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A-A's Art - "Leroy & Bob" Now Up For Sale

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Aaron's Akua posted on 11/21/2006


These two tikis are now up for sale. They are an affectionate tribute to our friends at OA. "Leroy" on the left is a replica of Leroy Schmaltz' famous tiki shown on page 242 of the BOT (but much smaller scale). "Bob" on the right is a companion piece, sort of an upside-down inside-out exact opposite version of Leroy.

They are offered at $150 apiece, or $250 for the set. "Leroy" has a large lightning bolt shaped crack down the front, which in my opinion only adds to his charm! Both are exactly the same size, 9" dia. x 18" tall, carved from ficus wood from two different trees. The finish is natural wood color, with a generous coating of marine spar varnish for longevity and durability.

Delivery is gratis if you're local, however shipping would be additional. Please PM if interested.

"Leroy & Bob"





Monkeyman posted on 11/21/2006

Wow Aaron.

Those are super sharp. That ficus wood looks really nice.

I have me a peice that ive been waiting to carve... looks promising.

It will be a lucky person to have your work in their home....

Right ON

Aloha John posted on 11/21/2006

Aloha A-A, those are a pair of killer carvings!! Hmmmmn I am seriously thinking about that deal. One question...regarding the crack in "Leroy", is that something that will continue to grow?

heelgrinder posted on 11/21/2006

WOW!!! these are absolutely outstanding! beautiful work!

Aaron's Akua posted on 11/22/2006

Thanks for the kind words! :)

Aloha John, The crack in Leroy developed while I was carving it. However, after I was done carving, I sprayed a ton of marine varnish directly into the crack and it hasn't gotten any larger since then (around April '05). The whole thing is so well sealed that I don't think it will be a problem whatsoever.


Aloha John posted on 11/22/2006


I am really looking forward to adding this amazing pair to my tiki lounge!!

Mahalo A-A.

-Aloha John

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