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Just returned from the Hospital

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finkdaddy posted on 12/09/2006

Aloha everyone. I just had a frightening few days. On Wednesday evening I went to the ER with extreme abdominal pains. It turned out I had a 1.5cm wide gall stone blocking my gall bladder as well as an infection in my gall bladder and pancreas. Needless to say the pain was indescribable. Everything is OK now and the fear of a spreading infection has passed. I'll be off from work for a while so maybe I'll be able to click off a few more carvings. :wink: Looks like a low-fat diet for quite a while. :cry:

Haole'akamai posted on 12/09/2006

Wow, that sounds frightening. I'm glad you're going to be ok.

dogbytes posted on 12/09/2006

welcome to the Gall Bladder-less Club! i had a similar experience while on vacation in san diego a few years ago.. (the stone part, i had the surgery back home where i could chose my surgeon) terrifying experience, and my husband is a doctor ~ still, its very scarey!

did you turn a lovely shade of Jaundice Yellow? i had Marge Simpson skin...

you're on the road to recovery.. take care

pablus posted on 12/09/2006

We were just talking about you the other night at the Lagoon.
Hope some of our fond thoughts and words made their way to you there in the hospital.

Glad you made it through.

Did you know that lots of rum is the perfect antidote for gall stones?
If you're a postmenopausal woman.


[ Edited by: pablus 2006-12-09 13:14 ]

GROG posted on 12/09/2006

Dude, glad you're OK. Pain sucks.

Jungle Trader posted on 12/10/2006

Though we've never met Mr. finkdaddy, I'm glad to hear you're going to get better.


Polynesiac posted on 12/10/2006

hey finky - scary story, but I'm glad you're on the mend. Low fat ain't so bad and carving time is good. I hope you're back to 100% soon

Chongolio posted on 12/10/2006

Shootz Finky that sucks butt! Glad to hear you pulled through it OK. I am with Grog pain is lame but it sure is has a way of reminding you of what is important in your life.


foamy posted on 12/10/2006

Hey Finky, I was wondering what was going on (figured something came up). I'm sorry to hear about that, it must have been incredibly unpleasant, distressing and painful. I'm glad to hear you're fine now. Best wishes from the Eastern Shore.

congatiki posted on 12/10/2006

takes more than a gall stone attack to stop Finkdaddy! Glad to hear that you are home and
recovering and that you will have a little time for tiki-work. Take care of yourself!

finkdaddy posted on 12/10/2006

Thank you so much everyone! It makes me feel good to hear from you all. I'm doing much better now. There is mostly just the pain from the incisions and I'm tired all the time. The doctors were much more worried about the infection in my pancreas than they were about my gall bladder. But all is well and stable now.

Pablus, that article made me laugh (laughing hurts, by the way. thanks). Maybe I can erase all the postmenopausal woman stuff before I show it to my wife. "See Honey, I'm SUPPOSED to drink this much"

Before too long I'll be posting loud and strong again. Thanks again everyone. :D

Johnny Dollar posted on 12/10/2006

get betta there soon hombre.

from your stunt double

Feelin Zombified posted on 12/10/2006

Happy to hear you're doing better Fink.

At least you don't have to go Vegan :wink:


GMAN posted on 12/10/2006


Gallstones are a good excuse, so we'll let you get off without posting new bonz for another day or so. After that, you'll have to get back to the bench 'cause we're expecting new killer workz from you. My wife agrees that what you had was a BAD gig, so you are off the hook with me. Scatch that....get back to work!


JohnnyP posted on 12/10/2006

Low Fat, yuck, but it is better for you! No more Pu Pu's for you. Glad to here you are felling better. Carve some Bonz to take your mind off of it.

Send the gall stone to Tama or Paipo and ask them carve it. :)


Greetings from the land of the snow tiki.

[ Edited by: JohnnyP 2006-12-10 14:54 ]

hewey posted on 12/10/2006

Hey Finky. All kinds of bad, but its good to know you're slowly on the mend again. Rest up and take it easy.

dogbytes posted on 12/11/2006

On 2006-12-10 06:55, finkdaddy wrote:
The doctors were much more worried about the infection in my pancreas than they were about my gall bladder. But all is well and stable now.

holycrap! you had your gall bladder taken out "hot?" ~ we refused that option (sounds like you had laproscopic surgery, my on-call surgeon was a geezer who wanted to sliced me open like a honeybaked ham).

you definitely win Gall Bladder Wars!

finkdaddy posted on 12/11/2006

Thanks again everybody. :) All is going well. I'm just dealing now with being tired and sore. Keeping my kids from jumping on me has been the greatest challenge throughout this whole thing! :lol:

Dogbytes: Fortunately, I was able to have the laproscopic surgery. I was told before hand though, that there was a very good chance they would have to open me up anyway during the operation, but I wanted it out! Thankfully, it wasn't needed. I now have a 2" opening from my belly button down, and 4 other 1" openings in other places where they stuck in lights and other instruments. The surgery went well, but they put me on massive doses of antibiotics to deal with the infection, and pretty huge doses of morphine to deal with the pain. My surgeon was excellent and the staff treated me like a king with the huge exception of the food which I would not even feed a starving dog, it was terrible!

J$: Does it hurt you when I press...here?

Thanks again everybody for cheering me up. :D Now, where are my carving tools?...

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Benzart posted on 12/11/2006

Hey Finik glad you got no more Stinky Gallstones. I went thru the same pain in the emergency room but they didn't find out what it was. I didn't have gallstones but they finally figured out my g-bladder was full of Sludge and then they took it out and I was fine.
The worst part is over so be a good boy and don't carve for at Least 5 hours. Really glad you are feeling better and on the mend.

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Sophista-tiki posted on 12/11/2006

Best wishes, but PLLEEESE drink alot of water. Any type of surgery especially abdominal is very damaging to your system, just the drugs alone can throw you off balance for a while, just do your best to flush yourself out with a bunch of water.
Water a must, everything else in moderation. Dawn

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Swanky posted on 12/11/2006

I don't even know where my gall bladder is or what it does. I hope I never do. What is gall and why do I have a bladder full of it?

Hope yours is holding its gall normally again and for the rest of your life.

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kikekeki posted on 12/11/2006

Glad you're on the mend.
Did ya bring the gallbladder home in a jar? :D

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Humuhumu posted on 12/11/2006

Oh, finkdaddy, what a scare -- I'm so glad to hear you're doing well. Infections in the gut are no small matter, pretty scary stuff. Thank goodness you're on the back end of it all now, and I hope you continue to heal well, and heal quickly.

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Formikahini posted on 12/12/2006

Hey FD!

I'm so GLAD they were able to fix you all up!
I don't even know that kind of pain and I hope I never do - glad it's over for you.
Looking forward to seeing you at the next adventure, wherever that may be :)
alice b

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blacksandz posted on 12/12/2006

Damn Fink, that's too bad. Glad to see your on the recovery track!

Hope you feel better! :)

Sit back, relax and enjoy this time of year with family and friends!

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Tamapoutini posted on 12/12/2006

On 2006-12-10 14:51, JohnnyP wrote:

Send the gall stone to Tama or Paipo and ask them carve it. :)

(Er, nice idea JP; but I vote for Paipo doin it!) :lol:

Sorry to hear about the health woes FDaddy. Drink plenty of H2O!

finkdaddy posted on 12/14/2006

I just wanted to give my sincere thank you to everyone for making me smile and feel loved (did I just say that? Percoset rules!). But seriously, Thank you. :D

Johnny Dollar posted on 12/14/2006

On 2006-12-11 06:45, finkdaddy wrote:
J$: Does it hurt you when I press...here?


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Mr. Dale posted on 12/14/2006

Man Mr. Daddy....glad yer okay......sometimes getting stoned hurts.

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VampiressRN posted on 12/14/2006

Ah yes....ye ole' gallbladder attack!!! Been there...done that, don't miss it at all. My attack came on fast, sick as a dog, had a full blockage, had to have IV anti-biotics for the infection, stayed in the hospital over night, then they removed it the next day and I was home that night.

Gallbladder....who needs em!!!

Hope you are feeling better. :)

FATIMA BLUSH: Oh, how reckless of me. I made you all wet.

JAMES BOND: Yes, but my martini is still dry.

[ Edited by: VampiressRN 2006-12-14 05:38 ]

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