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Clarita's experiments

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Clarita posted on 10/11/2006

Aloha everybody! Here the three designs I've made so far ,I hope you like them

Tiki Taka, Tiki Toti & Tiki Tormento
Check more stuff at http://www.myspace.com/mondotiki

Tiki Candle Maker

[ Edited by: Tikiwahine - to remove the multiple 'edited by:' messages - 2008-08-04 13:28 ]

[ Edited by: clarita 2008-08-25 10:12 ]

[ Edited by: Clarita 2008-09-26 15:54 ]

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[ Edited by: Clarita 2013-11-02 12:01 ]

[ Edited by: Clarita 2014-03-04 14:39 ]

[ Edited by: Clarita 2014-05-04 12:47 ]

Clarita posted on 10/11/2006

Sorry I'm very new to this forum stuff I wanted to post the topic not at carving at other crafts but now I already did it wrong....so mahaloz for the patience

Clarita posted on 10/11/2006

little lost tiki posted on 10/11/2006

TIKI TOTI is just the sweetest! Wish you could come down to Californisa this weekend for the Crazy Al show and TikiFarm Mugoomba Bar Opening!

Clarita posted on 10/11/2006

I wish too!! Thanks a lot for all the things you said about my work I'm very very grateful and still very happy I can't stop smiling!! best luck at this event I'm glad the Tiki culture keeps growing!

Paipo posted on 10/11/2006

Welcome to TC Clarita!
These would make perfect mugs - the detail is very crisp and they've got heaps of character. They seem way too nice to light and watch them slowly melt away to nothing! Do you mind sharing a little about how these are created? littlelosttiki said you're from Argentina...I take it you are living in the US now?

[ Edited by: Paipo 2006-10-11 14:30 ]

Clarita posted on 10/11/2006

Aloha Paipo!! I still live in Argentina so I'm very glad with this forum it makes me fell I'm not so alone,there is no Tiki culture here but hey! It's ok someone has to bring it....
I model them in clay then take a cast in silicon rubber and then make copies,I'm still developing my tecnics and designs,I'm making a new one that is a candle holder so you put the candle inside and nothing melt so people stop complaining about that....Thanks for asking I really like your Tikis they era very particular and original!

GROG posted on 10/12/2006

GROG like.

IsleConch posted on 10/12/2006

WOW...muy bonito Clarita..even if they melt, it's worth lightin'

Clarita posted on 10/12/2006

Thanks a lot folks I'm willing to hear some opinions
Is a cool experience light this candles because at one point the are semi-transparent before melting and with that in mind I'm making the new one named Tiki Fuego that doesn't melt that holds a candle and with some luck is going to have a great light effect...I'm going to keep posting my progresses,Thanks again!

Tiki Candle Maker

[ Edited by: Clarita 2006-10-13 11:30 ]

Clarita posted on 10/12/2006

Here some pics on the modeling part of the new Tiki Fuego!
I'm trying red clay for the first time and is really great...

Benzart posted on 10/13/2006

Welcome to TC Clarita, and what an Entrance, you're candles are Spectacular. The red clay piece at the end is really neat too. Nice detail and depth.

little lost tiki posted on 10/13/2006

I like Tiki Fuego's smile! and the rough texture reminds me of wood-very snazzy! Can't wait to see how it turns out with the transparency and light showing thru!

CheekyGirl posted on 10/13/2006

The clay figure, is definitely very interesting. A toothy grin with the dangerous quality of fire in the mix.

Capt'n Skully posted on 10/13/2006

Ahoy there!!

Those are great.. The Red Clay one has such character- looks fiesty- I like that..

Kitty posted on 10/13/2006

Tiki Fuego is just spectacular! (not that the others aren't gorgeous as well) Any plans to branch out into the mug world?

Clarita posted on 10/13/2006

Aloha Benzart! Thanks a lot for your welcome! you are very talented, I've been thru some of your posts,you do some incredible stuff!! Thanks again!!

LLT thanks for inviting me to TC I'm very glad,and I can't wait needer to see how the Tiki Fuego turn out...

CheekyGirl & Capt'n Skully thanks a lot for the attention I'm very glad you like him!!

Kitty thanks & for the moment no I'm not thinking of mugs but who knows...?

hewey posted on 10/13/2006

Nice looking work. I now how you feel about having no 'local' tiki, very little around my neck of the woods in Sydney (Australia) too. TC is a great tiki fix, but like a junky you get kinda hooked and next thing you're stealing peoples wallets to get another fix and.... well thats enough about me.

Welcome to TC. Would love to see some 'process' pics of the molding too :)

Clarita posted on 10/14/2006

Aloha Hewey! you've asked you've got it, here some pics on the mold part
First I do the silicom rubber part I prefer doing it by layers
adding some tixotropic to the mix to do it thiker

then I do an outside plaster mold

Is cool that people from all over the world read this....Greetings to you all!!

Tiki Candle Maker

[ Edited by: Clarita 2006-10-14 01:51 ]

[ Edited by: Clarita 2006-10-14 01:51 ]

[ Edited by: Clarita 2006-10-14 04:03 ]

[ Edited by: Clarita 2006-11-13 18:55 ]

Benzart posted on 10/14/2006

It's Cool that you are doing this So Far away and we can see it in real time.
I guess you'll have to spend more time here on TC to make up for the lack of Local Tiki. HappyHappy

Clarita posted on 10/20/2006

....After having some technical problems like running out of plaster on Sunday and Monday being a Holiday so nothing opened,then whenting wrong on a turn with the cast and hading to break the original....
Finally here is the new Tiki Fuego in action!!
It only worked with light colors so far but I going to keep investigating

Tamapoutini posted on 10/20/2006

Choice..! :)

Benzart posted on 10/20/2006

What a way to brighten up the night, COOL.

Clarita posted on 10/20/2006

Thanks Tamapoutini & Benzart is really appreciate the good vibes!!

squid posted on 10/20/2006

-Welcome aboard! Your sculpting is awesome! When and how can we buy these???

GROG posted on 10/20/2006

Yes. GROG want.

Clarita posted on 10/20/2006

Thanks a lot squid!!! I'm dealing with the packaging part right now is still going to take some time...and then I'm planing to put a bunch on eBay, Thanks for asking and for your message!!
Thanks Grog!! I like you!

GROG posted on 10/20/2006

Muchas gracias.

IsleConch posted on 10/21/2006

Clarita this candle rocks...I like mucho !!

Bete posted on 10/21/2006

The candles that are posted in here are so cool!

Clarita posted on 10/21/2006

Thanks Isleconch & Beth!
I can't explain to you all how happy I am of being here in TC
I really needed some allies Thinking of Tikis!!!
Thanks to all the good energy from the ones how posted in this thread!!!
....Benzart, Squid and Grog puted a smile on my face that is starting to hurt(now that I was recovering from The one Little Lost Tiki gived me introducing me to TC
Now I starting to believe that I'm going to keep making Tikis for maybe a life time...

Tiki Candle Maker

[ Edited by: Clarita 2006-10-21 22:13 ]

[ Edited by: Clarita 2006-11-10 10:31 ]

sweetpea posted on 10/23/2006

All of the candles are wonderful!!!
I can't wait until you start selling.
I'm sure you will do great! We will have you
working day and night to keep up with the demand!!!

Clarita posted on 10/25/2006

Thanks Sweetpea I'm doing my best!but is going to take some more time....I keep you posted.
...Yesterday I met with the only Tiki carver I now here "EL Negro Tiki" his a great person and carries all the keeping the tiki alive carving thing on his shoulders.
We meet at the only bar that is not Tiki but is very Tiki friendly and has the real deal on drinks always "Mundo Bizarro". We had the greatest Mai Tai and dream about Tikis...you can take a pic of his work at
I invited him to join TC so I hope he will be here soon...
Cheers to you all!!

harro posted on 10/26/2006

hi clarita,
i really REALLY love your candles!! you have a great talent!
i especially enjoyed reading this thread as i have a special fondness for Buenos Aires, and hope to visit there again in the new year. it is great to see there is some Tiki-philes there!
i will be keeping a close eye on this thread.
keep up the great work!

Clarita posted on 10/28/2006

Thanks a lot Harro!!
Here the progresses so far. I've managed to do some colors but not very saturated

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'cause otherwise the transparency don't work....

Tiki Candle Maker

[ Edited by: Clarita 2006-10-29 19:54 ]

Clarita posted on 11/04/2006

Hi everybody! This is a new design I'm working on
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I'm trying a different style for this one
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And the idea is to make him a hanging candle holder
...I'm just starting with this one...

Benzart posted on 11/05/2006

Clarita, I Really love this new one you are working on, It's so cool. Also I loved the pix from your Tiki/hotrodder friend,negrotiki. It's nice to have pic's from so far and now there's 2 of you. Excellent!

Clarita posted on 11/05/2006

Thanks Benzart you're so generous!! Greetings!!

Kitty posted on 11/06/2006

Honey, you have got to get moving on getting your candles to the US market- they are all so gorgeous that I am going to have to buy them all!! How much longer must I wait??

little lost tiki posted on 11/06/2006

Knew you would fit right in with this crew! You were just too good not to be on Tiki Central! That new hanging one looks marvelous! It almost looks very cute skull-like! Your candles are a treat! Thanks for sharing your amazing talent with us all!

Paipo posted on 11/07/2006

I love that just how it is...it has a really cool PNG vibe to it. I'm looking forward to your stuff being available too.

Clarita posted on 11/07/2006

Dear Kitty what can I say,I'm desperate too,thats why I keep doing new stuff,cause the design of the packaging is in hands of a very talented friend DachoX, I wouldn't want no other to do it his going to come up with something great but he didn't wanted to charge me so I can't pressure him and I knew when I ask him to do it how hi works... you got to give him time but he is the best! and honestly this is a project to fulfill my heart more than my wallet so every step is important I want the box to be as cool as the candle. the other issue is that I'm just me not a big factory and I wouldn't want to turn in to one so think of this candles like a handmade object. Because all of this I posted here at Tiki carving, to share with other artists that are dealing with problems to materialize stuff and not at tiki marketplace to not generate fouls expectations....Thanks a lot for your interest I really appreciate it I'm trying my best to send you something good, but think that they be there next year maybe I surprise you earlier....

LLT Thanks a lot!! I can't really express how much I like your new painting!!

Paipo Thanks I'm really glad you like it I'm not going to change it very much I promise!

Tiki Candle Maker

[ Edited by: Clarita 2006-11-13 12:31 ]

GROG posted on 11/08/2006

Clarita have cute accent.
GROG like.

Benzart posted on 11/08/2006

Now Now Groggie, you are supposed to be here buying Claritas candle holders and candles and all the other stuff she makes.
How you been Mr Grog?Thanks for the stuff.
Clarita, hurry with those candle holders. :wink:

IsleConch posted on 11/08/2006

Clarita, your candles are adorable..that new one is great..keep posting, I love looking at your creativity.

Clarita posted on 11/08/2006

Aloha Grog! I must confess I speak funny in any language. My parents divorced when I was very little and my father went to live in Rio so I learn to speak Spanish and Portuguese at the same time. and the to languages spells in opposite ways so I don't know how to write properly anything.Right now I'm with an on line dictionary and the spell check...Thanks goodness for it! I like your GROG-English!!

Benzart your stone carving is really great!!!!
I just want to add that I really would preffer people to be here to give their opinions or maybe their advise than buying anything.I always liked to ask wile I'm developing something to people that I like, that don't know anything about sculpture, what they think and then if I agree I do it, and honestly thats what afterward I keep with me about each piece..."that I've made it with my some relative or friend"
For example if someone has any suggestions for a name for this last one....

IsleConch Thanks a lot!! quoting your signature I think that maybe the secret is not hiding is blending your sources and then blending your own stuff....Greetings!!

Tiki Candle Maker

[ Edited by: Clarita 2006-11-13 20:01 ]

Paipo posted on 11/08/2006

I'd just like to add that last one you posted would be awesome for a bowl (for drinks). It really is a cool design.

Clarita posted on 11/08/2006

Thanks Paipo!! maybe..., is not my specialty,but
...See thats what I was talking about! if I maybe end up doing a drink bowl I definitely will remember Paipo as part of this piece and thats what I love about doing stuff...
Love your jade piece is really gorgeous !!!!

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