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Davez_tikiz - finally finished one after 7 months!

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Looking good.

Can't wait to see it done! Lookin real good.

Gap, Johnny, Surfin... thanks! the MOP shell I ordered off ebay just shipped... gotta clean it up and then figure out how to grind up some eyes for him...

Well, I finally finished the Maori face... stained dark ebony with MOP inlays for the eyes and mouth. Learned a lot on this guy... not the least of which is how tough Maori surface detail is!!!

whaddya think?

That turned out great Dave!


Nice effort Doubravsky....looks like it was a lot of work. The stain and inlays look great.

Outstanding! He cleaned up real nice!

GMAN posted on Mon, May 8, 2006 4:29 AM

Yeah, I bet that took some thinking! Great job DB. That's a keeper for sure. I bet that piece tought you two years worth lessons!



Nice unit Dave! I see some coon-tiki influence there!




Nicely done. Bet you learned a lot on this one.

Yo! It was the Ku that you did which I mentioned at the show. It was a big jump in quality and skill for you at the time, and I just felt good for you seeing it done so well. It's a point where you go from "trying and hoping" to " planning and doing," if that makes sense at all. Great meeting you and thanks for stopping by this weekend, keep in touch, Buzzy.

Tikimecula, conga,aaron, Gman, al, johnny... thanks for the props! I did learn a lot with this guy, and I really like him. Means a lot coming from such great artists that you like it!

Gap... definitely a product of post-coon-tiki knowledge increase!

Buzz... gotcha! now I get it. You're right, that was a jump-off point. This one was too..thanks for the compliment... it was nice meeting you too.... look forward to the next time.

GMAN posted on Tue, May 16, 2006 7:25 PM

Davez - what's shaking over there? What projects are you working on?


Been really busy, not much time to carve lately, but workin on a Lono that had been laying around for a while. I'll take some pics this weekend.

GMAN posted on Thu, May 18, 2006 9:28 PM

Gottcha. I'm looking forward to seeing it.


Ok... here's a quick update. He's about 6.5' tall including the headress...

Love the detail around the mouth. Looking great so far. Any concern about his neck breaking or is it thicker than it looks in the picture?


Nice one Dave. Those Lonos are fun and difficult at the same time. Looks like you are getting the hang of it


This one looks like a lot of fun. I like the open style on the headdress. The mouth looks great.

GMAN posted on Sat, May 20, 2006 4:22 AM

Dang! There's a lot of of work in there! He looks great! I imagine he'll look amazing once you tighten him up and get to the sanding stage. Keep us informed......


Nice work for sure! I have been thinking about trying some Hawaiian style stuff myself. I have been reading some older posts about carving Lono style headress. I have been going back and forth about the best way to achieve the absent space in the headdress without breaking it. Any suggestions? Kepp posting pics of this guy when you have the time.

nice one Dave...looks like you have been going nuts since Coontiki...keep up the cool work.
Great mouth...headdress...etc.

Rodeo... thanks! it's a little thicker than it looks, although i'm more scared about the waistline.. which is too thin.

Ben..,. thanks. This has been a challenge. Once again, the arms are my nemesis. Also, the wood in the middle is a bit mushy, which will make the headress tough.

JohnnyP.. thanks! I'm liking the mouth, too.

G.. you bet! more pics soon.

tikisobayli... I use a chainsaw to cut out the main shape, although I cut it too deep.. next time i'll cut less. Then I used a reciprocating saw with some drilled holes as a start point.. nexttime, I'll cut a lot less out andgo from there.

Conga.. thanks! you've been busy too!

Well... Lono is done. He was really gooey on the inside... so I gave up on the details idea, and he became a garden tiki. Left him pretty rough... stained him and spar varnished him. Here he is in my backyard protecting the palms......

(it was funny... when I wheeled him into the backyard on the dolly, the dog lost his mind!)

hey Dave...nice job on the Lono...looks great in the yard.....like the body and stain.
keep whittlin'.

Cool Dave! Looks great in your yard. I noticed a couple of unfinished pieces in your garage in a picture a few posts back. What's next?

GMAN posted on Mon, May 29, 2006 2:15 PM


Too bad about da goo. Bloody palms. Hopefully you'll enjoy him lots in the yard too. I like the way you finished him off. Was reallllly wanting to see you get into the details on him, but we'll see it the next time. Great job.


Conga... thanks!

Buzz.... Not sure what's next... like you said.. lots of stuff to finish laying around. I really want to get the posts carved for the tiki hut out back.. and I really wanna do a raratonga, and I really wanna do some more Hawaiian stuff, and I really wanna carve some tap handles, and and and and..... (I really need to win the lottery so I can dedicate full time to carving!)

G....thanks! I did have big plans for him... but I learned from him. Next time instead of grabbing a saw and making a bunch of cuts I can't take back, I'm gonna take it a little slower. What I really need to do is head out to Florida for a chainsaw lesson from the Maori master!

Lono looks pretty damn good! I see you overcame the full body worries.


Excellent work. Those lonos are great for learning excersizes. Now you have to do another one so you don't forget what you learned.What's next?


Too bad about the goo. I was looking forward to the detail you were going to do, but I have to say it looks great in the back yard.

Been workin on a Sali....

its my first club... from a 3 x 10 piece of basswood. Cut with a jigsaw (that wasn't easy at 3" thick!), used an old wooden spokeshave, detail with a flexcut 3/8" veiner...

GMAN posted on Mon, Jun 12, 2006 4:05 PM

Way to go Dave! That looks real nize. I hear ya about cutting through the 3" with the jigsaw. That must have sucked. Nice piece though. Isn't there a 7-day waiting period for those jobbies?


G...thanks! There ought to be a waiting period... I told my boys it was a "teenage discipline implement" when they asked, "Uh, Dad, why do you need a skull-bashing club?"


Now Yer Talkin dave, Nice club and if anyone says different, you know how to change their mind , IF they have one when you're done.

Finished the Sali... Learned a few things...

  1. Can't cut 3" deep wood well with a jigsaw.

  2. Didn't get the curve right at the business end.. not enough.

  3. A nice sharp Flexcut parting tool is cool!

Here's some pics...


Looks Great, and so do the toes. Just don't drop the club on the toes and you'll be fine. Is'nt it fun to learn such Cool stuff with such great results? It's almost like cheating, like "Darn, Mom Made me eat my dessert"! Aw poor kid.
Good job Davez,

I like that "What I learned" list...Nice job on the club too. Picked up that Maori book that Zaya asked you about. Should come in the mail today. Thanks for the info.

Thanks Benz... Buzz...

ps... check out the big toe on the left foot... see that dark spot? That's from last summer.. carving barefoot, dropped a chisel, and instinctively moved my foot over to catch it. Caught it all right! Haven't tried that one again lately!

GMAN posted on Fri, Jun 30, 2006 6:12 PM


Great club! Cool Benz toes!


I know... it's been a long time. My garage has been too freakin hot to work in! Here's a Raratongan I just finished for the backyard. Always wanted to do one.

Here he is in the backyard..

My almost 2 Yr. old daughter for size comparisons:

side view:

Yes.... he is definitely missing an important piece of anatomy, but my wife and two daughters couldn't deal...


hey thats cool. like the belly button on him there.
good stuff

GROG posted on Mon, Sep 4, 2006 9:17 AM

Nooooooo!!! Not the coconut monkey! Oh the horror!Buzzy, GROG can't believe you just stood there and took pictures and let this happen to the poor guy.

Wow, Crazy Al! This is the first time GROG has found this thread. GROG really like your tikis.

(By the way, has GROG ever mentioned that GROG have dementia?)

Nice stuff Davez. GROG like.


Good to have you back Dave...nice carving too...looks like he gets along very well with your
daughter. This is one of my favorite styles but I haven't tried one, not sure I could do it
justice. You did!

Great Job Dave!!! Its cool to see that fella finished!!!!

Dave, that's sweet! Long way from where it was at Spermy's party. You must be getting some real Popeye forearms by now with all that manual chiseling!

Duddy..Grog, Conga, Thanks! he was fun. Just took me forever.

Spermy, Aaron, yeah, it's nice to have him finished. Took a lot of breaks in the middle, too many to build forearms. He came a long ways since Spermy's place.

(Although I think the WhaleRider Miehana provided good inspiration... that was a great drink! One of theze dayz I gotta learn to make one.)

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