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WAITIKI records again! It's official.

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Okonkuluku fans!

WAITIKI is recording it's second album next week ! In honor of that , we'd like everybody to mix their finest grog in their finest Approved Containers (oogamooga if ya aint got one) and bwana a toast to us. Your okonkulukulian blessings will go far in creating fine new exotica sounds!


Woo hoo! Still waiting for the "Live from the Lono Lounge" album but this one will keep me busy 'til then.


I was planning on mixing up a DTB Zombie tonight and now I have a reason. Best of luck in the studio!

Seeing as how I'm home sick right now, I'll mix up my next batch of TheraFlu in my Mai Kai rum barrel and toast my favorite husbands in Okonkulu in honor of your newest musical offspring.



can't wait for a new album. I'll mix a few drinks in your honor...


Any Denny, Lyman or Baxter covers?

Cheers and Mahalo,

Yeah, cmon... give us some hints -
Looking forward to it......VERY MUCH!

YES ... two Martin Denny covers, one Arthur Lyman cover. One ethnographic song about Sumotori (their eating habits and sexual preferences), sung partially with solmization dating back to 11th century French monks; a nice lilt'n tune about pineapples and plamingos; various appearances by WAITIKI's own violinyitarist Mistress Helenini; and a number of other surprises you'll have to wait and hear!!!

On 2007-02-11 05:29, professahhummingflowah wrote:
YES ... two Martin Denny covers, one Arthur Lyman cover.

I don't think either of the Denny covers have been done by other artists, yet. (i.e., we didn't cover "Quiet Village" ... oh wait, maybe we did ... I seem to remember playing the bass line).

One of the Denny covers was written originally by Si Zentner, I think. And the other Denny cover is one of his more random tunes (i.e., not a chachacha), but classic exotica nonetheless! We've been playing both since Waitiki first started, so chances are, if you've seen us live, you've heard one or both.

The Lyman cover ... we have an original Prof Humming Flowah tune that segues into it.

OK, that's enough hints for now... anyone who wants to guess what tunes these are, holla back.


If you are talking about the Martin Denny/Si Zentner collaboration album called "Exotica Suite" all the songs were actually written by Les Baxter. It wouldn't be the track "Tiki" would it? That's a good one. Actually the whole album is essential.

Here's a picture...................

Cheers and Mahalo,


it just may be....yo”


Also on this record are the debut composition from the Mayor himself, featuring a subject matter near and dear to us, and seen on the first record: " "

And, Mr. Ho (that's me!) has written 3 new tunes - a lymanesque one, plus two other wacky ones - reggaeton baby! Oh wait....and a cocktail medley song - a series of "drinking songs" okonkulukulian style. like your parents used to listen to!

ENjoy the disc...oh wait you can't yet.

mr. ho

You guys should take some pics "in the studio" - I know I'd love to see em


here's to waitiki!


Dinner! Grog! Approved Containers! Medford's finest:

PFH and The Mayor review my taiko drum take on Sumotori Sumopop:


...always "bookend" your work with appropriate tiki drinks.

mr. ho

Great pix...ha!!! Looking forward to the new one....sounds very exciting. :)

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