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Sacramento Day Dec. 10 (pics posted)

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moondog426 posted on 11/21/2006

Here is the latest.
Sunday, Dec. 10th @ 1pm
We will meet at Bo's place 10 people max (per Bo)
11337 Trade Center Drive, suite 10 (off of Sunrise Blvd., just south of Folsom Blvd)
from Highway 50, take Sunrise exit and go south, then make left at Trade Center Drive)

Then we'll head to Swanberg's at 2316 J st. for a ''browse'' and tiki drink.

Then we'll head to Chinese rest. on Howe for bite to eat and Tiki drink(s)

if we have time we will go to Kingstiedye's tiki haven before Chinese Rest., if not enough time before reservation, we will go afterwards......

[ Edited by: moondog426 2006-12-04 11:29 ]

[ Edited by: moondog426 2006-12-11 08:37 ]

Psycho Tiki D posted on 11/21/2006


alohacurrent may have a point...maybe baby steps is the way to start this. I don't want to sound like a whiner, but from Thanksgiving through December is very tight time-wise.

A local get together would be a great way for everyone to meet and plan a larger activity which should possibly include some discussion for a Sacramento event in 2007.

I am definitely up for an outside event as well. I would have loved to make it down to the Minnie's event, but conflicting scheduling left me wishing. Forbidden Island is a great place and via Minnie's is even better. Don't count me out on this one!

Thanks for your efforts, I know I for one appreciate them!

Psycho Tiki D (I know I am but what are you)?

tikicleen posted on 11/21/2006

just to repeat, sorry for jumping in a little late in the game here.

we would be happy to host anyone if you find yourselves in the ripon area on this excursion. we would also like to meet up if the group decides on going to one main place in particular. we cant exactly afford the transportation though, but thanks for looking into it.

looking forward to hopefully meeting up.

moondog426 posted on 11/22/2006

I think probably trying to get people to pony 90.00 each so close to Christmas is just a bad idea...Cleen, if we had you putting this together, it would have been much smoother....I think we'll do a visit to Bo's. A stop in at Swanberg's and then lunch at the chinese restaurant on Howe Ave. I think maybe I was trying to kill to many damm birds with one stone...I still can't wait to hit Forbidden Island and the dark marq bar is off the hook!!!!

alohacurrent posted on 11/22/2006

hey moondog. We'll get there man-I know you got the FI jones going on just like I want to check out Minnie's. I like the designated driver idea, but the limo may be more than people want to spend right now going into the holidays. I'm stoked Loren at Swanberg's and Bo are willing to open up there businesses to us, make drinks etc like an aloha xmas party. Should be a good time and give us a good opportunity to plan the next bigger and badder road trip. If anyone wants to join us December 10 please do. I got the first round at Eastern Empire :wink:

kingstiedye posted on 11/22/2006

i'm in for the sactown stops. i'd rather just drive myself though. also, i'm up for a quick tour of my house if anybody is interested.

teaKEY posted on 11/22/2006

I'm interested, but that will just have to wait.

danlovestikis posted on 11/23/2006

At last a list with tiki collectors nearby. Bummer that Dan and I are working on that day. I'm on call all night as well. We have known Bo for 15 years back when we would go to his Burger City to show a vintage automobile. How did you all here about this, I only saw your messages. Wendy

RevBambooBen posted on 11/23/2006

On 2006-11-22 22:36, danlovestikis wrote:
At last a list with tiki collectors nearby. Bummer that Dan and I are working on that day. I'm on call all night as well. We have known Bo for 15 years back when we would go to his Burger City to show a vintage automobile. How did you all here about this, I only saw your messages. Wendy

I think the Clown Doctors chimed in.

Sorry. Bad Joke!!


Gobble Gobble!!

More Mai Kai Egg Nog damn it!!

TikiHula posted on 11/23/2006

Being the new folks on the block (we just moved to Rancho Cordova) we'd love to join in! And we'd love to see kingstiedye's place if it works out...

VampiressRN posted on 11/24/2006

Newbie here, but glad to see a Sac faction. I am in Sun City Lincoln Hills, just been here about 1 1/2 years, so still getting to know my way around, but a native Californian so it isn't hard. Excuse my naivete, but are you Tiki bar hopping?

Psycho Tiki D posted on 11/24/2006

On 2006-11-22 22:36, danlovestikis wrote:
At last a list with tiki collectors nearby. Bummer that Dan and I are working on that day. I'm on call all night as well. We have known Bo for 15 years back when we would go to his Burger City to show a vintage automobile. How did you all here about this, I only saw your messages. Wendy

"How did you all hear about this, I only saw your messages. Wendy"

Hey danlovestikis,

Check the posting on Collecting Tiki titled "If you are ever in Sacramento"...this will bring you up to speed!

Psycho Tiki D (I know I am but do you know where your tiki's are)?

Dr.TikiMojo posted on 11/24/2006

On 2006-11-22 12:14, kingstiedye wrote:
i'm in for the sactown stops. i'd rather just drive myself though. also, i'm up for a quick tour of my house if anybody is interested.

Guys, if you want to see the FIRST TIKI MUSEUM take kingstiedye up on this offer! I've been there! I've also been to Mugoomba, (Holden's bar at Tiki Farm), and believe it or not he's actually got TIKI FARM BEAT! There is the WALL 'O MUNKTIKI, or the TIKI TONY COLLECTION or the only GECKO collection to rival my own!

Mrs.Mojo and I would both like to attend either way -meeting at stops in SacTown or Forbidden Island....we're in the middle of both and it's all good! :)

Should you want a vendor to supply Tiki Holiday shopping we, (TIKI HUNTER) just received a large shippment from Hawaii from GECKO and SacTown would have first crack at the goodies! :D

Let us know!

danlovestikis posted on 11/25/2006

This just gets better and better and we feel so left out. I hope Bo will do this again. It's true that Kingstiedye's collection is awe inspiring. We visited but I have to say it would take days to fully see every item. If you a are a Kings fan then you may never want to leave that collection rivals his tiki collection. His place would be a great stop.

Meanwhile one day we hope to meet up with all the Sacto. County tiki collectors, Wendy and Dan

ps thanks for the information on how this started

kingstiedye posted on 11/25/2006

yeah, i hope a few of the ohana would like to stop by. it'll gimme a kick in the ass to clean up the mess! :D wendy and dan, i'm sorry to hear you can't make it.

danlovestikis posted on 11/25/2006

There are two threads for this trip. Check out the other one under Collecting tiki. Dr.TikiMojo and I are trying to work out something for tomorrow or Sunday. Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 11/25/2006

Hey it's a go for people coming over tomorrow, if you want to come send me a pesonal note and I'll send the address and phone number to you, Wendy

Dr.TikiMojo posted on 11/25/2006

On 2006-11-25 00:06, danlovestikis wrote:
Looks like Dr. TikiMoJo and tigerlily are coming so it's a go for Saturday. If you all want to come send me a message for the address and phone number. Wendy

Just in case the last post wasn't clear....it's TODAY PEOPLE!! :D
Did everyone on TC go away for the holiday? :?

For those that do come sounds like there will be lots of great stuff! :tiki:

VampiressRN posted on 11/26/2006

Hope you all had a great time today. I'll be eager to read the encounter reports. :)

Dr.TikiMojo posted on 11/26/2006

On 2006-11-25 18:34, VampiressRN wrote:
Hope you all had a great time today. I'll be eager to read the encounter reports. :)

OK, encounter reports....for such short notice and on a major holiday we had 10 people.
I won't name names, (because I'm terrible with names), because I don't know if anyone came and left before we arrived, (holiday traffic :x ), but pretty much everyone on this thread with only a few exceptions!

Dan's JUNGLE ROOM was.....well....what can I say...AMAZING!! :)
No wait...FREAKIN AMAZING!! :o
First there was the art and the mugs then the water fountains, vines and plants and thunder and rain and jungle noises all around you! It was Disney Land with out the inflated ticket price or long lines!

Dan's Tiki Garage Sale was a STEAL!
No, REALLY I mean it!
I don't know what goodies sold before we got there but what was more amazing was what was left.....Munktiki mugs for $5 each :o
Prices as low as .50 cents nothing over $18 Tops!

MAHALO PLENTY to Dan & Wendy for hosting!
Our thanks from Eva & Dave at TIKI HUNTER goes out to everyone who came out and said "Hi" and special thanks to all who made purchases..... thanks for the interest and support! Mahaloz! HAPPY HOLIDAYS! :drink:

kingstiedye posted on 11/26/2006

i wish i coulda made it. but rain, snow, sleet, gloom of night or tiki sales can't keep this postman from his appointed rounds. also, the kings were playing last night, so no time to swing by after work.

danlovestikis posted on 11/26/2006

Here are some photos from Dan's first ever tiki sale. We had so much fun meeting everyone. Thank you all for coming,Wendy
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moondog426 posted on 11/26/2006

that is so awesome....great photos!...was Elk Grove ready for you guys. I wish I could have made it but I had ''my honey do'' list...which didnt include cutting all our phone wires, but I still managed to cut them anyway...I found out at dinner 1st Anniversary is not wood, paper or glass....but 80gb Ipod....after I cut phone wires I think Beth wanted Ipod back.....just call me Mr. Fixit....see some of you on the 10th.

Dr.TikiMojo posted on 11/27/2006

On 2006-11-21 11:14, moondog426 wrote:
Looks we will keep this simple.
Sunday, Dec. 10th @ 1pm
We will meet at Bo's place 10 people max (per Bo)
Then we'll head to Swanberg's on J st. for a ''browse'' and tiki drink.
Then we'll head to Chinese rest. on Howe for bite to eat and Tiki drink(s)

addresses and more info to follow

Cool, I wasn't quite sure if the 10th was still a GO or this get together was instead of! 8)

TIKI HUNTER will still try to make the 10th then also....if you have a place for us to vend moondog we have stuff to sell!

We're thinking of a TIKI BLOW OUT EVENT to unload our CARVED WOOD TIKI's before the New Year! :o

If it sounds like there would be interest I'll make it happen!

VampiressRN posted on 11/27/2006

Great pics Wendy....WOWZA ZOZZA....you sure have some nice STUFF!!! This board has inspired me, but I don't think my collecting will ever rival yours. :wink:

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Tigerlily posted on 11/27/2006

Mucho Mahalo to Wendy and Dan,

Yesterday added unexpected fun to my trip home for the holiday. I had no idea about Dan's Jungleroom which was freakin amazing, I need a good year to absorb it all and I loved the rest of your home including: the lamps, velvet paintings and color by number pantings which all did me in.

Thank you for your warm hospitality including the snacks and making my mom and I feel welcome. Here are my goods from the sale that Dan was practically giving away. I had to show them off.

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danlovestikis posted on 11/27/2006

Hi Tigerlilly, I like your photo, I grew up with that same dining set in grey, brings back good memories. Thanks again for stopping by, we enjoyed the party so very much.

Poor Moondog, my dad did the same thing. While he was repairing the wires someone kept trying to call him and he would get shocked. We finally figured out that if we took the phone off the hook it wouldn't happen. I hope yours are fixed, Wendy

VampiressRN posted on 11/27/2006

I think that table and chairs was in many a kitchen...my parents had the yellow set. I bought a gray reproduction at Sears several years ago....it makes me think of good times when I was a kid....like getting in trouble for laughing at my sister and spewing milk from my nose.

Those bowls look great Tigerlily....really complements the yellow.

Psycho Tiki D posted on 11/27/2006

What the heck happened? I was on Tiki Central until around 11:00 a.m. on Friday and it was so quiet I figured everyone was busy with the holidays and such!

I log on this morning and a local event came and went without so much as a whisper.

All I can say is "miss a day, miss alot". Looks like those who made it had a good time. I wasn't able to find a darn tiki item at all this weekend, even braved the rain Sunday to go tiki hunting.

Psycho Tiki D (I know I am but where was I)?

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pariartspaul posted on 11/27/2006

I just caught this thread, sitting here with my coffee this morning.. I haven't checked out the posts in a while.... Sacramento Tiki Group? Count us in! After all, Sacramento is also home to Martiniland... World headquarters of Pariarts.com! Actually we don't get out that much, what with working as hard as we can towards early retirement... but we have been known to throw a mean tropical cocktail party. And my tropical lava rock pond with waterfalls in the back is still in progress. I'm hoping to have it done for this summer, (yeah yeah, I say that every year!). Maybe I can host a lava rock carving contest and we can all finish it up in one day! We've been promising ourselves to throw a big, proper Luau when we finally get it finished. This month we're a little crazy with Christmas orders. But for future events, we'd love to join you all and possibly host some part of it.

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We live on the edge of Carmichael out here - near Madison and 80 in a 60's Streng. The tiki sign workshop is right here at our house.

Well, I'll keep watching these threads to see what develops!


[ Edited by: pariartspaul 2006-11-27 09:59 ]

moondog426 posted on 11/27/2006

wow another Sacramentan...and another Sign Guy......damm we got good taste..or something....yes this event is on. I just talked to Bo.....we will meet at his shop at 1pm on Dec 10th.

11337 suite 10 Trade Center Drive
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670

REMEMBER 10 people for the ''BO'' tour..one at a time...and most everything is for sale...but cash only.

We will go by the previous posts of who is coming...after Bo's we will visit Swanberg's and the Eastern Empire Restaurant on Howe Ave....There is also a chance to to see Kingstiedye's collection at some point in the day.

Swanberg's is at 2316 J. street....where everyday is casual Friday!!

alohacurrent posted on 11/27/2006

Wow cool signs Paul. How do I score one of those?

Mahalo Wendy and Dan for hosting the get together and the tour of your incredible collection. It was a pleasure meeting you. Hopefully see you guys in a few days.

Moondog, think you could stop by and help me set up my stereo system... NOT!


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pariartspaul posted on 11/27/2006

Hi alohacurrent,

You can see our sign catalogue at http://www.pariarts.com/cat/signs/catalog2.html
We are going to try to ease away from the sign biz a little this coming year and create more paintings and portraiture to mix it up a bit. Why? Because that scroll saw is killing my hands!!


Psycho Tiki D posted on 12/03/2006

Is it too early to take a roll call for next Sundays' event at Bo's and onward?

I will be there with two other people, my buddy (from Reno) and my designated driver (my wife Ami).

My buddy has never been to Bo's, so I would like for him to have a look around. I have been, but if Bo is selling some of his vintage items, I would like a chance to purchase some of them, however, if the number exceeds what Bo requested, I can sit out and wait until another time so others have the chance to look around.

moondog, is this still a go for next Sunday to meet at Bo's at 1:00?

See all ya all,

Psycho Tiki D (I know I am but what are you)?

kingstiedye posted on 12/03/2006

i'm in. if anybody wants to come by my place, i'm open to before or after bo's.

Psycho Tiki D posted on 12/03/2006


In for your place as well...maybe we should firm up the itinerary as well, in case TC'ers can't start at the begining, they can catch up later?

Psycho Tiki D

[ Edited by: Psycho Tiki D 2006-12-03 12:05 ]

moondog426 posted on 12/03/2006

I'm bringing my wife er designated driver also...Aloha current made reservations for us at Eastern Empire....should we go to your place after Swanberg's kingstiedye?

kingstiedye posted on 12/03/2006

whatever you guys decide is fine with me.

tikicleen posted on 12/03/2006

i think we might be in! we definitely want to meet up with everyone at some point during the journey. if there are too many for bo's, we are okay with sitting out.

also curious to see king's monsterous collection. :)

TikiHula posted on 12/03/2006

Alia and I would love to see Bo's tiki collection - we're still in!

JT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/f6f231dfd9f0be59f443aacaeb2fa26d?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Jungle Trader posted on 12/04/2006

I could make it next spring if you do a rerun.
Have fun and be sure to tell....ya hear?

Dr.TikiMojo posted on 12/04/2006

Dr.TikiMojo and Mrs.Mojo are all in!

Would like to see Bo's collection.

Did anyone ever decide if there was a place and a desire for us to bring things for sale?

At the very least we're doing a TIKI CLEARANCE SALE to make way for new items next year. 10" inchers to 5' footers!

I could just chuck those guys in the back of the truck and sell them that way?

Let me know before Sunday please.

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Gigantalope posted on 12/04/2006

Dr TikiMojo...just an FYI. If you got TIKI stuff you are selling or trying to get rid of, Bo is into trading if you have some cool stuff.

Tiki, Cartoony-Devil, HotRod, WWII Bombs...he likes that whole era.

moondog426 posted on 12/04/2006

...just talked to Bo...and we are good to go.....Dr Tiki Mojo you can bring your tikis and set them up outside of Bo's entrance while we are there. Dont forget to bring cash if you are shopping at Bo's. Swanberg's takes credit cards. It should be a great tiki day in the valley....I posted updated info at the beginning of this thread...less than a week!

Dr.TikiMojo posted on 12/04/2006

Weather permitting I'll plan on bringing the pick up truck and a lot of Carved Tikis.

We're cutting prices down on these to clear our stock so it's a great chance to get yourself a carved Tiki in many sizes, desk top to yard size! :D

We probably won't bring much else this time around....unless requested.

We are able to take CREDIT AND DEBIT CARDS for those short on cash!

moondog426 posted on 12/08/2006

just a couple more days.........I'm Ready......ready for a Mai Tai!

Dr.TikiMojo posted on 12/09/2006

On 2006-12-04 13:07, Dr.TikiMojo wrote:
Weather permitting I'll plan on bringing the pick up truck and a lot of Carved Tikis.

We're cutting prices down on these to clear our stock so it's a great chance to get yourself a carved Tiki in many sizes, desk top to yard size! :D

We probably won't bring much else this time around....unless requested.

We are able to take CREDIT AND DEBIT CARDS for those short on cash!

Well, we didn't hear much interest in us bring a bunch of Tiki items and art out to Sacramento this time and the weather has turned foul! :cry:
So unless there is a massive change over Saturday night to Sunday morning we're not planning on a lot of heavy lifting and exposing the carved Tikis to the weather!

Since this is a BUSINESS for us we will likely take the Tiki Cruiser with a few items that are easy to get at and our wireless credit card processor.
Then if we have items that Bo wants to trade or if people want something to buy we're set! :)

Mostly we're going out to Sacramento to have fun and hang with the SacTown Ohana! :D

Dr.TikiMojo posted on 12/10/2006

Bump! :tiki:

Hope everything is still a go with the rain and all?

As I said, we're still going to drive up there although without the Tikis now and if it's a down pour I doubt we'll take anything out of the car. :(

:drink: would be good! :D

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