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Looking for Les...

Pages: 1 6 replies

tikigreg posted on 04/07/2003

Please don't laugh, but is there anyone who would be willing to sell or trade a spare copy of the 2-CD set of "The Exotic Moods of Les Baxter?" It appears the set is out-of-print and I doubt it will be available again.



GECKO posted on 04/07/2003

check ebay. i seen them posted a few times. i just picked up the double martin denny cd.
good luck

tikigreg posted on 04/08/2003

Hey Gecko,
Yeah, I've kept an eye out on ebay but they don't come up too often and they go for ridiculous prices. I thought someone here might like to part with one to help out a fellow TCer. Anyone?

Sneakytiki posted on 04/08/2003

If you're not wanting it for the cover/sleeve
someone could burn u a copy couldn't they?Sorry but my Les stuff is on vinyl. I'd burn u one if I had it.

tikigreg posted on 04/08/2003

I actually am looking for the whole package. Thanks for the suggestion though. Just thought I'd see if there were any extras around.


tikigreg posted on 03/23/2004

After a year's wait, I finally scored a copy of Exotic Moods! Oddly enough, I found it on ebay with a "Buy It Now!" price of GBP 20. That's right, I had to get it from the UK. So with shipping, it came to $40, which was the absolute top price I was willing to pay. And it was worth it. It pays to be patient!

Trader Woody posted on 03/24/2004

On 2004-03-23 14:42, tikigreg wrote:
That's right, I had to get it from the UK.

I feel for you Tikigreg......
Perhaps you'll now understand the struggle of us poor Euro-Tikiphiles who have to get everything sent from the States.....bwahhh! :wink:

Trader Woody

Pages: 1 6 replies