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Kona Lanes Gets Death Row Reprieve

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Tiki_Bong posted on 03/04/2003

In today's Orange County Register, there is an article about the Mayor of Costa Mesa - Karen Robinson - filing an appeal of the Costa Mesa Planning Commission's decision to demolish the Kona Lanes to make room for Kohl's.

It sounds like it has a good chance, in that the Mayor may be able to sway the commission to reconsider the demolishion of Kona. They've redrawn the plans in order to keep Kona intact.

If it does get demolished, I will never, repeat, never shop at Kohl's. It's bad enough that mid-westerners themselves move here, but when their businesses demolish icons like Kona in order to move here - it's really f'd up!

If Mrs Robinson can pull this off, I'll idolize her (are you trying to seduce me Mrs Robinson?)

DawnTiki posted on 03/04/2003

Thanks for the update Bong, good news to start the day with!

purple jade posted on 03/04/2003

[ Edited by: purple jade 2006-03-20 21:16 ]

Futura Girl posted on 03/06/2003

thanks for the update bong - i linked back to T.C. to your post on the modcom site...

[ Edited by: Futura Girl on 2003-03-06 03:11 ]

stentiki posted on 03/08/2003

Cool. Yeah! Let's go again before they close!

Luckydesigns posted on 04/08/2003


I was at Kona Lanes this last Saturday night doing a little of the ol' kareoke. During this, I got into some discussion of the status of the bowling alley with an employee of Kona.

Some of this may have already been said in past posts but it is worth repeating. The bowling alley will stand until the Leagues are through for the year. I'm not sure when that will be. I think I remember hearing within the month or two.

Kona has been doing great business over the past years but was renting the land on a month to month basis. So, when the landlord decided that he wanted to sell the land, there was no long term contract to get in his way.

Before this all happened, the owners also had plans to renovate the interior of the facility and get all the bowling amenities "up to date".

Oh, yeah... in case you were wondering, I sang "Mac the Knife","Wooly Bully", and "Devil in Disguise".

Looks like the majestic lava rock building will fall. Kona lanes was built in 1959.

But really, I guess you just can't have enough Kohl's stores. Right?

We ought to get out there once more before it's too late.


[ Edited by: Luckydesigns on 2003-04-07 17:39 ]

Mrs. B posted on 04/08/2003

On 2003-04-07 17:35, Luckydesigns wrote:
We ought to get out there once more before it's too late.

Ben and I are into a bowling night. Last time was a lot of fun....we can ice skate too before the Ice Capades melts for the "future." And of course that center use to house "Music Market" where, as 12 year olds, we'd pick up our Dickies 45's for dirt cheap...oh the good ole' days.
Let's BOWL!
Mrs. Bamboo

Tiki_Bong posted on 04/08/2003

And now, a moment of silence .....

Yeah, it's true. Kona Lanes is going to be de-constructed by the end of May.

Kohl's will be replacing the revered Kona Lanes. As such, I will never, never, ever shop at Kohl's.

It all making sense now! Didn't anyone wonder why Kohl's started selling tiki-themed stuff? They knew that once Tiki Centralites heard the news, there'd by hell to pay!

So what do they do? They start selling TC opium. Some un-named TC'rs took it hook, line and singer. Un-named individuals cooed "ohh, look at all the pretty tiki shit at Kohl's, Oh, Oh, Oh, this is the Summer of Tiki Love at Kohl's. I love Kohl's. I want to name my first born 'Kohl'. We're going to spend our honeymoon in Kohls etc".

Well I state here and now (much like the 'if you drive an SUV, you support terrorist' line) those who shop at Kohl's are supporting the demise of all things tiki.

Now choose your side. Shop at Kohl's - you're against us; boycott Kohl's and you're with us.

And don't give us any BS about, 'hey I line in Minnesota and we don't have any other tiki here'.

'A thing of Tiki is a joy forever'

Celebrate 'International Tiki Day' the second Saturday in August - Hau'oli La Tiki!

[ Edited by: Tiki_Bong on 2003-04-08 09:11 ]

PolynesianPop posted on 04/08/2003

Hey Bong, you're not talking about ME are you? :) Ok, I'll admit I bought some stuff from Kohl's recently. But the tiki mugs are cool, the tiki plates/bowls/platters are cool and the tiki t-shirts are cool. Hey, whadda ya want me to do?

Yes, razing the Kona Lanes is a travesty and although I'm not advocating the tear-down, there's nothing really left in the way of tiki albeit the cool sign - which I hope can be preserved.

Now if you wanna talk boycott - I'd say the leading contender should be Walgreen's. They've knocked down TWO full-blown tiki palaces - The Lanai in San Mateo and Kahiki in Columbus. And Walgreen's doesn't even sell tiki ANYTHING in return...

BTW Bong, you DID buy some of that tiki stuff at Kohl's last week, didn't you??? :D

**Poly-Pop ***

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2003-04-08 10:08 ]

Chacha posted on 04/08/2003

I hope you're kidding with the "you're with us or you're against us", drawing a line i the sand over Kohl's stuff.

Destroying the bowling alley aside: Yes, I bought tiki stuff from Kohls. I will hide my shame on this board no more. Just because it's a department store, that makes it uncool? Just because I spent some money there, that makes ME uncool by association?
What the heck is up with that?

This isn't the first time I have picked up a negative vibe here on the issue of Kohl's. Lighten up, it's a department store, for cryin out loud. No, not every TCer lives in the cradle of tiki civilization, but does that make those of us who don't and who shop at chain stores "less than"?

What gives any of us the right to pick on anyone else and their shopping choices.

Get to know me then judge me, okay? Don't look down on me because of where I may have shopped in the past.

What's going to happen at Oasis if this divide continues? Will I be shunned if I "out" myself as a Kohl's shopper? Should I sport a scarlet "K" on my cocktail dress?

Yes, it's a shame about the Kona Lanes being torn down. The blood of the Kona Lanes is not on my hands, however. For the record, I'm NOT a midwesterner.

Luckydesigns posted on 04/08/2003

If you shop at Kohl's, that's fine. I for one will never go into the one that is replacing my beloved bowling alley.

Sure, you say the only thing that is really tiki there is the sign. I'm sure if you were to ask Futura Girl about the architecture, you'd find that.... I don't know what you'd find, or what she'd say.
The architecture on the outside exhudes tiki AND the late fifties. From the lavarock exterior to the intricate mosaic tile work, and the gradual a-frame. The bar area is the most tiki on the inside. While there are no tikis or nautical decor, the lava rock continues inside along the back wall and sets the backdrop for a stage. They just don't build buildings like that anymore.

Here's my problem with what's been said. It is not just another department store that is being built. It one MORE department store that is killing our architectural and cultural history. Really do we need another mass marketed/ mass produced bull sh*t store that promotes sameness? There are already Wal-Marts/ Targets/ and Home Depots within a mile of this location. The argument could be made that money runs the show and there's nothing you can do about it. Probably true, but when does a building become protected because of it's architectural or cultural value? Remember, this was built in 1959. Newport Beach, a city afraid of history in the way that Vegas is (if there is a building not making a profit, knock it down and build something pretty and new), just granted three movie theaters landmark status. http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=3143&forum=1&0

I think Futura Girl is a member of the Modcomer's? This may be a good place for her to let us know what they are all about and how to join. I read an article about the group a while ago but I'm sure she could really spell it out better than I could.

It may be too late to save Kona, but this isn't just about Kona Lanes or boycotting Kohl's, there is a higher cause behind this. I, for one, don't want my kids to grow up in a world of stucco and mini-malls.

Tiki_Bong posted on 04/08/2003

On 2003-04-08 10:28, Chacha wrote:
I hope you're kidding with the "you're with us or you're against us", drawing a line i the sand over Kohl's stuff.

Destroying the bowling alley aside: Yes, I bought tiki stuff from Kohls. I will hide my shame on this board no more. Just because it's a department store, that makes it uncool? Just because I spent some money there, that makes ME uncool by association?
What the heck is up with that?

This isn't the first time I have picked up a negative vibe here on the issue of Kohl's. Lighten up, it's a department store, for cryin out loud. No, not every TCer lives in the cradle of tiki civilization, but does that make those of us who don't and who shop at chain stores "less than"?

What gives any of us the right to pick on anyone else and their shopping choices.

Get to know me then judge me, okay? Don't look down on me because of where I may have shopped in the past.

What's going to happen at Oasis if this divide continues? Will I be shunned if I "out" myself as a Kohl's shopper? Should I sport a scarlet "K" on my cocktail dress?

Yes, it's a shame about the Kona Lanes being torn down. The blood of the Kona Lanes is not on my hands, however. For the record, I'm NOT a midwesterner.

(ChaCha, shhh.... Hey! it's me Bong. Don't let anyone in on our little gig here. But I WAS JUST KIDDING!)

P.S. I consider anywhere not Orange County to be the Midwest.

PolynesianPop posted on 04/08/2003

Lucky-D, cool down dude. Yes, Kona Lanes has the character you so dutifully described but, do you consider it as significant as the Kahiki?

I never said I wanted them to knock-down the place! I just think that its ironic that there's nobody claiming "I'll never shop at Walgreen's" when they knocked down TWO full blown Polynesian themed Icons - The Lanai and the Kahiki.

thejab posted on 04/08/2003

*On 2003-04-08 13:34, PolynesianPop wrote:*I never said I wanted them to knock-down the place! I just think that its ironic that there's nobody claiming "I'll never shop at Walgreen's" when they knocked down TWO full blown Polynesian themed Icons - The Lanai and the Kahiki.

I'm proud to admit that I have not shopped at Walgreen's since they tore down the Kahiki (and I never will). I also won't buy Kahiki frozen food but that's a whole other topic.

I have never been to Kohls (probably because I have never seen one here in my area). Now I don't think I will shop there simply because I feel practically helpless when it comes to stopping the onslaught of tearing down the old and making everything look one way: UGLY. And about the only thing I can do to stop it is to not give the chain stores my money. I don't know about all of you but I don't want my only shopping choices to be Target or Home Depot or Kohl's. I like the customer service at my neighborhood grocery store and hardware store.

It's purely a personal decision and I wouldn't knock anyone else for shopping where they want, but I think the urban landscape is becoming too monotonous and boring and as long as it makes me feel better boycotting Walgreen's than I'm going to keep doing it.

Futura Girl posted on 04/08/2003

This is just too much for me to pass along to the Modcom group... I linked back to this discussion on this issue (as I do on all things tiki) twice now.
If there are folks interested in persuing preservation of Kona Lanes - post there and try to get other modcommers on board.
I have not following this that closely, but often when it seems like a decision has been made, it may not be too late for last ditch efforts?

The demise of the Kahiki was a travesty, but losing Kona Lanes is just as wrong. It's like saying that a hybrid tea rose over there is more important than an azalea. Each has own beauty and place in the garden!
Each contributes to its community.
Unfortunately the Kona Lanes was badly pruned in the last few years so those who wentthere more recently did not see the wild Googie/tiki spears that jutted out from the facade (which could be replaced fairly easily).

Anyway - I know this forum is for things beyond tiki, but I encourage 'preservation' talk to come and visit the modcom forum...

Someone should consider nominating the interior of Sam's Seafood as a landmark.

i think we should rename tikibong to tikibush.

Luckydesigns posted on 04/08/2003

Pop, I know that Kona may not be as significant in the tiki world as the Kahiki, but this one is right in my back yard, and a place that I've been going to since I was young.

Yeah, it's lame that the Kahiki was knocked down, but I couldn't see myself going on a trip to Ohio just for dinner and drinks. Don't get me wrong, I would have loved to see the place. With this said, I wouldn't expect someone in Ohio to Boycott Kohl's just as I wouldn't conciously boycott Walgreens. I do agree with the Jab though. I try to avoid those types of stores even if my neighborhood whatever store is more expensive. My point was the deterioration of 50's-60's architecture.

Pop, I know you never wanted them to knock-down the place. I wasn't trying to attack you. Sorry if it seemed like that.

Thank you for your input Futura, I agree with you about Sam's.

Tiki_Bong posted on 04/08/2003

Futura Girl,

Oddly enough, I contacted Hanford about legally changing my TC name to just 'Bong', since besides 'a-hole', that's what most call me.

He provided some food for thought by replying something to the effect (my wife read the message) 'what would it achieve?'.

After some reflection and deflection, I came to the conclusion - I'll keep Tiki_Bong...

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mrsmiley posted on 04/09/2003

Mr Smiley, Tikivixen and "TikiHag" are hoping to visit Kona Lanes if we can make the time this weekend. We will be seeing the Film Noir series playing Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood. We might also watch the slideshow on Sunday at the Egyptian at 1pm put on by the guy who did the Holiday one last year.
We are hoping to make Tiki Ti on Thursday Night (maybe 8pm)--hopefully.

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aquarj posted on 04/09/2003

About the Lanai, actually, from the history I heard, Walgreens just was the store that came along after the closing of the restaurant, as opposed to being instrumental in its closing. Course we still have our running joke every time we see one, "hey look, there's a former tiki restaurant!"

Luckydesigns sez:

Really do we need another mass marketed/ mass produced bull sh*t store that promotes sameness?

Sadly I think the answer is yes, depending on who you mean by "we".


L Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/443/63742696d0755.jpg?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=f921321cf64572624ac0d9e7598aae5a
Luckydesigns posted on 04/09/2003

Randy, I'm afraid that I get what you mean.

Mr. Smiley, I'd be happy to meet you guys out there if you plan on it. I'm not much of a bowler but there is always kareoke.

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PolynesianPop posted on 04/09/2003

On 2003-04-08 16:08, Luckydesigns wrote:
Pop, I know you never wanted them to knock-down the place. I wasn't trying to attack you. Sorry if it seemed like that.

No apology required bro. With Kona Lanes being your backyard karaoke bar, I understand the sentimental attachment and admire your passion for its preservation.

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thebaxdog posted on 04/09/2003

We have named our dog "Kohl"
And we have painted our walls green.
I love Costco and Home Depot.
I need more Tiki shit, so tear that eye-sore down.
Does anyone know how long before the doors open, I want to be there opening day!!

PS. I love stucco!
PSS. I think I will wear the gaint "coal suit" and dance and wave to people on the sidewalk, you in Tiki_Wrong?

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thebaxdog posted on 04/10/2003

Come on guys
really I hate coals
don't be so sensitive

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Luckydesigns posted on 04/11/2003


I read in the Daily Pilot yesterday that the Costa Mesa City Council voted 4 to 1 that there is not enough space in the Kona lot to build a Kohl's department store. I guess Kohl's already owns the land now but this may postpone knocking the bowling alley down and give us the last ditch effort to save the building.


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Futura Girl posted on 04/11/2003

On 2003-04-08 18:57, mrsmiley wrote:
Mr Smiley, Tikivixen and "TikiHag" are hoping to visit Kona Lanes if we can make the time this weekend. We might also watch the slideshow on Sunday at the Egyptian at 1pm put on by the guy who did the Holiday one last year.
We are hoping to make Tiki Ti on Thursday Night (maybe 8pm)--hopefully.

i think Tiki Ti is closed :( for spring break - so check before you head over there... coolness - you guys are in town! wish we could hook up with you - but this is a crazy weekend. will we see you in vegas?
You will love the slide show - that's our friend Charles Pheonix - tell him hi from Mary-Margaret and Cary (BTW he also co-wrote Leis, Luaus and Alohas: The Lure of Hawaii in the Fifties) And he is doing a special Hawaiian Holiday show JUST for mondotiki!!!
But don't miss his God Bless Americana show at the Egyptian if you can make it.

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Futura Girl posted on 04/11/2003

On 2003-04-11 00:27, Luckydesigns wrote:.... give us the last ditch effort to save the building. Comments?

Save IT!!! O.C.T.C. really could do it. We could stage a protest (before a bowling night) - that's always effective to get media attention, I can advise on how to do that. Best days to get good media are Sundays - they are slow news days...
But someone local needs to agree to take the lead on it... Lucky??? And Tangaroa - where are you???
Contact me for tips on where to start.

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lynxwiler posted on 02/04/2005

Aloha Tiki Central!
I just returned to LA from beautiful Cincinatti, Ohio and I am pleased to report that the Kona Lanes neon pole sign will be relit and put on display at the American Sign Museum.

As many of you know this beloved piece of Tiki and bowling history made the cross country trip to the ASM as well as many other LA-native signs. The Kona Lanes now takes its place beside a restored and spinning Earl Scheib globe from Compton, the San Fernando Valley's Chris' n Pitt's BarBQ pole sign, a Foster's Freeze neon from East Los Angeles, and the 14' wide restored Satellite Shoppingland sputnik from Anaheim.

The Kona Lanes signage looks great, but I do have some bad news. Due to rust, age and incredible amounts of guano and bird detritus, the lower portion of the pole sign did not survive. While the "Kona Lanes" is intact, the "Bowl" crumpled and collapsed.

If anybody out there is near Cincinnati, pay a visit to the ASM, Kona Lanes and the several other LA-area signs that crossed the country to receive a lot of restoration and respect.

FYI: Tod Swomstedt at the ASM is putting out a request for more information. They are currently preparing text and images for their displays and would like to know what histories and pictures people may be willing to share with them. Do you have scans of postcards, matchbooks or vintage pics of Kona Lanes that Tod may use in a display? Contact them now -- they open in April.


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Unga Bunga posted on 02/04/2005

Well that's good news. Too bad about the "Bowl" part of the sign.
Here's a couple of links:


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Tikiwahine posted on 02/04/2005

Very cool! It's great to see such things being displayed for all to enjoy, although it's always sad when a building is removed.

For anyone interested,

I did a site a few years back about Vancouver's(B.C.) Neon Heritage, and an exhibit at their museum about neon. There are loads of pictures.

City Lights: Vancouver's Neon Heritage

I just spotted one of the locations in the recent movie "I Robot". A short cafe scene was filmed at the Ovaltine Cafe.

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BryanDeanMartin posted on 02/05/2005

I'm still bummed they tore the Kona Lanes down. I used to go bowling (and drinking) there with coworkers...coworkers who never let me forget throwing up in the parking lot. At least the sign is being saved...

L Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/443/63742696d0755.jpg?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=f921321cf64572624ac0d9e7598aae5a
Luckydesigns posted on 02/17/2005

I drive past the former site of Kona Lanes everyday on the way to work. Yup. It's still an empty lot, overgrown with weeds and full of trash. So lame.

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