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What's up with the Scottish monkey mayor? ATT?

Pages: 1 16 replies

Turbogod posted on 03/12/2003

Got this off of FARK. That's where it says this is in Scotland.

16:00 - 12 March 2003

Patrice is not the first person to try and throw a banana skin under the feet of mainstream politicians. Last year football club mascot H'Angus the Monkey caused a sensation by being elected as Mayor of Hartlepool.

The seven-foot fury ape humiliated the Labour candidate, who was championed by Peter Mandelson, in a ballot box shocker.

Former call centre manager Stuart Drummond, 28, was amazed to wake up in charge of a council budget of more than £1 million.

The monkey mayor, who lives with his mum, pocketed a £53,000 a year salary.

He ran on a manifesto of giving free bananas to Hartlepool's schoolchildren.

At his first council meeting the simian first citizen was confronted by a troop of grunting reporters dressed in gorilla suits.

Hartlepool FC adopted the exotic creature as their mascot as townsfolk once famously hanged a shipwrecked monkey - believing him to be a French spy.

Tacky Techie Tiki Bar

[ Edited by: Turbogod on 2003-03-13 06:14 ]

purple jade posted on 03/12/2003

[ Edited by: purple jade 2006-03-20 21:24 ]

DaneTiki posted on 03/12/2003

Hoots, mon!

What do you mean "THE" Scottish Monkey Mayor?

I’m unco yuckie to hear a blaud o’ your gab.


Trader Tiki posted on 03/12/2003

Evidence of the fact that monkeys are taking over the planet.

And some day, I shall be their leader! Eep for me my lovelies, EEP!

purple jade posted on 03/12/2003

[ Edited by: purple jade 2006-03-20 21:25 ]

Tiki Chris posted on 03/12/2003

hartlepool is in england not scotland.

hangus the monkey is rooted in hartlepool's history:

during the napoleanic wars, a ship wrecked off the hartlepool coast & the ship's pet chimpanzee in military dress was discovered by local fishermen. the fishermen thought the chimp was a french spy & ended up hanging him.

brilliant stuff, huh!?!

tiki chris

[ Edited by: Tiki Chris on 2003-03-12 14:24 ]

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 03/12/2003

tikimonkey wrote:
Evidence of the fact that monkeys are taking over the planet...

They have arrived....and multiplied!

DaneTiki posted on 03/13/2003

TikiChris: A couple of Hartlepudlians beg to differ with your historical account.

Monkey Hanger:
A myth devised by ancient comedians so TV comedians and southerners can take the piss out of the fine members of the town of Hartlepool. It is alledged that some time in the Napoleonic wars, a monkey got washed ashore on the beach in Hartlepool and was promptly hanged.
This is complete bollocks as any resident of Hartlepool knows that

--There are no beaches left in Hartlepool because of the bloody sand dredging that constantly goes [on].
--The monkey could not have survived for any period of time due to high radation levels from the power station, raw sewage from the Seaton outlet and chemical poisoning from ICI.

In the introduction to their page, they further state: "Welcome to the 'Alternative Hartlepool Homepage.' Hartlepool is, as nobody else probably appreciates, the cultural capital of the North East and the dog shite capital of the world. Others might well argue that Newcastle or Middlesborough might be the dogs bollocks but me and my mates reckon that this is toss."


thebaxdog posted on 03/13/2003

WHAT THE F#$@#$#K did he just say>

woofmutt posted on 03/13/2003

"...A ship wrecked off the Hartlepool coast and the ship's pet chimpanzee in military dress was discovered by local fisherman."

I thought this was the story of how marmalade was invented...Oh, wait, that was shipwreck oranges.

atomictonytiki posted on 03/13/2003

Aaaaaaargh, first you loons think Hartlypoole is in Scotland then you think marmalade was invented from shipwreck oranges.

The true story of Maramalade

In the course of its tangled life history, the marmalade story has generated at least a couple of myths which have livened-up the letters pages of our national newspapers over the years and for which the Scots must accept some responsibility. One involves the belief that it was an invention of Janet Keiller whose Dundee family built the first marmalade factory in 1797. Another, that it gets its name from Mary Queen of Scots.

Its first appearance - in both Scotland and England - was in wooden boxes. A solid, sugary mass of marmelos (quinces), exported from Portugal, and first mentioned as 'marmelada' in port records at the end of the 15th century. This is what travelled with Mary Queen of Scots when she became seasick on the crossing from Calais to Scotland in 1561 and which may, or may not, have helped to restore her equilibrium since quinces were regarded at the time as healing fruits.

Her request: 'Marmelade pour Marie malade' was no more than an amusing medicinal pun. 'Marmelade' had become a useful name for a thick purée of fruit in the days before the more vulgar jam (jammed into pots) appeared. At this time, the medicinal properties of oranges were highly regarded.

Turbogod posted on 03/13/2003

My apologies ATT. The header for the FARK.com said "Scottish". I would change the thread to English Monkey Mayor, but I don't know how.

Trader Woody posted on 03/14/2003

I would guess that the Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys descended from apes washed up on the French coast a few hundred years back. Perhaps the residents of Hartlepool were ahead of their time when they decided to hang the Napoleanic ape.

Trader Woody

Basement Kahuna posted on 03/18/2003

BEAUTIFUL civil disobedience. Kinda puts the labor party in their place, I'd say.

atomictonytiki posted on 06/05/2009

Anybody remember the Monkey Mayor, well he's been re-elected for a third time...


..hurrah for comedy in politics.

woofmutt posted on 06/05/2009

I wonder if he has any changes in mind for his third term?

Son-of-Kelbo posted on 06/05/2009


(But 53k quid a year make it bearable, eh...?

"Take your stinking paws off my salary, you damn, dirty, -- well, you know...")

"Don't let it be forgot,
That once there was a Spot,
Where Blowfish all wore sunglasses,
and Tiki-times were hot..."

[ Edited by: Son-of-Kelbo 2009-06-05 16:44 ]

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