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Tiki Central / Other Events

mondo lounge atomic frolic - las vegas, nv january 26-28, 2007 - call for participation

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Krustiki posted on 01/31/2007

Miss Mondo Atomic 2007!

Miss Minna

Daves Not Home posted on 01/31/2007

My vote was for Ivy

birdgirl posted on 02/01/2007

The Atomic Frolic was an excellent time - and we got to meet some west coast tikis and retros. This event was of course more retro than tiki, but the tikis were well represented. The venue, the music, the vending and the burlesque were all just fantastic. Project:Pimento in particular had a great sound - we never saw someone play the theremin before - very weird and very cool. It was also cool to meet up with some east coasters - including Steve and Nell from Otto's Shrunken Head here in NYC. Shag was also there on Sunday for the preview of a documentary made about him and he stuck around to talk and autograph anything as long as people wanted. Just a great great time all around. Nicole and Joe

Here is a link to some photos:


And here is a sample:

[ Edited by: birdgirl 2007-02-01 04:28 ]

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