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Tikisobayli Projects 12-9-09 Wow...Three Years and Finally a New Project!

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Basement Kahuna posted on 05/02/2006

Nice stuff, Obayli...keep on 'choppin!

Basement Kahuna posted on 05/02/2006

Hey, is that an autographed picture of Bob Villa on your workshop wall? Damn...I want one!

finkdaddy posted on 05/02/2006

On 2006-05-02 15:40, Basement Kahuna wrote:
Hey, is that an autographed picture of Bob Villa on your workshop wall? Damn...I want one!

It's either Bob Villa, that other guy that used to work with him who now has his own show, or it's Mike Watt. It's hard to tell. :wink:

finkdaddy posted on 05/02/2006

By the way, I think your tikis look terrific. I don't have the tools yet to try a big tiki, but when I do I hope they turn out half as good as yours did.

tikisobayli posted on 05/03/2006

Thanks everyone for the comments. The tiki is just about ready to be sanded after some final detail work. This one is turning out really nice I think. I am going to be trying a new staining method on this one that I have been testing. I think it is going to give it a great finished look. Here are a couple shots as of this morning:

JohnnyP- The stain on that last Marq turned out really good. The combination of stain and torch work on the pine gave him a nice contrast in the final coloration. Here is a link to the final product:


As far as the picture on the wall, yes it is Norm. It is autographed and everyone with a shop needs one. I'd like to say that Norm is a personal friend but, I will let you in on my "secret" method for obtaining his signature:


Check out the site. It has a wealth of information and also a schedule and cam so one can watch the New Yankee Workshop being filmed.

Lastly, here is a shot of some blanks for some upcoming projects. Again, these are from almost 2" thick oak floorboards from an old cotton warehouse. Man, I wish I could have a ton of this stock.


[ Edited by: tikisobayli 2006-05-03 05:52 ]

tikisobayli posted on 05/04/2006

Well, the 3 footer is just about done. I stained this one darker then I normally do and it turned out real nice. You can't see as much of the grain as in others, execpt for the back, but it does have an old-timey look. Here is a pic:

For a couple more pics or the opportunity to get this one, check out this thread:


tikisobayli posted on 05/20/2006

Here is the latest project. This one was going fast until a nasty flu bug hit me. But after about two weeks, he is just about ready for his stain bath. This one is going to be darker like the last one. Here are a couple pictures:

I will post a couple more once I get the finish on in the next couple days. Enjoy!

Davez_tikiz posted on 05/21/2006

nice! I like him!

Basement Kahuna posted on 05/21/2006

I think you've hit a hit! Very original and still drips with vintage tiki mana...love them.

kingstiedye posted on 05/21/2006

here are two of tikisobayli's tikis guarding the flanks of the coco joe's, hips, and various others tiki army.

Benzart posted on 05/21/2006

Wow, he's looking really nice. Wish I could have made it to your place last week, next time for sure when we stay longer.

tikisobayli posted on 05/22/2006

Thanks for the kind words all. This one might be the last one I can do for a little bit as we are in the middle of a move. Last night we finished packing up or tiki room. Pretty sad to look into the room now. We never would have guessed, but we had over 15 large boxes full of tiki. Now let's just hope they all make it safe. We are moving to Atlanta this weekend. The new house has a decent shop in the basement and a nice backyard for carving. So keep an eye out, I hope to start carving again ASAP once we get set up over there.

Bullet, thanks for posting the pic of the two guys watching over all the little ones. Glad that you are enjoying them and again, Thanks!

This one is just about done, I just need to add the final topcoat. Will post a pic later of the finished product.

hiltiki posted on 05/22/2006

Tikisobeyali, I just found this. Your artwork is great. I love your great sense of design and symmetry. Clean bold lines, interesting pieces with a lot of expression. Great job.

tikisobayli posted on 05/23/2006

Here is the final look:

I went a lot darker on this one and I'm pretty happy with the final outcome.
This one measures 3' 6" tall and has about a 5" original diameter. Again this one is white pine. Great wood and with a good pre-treatment, the pine takes the stain really well.

Hiltiki- Glad you took a look and thanks for the kind words.

tikisobayli posted on 06/18/2006

Just wanted to let everyone know that I am now living in the Atlanta area (For locals, in Doraville). I have really not had that much time to carve as I have taken a field tech position at a archaeology firm in town that is going to be keeping me out of town except for the weekends. So, as of now, we have been spending most of our time getting the house together and our Wiki Wiki Room back in running order. Hopefully next weekend I will be able to spend some time in our basement getting it organized back into a working shop. So, I just wanted to thank everyone that has ordered tikis from me in the past and say how much it helped in the move. I should be back up and carving in the next few weeks and should be back to producing at least one or two a month. In the meantime, here are a couple pics of the progression of the Wiki Wiki Room:

Moving in Day, 15+ boxes of tiki goodness:

The new bar in progress:

The new bar getting closer to done:

The Wiki Wiki Room as it stands today:

So, give us a few more weeks and the Wiki Wiki Room should be back in running order. If passing through or local, drop me a PM and let's get something planned. Would love to have a grand opening celebration!

Benzart posted on 06/18/2006

Nice tiki, Love the finish and stain. Excellent job. Looks like the Wiki wiki Room is coming along nicely. There will be hangovers coming from there very soonn!

waikiki tiki posted on 10/04/2006

Tikisobayli and I have been moving at snail speed getting the Wiki Wiki Room done. He has been gone alot with work, but last weekend we finally got the ceiling done! We wanted kind of a Trader Vic vibe with the corrugated panels with Chinese newspaper. Overall it turned out great and really makes the room cozy. We still have several boxes of mugs, wall clutter, and ceiling stuff to hang. These are mostly daytime pics since we haven't finished all the wiring for the many many lights (Tikisobayli is obsessed with the perfect lighting ambiance). More pictures to come when we actually finish (is it really ever finished?) and when we have the inaugural party!

Reed fencing up.

Panels added.

Thanks for looking!
Waikiki and Tikisobayli

McTiki posted on 10/04/2006

Very nice W & T. Nice mug collection you got there:)



tikisobayli posted on 12/09/2009

Wow....it has been awhile since I have had something to post in here. Before I get to it, lots of new names and still so much quality projects. A lot has changed here on this end to say the least. My wife and I have bought our first home which happens to be our dream MCM home here in Atlanta for over a year and loving every moment. So many projects going on and now finally tiki is one of them. We have just started on our third version of our beloved Wiki Wiki Room. Now, finally having a place of our own, no limits and the room will finally be what we have always wanted plus in the right context, the basement rumpus room in our Atomic Ranch...As we begin to make real progress, we'll post pictures. As of now, all demo work is done and framing for the bar is about to take place. You can get all the details on our blog...Home Sweet Split Level.

Anyway, let's get to the latest project. In the middle of our neighborhood, we have a great little swim and tennis club that is run by the neighborhood:Northcrest Swim and Tennis Club. My wife and I help out along with a few other fellow Northcresters and at our annual meeting this year, we all wanted to do something for a neighbor that goes above and beyond in helping out. At the club, we have a small little "tiki hut" (which needs some help) and we decided to name the tiki hut after him. So, I glued up some cedar boards, sharpened up the chisels, warmed up the blow torch, and came up with the following sign to hang in his honor!

I was a little rusty, but it came out pretty nice I think. Everyone loved it and as a result, when we open up the pool next season, I going to help rehab the pool's tiki hut! Should be a fun project.

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