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Seattle: Jet City Junket ~ You Tube Video Posted pg.8

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Postin' this here as it's more of interest to folks in or comin' to the area...

Today's (9/15/06) Seattle Post-Intelligencer has an article A Toast To Tiki. A link here.

At 2:00PM (Pacific) KUOW 94.9 FM is coverin' the Tiki topic as well on their show The Beat. Info here.


The opening gallery night was super fun...i took a lot of photos, but now must get some shut-eye before the big Home Bar Tour in a few short hours. But first, back by popular demand, the underground extremely limited, ultra rare Jet City Junket Poster:

Only those who go will know how this day plays out!!

Here's one photo. I was actually trying to get a shot of Reido (very nice Canadian!) and he was feeling camera shy (I'll get him yet!) so he took one of me in front of the Shag paintings for all you Shag fans. I have lots more fun photos though...especially of Dogbytes. :) I'd better go recharge my camera battery...

[ Edited by: Exoticat 2006-09-16 02:25 ]



I give in to Exoticat's hints and suggestions...

The JET CITY JUNKET is gona be like a a total FREAK OUT man! Yer mind is gonna like..EXPAND BEYOND THE STARS, man! Yuh won't friggin' believe it, man! We're gonna like TRIP TO THE EDGE OF THE UNIVERSE and like GIVE GOD A MAI TA!!!

It was supposed to be beautiful!!! It wasn't supposed to end like THIS...


Good thing we survived that, Woofmutt, because now we'll always have that really special taxi cab ride home to cherish. :) I'm still wondering what our driver said to the other taxi driver right in front of us in a foreign tongue.

i think i'd better go check my photos now and see how I did with preserving everything. Everyone else who crawled out of the fire is apparently still going to party on today... tiki people have nothing but spirit and energy!


Here's a quick teaser photo taken at The Islander on Saturday. What are they looking at?


Huge thanks to Dogbytes for throwing this weekend together for all of us!! I think a grand time was had by all. Here's what we call the money shot in the biz:

Tiki-Bot has a newer, phatter version of my camera and we were admiring it along with Dogbytes and Tikiwahine.

More photos LATER...if there's an official photo thread I'll put them there.

Looks boring.


Aloha! well I finally joined! I had to so I could thank everyone for such an awesome weekend! I had a great time. Thanks again Elicia for putting on such a great event and thanks to Mimi & Rob for getting my drunk ass back to the hotel in one piece! I'm still in awe of the home bars and would also like to thank the hosts! Cant wait to see you guys again!


On 2006-09-17 12:48, woofmutt wrote:
It was supposed to be beautiful!!! It wasn't supposed to end like THIS...

before i even attempt to explain Tiki Inferno and prior to photoshopping the incriminating incidents.. i want to thank all the folks who made the Jet City Junket possible..and so much freaking FUN. 72+ hours of Ohana-maximus!

Woofmutt ~ even though i was not in charge, thanks for letting me bounce ideas off ya for hours on end, in yahoo messanger.. and for the FREE and FABULOUS pop culture trinketries on-the-bus raffle!!!

Seamus ~ for the many many raffle prizes and setting up the vending area

Sandra the busdriver for safely getting us up n down the Hills of Seattle.and keeping count of your passengers. bonus points for squeeking the big yellow bus around traffic circles and nutzo drivers!

Bad Mojo ~ for prizes and the honor of selling your excellent necklaces

:drink:Home Bar Hosts :drink: ~ Mr. Bytes, Selector Lopaka & Puamana, Monkeyskull, Cindy & John ~ for graciously opening your doors to 30+ people traipsing thru your abodes

The Islander Restaurant on Union St. (and my apologies to the Mercer Island tavern..) THREE CHEERS for the ONE bartender-waiter and hostess for feeding and providing drinks to nearly 40 people, with NO reservations..in 90 minutes ~ and to Selector Lopaka for helping me wait tables!

:tiki:TikiWahine :tiki: guest bartender extraordinaire!

After Party Hosts ~ Marlow and Jo-David, Dawn and Lisa - all i can say is "Holy S*it" and i cant even officially say that here! the collections in these homes defy description (so we'll post pix later)

:sheckymug: Otto :sheckymug: ~ thanks for moving the event to Seattle! The Roq and its staff ROCK.. i've never seen a more packed art venue.. ever! Lushy always fantastic.

:drink: :drink: All of the people aboard the bus ~ friends, old and new ~ thank you for wanting and supporting a Tiki Event. we broke even on the bus and we didnt misplace any riders (that i know of)!

words can't describe how happy i am to see how this Tiki Weekend turned out..everyone just went with the flow..and we packed in SO MUCH into such a short time!


if you dont see your name listed in my Thank Yous.. its only because i'm still floating on air.. my memory will return in a bit.. hopefully.

On 2006-09-17 15:16, Sweet Daddy Tiki wrote:
Looks boring.

You know I wasn't serious, don't you? It's the sour grapes talking. I'm still bugged that circumstances conspired to keep me from going, but what can you do? Looks like an amazing time was had by all. For sure I'm gonna make it out to the raincoast next summer. Is Tiki Art Now 4 gonna be in Seattle?


On 2006-09-18 17:46, Sweet Daddy Tiki wrote: For sure I'm gonna make it out to the raincoast next summer. Is Tiki Art Now 4 gonna be in Seattle?

absolutley.. Otto says Seattle is the place for Tiki Art Now 4... its never too early to plan!

we did miss you.. Lisa Petrucci's house was a Baby Boomer's Delight.. nearly every toy, game and doll from the 50's-70's..and film reels..halloween masks.. scarey clown paint by numbers mixed in with awesome original art.

i am really having a hard time finding the words to describe the weekend. surreal. jam-packed tiki, thriftstore, kitsch, hi and lowbrow, collector's paradise.

yeah i know.. pictures pictures.. gotta down/up load them tonight.. still recovering from all the fun..


If anyone doesn't want any of the following photos up, email me at [email protected] and I'll take it down. Don't email me to ask me what really happened on the bus, however...

My favorite from the show - Tim Biskup:

Lisa Petrucci's art:

Heather Watts:

Loved the Tiki Tony:

Incredible + Incredible =

There was a rumour attached to this one...

Technically not a part of the show, but one of my favs:

Agreeing to disagree?

I think I've recovered enough from this action packed weekend and horrible flaming bus crash to say MAHALO to you Jet City Junkies that made this one helluva weekend!!!

Dogbytes, you're amazing... you really pulled off a fabulous event for not being in charge, please do it again! Plus a big THANKS to you and MR. Dogbytes for giving us a place to rest our weary, drunken heads. (and Trader Pup for being the cutest white fluffy dog ever)

Woofmutt, a BIG MAHALO for being our official in-school-bus entertainment. You kept us pleasant, cheery and oblivious despite the impending doom (pictured in your previous post). Thanks for your very civilized prize draw! Unfortunately, I didn't get to scratch out any eyes or pull hair for my prize....YES, one of your fine works of art now proudly hangs my home!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

To Otto & Roq la Rue Gallery, Tiki Art Now 3 was a delight for the senses, full of great art, artists and the superb sounds of Lushy and 'my' Selector Lopaka. Judging by the attendance and sold pieces, it looked like a success. We're really looking forward to next year!

I don't even know how I can begin to describe all the incredible homes we visited this weekend, I'll just have to let my photos do the talking (I'll post them asap). The hosts & hostesses kept the cocktails in our hands and remained gracious while we combed every corner of their homes in complete awe.
THANKS to all of you so very much!!!

It's always great meeting new folks and getting together with the Seattle Ohana at every opportunity possible, you guys are the best!!!

This weekend couldn't have been better.
Now I must go treat my burns and have my liver replaced......I should be ready this time next year.

I promise to get some photos up later tonight or tomorrow!

And thanks for unorganizing, Dogbytes. (I would have also thanked Woofmutt, but I lost his card.)

As for improvements next year, the only thing I didn't like about the tour and the house parties was that all the houses looked pretty much exactly alike.

Finally, some of these houses have elements that are pretty unsettling for an innocent tiki party. I still have no idea about this thing I stumbled upon after rounding a corner in the Hawaiiana House -- I just got the hell out of there!

The lovely Lisa Petrucci:

Yes, I'm including the blurry photos:

The infamous head shot of Pepe Le Tiki:

The "Bill Series" starts now:

"Bill Series" interrupted by "Party Dude":

Otto gets in on the jacket signing:

My future disco contemplaters (minus Monkeyskull who had the right suit but wrong attitude):

Found some Canadians chillin' outside. Hey, is that Reid-O?

[ Edited by: Exoticat 2006-09-20 00:11 ]

Hey, is that Sweet Daddy Tiki over there? naaaah

No, not just Bill gets a Series...here comes Dogbytes on a secret mission (and I think Shag is in on it):

Write your own caption:

Secret message to someone:

Is this who I think it is?

Maybe it's Sweet Daddy Tiki? nahhhh

Woofmutt's in da houseeee (and Sparky):

Woofmutt-Sparky Series interrupted for artsy shot:

Hmmm this gal is in a lot of photos (who is she?):

Oh uh, time for another Series. Guess the theme:

The End of day 1...the Home Bar Tour pics will have to wait until later in the week.

OK as promised here's a few photos.....more to come

Our fate was sealed as soon as we boarded (...and paid Dogbytes)

Dogbytes offers her passengers a lei...

Tikiwahine mixes her elixirs in the Backyard Balihai as we continue on the road to ruin.

All we heard was the cry: "Snakes on a Bus!". Only Woofmutt & Sweatpea (apparently, former vaudevillian snake charmers) could save our souls. Hell, we still had an after party to go to!!

More to come.....

Okay, some of these stray from tiki, but here are some shots from the artists' houses:


geez, monkeyskull..what kinda camera do you have? sure is less blurry than Exoticat's pix.. perhaps sobriety of the photographer has something to do with that? (your pix are from sunday...)

still working on posting mine..but..can you snail mail me a cd of the pix.. i'm gonna print them at Costco and make a nifty scrapbook.

Here are my photos! That was the best time EVER!

The decapitated heads of Pepe le Tiki & Atomic Al below hovering nautical flotsam at the Bellevue Trader Vic's

At the gallery, post show

Paintings sit quietly until the next onslaught of eager aficionados
check out the ghost haunting that one piece

sleepily we board the bus, not knowing our fate is sealed

Here fishy fishy
Monkeyskull pond features a big friendly koi and some other waterbound inhabitants

The Hawaiiana House - the most bamboo & rattan furniture I've seen in one place, plus an exotic collection that would make anyone envious

Mr. & Mrs. Bytes tend bar, what a dynamic duo!

I think this is my favorite black velvet

After the bus tour, our trek to the next stop took us down Aloha Street.

My only photo at this amazing house, the bar features paint by numbers floor to ceiling, no wall space seen. Very awe inspiring.

Woofmutt & Pepe checking to see if I've passed out yet

Reid-O of Taboo Tiki & Atomic Al proving they're still full of beans after a long day of great friends, great drinks, great food and great homes.

Artist Dawn Frasier's home, completely customized inside and out!

Artist & collector Lisa Petrucci's home, everything is in it's perfect place

Lisa's Studio

Lisa's husband keeps part of his awesome collection in a separate building

He has thousands upon thousands of cool old films & film reels

Thank you to Elecia for (not)organizing and implementing such a wonderful event, and to Woofmutt for being a great M/C and prize giver-outer(and for my extra little gifties - you rock woof)

Thank you to Puamana & Selector Lopaka for allowing me to serve up drinks in their fabulous Backyard Bali Hai, Seamus & Jauna for bringing such wonderful items to sell & give away, and all of the Home Bar Tour hosts for allowing us into their amazing homes. Mr. and Mrs. Dogbytes(and Trader Pup), Puamana & Selector Lopaka, and the Hawaiiana House Couple who's name escapes me at this moment.

Special thanks to Marlow & JoDavid for the fantastic after party, their house is too incredible to rightfully capture in film, so I only took one photo.

Also a huge thank you to Dawn Frasier & Lisa Petrucci & her husband for the opportunity to visit their homes, again photos just don't do them justice. You are all such wonderful and fascinating people.

The Friday night Gallery opening was a smash hit, and I will definitely be attending Tiki Art Now 3 next year.

Thank you to everyone who participated in BUSOTICA, I can't wait for next year!

A final giant THANK YOU to The Dogbytes', for not only hosting and organizing event, but allowing several Canadians into their home and showing us the absolute best time ever. Thank you for everything.

....but wait, there's more.....

'Your Selector Lopaka'

A fine bunch of schmoozers!

Seamus vends his fine work. (several pieces returned to Canada with us!)

Selector Lopaka & Puamana's Backyard Bali Hai

Monkeyskull's Voodoo Lounge where many of us succumbed to the infamous Voodoo Punch. One of Seamus's fountains is the center piece.

Dawn the amazing artist, builder, fashion designer, interior designer, electrician, plumber, mechanic and all around really sweet person. This is the customized Tiki VW Bus she created.

....and her deck that she built.

Cindy & John's home (pictures really don't do it justice!) Many pics already posted so heres a couple more.

I really liked the Velvet Art collection until the Wienermobile caught my eye.

I had to include a photo of the white & fluffy Trader Pup

[ Edited by: Pepe le Tiki 2006-09-19 22:02 ]

[ Edited by: Pepe le Tiki 2006-09-19 22:04 ]

[ Edited by: Pepe le Tiki 2006-09-19 22:07 ]

Ok now I'm really bummed I couldn't make it, looks like lots of fun, invite me next time please, leaving kids at home, they whined up a storm at the tiki art now, so come 7:30 I couldn't take any more, plus it was really hot in that gallery!
hope the stickers were a hit Dogbytes, nice to meet you both, sorry I missed meeting you Tikiwahine.
Was looking for your fez but now I see the picture of you I did see you...

geez, monkeyskull..what kinda camera do you have? sure is less blurry than Exoticat's pix.. perhaps sobriety of the photographer has something to do with that? (your pix are from sunday...) >>

Nope...was sober when I took those photos...I'm just a bad photographer.

Kitty and I would like to thank everyone involved on the Jet City Junket! We had a super time, and only regret - due to prior commitments - we couldn't continue with Sunday's events.

My lab results are back - and they've found unusually high traces of rice-krispie-squares in my blood!

[ Edited by: eddy brazil 2007-02-24 14:28 ]


Anyone who took photos friday night please send them to me! I'm looking for anything shot inside or outside the gallery especially any additional photos of my art from the show and/or me? (Me being Heather Watts--the gal with the curly red hair--you remember, the idiot without the camera? & My art being the exotic fortune teller & the green piece with the kids dancing around the tiki)

Please please please email photos to me: [email protected]. If I use your photo in anything I can give you photo credit if you like!

A HUGE thank you to everyone who put this weekend together, from the art show to the home bar tour and parties it was a fantastic weekend! I will probably kick myself for many years for forgetting my camera. Oh well, we'll just have to do it all again next year I guess!


Heather! Today is your lucky day. I have photos of your paintings for sale on my website for a mere $50 a piece. Just let me know how many you need, and since you did paint them, I'll knock off %5 !!

seriously, I'll look and see what I have.

Huge thanks to everyone who had anything to do with making the weekend smashing success and a hell of a lot of FUN !


On 2006-09-20 11:58, Travellin' Tiki wrote:

Anyone who took photos friday night please send them to me! I'm looking for anything shot inside or outside the gallery especially any additional photos of my art from the show and/or me? (Me being Heather Watts--

do you mean this gal seen kanoodling in the Voodoo Lounge?


Tiki Art 3 Weekend ~ i was having so much fun,i didnt take a lot of pictures. better to live in the moment and hope others snapped some shots! no time for witty captions.. just want to post these great memories (or in TikiWahine case..mammaries :wink: )

Holycrap! I don’t think I ever posted the crazy timeline for the weekend. Tikiwahine, Pepe la Tiki and Atomic Al stayed with us, so prior to Tiki Art now, we had lunch at Trader Vics, meeting up with Reido, Taboo Dan and Shea. All the Canadians returned to my house to watch Seamus and Jauna set up their wares at my outside the Rongorongo Room. then it was onto The Roq la Rue Gallery, Dinner at Frontier Room and a flyby to The Lava Lounge. yeah, that was just friday!

TW tries on accessories.

yes, she can make 'em spin in opposite directions :drink:

Display of Seamus' wares

Shea, TabooDan, Reido and Seamus

He is our Selector Lopaka

Mrs. Pineapple shoplifts Otto's kid from The Roq.

Travelin Tiki (Heather) and Patrick (who i mistook for her Fiance, Mike.. doh!)

Saturday Jet City Junket Bus Tour ~
11:30-1 Lunch at Islander

Linda, Jennifer, Bothell Bill

Pepe reads to

TabooDan and Shay


Carrie and Lori

Eddie Brazil & Lopaka

1:15-2:15 Dogbytes' Rongorongo Room

2:30-4:00 Selector Lopaka & Puamana's Back Yard Bali Hai

4:15-5:30 Monkeyskull's Voodoo Lounge

Heather & Mike


Russell, Tiffany and Tor

Cindy & Melissa

Exoticat and Jauna

TikiBot and Monkeyskull

new Seattle folks, Brian and Carrie

Sweetpea, Kitty, Eddie Brazil and TikiWahine

Pepe la Tiki, Puamana, Atomic Al

Eddie Brazil wins prizes

5:45-7:00 Cindy & John's Hawaiiana House
7-midnight Gallery Afterparty Marlow and Jo-David’s House

Sunday ~
12 Lunch at Luau (we also went shopping at Hawaii General Store)
2-7 Dawn Fraizer's house
Lopaka and Jo-David

Dawn's friend Jeff

who are these kids?

at the "Time Out Bench?"

Dinner at a Mexican restaurant

4-9 Lisa Petrucci's home

edited cuz i made mistakes.

[ Edited by: dogbytes 2006-09-20 20:57 ]


Yeah, what they said.

PS: First and foremost it was all a helluva lot more fun than I ever imagined because I had just sorta assumed yuh'd all be jerks.

Wow! Yay! Bravo! to Dogbytes who a coupla months ago was wishin' someone would organize somethin' like the Jet City Junket and then, when no one did, put it all together. She even came up with the swell name! Of course, she wasn't in charge, but she did a helluva great job anyway.

And as the others above me have: Thanks to all the hosts who let us come tramp about their houses. Just amazingly generous of yuh...Especially as yuh actually knew the type of people yuh were allowin' in! A huge effort and expense on yer part and it was all great!

Things I learned...

That Canadians can be very friendly and nice and have dirty little nasty minds. Fortunately I got to sit by them.

Trader Pup still holds his Cutest Dog In The Universe title. (Yeah, I said cutest...That's how cute he is!)

Davy Wong is very polite when a drunk guy is ramblin' on about how impressed he is by Mr Wong's art.

That artists gotta watch out fer those "damned mold makers!" (Thanks fer the warnin', Seamus!)

Which one Heather Watts was.

Monkeyskull mixed the Voodoo Punch with a bottle in each hand and an evil gleam in his eye. And when the bowl was empty...The evil bastard mixed some more!

The kids from the Buckaroosters are very polite when a drunk guy is ramblin' on about how much he likes their music.

Selektor Lopaka's stone faced too-cool-fer-you cracks wide open after a coupla Voodoo Punches.

Eddy Brazil is very polite when a drunk guy asks if he can sign The White Coat.

I learned some other things too, but me keepin' quiet may be useful fer gettin' some neat stuff.


[ Edited by: exoticat 2006-09-21 20:59 ]

Attention Attention Attention:

I need to clarify a swiftly spreading rumor. Mr and Mrs Tiki-Riviera did not
perish in the short bus fire. We are in France but I have some sad news to report.
Mrs Riviera was caught trying to steal a piece of art from the palace at Versailles.
She is incarcerated for a long time and I have decided to sell everything I own so I
can live in Paris and visit her frequently. I will support myself by opening a chocolat store in Marais. To all the friends we leave behind in Seattle, and Monkeyskull, we will miss you.



Thanks to everyone who has posted photos!! I especially enjoyed seeing what I missed out on Sunday...wish I could have been there. Dawn and Lisa have incredible homes! Thanks again to all the gracious hosts and hostesses of the Home Bar Tour who let us come in and break stuff (or was that just me?) it was a fun time for sure. Thanks to Marlow and JoeDavid for letting me spend quality time with Elvis in Hawaii in a side room after it was time to "mellow out". They have a beautiful home and it was kind of them to let us in after a day over-festivites (for some of us).

Rivieras: sorry you guys missed the fun activities and I'm even sorrier about the jail time for Sticky Fingers. It's a good idea that you visit her frequently as someone in there will try to make her their biatch inevitably. I did think about her after I realized I missed yet another opportunity to get good stuff at Monkeyskulls. I had a backpack along and everything. If Sticky Fingers had been at the party you know that backpack of mine would have been a lot heavier when I left than when I arrived. We need her back. Please send us a big chocolate care package when you have the time...it could never substitute for you two, but it could help lessen the pain.

I still have a ton of photos to resize. sigh Who's having the Halloween party?


So Jet City Mucky Mucks...We're all droppin' in on the Riviera's house 'round 1 AM Saturday mornin'. Just to, uhm, check up on the place. Dress in dark clothes, and BYOG (Bring yer own gloves).

YAY!!! Thanks Dogbytes! :) What a cute pic of Mike & I. I think that's the only good one of us together on his first ever home bar tour! (hopefully first of many) I forgot all about you taking this (glad I don't look totally sauced...) I think he really didn't know what to expect on the tour, but he had a fantastic time & was a happy camper all weekend. He passes along his thanks (he's not on TC... yet.). :) It was great to see everyone again as always and meet a few new faces as well!

Wait a minute, what are we thanking you for? You're not in charge!
Haha. Whatever! Thanks again! And thanks to everyone else who was part of the event.

I know I shouldn't say this, but there's something about that baby that creeps me out ...


Finally! I now have a picture fer whenever folks ask me "Why don't you want kids?"


Ha ha ha ha haaaaaa

Monkeyskull you find the best stuff...first that thingee in a cage (could you ship one to the Island ASAP?!) now this!


This group needs to get together for TIKI POUT! one night:


Are cheap (2.99) full length red gloves from Target too "loud" for the Riviera Heist? They will prevent against leaving behind those dreaded incriminating fingerprints...


Ahhh sweet Voodoo Punch, so unsuspecting and accessible. One might even call you beautiful. How bad could you really be?

But what's this? The second you find some willing victims you cast an eerie red glow.

Seamus, Jauna and Tiki-Bot living dangerously:

Just a couple of teaser photos until I can get to more. :)


I'm proud to announce that my Fez made it home! yayyy! It took a little abuse (the plastic Tiki Lounge sign fell off at some point exposing a glue glob) so I decided to photograph it. My fez was a last minute project (had much grander visions for it) but now I know how they feel on Project Runway when the clock runs out. It's a good excuse for all those bags under my eyes on Saturday anyways. If there's another Junket next year one can only hope more fezzes surface instead of just sad broken promises of fezzes. Not that I'm naming any names.

On the left is Cindy, dynamic hostess extraordinaire from the Home Bar Tour. Photo taken in the lush backyard of Puamana and Selector Lopaka.

[ Edited by: Exoticat 2006-09-22 19:35 ]

On 2006-09-21 14:05, woofmutt wrote:
So Jet City Mucky Mucks...We're all droppin' in on the Riviera's house 'round 1 AM Saturday mornin'. Just to, uhm, check up on the place. Dress in dark clothes, and BYOG (Bring yer own gloves).

Hey guys, I got a great deal on a U-Haul....oh...I mean, it's really nice to know we look out for our fellow TC'ers. I know the Riviera's home is safe with us. (..or should I say the contents)

I'm just glad the Riviera's baby has a new playmate at the next event. However, I'm not sure what kind of influence he'll be.

Great pics & videos Exoticat! You inspired me to get a Youtube account and reveal my videos to the world.
Here's a couple I shot at Roq La Rue and one of the stops on the Jetcity Junket. Sorry CNN, no video of the horrible bus crash. Youtube'n with you.

[ Edited by: Pepe le Tiki 2006-09-22 21:32 ]

On 2006-09-22 20:47, Pepe le Tiki wrote:

Great pics & videos Exoticat! You inspired me to get a Youtube account and reveal my videos to the world.
Here's a couple I shot at Roq La Rue and one of the stops on the Jetcity Junket. Sorry CNN, no video of the horrible bus crash. Youtube'n with you.

I found this while looking at your videos, Pepe. It's kinda like a bus crash -- much as I wanted, I just couldn't look away.

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