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Hated It !!!

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What are some things that actually make you go bonkers, red-in-the-face, mad-as-a-dog....or just get plain peeved?

I have a lead foot and love to drive fast. I get irritated when people cut you off to get in the fast lane and then drive slow. Heeeelllllooooo, I'm driving here!!!


I have a lead foot and love to drive fast. I get irritated when people cut you off to get in the fast lane and then drive slow. Heeeelllllooooo, I'm driving here!!!

Well okay, my pet peeve besides agreeing totally with Vampiressrn on the whole get outta my way thing...

Tomato's hate em... & no matter how careful I am they end up on stuff where they don't belong. Case in point, I ordered a chicken salad with walnuts and cranberry sauce roll up. Didn't think to ask for no tomato because who would put tomato with cranberry sauce. And there they were all orange and slimy and seedy... Tomato's hate them!!!



Lettuce. I hate it more than anything. Cabbage is fine, Spinach is wonderful...but for whatever reason, Lettuce makes me want to hurl. I hate that crisp pop and the feeling of a million chloroplasts falling onto your tongue. Lettuce...my one true hatred.


I think I could loose weight if I went on the ALL-HOMINY-ALL-BANANA-ALL-BEETS diet.....bleeeeeech!!!!

hewey posted on Sat, Jan 27, 2007 7:58 PM

Stepping stones - always laid out for midgets or giants! Im neither.

Bette Midler - just have never dug her - nothing about her. Actually go out of my way to not watch a movie, if she is in it. Her recent Christmas album, this past season just added a little wood for the fire.......

People not knowing the difference between Barbecuing and Grilling. I know it sounds silly but it's always some blowhard touting his skills who spouts off the wrong terminology. Pet peeve I guess. That and people leaving the refrigerator door open too long.
Man, I'm uptight.

OK...I know someone is going to get mad at me for this...but what the heck...

I get very annoyed when parents bring crying babies and/or loud unruly children to fine restaurants. I spend hard-earned money to have a quality meal and a few drinks in the ambience of a nice place where I can talk with friends or family and NOT listen to screaming kids. If you do this, I do not mean to offend you, but would highly suggest a baby-sitter....you will probably enjoy your dinner more too. :)

  1. Being cut off by someone who is on the CELL PHONE!

  2. Loud people yakking on their Bluetooth who think their business is worthy of 95 decibels no matter where they are or who they are near.

  3. Ignorance


I could do an entire TV special out of the things that bug me, but since I don't have that in the budget I'll just say off the top of my head: Watching little kids that misbehave and their clueless parents who are either too stupid or too afraid to do anything to stop them...drives me totally nuts. Got news for you clueless moms and dads, today's cute little misbehaving brats are tomorrow's headline grabbing out of control teens. If they don't understand that their actions have consequences while they're children, they never will..until they're in jail at 17 with no possiblity of parole. See you in juvee, suckers!!!

Also for some reason when people get on the subway here in New York they do it reeeeal sloooooowwww. When the doors open that means 'get on', not 'let me look and see if the coast is clear and carefully select my seat in the first class section'. It becomes a real handicap when you're standing behind mister or miss slow-poke and they're about to shut the doors.

There, now I feel better.

[ Edited by: donhonyc 2007-01-29 17:42 ]


What I hate is when a couple of breeders and their little offspring (or anyone, actually :wink:) stand in front of you in line at the movie theater concession stand for like 5 minutes shoving each other or talking into their cell phones and stuff...and then when they finally get to the front of the line and it's time for them to order...only then do they look up at the menu board and start to decide and debate what their order will be!

For Christ sakes people! Decide what you want while you're standing in line, so you're not wasting everyone's time while you "Should we get a Medium or Large?" when you're up at the plate. Ugh.

There. I feel better now. Thanks. :)

I hate high-priced bad cocktails!!! Now I have never hd the perfect Mai Tai only becuase I haven't been to the right bar, but it does peeve me to pay 8 bucks for a fancy-schmancy cocktail and it barely has any booze in it.....and come on......just automatically give me a coaster or cocktail napkin....don't make me ask!!!

There....now I feel better too. :drink:

Cammo posted on Mon, Jan 29, 2007 7:46 PM

People who stand in doorways.

You see it all the time, they've got the whole friggin building to stand in, but there they are standing in the main entry so nobody can get in or out without invading their space. Some people enter a room, then stop six inches in, and just stand there even if they know there's a whole crowd coming behind them. Goes the same with elevators or escalators, they get off then stop. What the...?

Git atta da WAY!

Oh, well, that's easy. People at the store, you know, when yer shopping and such, those people who block the aisle with their shopping cart and kind of stand somewhere nearby, oblivious that they are, you know, preventing anyone from getting past.

Also really obnoxious people who like to "have their way" with things in a store, you know, like, they'll grab a basketball from the basketball bin and proceed to walk around the store bouncing the ball loudly, probably without any intent of purchasing the damn thing. Makes me mad!

Idiots who visit and think nothing of using your larger tikis as hat racks, coat racks, or as some sort of comic prop.

[ Edited by: naugatiki 2007-01-30 15:27 ]

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Anne Geddes. Ugggh. Babies dressed up as heads of lettuce or whatever. That should give the lettuce haters (sorry tektoteko) something to have nightmares about.
I also hate limp vegetables. Spinach is good, but steamed spinach that looks it could use some viagra? Ugggh. Take it away!!!
And TV commercials that think they're funny but they're not. Like that V8 commercial where the waiter smacks the guy on the forehead for not eating his vegetables. I just wanna reach in the TV and rip that guy's throat out. Maybe the non-vegetable eater guy is allergic, or gets bad gas, or doesn't want his pee to smell like asparagus. Whatever. I don't think it's funny, and when I have to see it several times, it becomes anti-funny. There's a whole bunch more of those, but I won't go on.

So anyway,
If you want a good cocktail, I actually had a surprisingly good Mai Tai at Stinger Ray's in the Honolulu Airport. Of all places. When in Honolulu though, the House without a Key at the Halekulani hotel is the best bar you could spend your money at. It's pricey, but it's pricey everywhere. At least at HWAK it's a good drink too.


On 2007-01-30 10:48, TikiJosh wrote:
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Anne Geddes. Ugggh. Babies dressed up as heads of lettuce or whatever.

Generally speaking babies are over rated. Sorry all you baby lovers but not ALL babies are cute. Ever see one of those wierd lookin babies with people going ga-ga (no pun intended) all over them? Their moms and dads think they're so precious and put like silly lookin hats and clothes on them. WIIEEERRRRRDDDD!!!! The kid looks like Frankenstein, Jr. and everybody's like "look at that cute little baby...boo-boo, bee-bee, ba-ba". Gross!!!!

[ Edited by: donhonyc 2007-01-30 14:56 ]


On 2007-01-29 17:34, donhonyc wrote:

I could do an entire TV special out of the things that bug me

Now, that's a special I would watch:

Ladies & Gentlemen!

The Everything Is Shit Variety Cavalcade!

With your host:

Mr. donhonyc!

donhonyc, seriously, I like you, and I like your posts- but have you noticed you've become the resident crank around here? All new music is shit, all TV is shit, all people are shit....

Please don't get me wrong- I'm really not giving you a hard time- I just think it's funny. I hope you think it's funny too. I mean, you gotta laugh.

I recommend a trip back through donhonyc's posts for all the budding young misanthropes out there...


Oh man! That IS funny. Goddam! At least he has a nice ascot on.


This thread reminds me of a joke ... which I will now present.


A sale representative stops at a small manufacturing plant in the Midwest. He presents a box of cigars to the manager as a gift.

"No, thanks," says the plant manager. "I tried smoking a cigar once and I didn't like it."

The sales rep shows his display case and then, hoping to clinch a sale, offers to take the manager out for martinis. "No, thanks," the plant manager replies. "I tried alcohol once, but didn't like it."

Then the salesman glances out the officer window and sees a golf course. "I suppose you play golf," says the salesman. "I'd like to invite you to be a guest at my club."

"No, thanks," the manager says. "I played golf once, but I didn't like it."

Just then a young man enters the office. "Let me introduce my son, Bill," says the plant manager.

"Let me guess," the salesman replies. "An only child?"

Great posts everyone!!! I am loving the misery you all share....loved the baby in lettuce hats....I mean really that is sooooo not cute.

OK....some more road rage from me. It is NOT safe, wise, or realistic to let huge buses cut across 5 lanes of traffic to drive in the commuter lane for 2 miles and then cut back across 5 lanes of traffic to turn off the freeway. I HATE COMMUTER LANES...get rid of them...let everyone drive in all the lanes and let's encourage the large cumbersome (will never be able to stop on a dime) buses, truck, RVs drive in the slower right lanes.

AND.....Mr. Highway Patrolman....stop wasting my tax dollars by posing on the freeway with radar guns trying to catch me speeding!! Please, instead ticket that bus driver that almost killed us all.

(Thanks for the Mai Tai airport suggestion. I also read that thread with the Door with no Key and it sounded fantastic!!!)

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