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THOR asks for your HOME SPUN TIKI BAR CREATIONS to inspire new series!!!

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THOR's posted on 07/17/2006

Greetings fellow Tiki types!

OK...this is a project that will be a first for me as far as incorporating the wonderful and ACTUAL creations of other real "home spun" tiki enthusiasts into a new published painting. I have a series that I have planned to paint that is REALLY FUN!! I often get people suggesting ideas for Drink Machines and other stuff they would like to see in my work. Many times, this feedback inspires me to elaborate into a strong idea and painting. In this case, I am looking to see inspiration of things other TC'ers have made themselves that could be incorporated. Let me explain.

This new series will incorporate a half dozen or so different story scenarios relating to what a hand crafted tike bar area would look like if created. For example, one is going to be of a Tiki Bar and surrounding in a very typical, older basement someplace in the Midwest. I want to paint a detailed, fun and characterized piece in my style that reflects this. What would be in the space? Well, I imagine an old coal furnace that has been decorated to look like a Tiki with the coal/fire door being a warm glowing "mouth." There would be all sorts of pipes and evidence of being under the home. However, there are creative solutions all over the place to "run with it," and dress up the pipes and build in a rattan bar with aquarium..etc. It will look VERY home made and enchanting...the type of spot anyone in a cold Midwestern small town would gladly retreat to for escaping into a warm tropical bliss. I would like to create time references for each piece too. This one would be, ohh, 70's I see, cus I recall personally visiting my aunt's Chicago basement bar when I was little in the early 70's.

Other ideas are: A pool side Tiki backyard circa mid 60's, an old barn Tiki bar in a very, very farm mentality small town in Kansas, a Tiki "bar" made in a military camp in the Middle East today, a college dorm room, and a New York roof penthouse Tiki garden in spring. I have TONS of ideas but would love to incorporate a few elements of my friends here on TC. It makes the painting more authentic and shares some of the fun of the creative process.

One thing, I hate having to even bring this up, but if anyone is anticipating royalties or something if I paint small part of your basement or use one of your mug designs or a lamps you built in your garage. PLEASE, DON'T PARTICIPATE. I have a lot of ideas here already to make these successful, I just thought this could be a lot of fun to incorporate other peoples images or that you may find it fun to see something you've created in what is likely to be published and broadly seen/shared by a lot of this wonderful Tiki culture. I will offer this, though, If I am to use a MAJOR representation of anyone's complete bar in a painting, I will be happy to offer a signed full size print and acknowledgment of their participation in inspiring the published artwork. In this I mean half or better of the painting image is a painted representation of an existing bar interior and elements, not just that I used a lamp or mug or sculpture or something.

Again, sorry to even mention all this above, but you would be surprised what I have experienced as to people openly offering ideas and then saying, "OK NOW..if you use that idea..Do I get a percentage?" Believe me, ask anyone who has EVER worked with me, I am VERY generous in sharing credit and compensation when this is the understanding from the get go. In this case, I will be spending the hours drawing, designing and painting this image.

OK!! If you want to participate and understand this whole concept, Please post me a few photos or let me know where to access your pictures. I know there are some on TC already, but reference me to them if you have pics here already. I want the most HOME MADE things, creations and ideas you have. Actually, the LESS professional something looks..the better!! This is about cost free, home inginuity, spirit and culture! Also, anything that is very Kitsch or in line with these eras I described that are Tiki I need too...not only hand craft items. I will see if people are interested here from what I have said so far and add, perhaps a "story" to follow that helps drive the painting that becomes the first focus. I will also post rough sketches of some ideas I have for your feedback.

LETS HAVE FUN!!! If we publish this piece, I will speak to the publshers about a special discount on prints for all TC'rs too. For those of you not familiar with my work or style, Please go to http://www.thorstor.com and click on "Thor's Gallery tour".

Warmest Aloha's!! THOR

[ Edited by: THOR's 2006-07-17 08:58 ]

McTiki posted on 07/17/2006

Well I will humbly offer my outdoor bar as an inspiration. And I won't dog you for royalties.

I Love your work Thor



THOR's posted on 07/18/2006

OK MC!!! Lemme see what ya got!!!!


rodeotiki posted on 07/18/2006

Not sure if any of my stuff works , its carvings not bars. here, here or here.

Cant wait to see what you come up with no matter where the insperation comes from.

McTiki posted on 07/18/2006

You have PM!

hewey posted on 07/18/2006

Sounds like a top project. I dont have a bar, but will let you in on some of my ideas.

tikiskip posted on 07/18/2006

I was thinking it would be cool if you did a painting of Bungy hedlys house when she was growing up. Though it would need to be done from her memories.

GROG posted on 07/18/2006

Whoa!!! Now that's an awesome idea.A REAL
beachcombers house made by real beachcombers from
real beachcombing. An adventurous, romantic way to
grow up,and knowing THOR's work, a very romantic,
captivating painting capturing the image and essence
of such a magical place to grow up.GROG second the

monkeyskull posted on 07/18/2006

My basement bar isn't in the midwest and it isn't pure tiki, but I am rather fond of my new POND OF VOODOO, with moai fountain by Seamus:

I haven't been able to capture it with my point-and-shoot camera, but you must imagine it with the water from the fountain and underwater lights making rippling patterns of light on the rock above. Or, optionally, with the fogger filling it with mysterious mist.

It would be really cool to get something from my bar in a Thor painting. You can get more glimpses into the Monkey Skull Voodoo Lounge here.

hewey posted on 07/18/2006

hey buddy - you didnt mention any funky 50s googie architecture inspired home bars. There's heaps of cool influences that are "period" correct like rockets, atomic designs etc.

Ill get some images for ya to inspire you :)

And there is my sub-terranian tiki bar idea you already know about :)

teaKEY posted on 07/18/2006

Sounds like the best idea that I have heard yet on TikiCentral. I have said it before and I will say it again, "the best way art can be honored is through art-teakey".

Everyone wins with this. You get to have 3D models (in most cases) to work with and that is the best to work from. You get to have some of the best minds in tiki as a resource. You get TC involvement throughout your entire process.

We get to see your whole process. Maybe get some of your stuff moralized into your beautiful artwork, lasting the tests of time. And we get to buy your paintings and prints with other TC objects involved and then hang them in our bars to add the the objects that we have picked up over the years.

I got a few things that could go into a painting
here is a birdman fountain I made and I have the originial drawing of it too

teaKEY posted on 07/18/2006

MonkeySkull, you sure do have a very interesting nightlife.

THOR's posted on 07/18/2006

HOLY Tikification!!! AWESOME STUFF! I was not sure if this would be of interest to you all but I am really happy to see that it is so far! I will take ya all step by step on this painting..from this" blue sky" stage as we used to call it when I was at Disney, through the story and layout, color and final painting. It's really a LOT of fun when it's not just me alone doing this.

Since the ideas and items are sooo broad so far in application, I think I better start with the first painting in the series that I believe will be SUPER fun, funny and entertaining. This can focus us on a specific story so we all are more able to become part of it. In the end though, all ideas will be filed for the entire series.

OK, My first painting will have a "working title" of: "Trader Hick's BAR'N Tiki Lounge".
It incorporates the word barn in it playfully..cus, well that's where it takes pace Ya'll!! Here's the story....

We are in a very "back woods."...ok call it "hickish" farm in the Midwest or Kansas I was thinking. There lives there, a well seasoned farmer who has built a new barn to serve his practical needs. However, the old barn still stands despite his wife's wishes. Why, well, because he is a true bonified lover making his own lil Tiki oasis! Yep, this is HIS space to use anything he can muster up on the property to create the atmosphere and ambiance to impress his bumpkin buddies!

Now, this feller is a bit of a BS'er you could say! He likes to make his buddies "THINK" he knows everything about a tropical oasis bar in a real tropical location! However, he and all the visitors have never left this small town, so, what they come up with is gunna be something else!!! Ay, they have heard of things lie tikis and palm trees and Mai Tais from old travel posters and word of mouth. However, Lord knows what that meant in their minds. So, out favorite farmer is gunna dig up all the stuff he can find and dream up all the "fish tails" and bs he can muster to turn the inside of this here barn into a true Oasis for all the neibors and kin!! So, for these parts he truly is the Trader Vic..no!!...I meant,"Trader Hick" that will bring the Tiki culture to the farmlands!!!

K... just to start the juices flowin'... I won't show ya too much of what I am thinking already..except a couple items we could find in this "BAR'N Lounge." These are very small doodles from my sketchbook that I did in my notes. I often take a sketchbook with me everywhere to write new ideas and draw VERY rough thumbnail sketches I can later elaborate on and incorporate into a composition that's far more refined.

Above is an idea for a "farmer's palm tree" It could be in the painting stuck in a hay mound. It's made of things I have seen in a farm type environment. A pitchfork with old cans strung on the handle makes the coco palm trunk. The palm frond leaves are two Moose antler rack trophies roped together with bowling ball coconuts. Makes any country folk feel like they are right in Hawaii!

Above is a "Farmers Mai Tai" It uses an old milk bottle, perfectly round "pineapple ring" fresh from the can and a maraschino cherry and drink umbrella that was sent away for! Hmm wonder what this tastes like????

lastly, above is a genuine Hawaiian "Tropicle Sord Fish". Or, at least what one MIGHT look like if you only have a few old mounted catfish trophies, a dull steak knife and some twine!! Heck..who will know it ain't real..especially in the dark mood light'n????

Well, that's all for now. For those of you who may actually live on a small farm in Kansas..PLEASE don't be offended!! I have relatives out that way and they could actually be models for this who get a HUGE kick out of this sort of thing. This is VERY exaggerated and all in fun...and in this series I promise to make fun of all regional stereotypes equally!!!..K?? HAaaaa I am currently designing two other paintings, mug ideas and busy as all get out. I will get on and off here during break times!! Can't wait to see your ideas!!! Have fun!!


teaKEY posted on 07/18/2006

your painting look so detailed. It must take you a long time to complete a painting, right? I would have to saw that you are the tiki Painter of Light, just with more skill and creativity. Not saying that the other guy isn't good or bad.

THOR's posted on 07/18/2006

Ya, Teakey... Sometimes some take weeks, longer if you count that I work on several at once at times in some form. It's one step at a time...from a story in my head to developing the finished look. The painting is the easy part..the tip of the iceberg. A painting is just a visual to communicate an idea or feeling or story. So, I spend more time thinking a painting through and painting it in my head before touching a pencil or brush. Thanks for the message!!!

Hey, by the way, I usually just click to here without signing on most of the time, so if anyone wants to write me, it's better to add to this thread, otherwise I only fully sign in and check personal messages every few days.

Aloha!! THOR

[ Edited by: THOR's 2006-07-18 10:34 ]

Swanky posted on 07/18/2006

Don't forget the giant hay-bale moai tiki statue.

THOR's posted on 07/18/2006

OMG!! Swanky!! EPIC idea!!!!!!! This is a keeper!!!!!!


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little lost tiki posted on 07/18/2006

Hey Thor!
That midwestern hick-tropical studies look great! Your work is always astonishing! Derek Yaniger took that angle with the moai with the straw hat and the moonshining hula betty and babs(great tikifarm mugs BTW)Your eye for transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary is keeeeeeeeen-o!How about an outrigger/land tractor?Keep spreading that inspiration!

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Swanky posted on 07/18/2006

And Coon-Tiki
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THOR's posted on 07/19/2006

Swanky!!! You are incredible!!! Thanks!!! Big help!!

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hewey posted on 07/19/2006

I like this idea man :) Im originally from the country myself.

Dont forget farmers horde old shite like nothing else - this place has to have stuff packed in every nook and cranny! Lots of things hanging from the roof, because they run out of room. These sheds also evolve and get repaired, extended etc. so the actual shed structure itself should show this.

How about seats at the bar made of those old steel tractor seats http://www.rothchilds.com/ebay/americana-r-us/tractorseatbarstools4.jpg
on top of round logs roughly hewn into tikis.

What about a cow skull hanging on the wall with a NZ style facial moku painted on in it.

For the bar itself, have it clad in old steel drums that have hammered flat and nailed to the bar. The farmer has then painted tiki stuff on there, but he didnt prep the metal properly and much of it has flaked off revealing the original drum logos underneath, as well as a bit of rust too.

You gotta have a few chickens clucking around the floor - maybe near the pile of hay?

Maybe some old tin signs on the wall - like off an old roadhouse roof. The roadhouse was demolished and the farmer grabbed the sign because it was kinda tiki. Like "Tropical Fuel Co." or a vintage "Coca-Cola" sign depicting a tropical beach with folks playing in the sun, with suitable Coke signage and an old glass Coke bottle. Again, this is suitably weathered and faded.

Heres a cool barn pic to fire your ideas on lighting

Theres some ideas anyway... :)

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Tiki Duddy posted on 07/19/2006

hey swanky that looks really good.
good luck on future tikis.

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GROG posted on 07/19/2006

Large pinecones with something on their tops to make
them look like pineapples.

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Swanky posted on 07/19/2006

On 2006-07-18 22:00, Tiki Duddy wrote:
hey swanky that looks really good.
good luck on future tikis.

That's a Crazy Al creation with a little detail work by Basement Kahuna, Tiki Diablo and Benzart. Coon Tiki

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tikiwinebear posted on 07/19/2006

Deviating from the country and barn setting, switching to a ski resort in Alaska with snow piled up outside the windows and Hawaiian music playing inside. The focal of the room was a giant stuffed polar bear (sporting a snarl on his face) wearing an aloha shirt (must have been 5x or more) and sunglasses, and in a raised paw was a tropical drink complete with a slice of pineapple and umbrella. The locals would adorn him in tacky, fake leis. This small bar was built on a hill and the parking lot was steeply sloped. I remember sipping a somewhat decent mai tai and eating their version of kalua pork and hearing on the loudspeaker "blue Toyota pickup and green Jeep Cherokee, please check your vehicles". Apparently as the ice melted beneath the cars, they would slide and collide with the car parked next to them. But I digress and actually wanted to get the Polar bear image in your mind.

But I love the idea of moose antlers used as palm frond on a palm tree! Excellent stuff!

  • Myke
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ToonToonz posted on 07/19/2006

Don´t forget the Tiki Toilet...

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....and the Tiki outhouse, Tiki toilet paper dispenser....

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THOR's posted on 07/19/2006

Fast break to check in here!! GREAT IDEAS!! I should be on this one drawing it by next week!! LOVE the thoughts...

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Tikiwahine posted on 07/19/2006

I always thought it would be interesting to see an Eskimo's home tiki bar. Where else do you need tiki more than in a frozen igloo? I picture a cold landscape, said ice-block structure with an open doorway, you can see inside where the most spectacular tiki bar emits a warming glow, slightly illuminating the makeshift tropical items in the front yard, frozen palm tree, 'snoai'(snow tiki) etc.

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Polynesiac posted on 07/20/2006

I love the mai tai in a milk bottle. that cracked me up! HAR, HAR!!!!

Do a search on ebay for "milk bottle" and I bet you'll find some shaped like a cow or something. I'd like to see one in the shape of udders. sorta midwest tiki mug.

brings new meaning to hoes at the tiki bar

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Benzart posted on 07/20/2006

THor, I can't wait to see how you transform these ideas into your amazing pieces.

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THOR's posted on 07/21/2006

Neither can I Benz!!! Let's hope all the pieces come together. Hey, just got back from taking my oldest daughter to Comicon in SanDiego..the Comic Convention. What a crowded MESS..but fun!! Anyway, I have been away from here for a bit.

Benz, I just saw your mugs!!! GREAT STUFF!! We all need to start mug trading in here!! I have a few coming out with tiki farm AS well..I will let my good friend Hoden announce that when we are closer to release. I am going to go back to your thread on the mugs... Have a great weekend!!

~~ Tom

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THOR's posted on 11/22/2006

Ok "Ya'all" ..after being distracted to other projects and the building of the newest Thor Stor in Honolulu, I am back on this painting full swing. Here are the latest drawings. As I mentioned, I am calling this "Trader Hic's".

You can see that the idea is that EVERYTHING is made from stuff found on a farm in the middle of nowhere. More ideas welcome!! This is a line drawing that I will refine and plan lighting sources, etc. It will have a very low lit "tiki bar" feel. Outside it will be dusk, cool violet sky, inside warm colored lights. Even the "pickled egg lava lamp" will glow a warm yellow orange.

Note the "Tiki's" that will be lit to look more "Tiki'ish" in the painting made of farm tools , buckets and wash tubs. I need more ideas on lei's ..I have some made of corks on strings. Max, suggested some farm grown vegetable lei's..like a carrot and spud lei!! HAaaaa I will definitely incorporate that!! I wonder what a necklace with a carved tiki from a potato might look like??

Anyways..all ideas welcome. I am on this now for the next few weeks....

Aloha!!! THOR
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"Farmer's"Parit" and "Mu Mu" or "Kau Kau" with Hawaiian islands markings....with the help of a little whitewash in the right places of course! Also, note the "Coconut Palm" made of strung up tin cans, moose antlers and bowling balls.

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"HULA FARM GIRL(hearty stock),with bucket bra and hay and chicken wire skirt. "HOT WATER BOTTLE AND TOOTHPICK BLOW FISH DECORE" "SORD FISH"(mispell intentional)... made of a steak knife tied to a catfish mounted on a plaque seen partly in lower left.

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"PICKLED EGG JAR LAVA LAMP" with guy sneaking an egg, girl with sunflower in hair..both have "Mai Tai's" made with old milk bottles, canned pineapple rings, canned punch and rum. Bottles will have tiki faces painted on.

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little lost tiki posted on 11/22/2006

Nice! This is gonna be so cool when painted up! You definetely can never be bored while you paint,as you can move from element to element.Great work! Being raised in Danville Illinois,this brings out a little of the hick in me! Thanks for showing us the goods!

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THOR's posted on 11/22/2006

You bet Lil' Lost!!!

Lemme know if you have any additional thoughts based on your mid West observations!!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!


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pdrake posted on 11/22/2006

not enough pigs.

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Swanky posted on 11/22/2006

I like the bowling balls as coconuts.

Maybe a basketball net tied at the bottom and a ball in it as a "fish Float".

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McTiki posted on 11/22/2006

whoa! (very humbled)

Can't wait to se it take on color and shading.



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THOR's posted on 11/22/2006

Thanks MC!!

I am giving the lighting a bit of thought. It should almost look like a regular Tiki bar for a few seconds at first glance.....uplighting and colored lights. Hay attached to chicken wire will give the "thatched" feel that frames the piece...

Thanks you all for the other ideas too!! I will see what I can fit in!!


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Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/23/2006

Hey Thor!
I'm a farm boy from Nebraska, an I'm digging the new painting idea! That Moai with the shovel nose - brilliant! I can't even fathom how many light sources this painting is going to have! Here's another idea. Oil drum cut to be a tiki, with a fire inside it.
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squid posted on 11/23/2006

Well TikiShark, LLT and me (Kansas born and raised) is all comin' to help our pal, even though he ain't kin and most likely, a city slicker banker type. But that's just how us midwest boys is.

ThorBob, you ain't got no danged corn cob leis in there. What the Hell's amatter with you boy? Definitely from Californee.

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squid posted on 11/23/2006

On 2006-11-22 10:31, pdrake wrote:
not enough pigs.

Hey ThorBob!
I second that! More pigs is always good. Don't matter none what yer paintin' is about. Could be the Moanin' Lisa, whatever. More pigs = GOOD. Jes listen to that there Pea Drake. He knows. He's got the smarts real bad.

Also you kin make a tiki outta one them old-timey gas pumps with the glass globes on top. We did it all the time. Fer real. They light up real good with Premium.

Yer paintin' is lookin' like a Spike Jones/Homer & Jethro acid trip. Yup. Speakin' of music and such.....

So ThorBob, ain't there a juke box er sumthin'? Howzabout at least a band or a fiddle player? I don't see no washboard neither and a feller could play one a them. I done it plenty a times, while croonin'. Got my first wife that way. But I cain't tell ya how I got rid of her. The cops would be here lickety-split.

I ain't criteekin' too much am I? Us midwestern boys just want to help out. Even you Californee city-slicker banker types. Yup.

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THOR's posted on 11/23/2006

Well bust my city slicker britches!!! I wake up to more TRULY country bumpkin banter!!! GREAT STUFF!!
LOVE your work , by the way, Tiki Shark!! Love the sketch here too!!! I was considering this idea for another painting in this series. It will be a "Military Tiki bar"...made in the desert sands by a group of or guys and gals tolerating the heat in Iraq! I am assembling ideas for that painting. One of which was an oil drum with a fire in it and the face of the Tiki "shot" into it. Now you have me tempted on this one!! I will see if there is room!

Squid!... My Lord! Your hillbilly hijinx had be on the floor!! Corn cob lei's!! How could I miss that!!...and OK, OK..MORE PIGS and I will see if I can squeeze in a band. Lordy be..this piece has got more ingredients than a pot of grandma Clampet's hillbilly chili!!

Pdrake... Got the pig thing!!! You said it first! Maybe one in the bathtub outrigger enjoyin' the hose water for starters...and I am wondering if I should make the heavy set farm gal dancing with a pig that has a skirt too?? ..or is that getting ridiculous??

Great ideas everyone!! Thanks for the help!!!

~~ ThorBob

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boutiki posted on 11/23/2006

On 2006-11-22 21:19, Tiki Shark Art wrote:
Here's another idea. Oil drum cut to be a tiki, with a fire inside it.
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Like this one?

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THOR's posted on 11/23/2006

WOW!!! VERY COOL!! ..or HOT rather!!!

Great lookin oil drum Tiki!! Now I need to get out my 44 ruger and shoot a tiki face in a rusty drum like this one!!! Anyone have ideas for a name of a makeshift Tiki bar in the middle of the desert in Iraq?? ..the something Sands??

It will be like the little bars they made in Nam or the bomb shelter pubs of WWII but out in the semi open air. I think there are Date Palms in Iraq to create the palm feel... Gotta use military vehicles too...Hummers and trucks. Grenades painted will make great pineapples. Camo netting adds fish net feel.. If anyone has ideas, lemme know. I am not ex military. I have a call into some Military buds in Honolulu hoping to get ideas from them. I am ahead of myself already..gotta get this "Hic" one done first, but feel free to add ideas to this thread for when I get to it. It will be the next painting.

~~ Thor

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Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/23/2006

Oh, I get the cow, now! It's got the map of Hawaii on it! Being from the Midwest eyes a bit slow at times. Cows do get all kinds of funny looking markings on them like islands and such. Why I emember one when I was a kid it sorta looked like...
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(actual photo)

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squid posted on 11/23/2006

OK ThorBob, you draw all perdy and everything but you gotta do yer research. Where's that hooch a comin' from anywhoo? It don't just appear outta thin air now do it? Ya have ta have a still. That's short for "distilleratin' contraption". Use the Google on the Innernets and you'll find some pitchers of 'em. Lots.
I don't know about havin' that fine woman dancin' with just a plain ol' pig. Plain ol' pigs is everywhere. Just ask old "SweetPea" Drake. But maybe. If the pig has a grass skirt and a straw hat, then it's okeedokeee by me. Just tryin' to help.
And ThorBob, where did all them customers come from? Ain't there a double-wide parked outside? Well, OK, maybe you cain't SEE outside but you gotta give the feelin' that there's one out thar. Jes like all the masters done, like Tommy "Light Boy" Kinkade and Preshus Momints and that perdy yard art from Harriet Carter's catalog, ya gotta put more feelin' in it so's you can takes the viewer to another dementia. Got me?
OK ThorBob, yer on yer own now. Good luck and ask us any more questions ya got cuz us midwestern boys is here to help. Ain't that right SharkBob? Yup.

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THOR's posted on 11/23/2006

My oh my..what have I unleashed!!! HAaaaaa You lil' closet Hicks!!! you are revealing your true identity!!

Great "actual photo" there Tikishark!! Now I am really torn !! I bet that picture was taken with a good old Polaroid Swinger black and white...circa '66..ya???

Squid...you are a washboard beatn' nut!! I think you have been nippin' on some of your own hooch!! The stil idea is great..was considering it...just not sure where to fit more stuff..but true..a stil is important!!

As far as seeing outside, these sketches are just not clear being so small. If you could see the large overall one at the top bigger, the barn door is in the center, open. Outside is a water tower with Trader Hic's written on it and a few pick up trucks and a Harley parked in the dirt entry. There will be LOTs of atmosphere...with a sickle moon in the sky.

I love these ideas!! Can't wait to get some of them into this!! Happy Turkey Day!


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Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/23/2006

That's fer shure right, cousin Squid Bob.
Now cousin Thor, don't you go worry your self none, yer gonna' make a right purdy picture nomatter how bad you mess up the ethnically correctness of the haywagonridin hooch-swigin' pig-porkin' corn-shuckin' squirrel-shootin' blue-ridgin cow-squeezens dirt-farmin dust-bowlin grits-chowin' hoe-downin-na-ness correctedness ta vit.
You got yerself is got a heep o talent, and it's gonna' be fine and dandy!
I hopes ta swing by that there swanky place ya got yer self over in Honolulu an say howdy! ,Jus' as soon's as I gets settled in on that active volcano right next door.

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