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New on Ebay: Flashing Light Mummy Skulls For Your Tiki Bar!

Pages: 1 6 replies

procinema29 posted on 10/12/2006

These are just in, in fact I made the first one last night and it works nice. It is a plastic skull with hand-applied rubber skin that looks like mummified flesh. And it has a flashing light on the inside! Powered by two small AA batteries which you provide.

Works especially well in a dimly-lit environment like most tiki bars; in fact I recommend a dimly-lit environment instead of a bright or dark one, because a nice low level of illumination will show off both the withered skin and the flashing light. Just $20 (plus SMALL postage fee!) on Ebay.


[ Edited by: procinema29 2006-10-14 17:53 ]

procinema29 posted on 10/13/2006

Oh yes, and also, I will dress your Flashing Light Mummy Skull with gruesome blood color for free, on request!

Thanks for looking...

tikijaksin posted on 10/13/2006

this thing rules and the zombie babie is pure evil the eteless one is my fave brah

procinema29 posted on 10/13/2006

Very kind of you!!

Also, Florida is so awesome, by the way. I've only been there once but I had a really fun time. I even saw a sleeping alligator passed out near someone's sewer.

procinema29 posted on 10/13/2006

But what was REALLY WEIRD was the guy passing out the sleeping alligators to everyone. He had a strange expression on his face while he was doing this.

tikijaksin posted on 10/13/2006

this state is fullav weirdoze.

procinema29 posted on 10/15/2006

I sold one of them yesterday but still have a number of them remaining. I have one I am using to test the flashing light, and it will run all night long at least on 2 AA batteries. In fact I placed it in a dark window last night and you could see it from quite a distance!

Thanks again! !

Pages: 1 6 replies