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(ebay) #8/12 Skirt & Skull Fatutu ( Special Yellow Glaze)

Pages: 1 3 replies

tikitony posted on 09/24/2006

Hey guys,
Alene had time to put one of our Special Edition Fatutu's on ebay. Here's a picture so you don't have to go to the ebay auction to see it. I've got a new mug drying in a mold right now, and I'm hoping to have a couple for Hukilau! I'll post pictures of my 3 new mugs for Hukilau this week! After a trip to visit Munktiki, they've inspired me to get going on my mugs again! It was a year of learning all about ceramics by trial and error since we did all the work ourselves. I mostly learned that Alene is far more capable at glazing and cleaning mugs than I am, but thats what makes us a good team! aLoha, oh, and we have a new website that Alene built too! Come to think of it... what the heck have I been doing?


(forgot to put ebay)

[ Edited by: tikitony 2006-09-23 23:42 ]

teaKEY posted on 09/24/2006

Its soo buttery

SES posted on 09/30/2006

Love it! Your website is fantastic too.
My blue one arrived safe and is happy in the new space.

POCKETIKI posted on 10/01/2006

Hi Tiki tOny! Just to say the FaTuTu mug is the coolest mug on the planet! Ours is holding pride of place on the temporary tiki shelf, until we get our arses into gear and put up the permanent tiki shelves! I didn't hear from you after my last two emails but I guess you are busy. No problem! When you get a moment drop us a line. Here is the little fellow (he's the good looking one on the left , not the ugly critter in the middle!), out in the 'Jungle Garden' on the summer's day the sun actually came out here in England! Keep up the fantastic work Tiki tOny!!!!

Thanks for the FaTuTu!!!!!! MAHALO NUI! All the Best from Tiki Towers - James & Sian x

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