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another psycho mug style

Pages: 1 6 replies

tikijaksin posted on 10/13/2006

this i painted when my girl talked me out of getting rid of all together a couple of less than perfect mugs i've ran into while shipping / painting the ones i've sold thus far. it is on ebay now if ya likes it. stay good


tikigreg posted on 10/14/2006


FreddieBallsomic posted on 10/14/2006

Thats badass as always....You should hit me up wit one for the constant loyalty and chronic.................................................................................positive publicity that is. fB

tikijaksin posted on 10/14/2006

thanks fellaz!! freddie balsomic i gotta tell ya bruddah yer a class act mang i didnt get yer call last night i was tattooing when ya "mahollad" at me. sorry dude if i run into more of these mugs to paint i'll trade ya fer some shite. thanks fer keepin it real

FreddieBallsomic posted on 10/15/2006

U da Maaan, JakSin!! Always lookin out for a brother. Appreciate it and keep kickin the good shizzle. fBalls

dibroc posted on 10/15/2006

received mine thursday is better in person. great work !!!!

tikijaksin posted on 10/15/2006

mahaloz fer da support from all you guys who without, it wouldnt be no fun to sit around and not have anyone to talk tiki with. thanks aagain

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