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Eclectic Encounter

Pages: 1 11 replies

VampiressRN posted on 01/05/2007

I am an eclectic collector (new to tiki), but know there are other folks that have varying tastes as well. I have been collecting Fire-King for years and tend to go retro-deco in my kitchen.

Here was my big find from a couple of days ago....and for only $120, the cake plate is in excellent condition. It isn't Fire-King but is a great match to my collection of jadite. The glass dome is very thick and heavy and this stands higher than most cake plates.

VampiressRN posted on 01/05/2007

Got 2 really great Monkey pictures yesterday ($40 each) and they are in excellent condition. About 30" x 30" and the colors are much more vibrant, but I can't bring them out any more with my Kodak software (they are more greenish in the batiked backgrounds).

procinema29 posted on 01/06/2007

Here's something I got last year. I have a small collection of vintage makeup (both Halloween makeup and film/stage makeup), and this beautiful piece is from 1979! Is this appropriate to this thread I hope...?

VampiressRN posted on 01/07/2007

Very kewl indeed. I have a collection of crappy Vampire movies....LOL. You might find this site interesting.

Matterhorn1959 posted on 01/07/2007

Check out Dan Goodsell's Tick Tock Toys collection of similar items....Imagineering Halloween

VampiressRN posted on 01/08/2007

The Whistling Vampire looks good. I can't normally whistle....so there might be hope fo me yet. :)

procinema29 posted on 01/08/2007

Yes, I used one of the Tick Tock photos because it was easier...and theirs is in a touch better shape, too. There is a store on Ebay called "Atomic Candy" that frequently puts up a lot of Imagineering goods. It is surprising how much these things can go for now--it might have cost 75 cents in the seventies and go for 75 dollars today!

procinema29 posted on 01/10/2007

Now, here is another one--yeah, I love this vintage Halloween stuff. This arrived just today! And I honestly do not know when this was made. My guess is late 50's/early 60's. My idea of "decorating" is leaving this sort of stuff lying around.

hala_kahiki posted on 01/12/2007

I'm not sure when this little guy was made. I found him at a vintage clothing store for $9! I thought "how cool! It's a little shriner!" he's really heavy, made out of some kind of metal.

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=5947&url=http%3A%2F%2Fimg.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fv210%2Fmxpxpx%2FDSC04435.jpg&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=d9e8f796818e18d93b7f145a8acd9e38

[ Edited by: hala_kahiki 2007-01-11 17:10 ]

[ Edited by: hala_kahiki 2007-01-11 17:13 ]

procinema29 posted on 01/12/2007

Could it be gold...?

hala_kahiki posted on 01/12/2007

i'm pretty sure it's just painted gold, if you look closely at the front pictures of him, you can see around the edges of his coat that the paint is a little bit chipped off revealing a greyish color

VampiressRN posted on 01/13/2007

Love the Halloween stuff too. I look forward every year for all the Halloween outlets that open up....great stuff.

I absolutely luuuuuuuv the little shriner....simply fabulous. Great find indeed, plus he looks to be in good condition. :)

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