!

Tiki Duddy posted on 08/30/2006

buzzy man that looks great. you always have good stuff going on.
amazing work as usual

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/31/2006

Thanks TD.

Another day, another update:
Started bottom half of the six footer

top guy body, just needs sanding and detailing

Just started this


Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/31/2006


No Daylight Buzzy Out!

hiltiki posted on 08/31/2006

Buzzy, I like it. It is 6 feet tall.....ayyyyyyyy... you know what this means??? I love tikis with lots of dimension.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/31/2006

Hiltiki: I hope you are not disappointed that I am pointing out that it's actually two three foot tikis on one six foot log. According to Benzart, it's only one tiki, because of the "one log one tiki" law. So I'm sorry that they don't quite measure up to your original expectations. Does "dimension" mean the same thing in Armenian as "doodle" does in Australian? Because if it does, it tells me a little more about you...

Benzart: While were on the subject: A while back we discussed the "one tiki one log" rule you laid down on this thread. Since this is a split log that has a disconnected tiki from the two on the other side of the log, is it one or two tikis? If it's one, then I finally believe that someone who is not Basement Kahuna can get over $150 a foot for a tiki... If not, I'm still trying to do better work or find some rich sucker.


Kooks: Here's your logo

Copyright blah blah blah...


[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2006-08-31 16:21 ]

Benzart posted on 08/31/2006

Actually it would be a "Tiki Totem" which could include several tikis in one log or carving.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 09/01/2006

Tiki Totem carved:


Hooking Up My Wireless Router Tonight Buzzy Out!

Benzart posted on 09/01/2006

Does all this mean that if you cut that tiki totem in half that it would be worth twice as much? Probably.
Then to keep it together as a One log Tiki Totem should be worth even More Right.
I'm only a Lot confused , which doesn't take much for me recently!.
You have taken this bottom tiki to Extra, above board, top shelf levels. AND, you probably are not near done yet. We wanna watch.
Take me away

hiltiki posted on 09/01/2006

Buzzy I thought you knew all about my fixation with dimensions!?! :wink:

GROG posted on 09/01/2006

GROG have dementia, does that count?

The totem is looking awesome Buzzy. GROG like.

Tiki Duddy posted on 09/01/2006

AHHHHHH!!! HOW DO YOU DO IT??!?! that is amazing for sure. man if i ever become as good as you are it will pretty much be one of the greatest things in my life.
i think thats one of my favourites.
good GOOD work

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 09/01/2006

Grog: Buzzy's groggy. Buzzy Buzzed that Grog grogs Buzzy's Buzz.
Hiltiki: I got an even bigger log, out back. Would you like to see it next?
Tiki Duddy: Thank you, again. just keep carving, and that day will be here sooner than you think. I'm actually not very good at carving, but I'm a great photographer, so I can make my stuff look good through the subtle art of photography.

tiki fence:
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I finally got enough bamboo to do the whole front yard. Now all I need are tikis.

These green lights mean that I do not have to wait for a signal anymore:
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Now I have to go make something that I can sell to pay for it...

Next project: six foot on site stump carving in East county. It's on a slope, so I have to build a platform to stand on first. I'll keep you all posted...

Posting Now on His Own Dime Buzzy Out!

GROG posted on 09/02/2006

Wow, Crazy Al! This is the first time GROG has found this thread. GROG really like your tikis.

Now Bosko, when you're carving, do you make a sketch first, or just start carving and let the wood inspire you. And do you make the first cuts with a chainsaw?

Thanks again Tikidiablo, and I like your warclubs as well.

(By the way, did GROG mention that GROG have dementia?)

C Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/2bace9dc0ed0c365e3734639187d1fed?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
congatiki posted on 09/02/2006

Grog have dimentia....Congatiki is crazy too...crazy for Buzzy's latest carvings....Buzzy
your two-tiki totem is wonderful....nice nice work.

B Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/5ce256db052ec2794b36100793feff5e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Benzart posted on 09/03/2006

Hey BayPark, you get your own connection and now you take a week Off?. Must be contageous, I havent carved in a week either! You OK?

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 09/04/2006

On 2006-09-01 17:27, GROG wrote:
Wow, Crazy Al! This is the first time GROG has found this thread. GROG really like your tikis.

Now Bosko, when you're carving, do you make a sketch first, or just start carving and let the wood inspire you. And do you make the first cuts with a chainsaw?

Thanks again Tikidiablo, and I like your warclubs as well.

GROG: I wanted to answer you, but I've been asleep for the last couple of days and my tiki army did the work for me. You see, I have insomnia: constantly. If you ever read or saw Fight Club, when Ed Norton explains his insomnia, that's how I feel most of the time. Last couple of nights, I've been falling asleep at about 6 or 7 in the morning. then I sleep for about two hours or so, and the cycle continues until I sleep for a couple days straight. Every once in a while, things seem different when I awake. Out of place. It all made sense tonight when I awoke suddenly at midnight...

The moon wasn't full, but it was out
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I heard a party at the neighbor's house. turns out, it was in my garage. I opened the door to find my tiki fight club army having a small party. I was surprised to see a coconut monkey amongst them. Everyone knows mini tikis and coco monkeys don't get along. It's one of those old country things. At any rate, all was well; they just finished a drinking game called flip cup, and the coco monkey was the obvious loser.
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Things quickly went downhill. The tiki fight club army, which has actually been carving all my tikis too, doused the coco monkey with 151 and lit him on fire. here they are celebrating the sacrifice. I would have stopped them, but I thought it would be more important to take pictures, gather evidence and let the criminal justice and medical care systems take care of the aftermath.
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The next part of the ritual entailed channeling the spirits of CA, B,and TD.
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I am transcribing what they are getting off of the ouija board:
Tikis: Are you B?
OuijaBoard: No
tikis:Are you TD?
OB: No
tikis:Are you CA?
OB: Yes
Tikis: Do you have a message for GROG, CA?
OB: yes
Tikis: What is your message for GROG?
OB: .

Tikis: Thanks CA
OB: Aloha

Hiding The Bloody Glove Buzzy Out

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 09/04/2006

On 2006-09-03 12:18, Benzart wrote:
Hey BayPark, you get your own connection and now you take a week Off?. Must be contageous, I havent carved in a week either! You OK?

Benzart: New connection along with a new computer is taking up all my time. Remember back when your harddrive went out...My days were spent searching boxes of old computer wires and discs, looking for that one stupid driver disc that I need to do all the cool stuf computers can do. there's that old thread what keeps me from carving. last few months has been what haven't I been doing because I have been carving. Finally caught up to me and I got tired of woodchip covered junk all over my house and have been trying to get stuff cleaned up. One of my pretiki phase friends came over recently and said my house looks like the Tiki Mad Sceintist's lab. I decided to do some stuff around the house because of the holiday traffic and also,my next carving is at someone's house, and there is traffic between that house and me. I hate traffic...Now that I think about it, that band Traffic sucks too.
Oh yeah, a week off? No. Just did boring stuff. And slept. But since I brought it up, here's my work from the last couple of days:
Someone ordered a custom sign from me. It looks just like another sign that I made a couple weeks ago, but the letters are different on this one and the bamboo is three inch stock, rather than two.
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Lot of curves on the letters take more of my time
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I sanded and stained a cheap tiki too.
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Dark tikis done at night in my garage dont photo well.
And finally, I'm never OK...

Buzzy Out!

GROG posted on 09/04/2006

Nooooooo!!! Not the coconut monkey! Oh the horror!Basement Kahuna, GROG can't believe you just stood there and took pictures and let this happen to the poor guy.Tikis are usually pretty just, so this monkey fellow must have done something to deserve his fate.

GROG doesn't have insomnia, but GROG does have dementia and can't remember if GROG slept or not, so GROG'll just take little nap now and then anyways.

GROG's ouija board is broken, it only picks up weather reports and transmissions from traffic control from an airport in Denver.

Nooooooo!!! Not the coconut monkey! Oh the horror!Benzart GROG can't believe you just stood there and took pictures and let this happen to the poor guy. Tikis are usually pretty just, so this monkey fellow must have done something to deserve his fate.

Wow, Crazy Al! This is the first time GROG has found this thread. GROG really like your tikis.

(By the way, has GROG ever mentioned that GROG have dementia?)

GROG posted on 09/04/2006

Wow,Tiki-Ray! This is the first time GROG has found this thread. GROG really like your tikis and war clubs. How do you carve that small greenstone so intricately?

Soory if GROG has posted here before, but GROG have dementia.

Later Bamboo Benzart.


H Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/fd5eae298d1131eb2381bc5c69f202ec?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
hiltiki posted on 09/04/2006

Grog, you are out of control.. :lol: Oh, I forgot.... Hi Buzzy..:)

Tiki Duddy posted on 09/04/2006

poor monkey...
buzzy man i think you made the right decision taking the pictures or nobody would believe you.
good stuff as usual i cant wait untill im near that good.

ps. what did the tikis do when they found out you were spying on them?

K Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/9162ee98aff6768c57e0ea30338c822f?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
kingstiedye posted on 09/04/2006

this is getting as weird as fight club. but i'm enjoying it almost as much as fight club, which is one of my favorite movies.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 09/05/2006

Tiki Duddy & KingsTD: The first rule of tiki fight club is...

Better pics of my Karl Malden tiki:
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Taking a break from the heat and this carving:
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Wasn't going to carve today-didn't work out.

Bye Bye Summer Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 09/05/2006

By special request...

Tutorial #1: Tiki drafting & Mass removal
I want to take a huge, sweeping chunk out of this log
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I draw a center line with a handy 4' drywall tsquare
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I saw some drywallers using one of these one time and I knew I needed one. Comes in handy for tall tikis
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After I make the center line, I make a grid one ruler width away from the centerline, many times in each direction
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The next thing that I do is freehand one side of the curve. Where my curve hits a grid line on the left, I put a hash mark on the right, corresponding grid
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I do this at each intersection, and then connect the dots. It should look the same on both sides
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Everything to the right of the line will now be removed
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I use a log stump with a gouge in it to hold the log in place while I chainsaw
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I start by making a series of scores between the two lines. I keep the saw blade as level as possible, trying to stay between the lines
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I stop real close to the line on both sides, keeping the saw blade level
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here is the whole thing scored
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I could take it all out with the chainsaw, but it scares me to use it. I use chisels to hack out the chunks. It goes pretty fast
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I try to space the scores as wide as the chisel that I will use to remove it with. Two sizes here: Man or wimp sized
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After all is removed, I take it down as smooth as possible with the chainsaw. I kind of let the teeth "peel out" and move it side to side to prevent it from digging in.
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the last step is to smooth the surface marks left by the saw
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I use my largest gouge to do this. A flat chisel will work too, just watch the angle, don't go too deep
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it's this smooth when i'm done
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More later.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 09/05/2006

Today's Sunset Update:
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I have no idea what is going on here...I'm making it up as I go along. It's a tiki doodle.

Buzzy Out!

Tiki Duddy posted on 09/05/2006

buzzy man cant wait for more pics.
looking at your work and everyone else's is pretty much what i look foreward in a day....besides carving myself.

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Benzart posted on 09/05/2006

Nice step-by-step bayPark, shows how logical your mind works (WORKS???) I really love seeing the extra detail you are getting in your tikis now-a-dayz, you must be learning something.. You know what they say,,
Practice makes Perfect"!

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