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Silly Oregon Liquor Laws

Pages: 1 9 replies

Robertiki posted on 02/09/2007

All alcohol serving establishments are required to post a anti-drinking notice for pregnant women. Stupid, since you as a server are also required by law to serve pregnant women or it is discrimination.

I had my graphic artist friend come up with this:


bigbrotiki posted on 02/09/2007

Very funny! :D
...but does that mean that WINE changes into a MARTINI once it reaches the baby? :wink:

Reminds me of this great sign, photographed by Zulu Magoo at some Hawaiian resort:

TikiTrevor posted on 02/09/2007

that's hilarious. Are you going to post that in Thatch?

Robertiki posted on 02/09/2007

yup, posted.

I'm not much of a t-shirt guy, so if I must, might put this image on the back.

Jungle Trader posted on 02/09/2007

HAHAHAHAHA! Brilliant!

VampiressRN posted on 02/10/2007

OMG....I am crying....that is hysterical!!! GREAT JOB!!! I am going to hang that in my lounge. :D

thehipster posted on 02/10/2007

Too funny....I am actually laughing out loud! :)

QueenAlani posted on 02/15/2007

I actually noticed it behind the bar when my husband and I visited Thatch for the first time last week. I thought it was hysterical.

T-shirts, cool... but my burning question is, are you ever going to be offering any tiki mugs for sale? It's a burning question, burning me like hot lava...ouch.

Robertiki posted on 02/15/2007

Mugs, yes.

In order:
Top dollar ventilation system, although last night not a single tear from any customers.

Sound system to better hear Arthur and Martin

Point of Sale system, we are tripping over ourselves keeping track of drinks

Better signage, although I love the fact that anyone who goes there really had to look hard for the place, like they had to earn the right to come in.

Better menu, working with local tiki guys on this one.

Then, mugs!!

QueenAlani posted on 02/15/2007

Oh YEAH!!!

We love you, Robert...

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