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Coconut Wired Underground testing to be held again on 10/14/07 for secret preview

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alohacurrent posted on 07/31/2006

Yep that worked. Mahalo Chongolio! The podcasts are a big hit at my work and I play it loud. Everyone is groovin around here and gettin coconut wired-too funny. People are tellin me which songs they really dig. Some frontrunners are Pozar Vlak, Langhorns, Satan's Pilgrims, Deadbolt and Secret Samurai with a lot of strong feeling also for KELP, Surf Report and Aquamarines. Keep up the great work. Waiting with great anticipation for the next transmission from Los Isle Control. Aloha

bigtikidude posted on 07/31/2006

wow!! look at Chongolio spreading the surf love.
Since I can't get this fro some reason( my computer sucks)
I just assumed he was playing a small bit of surf, and mostly exotic or Hawiian type stuff. My Bad.

Hey Randy can you post a set list everytime you put up a new podcast? So I can pretend I'm listening.

thanks and, Rapa Nui, Man

alohacurrent posted on 08/01/2006

the song lists are already posted at coconutwired.com
check it out

bigtikidude posted on 08/01/2006

duh my bad, after It didn't play for me, I just exited the site.
But would be cool to see it here.
Many of the surf radio shows post their set lists on the
surf music forums, as well as there web sites.


Unga Bunga posted on 08/23/2006

I love these Podcasts.
Thanks Chongolio!

Chongolio posted on 09/09/2006

Come and get it! Episode #7 is up and floating on the Ether. This episode is featuring the jaw dropppin' and eye poppin' art of Doug "Swampfire" Horne. We took the summer off for some much needed R&R, but we are back and bringin' you ear candy from The Glasgow Tiki Shaker, The Thunderchiefs, The Mercury Four, The Infrared, The Volcanos, and Buck James & the Bullwhips. Blink on over to Coconutwired.com and see whats been going on over the summer. Simply click the "pod" icon left of the title and you should be able to check it out if you have a recent version of Quicktime. iTune users CLICK HERE. Or better yet subscribe, it's free!

We are always looking to feature new artist and music. If you are or know somebody who is creating artwork or music inspired by the tropical surf, exotic cocktails and magical lush jungles and who would like to be a part of Coconut Wired, Zap us a message![

alohacurrent posted on 09/10/2006

another great batch of songs Chongolio. I like how you showcase visual artists at the end of the podcast along to the last song played-kinda like saving the best for last. Cheers!

Chongolio posted on 09/12/2006

Glad you are diggin' the tunage Alohacurrrent. So much great music out there it is always tough trying to narrow it down to a handfull. Of course the show would be nothin without all the support from the bands,artists and listeners. Thanks for keepin' you ears on during the summer lull.


Chongolio posted on 10/16/2006

Yup, we are at it again and this time dodgin' a bullet fired by the Men In Grey. Pop on over to Coconutwired.com and get and eyeful of Heather Watt's mesmerizing creations as well as an earful of tunes by Showman and the Thunderous Staccatos, Tikiyaki Orchestra, The Invisible Surfers, Kahuna Kawentzmann, The Concaves and Steven Strauss.


Coconut Wired Podcast
Barefoot bloggin'

alohacurrent posted on 10/18/2006

Aloha Chongolio

Not to worry. The squares don't much care for temples especially ancient ones. The mana contained in the roots of the temple melts the bones of the black hearted including the M.I.G., but brings no harm to the tiki ohana nui who have hau 'oli in their hearts.

pablus posted on 10/19/2006

Steven Strauss is one of my all-time favorites.
His work is beautiful and he's a great guy.

One of my goals for the last 3 years has been to videotape him playing his ukebox and singing and teaching his particulary odd style of tuning his uke for his pieces.

Chongolio posted on 10/22/2006

Alohacurrent- You know the many ugly truths about the black hearted devils of the MIG. You are a valuable allies in the fight against the MIGs evil goal of global musical monotony. Hardy mahaloz for listening and fighting the oppression. Captain Karachi salutes you!

Pablus- Glad you liked that number by Steven. You are right, He is great guy and a fantastic musician. I have seen him play several times on various instruments and he amazes me with his versatility and mastery of each one. I am honored that he sent me one of his tunes to play. The rumor is he is working on a CD! Here are a few links to some Stevens Blogs:

Ukebox News
Steven's Schedule

Thanks again to all who tuned in, sent their messages and supported the artists and bands.



Coconut Wired Podcast
Barefoot bloggin'

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/04/2006

Okay. All right. I'm scared. Of course, I'm also very gullible. Now, are there REALLY MIGs threatening my precious POD casts of Coconut wired? Or is this like that Orson Wells Halloween Martian thing? Should I be worried? Do I need to take up my shark tooth war club and fight for coconut wired or what? Coconut wired is what I paint to! I can't make the mystic tiki art with out the island-tiki-surf music! So, I'm hanging on the edge of suspense, waiting to hear the next podcast, hopefully coming from the mystic temple up on top of the island.

P.S. Watch out for pterodactyls!

Your fan Tiki Shark~

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/14/2006

Okay, It's just about time for a new pod cast, right? Chongolio, come in Chongolio... do you read me...

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/15/2006

"...China Clipper calling Chongolio...China Clipper calling Chongolio..."*

Chongolio posted on 11/20/2006

The MIG are closing in so we are throwin' some dub voodoo into the signal in hopes of throwing the hunters off our trail. Dangerous yes, but necessary! Things may get a little weird but hang in there because this episode is still loaded with flavor. Dig the crazy cool art of Tiki Tony and the titillating tunes of Surfpatrouille, DJ Healer Selecta, The Burnin' Sands, Creepy Creeps, The Von Hodads and Chum!
Also, we are also offerin' for the first time...
The Coconut Wired Character Coffee Mug

This multiple use coffee mug that has a pic of Monkeypod, Moki and even the lil Coconesian. I am not on it because I was busy puttin' the art together. But you may find is a note from me near the handle. These babies can be yours for a small donation of $13.99. Right now Cafepress is offering free shippin' between Nov 16, 2006 and Dec, 20 2006 on orders over $50.00. So get all your holiday gifts bought in one place, save some dough and maybe even find a place to keep your extra nuts and bolts.

So come tune in and bug out at Coconut Wired.com
ATTENTION BANDS AND ARTIST!! We are always looking to feature new artist and music. If you are or know somebody who is creating artwork or music inspired by the tropical surf, exotic cocktails and magical lush jungles and who would like to be a part of Coconut Wired Zap us a message!

Coconut Wired Podcast
Barefoot bloggin'

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/22/2006


Whoah, Dude. that episode IS trippy! I had to give it a few listens, just to get the tiki-a-dellic vibe down. Very Fun!
What's sorta funny is that I often paint while listen to back episodes of Coconut wired. The last night before my show I was hoping to get the new pod cast, but it wasn't up yet. THEN, the night AFTER my show - when I was no longer painting, but actually packing up my art studio for the big move, THEN the new episode comes on!
"Now, that's what ya' call ironic."
Hey, I'm not complaining, I'm only marveling at the sense of humor of the universe.

Sooooo, I think I'm up fer the next position as featured artist, no?

Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/12/2006

So I'm not on the web yet here on the island. Service is spotty and I can't down load CCW episodes! The net company said they'd fix it next week. but then, the other morning I spotted THIS off the coast...

a MIG destroyer - no doubt, hunting down and jamming happy tiki signals!
This morning he had cruised away, so I'm sure my net will be up soon...

little lost tiki posted on 12/12/2006

Down with MIGS!
Up with Chongo's Rockin Podcasts!
Viva los Mugs!

You gotta make the trek down buddy!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/23/2006

Big Island control to Chongolio... Big Island control to Chongolio... do you read me...

little lost tiki posted on 01/03/2007

Had a Chongolio spotting last weekend on Friday and Saturday! Saturday morning he said that he had hacked out most of it and just needed to do 1 or 2 more things....I heard from Randy and you that TikiShark will be the featured artist!!!! Thank Goodness the MIGs retreated! Last I saw of Randy was at MUGOOMBA! This photo was taken right before he was chased out of town!

Oh No Chongo! :)

Chongolio posted on 01/03/2007


Unfortunately, our luck has gone from bad to worse!!! The Men In Grey Suits have landed on our island and are headin' our direction. We have got our camp broken down and are making a break for it but a tropical downpour has hastened our escape and made the mountain path very hazardous. But fret not, we still have the mystical creations from Brad "Tiki Shark" Parker to treat your eyes with and some awesome tunes comin' your way by the likes of Monsters From Mars, The Lava Rats, The Reverburritos, Longboard Ranch, The Takeoffs and a song from The Ghastly Ones off their new CD Target Draculon. You can buy Target Draculon at the iTunes store by clicking on this link

We are also still offerin' the The Coconut Wired Character Coffee Mug.

This multiple use coffee mug that has a pic of Monkeypod, Moki and even the lil Coconesian. Chongolio is not on it because he was busy puttin' the art together. but you might find is a note from him near the handle. These babies can be yours for a small donation of $13.99.

We are always looking to feature new artist and music. If you are or know somebody who is creating artwork or music inspired by the tropical surf, exotic cocktails and magical lush jungles and who would like to be a part of Coconut Wired. Zap us a message!

Hey Digg members! If your diggin' Coconut Wired do us a fine favor and give us a thumbs up by clicking on this Link

P.S Thanks for posting that sweet pic LLT. It really captures what a classy operation I am runnin' :D

Coconut Wired Podcast
Barefoot bloggin'

RevBambooBen posted on 01/03/2007

Did you really sleep in Mugoomba??

Chongolio posted on 01/03/2007

On 2007-01-02 20:17, RevBambooBen wrote:
Did you really sleep in Mugoomba??

What happens at Magoomba stays at Magoomba! (Except collectable mug shards.)

Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/04/2007


So I was painting tonight and was listening to the new pod cast. Wow, that is so freaking cool! Will our hero's escape the mysterious men in grey? What exactly do they want? Does it involve an anal probe? And just what is this sinister and creepy structure our hero's have taken refuge in? A missionary's abandoned, haunted, church perhaps? Or Doctor Tiki-stein's castle of 3-D vampire hula girls? We will have to wait till next episode...

Thanks so much for letting me be a part of your cast. You rock!

and just to get you into the "moving to the Islands" mode...

This was tonight's sunset. Later it rained, (just like in the podcast!)

Daves Not Home posted on 01/20/2007

On 2007-01-03 07:34, Chongolio wrote:

On 2007-01-02 20:17, RevBambooBen wrote:
Did you really sleep in Mugoomba??

What happens at Magoomba stays at Magoomba! (Except collectable mug shards.)

I prefer to call my shard a priceless belt buckle

Hiphipahula posted on 01/20/2007

On 2007-01-19 16:32, Daves Not Home wrote:

On 2007-01-03 07:34, Chongolio wrote:

On 2007-01-02 20:17, RevBambooBen wrote:
Did you really sleep in Mugoomba??

What happens at Magoomba stays at Magoomba! (Except collectable mug shards.)

I prefer to call my shard a priceless belt buckle

Dude that was a Cod piece, a large one! what happens at Mugoomba stays at Mugoomba... Charter Members Creed

Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/21/2007

Okay, So they found this unexplored structure that is maybe an abandoned suger cane mill, and the MIG s are closing in and so they break down into the basement, but the MIGs are following, and then they find the entrance into a Lava tube, but if they go the wrong way the tube will lead them to the heart of the volcanic island and a fiery death, but the other way will take them to the beach and the awaiting Leaky Teaky... ah right?

Chongolio posted on 01/22/2007

Yes friends another episode of Coconut Wired is ready for you and your loved ones. Our situation on the mysterious mountain has become dire and things are getting desparate for the C.W. Team. Episode #11 features the unbelievably cool and alluring carved jewelry from everybodys favorite New Zeland dwellin' artisan Paipo. Also featured is the ear-isitable music of Krontjong Devils, Daikaiju, Boss Martians, The Surfites, Meshugga Beach Party, and TC's pride and joy the Haole Kats. So get comfortable, kick your heels and let the adventure unfold. Also, If you were ever hemmin' and hawin' over pickin' up any Coconut Wired swag, now is the time to act. After January the shirts and mugs will no longer be availble.

Thanks for listenin' and you support.

On 2007-01-21 00:08, Tiki Shark Art wrote:
Okay, So they found this unexplored structure that is maybe an abandoned suger cane mill, and the MIG s are closing in and so they break down into the basement, but the MIGs are following, and then they find the entrance into a Lava tube, but if they go the wrong way the tube will lead them to the heart of the volcanic island and a fiery death, but the other way will take them to the beach and the awaiting Leaky Teaky... ah right?

No spoilers Brad!!! But it's a real good guess. Have you been talkin' to Monkeypod?

Coconut Wired Podcast
Barefoot bloggin'

[ Edited by: Chongolio 2007-01-22 08:12 ]

Surf tiki posted on 01/23/2007

Crack!!! Another pod cast hit out of the park. Keep your head low and your feet up, the MIGS are developing good eye sight to go with their sense of smell.

Gotta love my required doses of surf music!!

Surf tiki posted on 01/23/2007

Maybe the mysterious building will turn out to be an ancient surfboard shapers shack and you can escape the MIGS by riding a Papa Holua down the mountain.


Chongolio posted on 01/23/2007

Very Glad to here you are enjoyin'' the show Surf tiki! Those Hawaiian mountain boards may come in handy but that first drop would be a doozy!

For those of you who have been having trouble listening or seeing the art, I am now hooked up at Blubrry.com They have a player that requires no downloading and will play the tunes and the display the art. While you are there and if you like what you are hearin' click the "juice it " button or leave a comment. You may have to register but it's all FREE!! Click here to give it a try. Just click the listen button once and you should be dialed in. Be careful not to go click crazy, otherwise it will start playin' multiple streams.
Also, You Digg members! If you are diggin' Coconut Wired do us a fine favor and give us a Thumbs up on your favorite epsiodes

Daves Not Home posted on 01/23/2007

I'm on the edge of my seat and can't wait for the next episode! I hope all the trained monkeys got out of there before the bridge blew

Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/27/2007

Love them Haole Cats!

Those MIGS just don't quit!

Chongolio posted on 01/27/2007

Dave-Nothing funnier than a monkey holding a stick or dynmite hidden in a banana! To funny that is exactly how I picture the trained monkeies! Hi-larry-ass but deadly with skillz. Did you draw that? Can I use it on my blog?

Brad that ZIG (Zombie in Grey Suit) warrior is awesome. The MIG are some sick muthas using the dead to pursue their twisted and evil goals, Do you mind if I post that pic on the COCONUT WIRED blog?

Love your enthsianm and art brother,

Coconut Wired Podcast
Barefoot bloggin'

[ Edited by: Chongolio 2007-01-27 08:01 ]

Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/28/2007

Of course you can use the "Z.I.G." - figures some one as creative as you would come up with a cool name like dat!

Daves Not Home posted on 01/29/2007

unfortunately braddha chongliolioliooooo thats not my drawing.

i'm only good at breaking stuff, not creating it...haha

Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/31/2007

Hey Chongolio,
I found Captain Karachi's payroll!

Chongolio posted on 02/21/2007

The Men In Grey suits have tried to shut our signal down but the ever so clever Monkeypod was able to out think them and regain control over our podcast. They MIGs have threatened and vowed to infiltrate our barriers, shut us down and bring us up on charges of sedition. Our minutes are numbered, but we will continue to stand defiantly and keep crankin' out tunes until the end. Although our future is lookin' dark, we remain stoked that we are able to put these tunes into the ears of the Coconut Wired listeners. And even though we finally managed to get the sassy podacasters under control, at this stage it may be a moot point. Good thing we have the tasty artwork of Dawn "Sophista-tiki" Frasier to look at and the awesome tunes of El Capitan and the Skallywags, The Barbwires, The Surfonics, The Pyronauts and Waitiki to keep our minds off the impending doom we face. Special thanks to Tomputer for letting us use his song Flein 2 for the background music of the MIG segments.

We are always looking to feature new artist and music. If you are or know somebody who is creating artwork or music inspired by the tropical surf, exotic cocktails and magical lush jungles and who would like to be a part of Coconut Wired. Zap us a message!

Hey Digg members! If your diggin' Coconut Wired do us a fine favor and click the icon below and give us a thumbs up!

Can you belive I have been doing these for a year now!!! Thanks for listenin' and all the support! Couldn't of done it with out you all.


Tiki Chris posted on 02/21/2007

Hey Chongo,

These episodes are getting better and better. And, I love the way you're tying things into the story from old episodes. Awesome stuff! Keep it up.

alohacurrent posted on 02/21/2007

Another blazen batch of songs to incite our rebel ears and rankle the nerves of the MIG.

Keep geevin 'em the Coconut man!!

Happy anniversary and ALOHA

Surf tiki posted on 02/22/2007

Super stoked to find another installment of surf music in my iTunes this week. Man I wish we had some good surf bands around here. Do you have a listing of bands and where they are from? There seems to be a notable lack of them in the mid-Atlantic area.

Damned MIGs. Keep your eyes sharp and your feet up!!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 02/24/2007

Very exciting, and some very cool music! I always enjoy your music picks. I don't know how you do it every month, but your got some scorching hot, and never heard before on the air waves - at least as far as I heard - bands! Wow, every episode has sent me onto the web to order CDs from bands I never would have discovered otherwise - thanks Chongolio!

coconutwired - gateway to undiscovered juicy tunes and 'lava hot' bands!

Now, get those brave radio pirates out of danger! I can't take the suspense!


Chongolio posted on 02/24/2007

Hey thanks for the kind words.

Tiki Chris-I Appreciate the comment and glad to hear the efforts to keep it interesting are workin'

Alohacurrent- The Coconut Wired Crew will keep going as long as we can keep one step ahead of the MIG and you all keep tuning in.

Surftiki- Stoked your diggin' the tunes and show. I don't have a list of bands but If you buzz over to Surf Guitar 101 You will probably be able to get some more info about bands near you.

Tiki Shark- There is some great music out there and I am very fortunate to be able to bring this music to all of you. I am really glad to hear that my podcastin' efforts are workin' to promote some of these great bands. Your a hero for going out and buyin' CD and supportin their efforts. Please sure to let them no you heard them on Coconut Wired. And another thanx for the ZIG pic. I have gotten a few complements on it.

Keep tuning in everybody I have really learned a lot over the past year doing these things and have some neat ideas for the next year. That should hopefully keep you all entertained and the episodes coming in regularly.


Coconut Wired Podcast
Barefoot bloggin'

Daves Not Home posted on 03/09/2007

Another banana raising adventure! Wait, that doesn't sound right...anyway, I sure hope the MIG don't find that secret tunnel before the crew can get off the island safely!

Pssst, there's a rumor of an underground podcast network that has safe houses...

Good luck boys
Dave & Mrs. Daves Not Home

Daves Not Home posted on 03/30/2007

Le bump! Hopefully that kicks the podcaster into gear...We're dying to get the next adventure!!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 04/04/2007

So I was painting last night in my tiki hut, and I listened to ALL the coconut wired pod casts 1 though 12 in sequence! Cool adventure and great music! And I listened to them all with head phones on. I heard stuff in there I didn't hear before! I guess they are meant to be heard on the I pod! Anyways, Episode 2 used to be my very favorite. But now I think episode 10 is the best.
Top ten reasons Episode ten is the best.
10. Hey it starts out with the theme from Doctor Who!
9. First song is by Monsters From Mars, "Hedorah No Shukudai" - rocking surf music with "the Smog Monster"!
8. Second song is by The Lava Rats. More rocking Surf-a-billy. Nice!
7. It's the first episode where we hear the Pod-a-caster speak. (er, is that a good thing?)
6. One of the funniest jokes in coconutwired history tween chongolio and Monkey Pod. ..." I didn't get that technical part but..."
5. Those bitchen coconut wired collector cups!
4. Third song is by the Reverbarritos! Even more rocking good surf!
5. Lots of action and excitement in this episode! The MIG are hot on the trail of our heroes as they high tail it down a dangerous slippery mountain trail in a tropical rain storm. Yikes! Run monkey-boy run!
4. Forth song is CODE RED by Long Board Ranch - 007 themed surf music. Waay cool!
3. A scary adventure twist, as our heroes hide out in an old haunted structure (sugarcane factory I think). Very Scooby Doo!
2. Fifth song is NO CAN TELL by the TAKE OFFS - and it's one of the best songs ever played on coconut wired. Really good stuff!

  1. The last song played is by one of the best surf goth-a-billy bands in the eye-lands. The Ghastly Ones! They so rock in a weird unique way! The Munsters in Hawaii meet the Saucer Men! Dig it baby! Yeah! Oh Yeah! WEe-ooh! U-huh u-huh u-huh! Cool daddy-o!

All that and an old fashioned cliff hanger ending! So that's why episode #10 is the best coconut Wired episode ever.

(Oh yeah, and they feature that art by the Tiki Shark guy too.)

Tiki Shark

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2007-04-04 14:41 ]

Tiki Shark Art posted on 04/09/2007

Episode Ten is also the episode in which Chongolio swears on his podcast. At least I think he swears. Right after the Reverburritos, after spying the M.I.G.'s at the bottom of the pass he exclaims "Holy Shit!". Well maybe he says Holy Chimp! But does that make sense? Holy Chimp? How about Holy Shrimp? Naw.

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