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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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Clarita posted on 03/29/2007

Very nice! I love your style, so sweet and fun, I hope you sell everything at TikiFarm Parking Lot Sale!

kirby posted on 03/29/2007

the portrait dude is my fave...can i have it...

Tiki Shark Art posted on 03/29/2007

Warrior is my favorite. Though the portrait is very compelling. I hope I get to see this children's book (in my lifetime)! Actually I'm hoping for an animated feature film based on your tiki art. Your art's so darned animated in the first place! I envy those lucky folks staggering through the parking lot sale. My best tiki wishes to you for mondo sales!

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hewey posted on 03/30/2007

Man I love this thread. That little island is cool, and the portrait of an islander just looks so much cooler in person!

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Sam Gambino posted on 03/30/2007

Hey llt- I've been away a few days, but this latest stuff is really something else.... I really admire your use of color in these! Of course, the designs are top notch - that goes without saying!

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Paipo posted on 03/30/2007

I'm with Tiki Shark...an animated short (or feature!) or book would be great...or a graphic novel! Too many cool pictures to comment on individually, so I'm gonna single this one out:
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I can just imagine these guys paddling across the Rano Raraku crater lake on some sort of covert mission! I don't know what it is about tikis in canoes but I dig 'em!

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kctiki posted on 03/30/2007

Dang! I haven't seen so many delightful things since the last time I had some of those funny little mushrooms. Little Lost Tiki, clicking on this thread is like opening a box of exotic bon-bons. What a treat!

teaKEY posted on 03/30/2007

"the Lonely Cannibal" , I would have to say is one of my favorites. Few lines there but you can really see a sadness in his face. that's a powerful piece. And on the opposite side, Happy Morning, with those big wax lip looking mouth, belly hanging over. Happy being fat. Hopefully the morning painting wasn't the prior to the lonely cannibal.

The above painting, good thing they have a bird-man along for the needed bird's eye view.

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RevBambooBen posted on 03/30/2007

Warrior reminds me of Henry Rollins!

LLT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0f93b835d9c966d014229fe343bb928a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
little lost tiki posted on 04/01/2007

Aloha Good Friends!
Busy week! Busy week!
Wow! Glad you're all liking these little experiments!
i promise to start on a big slow tedious Pompele size piece soon!
But first, the tinys for the Parking lot Sale!
Let's talk for a while, then we can look at some new ones....
They're not really menehune in that factory....they're bent and twisted little Kennys,
part of an earlier genetic experiment gone wrong.They were trying to clone artists
from across the globe to supply their moon bases...anyways, they were going to
euthanize these fellahs,so i bought 'em up cheap! I also bought degraded version
clones of our friends GROG,Kirby,and Squid, since the real McCoys didn't survive the
rigorous military testing and experiments...I decide to turn them loose to replace their
fallen fathers and to keep supplying the world with art! So that's the story on that!
Thanks for the kind writins! The characters from the Foggy Morning and the Plant warriors
from the Night Watch are part of that kids book that's slogging along ! You'll see them in
more paintings guaranteed!
I am at your service! Thanks for popping in! It's always an honor! I answered your question above...don't tell those guys they're clones...I don't think they could handle it!
as you know, right as seasons begin,us artists get that chemical/electrical receptors engaged and on hi-alert!When the muse visits,you never slam the door..when inspiration comes knocking,you better leave the door unlocked! Just going with the flow until it stops! You've been rockin and rollin with all sorts of activities lately! I tell ya, it's the season change! When is your Tapa book scheduled for public consumption? I can hardly wait!
Thanks Sweetie!
I know you will sell all your candles at Tiki Ray's show! In the first 15 minutes!
No. There's a no-clone policy on sales! Sorry.
Thanks man! i can't tell you how much you've been an inspiration,Thanks!
That kids book should be done sooner than later...then the film deal....then
a swanky car...mansion...pool...accidental overdose...Wait! maybe that's not such a good idea...
Thanks man! Hoping to do some more with the Islander.There's a bunch of old sketchbook drawings of him and his clan,so you never know what will appear on something gessoed!
Thanks for lovin this thread! it loves you too!
Hello again! Yeah! when you work on little quickie pieces,you don't have time to formulate colors and look at old masters paintings and old hawaiian shirts for colorways....it's more a gut thing-a leap into the void! And if the colors stink...ya paint over 'em!!! Speaking of colors, I love the colors in your penny slots/dollar slots tikis-totally captured the whole mood of that time!
Hullo sir! Tikis in canoes....you're right.There is something about them.
I plan on fleshing out their covert mission when the mists clear....
Howdy! I've actually had people come to the exhibitions ON mushrooms! It's pretty funny watching them watch the pieces..They usually will impart some wisdom or detail about the painting that had never been noticed or contemplated before...exotic bon-bons? Okay! that sounds good....I guess!
the Lonely Cannibal was one of those quickies at the end of the session of about 12-13 hours,where you're enjoying a cigarette,cleaning up the studio and gettin ready for the drive home when the fever takes ahold and you know you got just one more piece inside that has to come out...and you know it's gonna be good because it's been in the back of your head all day...Happy Morning came early that morning and the lonely Cannibal was the last of the session...good call. But there's one thing..while it's true that artists channel their emotions into their piece...the painting does not always reflect the artist's mood! We have to be like actors,throwing ourselves into a narrative, being consumed by a heroic drama WHILE we're painting...analyzing the characters and their roles and squeezing it all in....charging it with mana ..the minute i get up to grab some coffee or take a ciggie break,then it's suicidal, manically giggly, antsy, melancholy, whatever mood i'm in that day...
Saw Rollins about 10 years ago at the SanDiego Street Scene...That guy has so much energy!
Okay...here's your present for tolerating these ramblings...
Here's a new paddle "After the Feast"
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here's a closeup... those two evil twins crack me up!
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Another Cannibal piece..."the Cannibal's Trophies"
I like how two of the arms are sprouting from the head!
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"the Happy Sun"
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"the Happy Voyage" very playful!
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And this one took me most of Thursday evening...actually I was distracted a bit.
My friend debby brought over a DVD called "in search of wrong-eyed jesus" all
about the deep south and the land and the people and the culture...It had little music bits by some contemporary folksters like the Handsome family....very good film with lots of great performances...there's a scene in a bar and this gal with purple pants and a "hottie" shirt is
all liquored up and dancing...classic! Anyways, here's the painting that was created during the viewing and visiting..... "the Waterfall"
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and a detail....
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looks like my happy place!!! well, writer's cramp has settled in..gotta go!
Thanks again family!

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RevBambooBen posted on 04/01/2007




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JenTiki posted on 04/01/2007

Ahh, another waterfall! I love it! And the Happy Sun just brightens my day!

I really enjoy the little chats you have with your viewers before the exhibitions. They give us great insight into what goes on in that scruffy little head of yours.

Two more weeks 'til the sale! Keep going my manic friend!

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GROG posted on 04/01/2007

GROG count 7 waterfalls.

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little lost tiki posted on 04/01/2007

GROG may be good at ART and ART CRITIQUE, but....
GROG cannot grasp math!
There is obviously only 3 waterfalls in the picture...
GROG must have consumed too many Navy Grogs last night...

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hewey posted on 04/02/2007

Cool paddle man!

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Sneakytiki posted on 04/02/2007

If I "pissed" myself laffing when I looked at the tiki cannibal twins an' their scroll boobied mother does that count as (2) waterfalls?

Kenny, wanted to thank u for recommending the acrylic medium, it's making the water based stuff much easier and enjoyable. Keep it real-damn diculous LLT,


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RevBambooBen posted on 04/03/2007

On 2007-03-31 22:01, RevBambooBen wrote:






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squid posted on 04/03/2007

Don't forget, Kinny. You still owe me 5 bucks and a ciggy.

Parkin' lot sale baby! Y'all better show up early to get LLT's stuff 'cause some of us might make some dough that day and just spend it on other arteests' stuff!

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JenTiki posted on 04/04/2007

Please, sir, I want some more!

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tikigap posted on 04/05/2007

Great stuff LLT. I've obviously been hanging too long in the carving forum and missed your stuff. Very high quality - I especially like the guys in the canoe w/ birdman. Very nice.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 04/06/2007

I'm digging all these cannibal pieces!
"After the feast" starts me thinking of a horror movie to go with that paddle! And the scrolly boobs are wonderful!
As always, brilliant color choices. Let's see I did one piece, and in the same time you did about... a zillion. I feel like I'm in slow motion! Ben if LLT made them any faster It WOULD be an animated picture!

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little lost tiki posted on 04/07/2007

This will probably be my LAST posting before the TikiFarm parking lot Sale...
I'll be brief 'cause we have a lot of Art to absorb...
Bamboo Ben-Jen: calm down...here's more!
Hewey-thanks! I'll have about 5 paddles at the show.Hope people likes 'em!!
Sneaky-acrylic medium rocks! Let's see what how far you can push acrylics now!
Squid-we'll discuss your 5 bucks and a ciggie at the Sale! Documentation will get you paid faster! bring that king okole waterpipe too! If you want lots of good product and want it NOW! Go visit LLT and Squid,folks!
tikigap-thank you kindly! I'll do some more with them after the smoke clears!
(that's an expression!)
Brad-Let's see...1 brad piece = 40 little ken pieces...does that mean that if we ever do a swap,that I'll have to fork over 40 paintings?!? Well, you were able to but a car with GROG's last sale!
Speaking of your thread...Paipo said that if I had to use B&W for a bunch of pieces,that a mental-breakdown would happen! HAH!well, here they are..some black and white drawings for y'all!
All of these pieces will be available to adopt at the TikiFarm Parking Lot Sale next Saturday the 14th from 9am-3pm...Unlike a gallery, there are no commissions, so Prices were Slashed for this momentous event! Also, if you wanna buy something, mention you're a TC member and i may shave off a few bones from your purchase(unless you're buying a $10 print-that's rock bottom!)
Anyways,here's some highlights from the drawings available...
"the Abandoned City"
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"the Bargainer"
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"Discussion with a War Club"
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"the Family Tree"
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"Quick Hut Studies"
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"Seated Chief"
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"study of a tiki from Sam's Seafood"
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"the Brawl"
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"the Bully"
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"the Chief"
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"the Drink"
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and one of my favorites..."the Giant Mask"
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Now here's some Watercolor and Ink Drawings that will be available!!!
"Animal Soldier"
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"Jungle Temple"
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"Lion from a Dream" true story! weird-azzed dream!
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"Pod of techno-Jellyfish"
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"Quiet Village"
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detail of "Quiet Village"
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"Stained Glass Sun"
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"the Exile" here's an older boat painting....a tropical one is in the works!
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and some details....
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"Tiki Dream"
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"Wandering Fish"
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and here's a few paintings you haven't seen yet!
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"Monkey Paddle"
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"Secret Meeting at the Watering Hole"
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"Tiki Soldier"
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(just wanted to see if you were paying attention...)
Also started a new piece,slightly big...on a piece of wood.
It's called the "Days of Before"...
It started with a small sketchbook entry a few years back...
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and now I'm doing a painting.....
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and an ink drawing (to work out any glitches..)
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Well, that should keep y'all entertained! if you're in the area
please come on down to TikiFarm Parking lot Sale on Saturday!
More Tcers than you can shake a spear at! Here's Holden's post for the details...

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GROG posted on 04/07/2007

DAMN!! GROG read the new title of the thread and it said "Last post", and GROG got all excited that we'd be free of Kinny!! Then, much to GROG's chagrine, GROG read in Kinny's post that it is only the last post before the Tiki Farm sale,and not Kinny's FINAL post. Well, GROG at least had a brief moment of elation.

kirby posted on 04/07/2007

I think ruzic is gonna go down in the history books!!!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 04/08/2007

Mere-Tiki! Yes! Way cool! May have to steel that one! Er... I mean... ah... well yeah,. steal.

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Benzart posted on 04/08/2007

Lotsa cool Stuff ken, More like Excellent. You are Rockin On. Keep up the good work.

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RevBambooBen posted on 04/08/2007

Hey Freak !!!

You there??

Post more!!

Drunk Squirrel Sketchez??


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Sneakytiki posted on 04/08/2007

Tiki dream, Tiger, and Discussion With a War Club are sum of my favorites after the first viewing. Looks like some of your older or newer/different influences are creeping back into some of these.
Have fun at the parking lot sale!


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atomictonytiki posted on 04/08/2007

On 2007-04-07 15:24, little lost tiki wrote:

"the Bargainer"
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Surely that is Anansi the spider-god-trickster, I think any bargain with him would always end in his favor.

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JenTiki posted on 04/08/2007

Wow! I'm glad I waited for my hangover to wear off before I looked at your latest post! So much detail and color would surely have hurt my head! They're all so wonderful, but here are my thoughts on a couple of my favs.

"Tiki Dream"
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This would make a great fabric print!

"Wandering Fish"
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And I can see this one as a mural in a kid's room!

Thank you for continuing to bring your art to TC where we can all enjoy it from afar! I'm so bummed to be missing the parking lot sale and not having the chance to see the most recent works in person! But I'm very happy that "Night Watch" will be coming to live with me in Alameda! Now that you've taken everything off the walls of the studio to sell, I look forward to getting back down there in the next few months to see what fantastic new pieces you fill the walls with!

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Sneakytiki posted on 04/08/2007

On 2007-04-08 14:09, atomictonytiki wrote:

On 2007-04-07 15:24, little lost tiki wrote:

"the Bargainer"
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Surely that is Anansi the spider-god-trickster, I think any bargain with him would always end in his favor.

Maybe he's also this feller: In Lakota mythology, Iktomi is a spider-trickster spirit, and a culture-hero for the Lakota people. Alternate names for Iktomi include Ikto, Ictinike, Inktomi, Unktome, and Unktomi. These names are due to the differences in tribal languages, as this spider deity was known throughout many of North America's tribes.

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kikekeki posted on 04/09/2007

On 2007-04-07 16:09, GROG wrote:
DAMN!! GROG read the new title of the thread and it said "Last post", and GROG got all excited that we'd be free of Kinny!! Then, much to GROG's chagrine, GROG read in Kinny's post that it is only the last post before the Tiki Farm sale,and not Kinny's FINAL post. Well, GROG at least had a brief moment of elation.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

GROG said chagrin!!!

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GROG posted on 04/09/2007

And misspelled it, too.

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kikekeki posted on 04/09/2007

yeah, but the misspelling is canceled out by the proper use of the word, not to mention the impressive fact that it is even in GROG's vocabulary...

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little lost tiki posted on 04/09/2007

Spelling Error?
That's what Ernie gets for hanging out with Kirby too much! :-?
I'm used to losing at least 100 brain cells every time he's around!
Why don't you kids go argue Vocabulary on Brad's thread!?!

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PockyTiki posted on 04/09/2007

"Tiki Dream" is absolutely fabulous. All of them are so colorful and each one brightens up my day. Thanks for posting your awesome art!

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kikekeki posted on 04/09/2007

Kinny, can I put an order in for your Velvet Elvis???


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greentikipat posted on 04/11/2007

wow those are all great. 'Tiki Dream' is also my favorite. it's color and shape comp. are perfect. a fabric is a great idea. if that were a tiki shirt, i'd wear it out, then buy another.

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Howland posted on 04/11/2007

MUSIC FOR MY EYEBALLS!!!!!!! Wandering Fish rocks heavy. I 'm diggin Quiet Village, too! Hell, I'm really diggin' all of them, as usual. The black/white ones are neat-I like the way you added just a bit of color in Seated Chief and a few others as well.

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TravelingJones posted on 04/12/2007

To ANYONE fortunate enough to score an original 'Ruzic'- from LLT at Tiki Farm this weekend... you are in for a real treat!

I scored an "Early Bird; East Coast Special" from Kinny and it arrived tonight... freshley framed by Link at Frame Fetish. ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!!! :D

LLT your color and line detail is amazing up close and the splashes of paint with ink wash add a 3rd Dimension of texture! Also, Frame Fetish takes it out even further complimenting your colors and design elements...that ONLY Link can do!

I'M NOT WORTHY...but extremely HapPy-HapPy! :D YOU can be too! buy, Buy, BUY from 'Little Lost Tiki' booth at the Tiki Farm Sale Saturday!!! :)
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Flip-flOp-fLipPp... :D

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little lost tiki posted on 04/12/2007

Link did a great job!
Thanks for sharin' the love Jonesy! It looks like he's amongst friends in your swanky pad!
I'll have frame fetish cards at the TikiFarm Parking Lot Sale if anyone buys a drawing or watercolor and needs a SuperBitchin Frame for it! Link...Jonesy....you've made my day! :)

Tiki Shark Art posted on 04/12/2007

WHEAOIUW! Traveling Jones thanks for posting those amazing shots! Beautiful! At first I thought you were shooting down at the framed piece, but Link totally created a custom non square bamboo frame for Kenny's gorgeous piece! That is too cool! Man all of LLT's work is so powerful, but those extra creative framing jobs take them to a whole new level. Very smart, and very nice of you to pass out Frame fetish cards at the sale, Ken. I know it always feels extra good to know that after the children leave home they go somewhere where they are well taken care of!

teaKEY posted on 04/12/2007

That frame just adds to the LLT beauty. And speaking of beauty, I can tell just from that pic that Jonesey has a world of treasures that we have yet to see. Maybe when TC is in a low week, the big guns could come out.

LLT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0f93b835d9c966d014229fe343bb928a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
little lost tiki posted on 04/18/2007

Hello friends!
Sorry about the Radio Silence but that TikiFarm Parking Lot Sale kicked my booty! Despite being sick and very tired(up at 4:30-there by 6:45) it was a Day to end all Days!If you haven't checked out the thread,you should! NOW! here's where the photos start....
What a Day! Anyways,you can imagine the Sunday after all that....sleeping in....relaxing...being braindead.....NOT! the fever took me and that tingle of inspiration started making me antsy at 8! Primed up some pieces with blue and green gesso(great frames-I'll shoot 'em soon!) and began in the sketchbook....For reasons i will keep secret for now, the 2 words "Tiki" and "Island" began to occupy my thoughts,and here are the results of having the leisure of exploring a theme for just one day.Man! SHOUTed with Tygerjymmy today today and realized how an artist shouldn't have a dayjob!Just on the way to work,I got some problem-solving done with Travelling Jonesey's "project"...Jymmy is a full-time artist in every sense of the word! And a nice guy too! But him,and Doug Horne,and Chongo, and Ben,and THOR ,and Dave,even Brad to some extent,they're all doing it,they're pretty much full-time artists....Being 42, you reflect a lot on life-where you've been, where you're going,how this life and all it's lessons fit into the MasterPlan,and the thought of being a full-time artist has always been a dream but never a reality....I'd love to hear some of you fellows as to how you do it/what keeps you going?What's the best business strategy? You guys are an inspiration,BlahBlahBlah....now hand over some advice ,please...
Sorry! It was an insight and i wanted to share....
Anyways, Back to those 2 words "Tiki" and "Island" that for secret for now reasons had been haunting me since the Sale....
First off the whole "island as boat theme"...the"travelling island" Post-Pangea,is that what the cluster of continents long ago was called?just drifting,but not without purpose...Although the island in these represents a community, a society,they can also represent the individual, the island as a persona......No man is an Island is a phrase that unfortunately isn't true today...technology lends itself to promoting isolation and antisocial lifestyles. But i digress...
Here's the first one...
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here's a volcano one and a mysterious atoll with a HUGE HONKIN TIKI in the middle! I heard Atlantis wasbuilt in a network of concentric rings...might do that with this one....
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then i wandered off into orongos,the sooty tern that possibly represented make-make to them. Please correct me if I'm wrong ,but I think he was a creator god to the inhabitants? Anyway.i decided to make 'em REAL BIG-mythic in proportion,and also, like other stories,to transport islands!
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or a mischievous Island Stealer!
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or perhaps situating a volcano in the perfect area?
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then i remained all in the GIANT mode ,must have been finally meeting Doug Horne that triggered all that Giant stuff...:lol:
Here's a Relocation sketch
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then a MOAI RUSHMORE kinda vibe!
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a little Stellar influence....
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finally, the theme became more universal,exploring themes throughout varying cultures...
hence, the Flood
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finally, for inspiration, i began to look at drawings and photos of water and rocks and landscapes as well as the lair of the Ancient One drawing i had painted a while ago...
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and a little variation!
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Well, it's time for dinner! Gotta go! thanks for visiting!

teaKEY posted on 04/18/2007

you might have a day job, but I bet your still a full time artist.

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Zaya posted on 04/18/2007

You did all that since Sunday? Wow!! You have some really great ideas. I especially like the Moai Rushmore. Well I think you're talented enough to be a full time artist. It would be such a relief because sometimes it feels like all you do is think about your art on top of all the things you really have to do to make it in life. The thought of only having to concentrate on your art sounds like a dream. I always think of my dad because he was a musician who played piano for a living, and he said that he was the luckiest man alive because he was paid to do what he loved to do. It was as if he never had to work a day in his life. If only we could all be so lucky! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your ideas!


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Sneakytiki posted on 04/18/2007


Ditto what teakey just said! The new drawing batch just builds on all the themes you've been doing, and takes them all further -- product is greater than the sum of it's parts.
Really brilliant brainstorm of ideas!


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Paipo posted on 04/18/2007

On 2007-04-17 20:21, little lost tiki wrote:
What's the best business strategy?

Keep the day job! :lol: No, I'm sure you could be a successful self-employed/freelance type creative. The worst thing (for me anyway) is the book-keeping, but oh man - the freedom!
teaKEY's right too - you probably make more stuff in your spare time than most of us full-time self employed types could do in a full year!

Talkin 'bout makemake, that doco I told you about has quite a bit to do with him. The figure at the top right of these petroglyphs is meant to represent him:
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He's the supreme deity of the birdman cult but is portayed as a humanoid figure similar to the moai kavakava (according to the doco). I think he may also be the figure on the dance paddles and some of the cave stones/clubs.
And as for islands and cliffs with with holes in 'em...check these out these Maori Pa pics from Cook's first voyage:
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