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Kahiki Fireplace Tribute Mug - Sold Out!

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tikigreg posted on 03/25/2007

Available in a few weeks will be the Kahiki Fireplace Tribute Mug, sculpted by Squid and manufactured by Tiki Farm. The mug is not only an homage to the massive edifice that was the focal point of the Kahiki restaurant, but it is also being released as a benefit to aid in its restoration.

The fireplace was shipped from Columbus, Ohio to Vermont by Hulacat and Tikicat, in order that it not be destroyed. Tikicat, who is an Ohio native, stepped up to the task of rescuing this treasure so that it could live on as an important piece of PolyPop history. You can read more about the rescue operation in this thread.

However, in the process of preserving this valuable artifact, they assumed a considerable financial burden. So with the huge generosity of Holden at Tiki Farm, this mug will be offered as a limited, un-numbered edition, with proceeds from the sales going to Tikicat and Hulacat for restoration purposes.

Here is a photo of the mug with the final glaze color, but without the decal artwork:

The decal artwork will reproduce the colors and patterns as they exist on the fireplace today. (I'm hoping Holden will have a finished photo for posting soon.)

Here's a photo of the mug alongside a couple other similar sized Tiki Farm mugs, to give you an idea of scale:

As you can see, this is a sizable piece that will re-create the mass and stature of the original fireplace!

The mug will be sold over a 48 hour timeframe, after which point the edition will be closed. The final tally of mugs produced will be announced so that buyers will be aware of the total number of the run.

Complete details on when the mug will be available and its price will be announced in a little while, but we wanted TC members to get the first official sneak peak.

[ Edited by: tikigreg 2008-07-31 10:54 ]

Bora Boris posted on 03/25/2007

I think I like it.

A lot.

MakeDaMug posted on 03/25/2007

This rather large fellow comes at you weighing in at 2 1/2 POUNDS! He'd be great for doing curls, which reminds me of another thread :)

teaKEY posted on 03/25/2007

a limited, un-numbered edition- I get it now

Sweet mug and that is what I would have guess in your trivia game. Looks good next to the others. All about the same size. A trio of Moai. That green is cool too.

Formikahini posted on 03/25/2007

THIS is one I have to have - my Schecky.
Of course, I'm assuming it will not be out of range financially, unlike Scheckys are now and the Ohana Hut was right off the bat. (Pleeeeeze keep it affordable!)

I really cannot wait. Thanks, guys, for making it. I treasure my memories of my one magical night there.

BambooLodge posted on 03/25/2007

On 2007-03-25 14:12, MakeDaMug wrote:
This rather large fellow comes at you weighing in at 2 1/2 POUNDS! He'd be great for doing curls, which reminds me of another thread :)

Great Mug, but there is one question....How much can you bench?

PockyTiki posted on 03/25/2007

Are you gonna make the eyes glow too? That'd be cool. A glowing tiki mug..... :D sorta like glow-in-the-dark!

tikigreg posted on 03/25/2007

On 2007-03-25 15:22, Formikahini wrote:
THIS is one I have to have - my Schecky.
Of course, I'm assuming it will not be out of range financially, unlike Scheckys are now and the Ohana Hut was right off the bat. (Pleeeeeze keep it affordable!)

I really cannot wait. Thanks, guys, for making it. I treasure my memories of my one magical night there.

Yes, this will be a very affordable mug! But since it will be a limited edition, it will most definitely be a collector's item in the future. So don't miss the chance to get one when they go up for purchase.

croe67 posted on 03/25/2007

WOW! This one is just too cool! Can't wait to see it with the decals, too :)

stentiki posted on 03/26/2007

Sweet mug!

TG put a lot of care and thought into this project and the folks at Tiki Farm made it come alive. I saw it in person last week and it's a big one, so move over Shecky and make room for the Big Kahiki!

Tiki Kaimuki posted on 03/26/2007

Really nice sculpt. It will definitely be on my shelf.

Atomicchick posted on 03/26/2007

Me gusto mucho!

Fres-tiki posted on 03/26/2007

Even without the decal work, the mug looks great! I definitely want one.

Rattiki posted on 03/26/2007

Wow! This is such a cool idea for an amazing cause! I'm just worried that I'll miss the 48 hour window in my sometimes too busy life, could you send e-mails to those who request it maybe?

[ Edited by: Rattiki 2007-03-26 01:19 ]

tikigreg posted on 03/26/2007

On 2007-03-26 01:18, Rattiki wrote:
Wow! This is such a cool idea for an amazing cause! I'm just worried that I'll miss the 48 hour window in my sometimes too busy life, could you send e-mails to those who request it maybe?

I believe Holden already plans on sending out an announcement prior to the sales date, but if not, I will make a list of those that want an email for a heads-up.

VampiressRN posted on 03/26/2007

Count me in...great graphic lines and for a good cause. :tiki:

Tiki_God posted on 03/26/2007

Great looking mug! Please add my name to the list of those who want to support the Kahiki cause.

Kanaka posted on 03/26/2007

I've always loved the design of that fireplace. Great mug guys! Keep us updated on it's sale!


jpmartdog posted on 03/26/2007


GROG posted on 03/26/2007

Another HACK JOB by Squid. GROG guess GROG will have to buy it anyways since it's for a good cause.

Volcano Girl posted on 03/26/2007

Is there an approximate price to this fine tribute to the Kahiki?

sneakyjack posted on 03/26/2007

I'm in when info comes out.
Meaning if there is an email list for "heads up"

tikigreg posted on 03/26/2007

The exact price for the mug hasn't been announced, but as I mentioned, it will be very affordable. The idea is to have it accessible to as many people as possible, thus raising the most money for the Kahiki fireplace restoration.

Tipsy McStagger posted on 03/26/2007

i like it!! but without the eyes and alittle color it seems lacking...how about applying cold paint after fireing the mugs to put some of that fireplace original color back into it??

Tipsy McStagger posted on 03/26/2007

doh!!!! ..,a closed mouth gathers no feet!! i just read the part about the decals.....okay, i'm a dope....disregard my other post.

put me down for one too!!! hopefully i won't get screwed out of one like i did the ohana hut!!

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2007-03-26 13:33 ]

Trader Tom posted on 03/26/2007

The mug looks great so far, even without fire decals. Please put me on your e-mail list for a heads up.

Haole'akamai posted on 03/26/2007

I'm in! Love it.

BettyBleu posted on 03/26/2007

That is an excellent mug!!

cheeky half posted on 03/26/2007

Sweet! Put us down too.

TravelingJones posted on 03/26/2007

:tiki: O'MIGHTY KEEPER of the FLAME! :tiki: * :music: ooga-shaka-ooga-ooga-ooga-shaka :music: pagan ritual chanting :music: *

Great design for a great cause and GRANDE in size to boot!!!

Flip-flOp-fLipPp... :D

MakeDaMug posted on 03/27/2007

On 2007-03-26 03:58, tikigreg wrote:

On 2007-03-26 01:18, Rattiki wrote:
Wow! This is such a cool idea for an amazing cause! I'm just worried that I'll miss the 48 hour window in my sometimes too busy life, could you send e-mails to those who request it maybe?

I believe Holden already plans on sending out an announcement prior to the sales date, but if not, I will make a list of those that want an email for a heads-up.

I will send out an announcement through TC and our opt-in email list approximately 2 weeks prior to the sale date. Please note that we are still working on the color seps for the decal art so Greg's mention of "aviailable in a few weeks" is a bit optimistic. I'm not committing to a launch date but it will at least be 1 more month.

tikigreg posted on 03/27/2007

Always the optimist, that's me! :wink: Well, it might take longer than I thought, but that just gives everyone more time to save up until it's released.

the drunken hat posted on 03/27/2007

i would like to be notified! a very cool looking mug!

Kukuthi posted on 03/27/2007

I use to love that fireplace...I still do.

[ Edited by: Kukuthi 2007-03-26 21:10 ]

davealmost posted on 03/27/2007

i'm a nerd

[ Edited by: davealmost 2007-03-26 21:04 ]

TikiPug posted on 03/27/2007

Last time I checked, this wasn't a sign up list.

Stiki Tiki posted on 03/27/2007

get on the farm's mailing list on the webpage... Makedamug will keep you informed!

TikiPug posted on 03/27/2007

I don't mean to ruffle any feathers but let me see if I have this straight: The folks that rescued the fireplace did so of their own accord, paid for it out of their own pockets, then complain about how much debt they incurred in doing so, so TF makes a benefit mug for them?

I have a solid gold house and a rocket car I'd like to buy - will TF do a mug for my benefit?

Just my 2 cents

Kona Chris posted on 03/27/2007

On 2007-03-26 23:09, TikiPug wrote:
I don't mean to ruffle any feathers but let me see if I have this straight: The folks that rescued the fireplace did so of their own accord, paid for it out of their own pockets, then complain about how much debt they incurred in doing so, so TF makes a benefit mug for them?

What's wrong with that? If they hadn't done what they did, the fireplace would have been broken up and carted off to the dump. It wasn't like they had a bunch of time to think about it. So yes, they paid a chunk to have it moved, and are in the process of having it restored, so that a valuable piece of Tiki history isn't lost forever. What part of that doesn't deserve some outside help? Would you prefer they just abandon the project and let the thing rot?


Hiphipahula posted on 03/27/2007

On 2007-03-26 23:09, TikiPug wrote:
I don't mean to ruffle any feathers but let me see if I have this straight: The folks that rescued the fireplace did so of their own accord, paid for it out of their own pockets, then complain about how much debt they incurred in doing so, so TF makes a benefit mug for them?

I have a solid gold house and a rocket car I'd like to buy - will TF do a mug for my benefit?

Just my 2 cents

I'm pretty sure you did mean to "ruffle" feathers, or you would have kept your ridiculous opinion & comment to yourself. Why would Tiki Farm want to do a benefit for your "solid gold house and a rocket car I'd like to buy" (even though you were just being a smart ass) The buyers of the Fireplace helped save a small piece of history and that makes me happy. Have you ever really helped anyone or been a part of anything that made you feel good? I am sure you have but this project is obviously not one of those projects for you & that also makes me happy. 1 less ass to buy a art piece they care nothing about & that equals 1 more person will have one that did care. Nobody is twisting anyones arm or pocket book. Just My 3 cents..........

tikigreg posted on 03/27/2007

Just to get things back on track...The fireplace was rescued (yes, rescued) by Hulacat & Tikicat before it was scrapped. No, there was no mention of this to the general public, since the Tsao family didn't feel it was worth their time to deal with it. Hulacat & Tikicat happened to be in contact with the family doing research when the subject of the disposal of items came up. Rather than see it trashed, they felt it would be best to save it.

As far as their complaining, I'm not sure where you saw any complaints. It was entirely my doing in having the mug made by Tiki Farm, once I had the approval of the new owners and Holden's gracious agreement to take on the project. I was the one who felt it would benefit the tiki community as a whole by helping in the restoration effort.

I realize that the fireplace will no longer be on public display, but I'm sure Hulacat & Tikicat would gladly welcome anyone to their place to visit and see it. TC members getting together and sharing has always been a part of what Tiki Central is about.

alohacurrent posted on 03/27/2007

Don't mean to stray from the thread subject, but I gotta say TikiFarm flat gets it. Whenever the mug is released I'll most likely get one for a couple of reasons. It's a bad ass mug number one and I'm glad Hulacat and Tikicat (The Cats) took the initiative and risk. I'm guessing TikiFarm felt similarly. It's a great 'rescue' story replete with adventure, resurrection and tractor trailers and I would love to read more like them.

Hiphipahula posted on 03/27/2007

Again, It's a GREAT cause and I hope to purchase a mug in Support of it's Private Resurrection.

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squid posted on 03/28/2007

OK, OK! You'll all have your Kahiki jones satisfied soon. I'm working on the decal art as fast as I can....Hope y'all like. :)
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Tikisgrl posted on 03/28/2007

The decals look great Squid!! Can someone photo shop them together so this slightly challenged person can see the whole concept?

Can't wait to get one & support the cause of preserving a little piece of tiki's past.


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Tom Slick posted on 03/28/2007

The O.G. fireplace should be loaned to the Smithsonian for all to enjoy @ the moving costs of the Smithsonian of course!...And I dig the mug, great job!

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Johnny Dollar posted on 03/28/2007

someone should get adopted by bill gates and then have bill gates mysteriously 'disappeared.'

then the inherited proceeds could go toward buying / destroying ALL wallgreens and building full-scale kahiki replicas in their place.

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tikiskip posted on 03/28/2007

I like the old school painting better.
Thats of the Taso era.

Pages: 1 2 3 133 replies