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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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Bora Boris posted on 01/01/2007

Granny Boris approves of Little Lost Tiki's throw pillow.

  • Granny Boris
The Sperm Whale posted on 01/01/2007

WOW I am loving the Robot Tiki surfboard!!! The use of colors is freakin awesome!!!

Paipo posted on 01/01/2007

Nice nice nice, good to see the creative types are still creating even though it's holiday time. Driving urges pay no heed to statutory holidays! One thing I noticed now I'm a proud member of the LLT owner's club, is how all those little stick-like lines you use for tone and colour shading merge nicely when you step back a ways from the painting. Do you walk away from the piece often while you're painting it to get it to work like this?

little lost tiki posted on 01/03/2007

Hey Paipo!
Like that little Butamay (did I say that right?) Yes! The Holidays are one of the few times a year I can abandon work,family, and friends for days at a stretch and CREATE!!!!
Many of you artists will agree that while creating, it feels right and you feel right and normal....Or maybe you're all mentally healthy and don't feel that! I'd like to hear your thoughts and other artist's musings on that! That "stick-like"
lines for tone and shading are built up over the initial blended and painted ground.It brings the fuzziness of the background more to the foreground into a clear closeness. Basic optical blending.Another fun thing is WHAT colors you use next to each other...That can cause major POP! and movement!It's all old hat now! look at Seurat,the Impressionists, Kandinsky's and Klee's utilization of color,I'm just pushing and nudging it forward, like artists are apt to do so we don't get bored!About everyhour or two I'll back up 10 feet then 20 feet from a piece and test the painting. I've been doing this for about 15 years, so you don't have to back up as much as the results of the color application are like a formula now! Certain pieces grab you from across a room and are a bit unrecognizable until you get about 5 feet away and all the hidden treasures are revealed! Or it may look better 20 feet away and the closer you are doesn't matter 'cause you've already "read" the image from a distance...But yes, I do back up and also squint,look at it in a mirror,etc....It doesn't seem to matter with your art. it's either "close" or "way close-up" !
Love my pendants! I've been wearing them to all the tiki events! The Crying Ku is my favorite! Those eyes!!!!

teaKEY posted on 01/03/2007

That Moai is not a crook.

little lost tiki posted on 01/03/2007

He does have a total Nixon nose! Or Bob Hope nose.... People say that when artists paint people,they always end up with some of the renderer's features. I was granted one of them ski-slope Bob Hope kinda noses and hence the features on Sad Eye Moai!
You really need to get Photoshop,TeaKey! With that program and your devious criminal brain, who knows what wonders you could birth! :)

teaKEY posted on 01/03/2007

You really need to get Photoshop,TeaKey!- I know I know

Hey, that is the most bad-ass surf machine I have ever seen. I would hate to get that bent over some coral, but love it on the cover of a surf magazine.

Chongolio posted on 01/05/2007

If anyone here is given the chance to visit LLT's studio you would be a sucker #1 to pass it up. Ken is one heckuva a great dude and the beauty and complexity of his creativity and artwork cannot be grasped through simple pictures. I was blown away by the detail, color and number of pieces he has pumped out over the years. My visit to his studio was one of the highlight of 2006 for me and I am ever so grateful that he invited me over for a visit. I am way stoked to call Kinny a pal and feel very fortunate to have found another kindred creative soul who will willingly share his knowledge so freely. No really, one day was not enough to take in all his work or tap into the vast database of artistic wonderment that is locked in that crazy skull of his. Here are a few snaps from his studio. If you want to see more of my photos of LLT's art and more of my road trip south, including the "Breakdamug" ceremony at Magoomba, blink on over to Baregfoot bloggin'. Thanks again Little Lost Tiki for hostin' a travelin' monkey and introducing him to your freinds and creative world.

Kinny at work in "The Cave"

My New Little Lost Tiki Original

Inside the doorway of wonderment

More kick ass art than you can shake a sumi ink pen at.

squid posted on 01/05/2007

On 2007-01-01 08:52, Bora Boris wrote:

Granny Boris approves of Little Lost Tiki's throw pillow.

  • Granny Boris

I'm with Granny Boris. Surf board be damned. What this place needs is a good throw pillow!

Chongolio posted on 01/05/2007

On 2007-01-04 20:53, squid wrote:

On 2007-01-01 08:52, Bora Boris wrote:
Granny Boris approves of Little Lost Tiki's throw pillow.

  • Granny Boris

I'm with Granny Boris. Surf board be damned. What this place needs is a good throw pillow!

Forget the throw pillows... get Granny Boris to sew up some cushion replacements for that couch. The ones on there now are filled with sawdust and pea gravel and give the word lumpy a new meaning;)

Hiphipahula posted on 01/05/2007

That Moai does need to be a mug I dig it! Where do you get the initial surf boards from? All the colors are so beautiful~

frostiki posted on 01/05/2007

I'm still amazed at the amount of detail that goes into those boards. Wow, I'm excited to see more

Bora Boris posted on 01/05/2007

I'm amazed at the amount of detail that goes into that Throw Pillow, Wow! Have you got any more?

  • Granny Boris
little lost tiki posted on 01/08/2007

Aloha everyone!
Hey Boris and Squid! PM me and I'll give you two the link to my e-bay address where i sell my Tiki Throw Pillows! This web address is Top-Secret Tiki Brat Pack only! The detail and colors are truly amazing and the price for a dozen is....Sheesh! Paint for a few days and the whole thread gets derailed! Now I know how GROG feels...
Mahalos for the visit and for posting a picture of my poor dog wearing her Collar of Shame on your slideshow blog (that should motivate a couple more peeps to investigate your awesome Barefoot 'blogin!)... and thanks for the sweet pics and description of the Cave where I create and cry to myself....By the way,I don't even know what that couch padding is! i think it's that green foam block you fill with water and stick plants into-mixed with sawdust and sand and gravel-maybe a couple of human teeth....yikes!
Glad you like Sad-eye Moai! He's Sweet! He's Sassy! He's Sad....Maybe someday he will be a mug....but only if he's very very good this year...I get the surfboards from friends...I seem to be a board magnet lately....Bring 'em on!
Thanks for looking! I hope to drag these out for some public shows soon..They look soooo much better in Real Life!
Well, the robot side is about 98% done-done enough to post,so first, here's both sides...

Now here's some details without commentary-'cause I gotta get back to the dremel tool!

And here's some close-ups of the "Wood" side...

Not much commentary here,but if you have any ????
Gimme a Holler!!! Thanks!
Also got the final glaze approved on my mugs!
You can see these truly magical pieces of TikiFarm magic at
I'm really stoked with how they're coming along!
Go see for yourself! Thank you!

JenTiki posted on 01/08/2007

The surfboard is just amazing! I can't decide which side I like better. If it lived with me there would have to be some sort of regular rotation schedule. I am still just blown away by all the little brush strokes that go into the shading. You are a master, Kinny.

hewey posted on 01/08/2007

Sweet board man. Im with Jen I'd need to regularly rotate it. But hey, change it every fortnight and you have a fresh piece of art :)

I know Im being silly, but Im interested in a close up of the side to see how the edges were handled

Love it

JenTiki posted on 01/08/2007

On 2007-01-07 17:16, hewey wrote:

I know Im being silly, but Im interested in a close up of the side to see how the edges were handled

Yeah, take us to the edge!

RevBambooBen posted on 01/08/2007

As the art critic that I am..........lol!

It needs to hang from the top with a little motor that spins

it real slow. I do not have the info with me but have used these motors before. Used for display windows, etc.

Depending on what you plan to do with it. Or, if it's sold or what not.

I'm sure the pics don't show the intensity of it.
( borrowed that one from the authors!!)

Rock on LLT!!!!

Paipo posted on 01/08/2007

Yeah, the surfboard is great, how could it not be, but I wanna see what you've been doing with that dremel!

little lost tiki posted on 01/09/2007

Hello TC Ohana!
hey Ben!
Not sure how i wanna hang/display this yet! let me sit and thunk on it!
Finally took some DREMEL shots after a loooooooooooong session and seem to be getting the hang of it! But first...Hewey and JenTiki...I'll take you to the edge...of the surfboard with this composite shot....

here's 3 shots-2 closer up and one from a distance...I just paint it around the edges,figuring what goes where...nothin' special! Sorry! Hope you weren't expecting to find treasure or some answer to a philosophical mystery there....
well, i've been keeping this dremel project hidden from eyes because......well....I suck at it! that's why i'm posting it here,safely nestled in Other Crafts away from those carving geniuses who would tear me to shreds.... :)
first off, this working surface was a gift-a pair of 'em from that talented (and quite witty) friend o'mine Squid aka Senor Calamar....who thought I could do somethin' with 'em! Well,always up for a challenge,I resketched what I wanted and here it is....

i figure this would put me into a crash course of different textures and stuff..For the orongo in the middle-that will be painted with the rest carved...A lotta frame for such a small piece but who cares! We're here to have fun,right?
Here it is semi-dremelled and still sketched out!

Thank heaven I can draw and have a steady hand following lines!
And here it is,almost done with experimental green brushed over the surface to capture the linoleum cut feel of some of the areas!Here's the top part with lotsa glare for all you glare fans!

and here's the poor lil' victim tiki's head scrunched between the big guy's hands,,

and here's the happy and sad folk on the bottom...

Whew! That wasn't too bad...and i worried so much about posting these!
well, the next step is the painting part..an area I feel a bit more comfortable with!
i feel like i went thru a hazing! especially with Paipo looking over my shoulder!

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Tamapoutini posted on 01/11/2007

Kia ora Little Lost Luminary

Mate... That surfboard is the Kool-est!!
What are the plans for it..? Does it have a title? *I still put forward 'Surf-borg' for the robo side... And perhaps 'Hawaiiki Dreamin' for the other..?

And who says the carver-types are going to tear you to shreads for your efforts? Full credit for taking a step into the 3rd-dimensional abyss... (if you're not careful you may never look at the world the same...)

The carving on this 'frame' reminds me of woodblock/lino-cut blocks; have you done much printing? Good scope for multiple runs/variations & a good intermediary into carving perhaps? I can imagine that your 'graphic' experience would see some fine/bold printmaking (and carving) from you..?

Cant wait to see this finished. Easter Island art is just so unique & facinating. Well deserving of an elaborate border!

*Still havent visited Paipo for a first hand experience with an LLT original but any day now...

Love your stuff! Yay You!!!

Tama :)

hewey posted on 01/12/2007

Thanks for the edge shots, whilst you might not think they were much, I have now found inner enlightenment. Or maybe thats just a buzz from the rum... :)

Love how your carving has the same vibe as your paintings - very nice. Im with Tama - I reckon you could really get into lino prints

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Polynesiac posted on 01/12/2007

LLT - your work is amazing and insane. your desings are manic, crazy and totally cool. nice crossover carving, I bet it will look great painted. Is your latest work going to be exhibited anywhere soon?

little lost tiki posted on 01/14/2007

Aloha friends and fellow artists!
went on a TANGATA MANU jag on friday! Finished 3 paintings,one semi-done, and about 15 sketchbook drawings of this easter island/orongo Birdman that shows up carved on the rocks around there! Whew! Coffee is my soulmate!I was thinking about these Birdman for quite a while lately.Were they real? Thank Heaven for genetic manipulation! Someday we may compete for a job with REAL LIVE BIRDMEN created by the Pentagon! Scholars think that the Birdman may have represented Makemake-their creator god,and everyone generally agrees with the fact that the bird referenced for these carvings was the Makohe, or Frigate Bird...
With that information given out, I will now build the suspense and answer some of your questions...
Thank you man! Your enthusiasm and joy shines thru the lines you write! I plan on showing the surfboard a few times,and then offering it up for sale at a one-man or tiki-appropriate show in the future! Right now, it's resting with all of it's new friends at the Cave... I like "Surf-borg" ,still not sure on the other side yet...I kind of want to communicate the natural v.s artificial make-up of the two sides...
The carving was real fun! I'm just gonna take baby seps with it as my time is limited,but it's a lil' bit easier than I thought! Especially after doing an initial practice run on laminated particle board! Yikes! After that Trial by Fire, the regular wood was very friendly! Did a lil' bit of Lino stuff over the years and so, instead of just chewin and groovin out the concave areas, I thought, Hmmmmmm why not try for that look...and TaDa! It really does fit in with the rest of the work and doesn't seem out of place,so i'm stoked! Thanks for being such a nice carver! When you visit Paipo,please give him and his family a big hug for me! Also, say "Hello!" to my "Little Celebration" painting and tell it that daddy misses it, but this new family will love it just as much as I do!
Thank you Hewey!
Sorry I haven't e-mailed that print yet to TikiRacer,but , as you will see, I had a TANGATA MANU jag in full effect! Thanks for the props on the dremelling! It's kinda like holding a big fat pencil or paintbrush,so I just went for it like a retard and it worked! Glad you like it!
Man! That reminds me, I gotta check out your thread,haven't been there in a couple of weeks! I wonder what new genius carvings you have up your sleeve? I'm still blown away by the 2 carvings you brought to the Tonga Hut last month! As you're gonna see, I declined painting the finished carving,Babysteps...The finished piece looked finished, so I'm keeping it. But! I do have another panel just like this that I may try some painting on! Don't have ANY shows planned and written in stone, but I think this month I'm gonna look over the calendar and see what's up. I know I have 2 potential group shows, but again, they're not written in stone! One one-man show a year is gnarly enough! Especially when I have anywhere between 50-150 pieces per!
Again! Thank you all! You guys really know how to lift an artist up into Happyland! Before the photos...if you haven't seen the new glaze on my Tiki Farm mugs please go to...
And now....ladies and gents... "Praying Tangata Manu"
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As you can see, I went over the raised areas of wood and made them darker, plus did the gouache painting in the middle panel!
Here's a blurry detail of my pseudo lino-cut look on the top...
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Here's the whole painting part of the piece! This one almost painted itself! When I paint, I use the same basic formula of light and shading with graphic lines, but I usually paint it over a ground with some of the lighting already sketched in
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and here's one last close-up detail...
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Minor adjustments and hanging wire notwithstanding, it's pretty much done!
On to the next painting!
Here's one of those 15 studies.. It's called "Mother and Child"...
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and here's the painting I did based on it!
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Here's another study turned painting! It's called "the Watchful Eye"
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and here's the painting!
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Man! friday was like a blur of phonecalls,movies,and painting ( and a lovely 1/2 hour nap after lunch!!! Before I knew it, it was 12:30 am! And I arrived there 8:00 am Friday morn! Time flys when you're makin' art!
Here's the last one...a study for "the Greeting"...
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Here's the almost finished piece, I may need about 2-4 more hours on it with some gold metallic gouache to give it some mana!
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and here's a detail of the heads....this one was sumi-ink pen on gesso/gouache ground with gouache coloring...
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That's it for now! thanks for gazing and hopefully enjoying!
Your humble servant,

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Sophista-tiki posted on 01/14/2007

Wow, really beautiful. the "new series" is great. Where are you getting your inspiration from? Can I pm you to pick your brain about your Dremel? Thanks for sharing as always, your admirer, Dawn

JenTiki posted on 01/14/2007

OMG!! You did all that just Friday?! Again, you amaze me! "Praying Tangata Manu" is my favorite of the bunch, but I also really dig "the Greeting." They're all quite wonderful and now I'm even more anxious for my first visit to "the cave!"

Again, I sit in front of my computer, mouth hanging open, aghast at the genius.

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jpmartdog posted on 01/14/2007

Holy Shit! That is an amazing friday! You are truly an amazing artist. It reminds me of that scene in the feature movie about artist Jackson Pollock. his hours of creativity were magical, unrelenting and amazing. Seems like you and Pollock have some similar dynamic attributes. Would love to watch your creative fury Ken! You are amazing! Kudos

Chongolio posted on 01/14/2007

Dang! I don't know what is more impressive the art created, the information you gather about your inspiration, or the time you spend creating it. The only time I can ever be that focused on one thing is when I am sleeping and even then I am dreaming in split screen. Very cool stuff Kinny, I dig the informative posts and knowledgies you drop. Always inspirational.


P.S All of a sudden I have hankerin' for eggs.

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Coconut Wired Podcast
Barefoot bloggin'

[ Edited by: Chongolio 2007-01-17 18:16 ]

Paipo posted on 01/14/2007

Yeah, set up a video cam, film one of these 16 hour jags and then compress it into a 5 minute avi file!
Thanks for these new guys - they will be of some use for an upcoming project I have in mind :wink: Very graceful and sinuous, unlike the originals which are a bit hobbit like for my tastes...

v TC Thread v
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[ Edited by: Paipo 2007-01-13 19:09 ]

little lost tiki posted on 01/14/2007

hey Gang!
Wow! Are you guys ever on it! Don't you all have things to do besides stalk around TC?Why ain't y'all out making art? Leadership by example-that's my motto!
Hello fellow artist!
Mahalos! Not sure if I could help you much with the dremel,being an amateur and all...Most of it is just getting use to the way it reacts to the surface-I'm a better scribbler than painter,so this just kinda fit right in! I get my inspiration from books, the world,looking at examples about the subject, then just doing studies and lettin' em go where they may! With the background reading, one knows where the subject has been,and with the outside-thinking artistic tendencies,the rest just flows! Not enough artists read and ,being ambassadors of our culture for this time-period, it's much better to have a feel about many subjects! It can only help the art! (plus gives ya something to do while on the potty :)) )PM and we can chat about dremel stuff!
Yup! all day Friday was a blur! It's almost like someone else is "driving".You must feel that way when you're singing.it's an ultra lucid state-when it comes to the work and the ideas,and you can block out the outside influences if they distract.I'm with you on the "Tangata Manu" as the favorite! i quite like "the Greeting" because of 1) the emotion it conveys,that apprehension right before physical and mental contact. I made them genderless just so it's all about 2 beings making contact,sharing an interaction. In tribal cultures, simple gestures and actions all have special meaning,almost instinctual, but also formed by their culture and history. when you do a theme with a more universal understanding, the simplicity of it can remain static or grow with many different levels of understanding and meaning! Whew! Dat was a mouthful! sometimes, I just get so excited to share the magic and also learn that we all, to some degree possess this weird spiritual condition! Can't wait to have you visit the Cave someday! Seeing all the other work and all the other subjects tackled helps people understand how much I'm wired for this and not very good at much else! :)
Thanks again for being amazed!
Dynamic attributes? wow! That's a mouthful! I think I got the long-hours focus from the Marines years back! Pollock and I differ in that he used alcohol to create...that's for writers! Coffee sure helps! A joint once in a while never hurt either! :lol: Thank you for the stoke!
Eggs! Glad I can inspire you as much as you inspire me! A big cheer for us Poor, Sad, World Famous Local Artists! HipHip Hooray!
Glad you like these! I'm posting some of the other sketches below to inspire you! I'm with you on that squatty hobbit vibe of the rock carvings! They do look cool where they're carved all over a bunch of rocks,tho! And I admire the effort and movement the originals exude,but a sketchbook is a lot easier! I'm very curious about your upcoming project..... :)
well, here's the other sketchbook entries, so nobody can say I was fabricating....
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Very Sinuous indeed! basically, just a felt tip marker or sweeping brushstrokes to get the pose, then you nail it down with the blackline!
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I'd like to do some more paintings with these...
Oh! as an afterthought,here's a page of these Birdmen culled from a few of the sketchbooks from the past few years...This is also a page from my "about 500 Tikis" collection of sketchbooks! I still have a few of those and the coloring books left. They'll sure to be worth a little more after my tragic death!
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Tell me your favorites and I'll churn 'em out as paintings on some future date!
Mahalos to y'all!

visit http://www.kenruzic.com if you haven't yet! Now!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2007-01-14 19:08 ]

hewey posted on 01/14/2007

These look great man! Look like you had a rum infused session yourself! :)

Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/14/2007

LLT,~you are sooooo darned productive! You are a freaking fountain of fabulous art! Thank god too cause I can always copy ...er...get inspired by your million plus tiki designs! The Bird Men are very cool! You exploring the bird-man cult from Easter Island? Have a great painting Sunday! aloha!

RevBambooBen posted on 01/15/2007

Hey LLT,

When you gonna take your dremel and ruin that surfboard you just did??

Ever hear of an artist in HB named Mike Roberts??

He, you, you he, could go freakin nutzo on da foams!!

little lost tiki posted on 01/16/2007

Hello Hewey!
No Rum-infusion! lots of coffee,the quiet of the studio,a lil' reading, some lunch, a nap, and a couple tokes was it! Booze is for Mug Collectors and writers,not creating Visual Arts!
We have a mutual inspiration pact, I'm just keeping my side of the bargain!
:) Yes, I have been on an Easter Island jag for the past week in a Hardcore fashion! These sketches will do quite well when I start on another 5 footer! So when you gonna start on the bubbles in that Sunken Tiki painting? Bubbles are the funnest part of underwater scenes because you can visually record the movement of a few seconds back! Lovin' the one you're working on and can't wait to see the next ones! You really need to bust out a 6 footer, just to get it out of the way!
No Way am I gonna chip into the surfborg! Chongolio gave me a beauty of a board when he visited! that's the one I'm gonna tackle! Dave said it is a big MESS, so I'll just bring it over to your workspace to work on it! he also said that the foam sticks to your skin! (and probably lungs!)
Never heard of Mike Roberts-introduce us!
I showed at Brophy's Sea Monster Ball with a great talented guy Phil Roberts...
could he be the one you're talkin about?
Anyways, thanks for lookin! Here's what I worked on yesterday in the garage/home studio...
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Very chilly yesterday, so I just went semi-deep with the grooves and stained it up for painting later!Here's the sketchbook entry...
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and here's a detail....
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It also looks cool upside down too!
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i like this one because,even tho it's just one of those cheesey decorative paddles
you hang in your Swedish kitchen, the shape translated perfectly into the image
I wanted to portray!Yay! Yippee! Gotta go!

teaKEY posted on 01/17/2007

L.L.T., You know I love those new Birdman painting you did. Hopefully one day I will be able to get my hands on one, but knowing how much they will be loved , it will be hard.
But those painting, they give me an idea

little lost tiki posted on 01/17/2007

I'm often scared of your ideas,demented TeaKey, but if whatever it is turns out as beautiful as that Doug Horne Monkey, then all should be well!
Hey I just posted the true colored glaze medallions for the mugs at


Go check 'em out if you haven't seen 'em! Thank you kindly!

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Tamapoutini posted on 01/17/2007

On 2007-01-14 10:10, little lost tiki wrote:

Tell me your favorites and I'll churn 'em out as paintings on some future date!

Kia ora Kinny.

*Sure, Ill take the opportunity to punch in some co-ordinates for ya... Im really glad your head is on E.Island at the moment; such an interesting place & unique arts.

My picks from your workbook pages are both from the last page you show: I like the 'huddle' of Birdmen (Manutara?) & the 'Man-Bird'? (with the head of Moai Kava-kava). The bird-headed men & the man-headed bird are such different creatures but somehow of the same family - weird. A bit like the Sneetches..? :lol:
Your birdmen also have an angelic feel. I know we're not supposed to discuss anything too deep but Ive noticed you arent afraid of religious imagery. They definately appear to be in 'veneration'...

Im sure the surfboard will be a show stopper when exhibited. Be sure to let us know if/when it happens.

Love your stuff. Tama :)

teaKEY posted on 01/18/2007

I would have to say with the birdmen, or should I say birdwomen, that your style got really sharp. The ones at the bottom were your first and you tried many different ways to show them. These one look more like the bird men and some like the bird men's birds. And now on your later bird, the ones near the top, you like that style a lot. You struck with the style and you can see bits of it in the other birds, but not fully. Evaluation

It would seem like the newest birds are female birds. Small hands , small feet and slender arms and legs. I too think that these birds are very nice, your best. Why, cause they portray love and grace, and comfort. It like heighten tiki and heighten human qualities. And the strange thing is, is that a real "birdman" in the past could have only been male. And they embodies all the male traits that are 180 degree from these slender new birds.

I really like the last bird paintings but your next step, the next level would be doing a large painting like the "pineapple king" with the birdmen, make-e-make-e and the ruins of fallen Moai.

I got my eye of you, are you even lost anymore?

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Swamp Fire posted on 01/18/2007

Love those drawings Ken.
Slow down man, your like a factory.
Maybe I should just get off my ass.

little lost tiki posted on 01/23/2007

Hello TC and welcome to my 500th post! Wow! Do I ever feel like a loser...
When I think of all the time I could have been painting instead of posting.....
Anyways,we've got a lot of art to see from this last week so my replies may be a bit brief,but we can elaborate upon them later!
Definitely doing the "huddle" in my big future Orongo Village painting! You'll see some more figure studies in a minute! The man-headed bird stuff is rarer,but they do kinda fit! Maybe I'll put Stars upon Thars! The angelic feeling could be attributed to the sweeping flying strokes I use when laying out the initial pose....or not! I'll certainly give you a shout when the next show is! It would be great to see you there!
Very observant Einstein! Sometimes I'll try a study,then drop it for a few...Usually,after re approaching the theme,stuff you've picked up on your journey spills out and gets it exactly how ya want it! That's how this series happened at least.....The bird men women people all have the same slender delicate features to kinda make them lighter,give them some gracefulness,and such. Even tho they may look delicate, they can still rip open a forty with their beaks! As for the real birdmen being only male....then where do little birdmen come from? A factory? :lol:
Anyways, thanks for the observations,tho, I'm still lost! I kinda like it that way!
Hey Doug!
Maybe you should get off your ass! :) Actually, if i can inspire great artists like yourself to create more and push yourselves to the limit,even if it's thru guilt, then my work is done!
Now it's onto the art!
First off, the finished Dremelled Paddle-no name yet!....
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Next, the finished painting "The Greeting"
I added some RongoRongo glyphs to give it a flat stage-like feel!
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More studies for the big Orongo Village piece...
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and a fun old volcano one just for giggles!
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And...besides finishing Dave's birthday present(I'll post after I give it to him)
and painting up Biffachu's HUHU mug(for spot/sep services for the medallions)
I also got some work done on the "Revelation 6:13 with Moai" piece!
Just clouds,but check 'em out! OOOOOOH! TUMULTUOUS!
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and some details....
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Weeeeeeeeeell,it's 12:06 and I got woiks tomorrow! Thanks for sharing my 500th post with me!
I'll go off like this around the 1000th post too! If I don't croak of exhaustion!
Good Night dear Friends!Yawn!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2007-01-23 08:42 ]

JenTiki posted on 01/23/2007

Well Ken, it looks like your 500th post is one of your best yet! I loved "the greeting" before, but now! The gold touches make it absolutely wonderful! I'm blown away by the simplicity and grace of the studies, especially since I now know how quickly you do them! As for the clouds...tumultuous indeed! Not a storm I'd want to be caught in! And the volcano does look like it was a lot of fun!

Congratulations on your 500th post! I, for one, am glad you didn't waste it on one of those other threads :wink:

P.S. - nice fruit basket :wink:

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Benzart posted on 01/23/2007

WOW, Ken, I am Really Stunned!. I have a Sore ass from Kicking myself in it for the last 30 minutes while going thru your thread! I don't spend NEAR Enough time in This side of Creating(Dammit, there goes that foot again@#^%$&%$@() and really mad I have missed so much of your works. Your birdmen.women.children, are really blowing my away and the "Ancient One" is Really great! The Ancient ones visit me all the time and I've NEVER Seen what they look like and Now I have an Image, I LOVE it.
Since I have been on a Moai jag here recently, (same as everyone else) (the work of the Ancients I suppose??)your images seem very important for me. Look for similar beings on future carvings of mine IF You don't mind!
(There goes that foot again!!)
Thanks for sharing your heart and soul with us here on TC!

hewey posted on 01/25/2007

The greating looks tops man!

500 posts - enjoyed em all

teaKEY posted on 01/25/2007

Ken, no need to respone yet, enjoy that 500 but am I seeing new Birdmen added to your last post. Cool, looks like you could just keep going and going with them.

The clouds in the Moai painting are the best. Tons of work there.

little lost tiki posted on 01/31/2007

Aloha Crew!
Well, after seeing Brad's painting I've decided to abandon art! Just kidding! If you haven't checked it out yet-GO NOW TO THE TIKI SHARK POST! It's out of control! Even without the bubbles....Actually.gives me a point to strive for! Anyways, not much done on the REV6:13 Moai piece.In fact, a lot of the day on Friday was getting rid of about 2/3 of the clouds in the sky-too cluttered! Also, I had to finish Biff's custom mug!
I'll post the absolutely finished pix later this week!
But I have a few goodies to share,all sketchbook entries of what I started last night...
an Orongo village! But first let's chat!
Hello Sweetie!
I'm glad you like "the Greeting"! Mahalos! That gold and the Ronrorongo glyphs really threw it into the limited depth I needed for it ,and the gold just makes it Zing! Can't wait for you to see the revised clouds-more effective and foreboding without the clutter! I dig the fruit basket too!
Hello Benz!
Thank you!
Always an honor when come to visit! I have the same problem as you! I'd like to spend more time in carving! So much great work,as I'm sure you'll agree! Don't kick yourself! We need you in one piece!Glad you like the Birdmen, and the Ancient One is a personal fave of mine! That painting sold 10 minutes before my one-man show opened! BAM! Love it when a patron sees and wants! I love the Orongo you got going up Mr. Octopus pendant man's back! I can't wait to see more of what your brilliance will bring to life!
I guess "the Greeting" is a hit! Thanks for being such a great chap since my very first posts here!
Hey buddy! All this talk of you being inspired...give it up man! Let's see some more of your crazy handiwork! Sorry about knocking out those clouds you love! Maybe I'll make a clouds only painting someday for ya!
Here's a curious birdman Jade pendant I found from Costa Rica about 1000 years old... Memories of Lemuria? Mu? Were these cultures trading and interacting? Hmmmm...
How much of our history do we really know?
Well, here's the study of it...
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here's something Paipo sent me! Please excuse his peeper! It's art,man!
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and now onto the piece started last night...
I wanted to do an Orongo Village,so first I tried a landscape only....
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Being too overwhelming, I decided to push down the landscape and concentrate on the Birdmen and their activities....
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I'll post pix of the actual started painting after a Friday session! Gotta fly! Work is calling!

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Clarita posted on 01/31/2007

Aloha there LLT! I can see you never stop creating! The Orongo village and the bird man seems like great pieces, congrats! sorry for not being around lately...
Best wishes!

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Benzart posted on 01/31/2007

Man, Where IS this Village,, I Gotta Go there. Cool.

hewey posted on 02/01/2007

Birdman cool :)

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