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Tiki Gamers?

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Fringe elements unite!

Its almost that wacky summer "KON" season where there are comix events and gaming cons, Tiki events, Furry conventions and proto-religions stacking up the calendar like tribbles in the cargo hold.

Any of our resident Tiki-philes into German board games, obscure RPGs, Tiki-LARP miniatures and the like?

Crossover was confirmed at FI anniversary bash.

Inquiring minds want to know.

Games.....well I do play the Tiki Torch from time to time. :)

I must say I do enjoy the casual Anime Boston convention every so often. :wink:

edit I forgot to add last time i posted, that for board games, I do enjoy Diplomacy and table top battle games. :D

[ Edited by: PockyTiki 2007-04-25 07:56 ]

Count me in for the German board games. I'm not too deep in it of course but I do like a good game of Settler's and Carcasonne is my fiance's favorite. I am fond of card games as well when I can get some people together. There are several tiki themed games. I saw one that was Easter Island themed but I haven't seen it online. Anyway, each player is a powerful wizard controling the Moai which are actually powerful beam weapons. You move the Moai around and try to zap the bejesus out of each other from my understanding of it.

I'd love to see Tiki Sourcebook for games such as "GURPS" or "Call of Cthulhu", it could contain things like the floorplans on famous tiki restaurants or the damage stats for Polynesian weapons.

'Might like to surf over to Makia Media --


-- for "Speartoss","Volcano Jump", and "Vine Swing". Some fun online island-themed games.

(Also, on a secular note, check out the "Insect Races","Cannon Fodder", and "Knife Toss" -- fun stuff!)

Cheers and aloha,

When I saw the posting of this thread I knew I had to check it out!

While no longer a "gamer" I remember my nerdy youthful years when I was WAY into FRPG's and attended huge gaming conventions where we would stay awake for 48 hours at a time surviving only on a steady supply of Mountain Dew and junk food, (and yet some how I never became one of the fat gamers).

My moments of gamer fame resume read as such:

Appeared in an episode of "60 Minutes" on "Fantasy Role Playing Games" doing their "intro" dressed as a Wizard with a briefcase, (in which I carried all my "precious" gaming materials), walking into the now defunct "Dunfie Hotel" in San Mateo which looked like a castle.

Sold a copy of "Call of Cthulhu" and gaming miniature's to James Hetfield of METALLICA while working in a game store in Marin County.

Sold gaming supplies to Whoopie Goldberg and Robin Williams at a game store in San Francisco.

Some how I managed to escape that lifestyle.....went on to world travel, partying and women and then I found TIKI! :D


Ok...you caught us. King Leo and me have been LARPing and RPGing for years now. In fact that is both were I got the nickname "Ratgirl" at and where KL and I met.(My very first act upon meeting him was the drop to the floor, rumage through my backpack, and hand him a large birthday candle...how could he help but fall in love and marry me :wink:) Never had the opportunity to do a tiki themed LARP, but it would be fun.

Come on out of the closet guys...its ok..we are with friends


Oh no I am ruined. I really just wanted to be invited to the chop chop so I could learn to carve awesome tiki's. Now they know.

Not to mention Alt+Tab between WOW and TC.

I do want to see those stats on the polynesian weapons ... Ack ... I am such a geek!

I sculpt gaming miniatures for a living & have attended quite a few conventions over the years. I plan on going to Gen Con in Indianapolis & Origins in Columbus this summer. I'm planning on sculpting some tiki golems just for myself.

Ok I admit it.

My name is Steve and I'm a gamer

I've been gaming for over 20 years. A group of us, that all grew up in the same village, have been holding a regular thursday night games for over 15 years.

Fav's are cthulhu, cyberpunk and a largely re-written version of twilight 2000, which we use as a gurp. I'm currently writing a steampunk adventure. Done a bit of larp [years ago], which was awesome fun. We also like to roleplay in costume to cthulhu.


Awesome responses folks!

I KNEW there was something afoot last year at the Kubla-Kon in San Francisco when we had our impromptu Tiki Bar room set up. The torches are calling.

The bars at these functions are generally ATROCIOUS-- one step above ballgame beer dispensing--which is why we have set up a handsome mobile libation station.

As for myself I have dabbled in all the world of games as a hobby for a long while-- not that I get to do much of it except with the kids these days- but we DO have a few annual get togethers-- Mecha' Science fiction warfare is my favorite flavor, but I do love a good boardgame that requires some brain power. Recommends: Puerto Rico, Power Grid.

The annual Kublacon comes to San Francisco Airport Memorial Day weekend-- we will no doubt have a hotel room and a monster 3D model set up--

AND there is the Comicon in San Diego August 2007---THERE'S some crossover potential! (Memo to self: pack fez AND badger costume)

[ Edited by: Bincho 2007-04-25 20:27 ]

[ Edited by: Bincho 2007-04-25 20:33 ]

Roleplaying and Tiki are two great tastes that would go great together.

Check this out:

The Mythos of Polynesia Revisited [John Storch]
A nice, interesting article about Polynesian mythology and how it can easily fit into the AD&D game. Included are notes on many gods and their avatars, as well as several new magic items.

Free downloads at http://gnba.netdemons.com/books/olik/Creativity_Design.html

I'd like to see more of a pop polynesian roleplaying game that treats tiki drinks like potions, etc...

I even got a wild hair and started designing my own game last year...but never followed through on the project. Good to know that roleplayers and Tiki people have some cross-over, though. I had no idea. I may dust off my old project and start working on it again. :)

Aloha Trader Tom

Nice article about linking polynesian and the ad&d world.

I love mixing up games systems and themes. Once did a christmas game, using the cthulhu system, where the players entered an alternative dimension to fight an evil Santa Clawz! His little helpers were butt kicking devils.

It might be an interesting year for Tiki and board games.

Tiki Mountain by slugfest is up for release this year, pictures are on the geek.

Moai is also slated for release

I still haven't found any information on that Moai beam weapon game.

Yet another long-time gamer here. FRPGs all through my childhood in the 80s, including (A)D&D, CoC, a bunch of Palladium games (RIFTS, TMNT, Robotech - yes, like many adolescent gamer boys I was able to channel my young id into rolling double fistfuls of dice and imagining stuff blowing up :D), even West End's Star Wars RPG. In college I spent a little time on MUDs, I even participated in a couple of LARP experiences in high school and college, though nothing regular ever got off the ground.

And now, here I am collecting old vinyl and trying to perfect my Zombie recipe. Great minds think alike, isn't that how the saying goes? :)

Nowadays I'm more into computer games -- I just recently quit World of Warcraft for a more boring but rewarding game called World of Grad School. It's not really related to Tiki, but the game I'm most excited for is Pirates of the Burning Sea, which is supposed to finally come out sometime this year. Arrr! I've got Settlers and Carcassone on a shelf upstairs too, my wife even likes to play them sometimes! If I can ever justify the expense of an XBox 360, I'll be very interested to see how Settlers translates to XBox Live Arcade; with everyone's busy schedules and the wide geographic distribution of my friends, I'm really hopeful that the "online board game" idea takes off.

I think a Tiki/Polynesian themed tabletop RPG or a "modern" tongue-in-cheek Tiki game would be awesome. Tiki drinks as potions++!

So that's how you mess up and double-post a reply. Fascinating. :/

[ Edited by: tikimnky 2007-04-28 10:30 ]

Its the "Curse of clumsy fingers" which is a -5 Dex you needed to roll 12 or more on a D20 to post only once.

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