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Trader Jack / Thee Islander Tiki Mug Set

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GO TIKI posted on 03/11/2007

Any Info:

tikigreg posted on 03/11/2007

Trader Jack was the Shonfeld of the 70s

sporkboyofjustice posted on 03/11/2007

That looks to be Westwood to me and I did a check on the mooga and found this: http://www.ooga-mooga.com/cgi-bin/all/pictures.cgi?mode=view&pic_id=399&mug_id=1198&ind_mug_id=
I hope that helps.

GO TIKI posted on 03/12/2007

Thanks For the Info: I figured these mugs where not from The Islander (Hence called Thee Islander), These Items where never removed from the origainal box, so I think I will build a shadow box and hang it as a wall art! I'll submit a picture when it's done Gogo

Tiki-Kate posted on 03/12/2007

That's an awesome find.

Are there any stickers or markings on the bottoms of the cups?

GO TIKI posted on 03/12/2007

I'm affraid to take them out of the orignal package, they are sort of set into the napkins, I think I'll just leave well alone! but I agree with "sporkboyofjustice post" they are westwood. I found a cool shadow box on e-bay so the whole set will slid right in and be hanging on the wall soon :) behind glass and enclosed in a nice wood box, I'll take a picture and post when done! Thanks for the info: sporkboyofjustice, FYI: I'll be posting my next new tiki mug on (creating tiki) soon, It's turning out awesome, will have it on e-bay at the end of the month, Aloha! Gogo (Go Tiki)

FreddieBallsomic posted on 03/15/2007

I agree GT...that lil display with the napkins looks pretty cool. I'd leave 'em as well.

GO TIKI posted on 03/29/2007

Found a great shadow box, just a little stain and maybe some bamboo trim.

8FT Tiki posted on 03/27/2016

So I found this set which is in the same style as the mug set above.

One of the stranger finds I have made:

Box Lid

Inside Box

Small Tag inside box
Made by Quon-Quon, So this is the origin of these marble-eyed lanterns!

Also placed this in Tiki Finds

tikigreg posted on 03/28/2016

'member dis?

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