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A Very Tiki Easter

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PockyTiki posted on 04/07/2007

Happy early Easter everybody! To celebrate this candy-filled holiday, my girlfriend and I dyed, and then drew on eggs! Great fun for all. Here's what I came up with.

the pink eggs always came out the better ones. I think we put in way too much dye in those. Oh well. Happy Easter (Island) everybody!

VampiressRN posted on 04/07/2007


WooHooWahine posted on 04/07/2007

Easter in Hawaii
Many people believed that the world was created from a giant egg and that the sun was the yolk of the egg. The ancient people of Hawaii thought that this giant egg burst and its pieces formed the Hawaiian Islands.

hodadhank posted on 04/09/2007

The egg hunt didn't go as planned. Now I've got wicked indigestion.

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