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Unga Bunga posted on 04/25/2007

On 2007-04-25 13:01, Hakalugi wrote:

On 2007-04-25 10:49, Johnny Dollar wrote:

On 2007-04-25 10:16, Hakalugi wrote:

On 2007-04-24 21:17, PockyTiki wrote:
I just noticed in that above menu, that an Imported Heinekin bottled beer was only 75 cents! Geez-la-weez! Talk about a spike in prices.

Hey! PockyTiki is right! There is a big difference in the price in the menu vs. today! How can this be? I am dumbfounded!

beer bottles used to be MUCH smaller...

Aha! I just knew there had to be a reasonable explanation to this alarming disparity. I will sleep much better tonight. Thank you JD!

Roller Coaster! Wee!

Bora Boris posted on 04/26/2007

California Tiki,
the Sam’s Menu is great. I like where is says “Souvenir Glasses Sold at Gift Shop, Outrigger Room and Hawaiian Village Room”

Three different places to get your mug, unless you were a cheapie you were going home with something.

Tikisgrl posted on 04/27/2007

Stopped by the Kowloon today & found out they now carry Tiki Farm mugs and also got this cool new bowl.

Now when I saw this I was a little apprehensive it kind of looked like a birds nest what could possibly be inside?

But then I unwrapped it, can you say big smile? I can, in my hand was an itsy bitsy scorpion bowl (size comparison to the scorpion bowl for one)

and on the back...

But best of all the bottom...

Got a few other things like the sugar bowl, salt & pepper & a giant green glass, but you've mostly seen them before.


Fugu posted on 04/28/2007

Found a Coco Joe's napkin holder at an antique store a few days ago for $2. It's my first Coco Joe's piece, and I have to say that I'm quite fond of it.

HOUSE OF KU posted on 04/29/2007

Aloha Fugu, Welcome aboard the Coco Joe collecting canoe...hang on, it could get addicting :) This is a great first piece! Freddie :tiki:

naugatiki posted on 04/29/2007

A Harvey's Sneaky Tiki glass, I have the barrel and the ceramic mug but have never seen one of these, not the prettiest tiki but well marketed.

TikiJosh posted on 04/29/2007

I'm sure most people have seen 'em before so I won't bother with a pic of it, but I found a Don the Beachcomber coconut at the thrift store yesterday. Cost me $1!!!!!!!
I've found the other items as well:
A plate from the Kona Kai Club in San Diego. I don't know much about it except that there's a recipe in Taboo Table from a place by the same name. The logo in the recipe appears the same as that on the plate. I'm not sure what the plate is made of, but here's a picture:

On the back is a mark:
There's a picture of what looks like a blacksmith, from the waste up, holding a plate up. The type under the image says "craft american by Bon Chef Inc. Kenilworth, N- 0----. The dashes represent letters or numbers that are too worn to read. I assume the stuff that's sort of worn off should be "NJ 0-023. I'm guessing it's a New Jersey zip code. Not sure what the second digit of the zip should be.
The plate cost me $5. Feels like it's pewter or something.

The second thing I found is a glass from a place called the Ancient Mariner:

Sort of looks like a Honi Honi glass. I don't have any other information about the establishment, nor have I ever seen any other mugs or glasses with this imprint. Time to do some research I guess. Glass cost me 50cents. Sweet!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 04/29/2007

Got shut out last couple days, but managed to pick up a couple things today:

Found a cocojoes King K to replace the one I have with a chip in it

Two Daga mugs from the Polynesian Pub and Bully Hayes Place, a hyatt Regency Waikiki mug, and a plastic coconut Shipwreck Reef Cafe cup.

A Maori paddle stick thingy:

Fine details done on both sides:

One of those records all you guys have and a Varga Hula Girl "print" in a frame.

And I almost stayed in bed because it was foggy...
Buzzy Out!

Tikisgrl posted on 04/29/2007

Went on a little shopping spree today... Nothing too exciting but always a thrill spotting a tiki or two while out.

Not a real rum barrel as is doesn't have a restaurant name but it's heavy & sturdy with a makers mark that I can't read.

And another Hu Ke Lau mug that I didn't have

Many miles driven to bring a smile to my face!


Big Kahuna posted on 04/30/2007

Hey, Tikisgrl, you're killing me. I rarely find anything around here. I love that Huke Lau mug. Hopefully I'll score at Brimfield next week. Happy hunting!

ikitnrev posted on 05/02/2007

I thought I would share with you an item I purchased on ebay, from the recent Jack Lord estate auction.

The following was a Gaugin print (Fatata te Miti) reproduction. The auction listing said that this was one of Jack Lord's favorites, and that it hung in his and Marie's bedroom.

It is now hanging in my bedroom - thought it might provide me with some good karma.

Oddly enough, the original Gaugun painting is owned by the National Gallery of Art - about 20 minutes from where I now live.


VampiressRN posted on 05/02/2007

It looks great in your bedroom Vern.

TG....you do find great stuf!!! :)

naugatiki posted on 05/05/2007

Found a few polynesian fragrances today Plumeria, White Ginger (with tiki logo-Liana of Waikiki) and one called Mai Tai. I was hoping for something rumlike but at best it smells like a brand you'd buy at the Dollar Store.

Fugu posted on 05/05/2007

From the wilds of Warm Springs, Georgia...

[ Edited by: Fugu 2007-05-05 14:23 ]

Johnny Dollar posted on 05/05/2007

On 2007-05-04 17:40, naugatiki wrote:
I was hoping for something rumlike but at best it smells like a brand you'd buy at the Dollar Store.

my store TOTALLY carries mai tai cologne...

bigbrotiki posted on 05/05/2007

They STILL make that stuff? These were tourist perfumes, sold in shops in Hawaii. Some off the old package concepts were nice:

...and if you're looking for Rum-scent, you won't find it in here either!:

This smells more like Jaegermeister...DEFINITELY not like a refreshing island breeze...rather like wrinkly old man. :)

tiki410 posted on 05/06/2007

Its been dry as far as finds until the past few days. From left to right is a carving from New Zealand, Coco Joe Menehune, Bali Hai Bowl, Coco Joe Menehune and Luau Hut mug (given to me).

The Bali Hai bowl is my favorite. I had one a while back that was given to me by a friend. I returned it to him when he caught the Tiki bug. I didn't think I would ever find another one especially in the wild. The best thing was that it was only $8. Seems like all the places have marked the mugs and bowls up to ridiculous prices. Lesson learned "its always worth a another look".

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 05/07/2007

Had a quality over quantity type weekend this week. Managed at least one tiki find Fri, Sat, and Today. If we were a traditional H+G society, as opposed to intensive agriculture one, I'd like to think I could transfer my in the wild finding abilities to game hunting. I would probably be able to support many wives if I was born into that kind of culture.

My first find of the day today was an in the wild CocoJoe's "Maile"

Once again I'll say: It's always a good week, by my definition, if I find a cheap CCJ's in the wild.
I also got a Hawaiian Discovery wood carved King's Platter.

Face detail


Saturday and Friday finds:

Maori coaster or small bowl or ashtray without slots?

Thought this was wood when I first saw it.

It's a resin piece, made by the Wairere Studios Ltd.

Saturday's nautical finds were these bookends and in the "other" catagory a Big Al bank that was only $2.

I have a lot of crap in my house.
Buzzy Out!

KAHAKA posted on 05/07/2007

HEY! It's the Viva Las Vegas mug!!

[ Edited by: KAHAKA 2007-05-06 18:48 ]

Tornhalo posted on 05/07/2007

Ok, that's it. Somebody around here owes me a new keyboard and a new diet mtn dew!

Psycho Tiki D posted on 05/08/2007

Sweet finds from everyone recently...

I was on vacation this past week and did some traveling around and was not disappointed as you can see...

Five Harvey's Hula Girl Mugs with the OMC stickers, I must have two dozen or more of these now!

The one on the left is a smaller and unmarked version of the "Mr. Peanut" mug and has a different finish. The other is a "Trader Dicks" mug, I probably now have at least two dozen of these!

Three different wood carved tikis.

A modern 1960's style carved tiki.

Coco Joe's Ashtray. The volcano is actually the "blue" lava version on a black lava base.

Coco Joe's pen holder.

Three Coco Joe's Tikis.

Two Moai mugs with concave bottoms, unmarked. I could not find anything on these. Has anyone seen these before?

Early Fu Manchu mug. Judging by the paint job, this must have been the end of the shift!

Mark's Outrigger brown matte pineapple mug. This had old candy corn in it!

Samari Grog mug.

Hawaii Kai New York City mug.

Tiki's Grill and Bar mug, Waikiki Hawaii.

Islander Stockon "Bug-Eyed Moai" short mug.

Minnie's Modesto mug. Had a hard time chosing between blue and brown at $35.00 a pop, so I went with blue, my favorite color!
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Even though I seldom purchase mugs on Ebay, I could not resist this 1 of 1 Helztiki volcano mug! My first volcano mug, sorry it wasn't found in the wild like the rest.
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Orchid of Hawaii R-99 Mermaid mug with paper label, made in Taiwan.
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Carved wood tiki bookends "Aloha Hawaii 1976" scribed on the back.
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Finally, a picture of the "Atomic Age" shelf I bought for my recent tiki purchases!

See you soon at a flea market, thrift store or garage sale!

Psycho Tiki D (I know I am and I had a very good vacation)!

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Kenike posted on 05/08/2007

On 2007-05-06 11:23, tiki410 wrote:
Its been dry as far as finds until the past few days. From left to right is a carving from New Zealand, Coco Joe Menehune, Bali Hai Bowl, Coco Joe Menehune and Luau Hut mug (given to me).

The Bali Hai bowl is my favorite. I had one a while back that was given to me by a friend. I returned it to him when he caught the Tiki bug. I didn't think I would ever find another one especially in the wild. The best thing was that it was only $8. Seems like all the places have marked the mugs and bowls up to ridiculous prices. Lesson learned "its always worth a another look".

That blue Bali Hai bowl looks like a Tepco. There was one at the antique store across from Dallas Love Field but they wanted $75 for it! It sat there for years. They recently closed the antique mall before I had a chance to look for any last minute deals. Wonder if they FINALLY marked the bowl down. Here's my camera phone pic from a couple of years ago.

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tiki410 posted on 05/08/2007

That blue Bali Hai bowl looks like a Tepco.

The bowl came from the Bali Hai which was located at Pontchartrain Beach in New Orleans. There is a sticker on the bottom labeled Norleans, Japan.

There was one at the antique store across from Dallas Love Field but they wanted $75 for it! It sat there for years

I think I would have paid that price for it mostly for the sentimental value.

TikiJosh posted on 05/08/2007

On 2007-05-07 18:12, Psycho Tiki D wrote:

Two Moai mugs with concave bottoms, unmarked. I could not find anything on these. Has anyone seen these before?

They remind me of the Hoffman (and later OMC) stuff that was produced for the Kahiki. I have a pair of OMC S&P shakers that look real similar except they're green. The bottom of the shakers says Kahiki Supper Club on them, too.
Very interesting anyway.
Let us know if you find out more about them.

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The Granite Tiki posted on 05/11/2007

Went to the Brimfield Antique Fair Yesterday.

Tiki Candle Holders

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And please correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't these Witco foot stools?

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[ Edited by: The Granite Tiki 2007-05-11 10:21 ]

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pappythesailor posted on 05/11/2007

Hey, stay out of Mass. Those are rightfully mine!
OK, not the Witco--I hate that stuff.... Congrats, Granite.

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tiki_fever posted on 05/11/2007

While doing errands today I stopped by one of the local Antique Shops. I ran into this set of "Islander Earring mugs" in perfect condition, although I don't know if all the mugs were supposed to have white earrings. I picked up the lot of 4 for only $10.00 each.

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T1K1 LEE posted on 05/12/2007

Could I get some help on this item. This bust was given to me by a co-worker about two weeks ago. His father-in-law gave it to his wife some years ago but she did not like it. His daughter had the same reaction apon receiving it from her mother. Her husband, my co-worker, said that he would find a home for it. That is how I came apon it. It appears to be a very tight grained exotic wood. Any info would be most help full.

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atomictonytiki posted on 05/12/2007

I think they come from Bali, I've seen them at antique fairs with hefty price tags but also I've picked ones up from thrift stores for pennies.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 05/13/2007

Couple new finds:

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A fresh tiki, a Hawaii mug, a pair of Maori dolls, a ceramic Marquesan statuette, a Maori bolo tie clasp, and another wooden Hawaii cup, similar to the other one i got last week. I got the wooden cup because despite the fact it says Hawaii, the guy who was selling it said it came all the way from Mexico.

The dolls have Moko
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Here's the bottom of the Marq
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Closeups of the resin Maori bolo tie
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Buzzy Out!

ikitnrev posted on 05/13/2007

I found the following 18" x 12" black laquered tray, with some primitive designs on them. This is a 'Couroc of Monterey' piece - very elegant. This was found in a thrift store, priced at under $5.

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Tikisgrl posted on 05/14/2007

A little shopping for the past two weeks nothing major but fun none-the-less!

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Nassau Bahama's Tiki? And a letter opener

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Black Orchids mug, Small Carving, Yet another Chinese Restaurant cup, Tonga Room S&P & a remember Pearl Harbor glass.

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Year of the snake glass from Royal Hawaiian & a 2000 glass from Kowloon.

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A little bit of Polynesian fun from Maine.

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Oriental Garden mug not sure from where? & a sugar bowl.

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Top is awful but the bottom made it worth $1.04

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Thanks to Helztiki for research on Wikipedia... Call letters were last used in the 70's for phone #'s so this one is pretty old.

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Old Hoover Dam/Las Vegas book, no scanner but Martin Denny was playing at the Sands

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Aku Aku


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pappythesailor posted on 05/14/2007

Tikisgrl, you're killing me. All I got this morning was a coffee and a bagel. Nice hunting.

Psycho Tiki D posted on 05/15/2007

I hate to say this, but this was a painfully slow week. I did find a few things though.

I even found a three sided vintage tall bamboo tiki bar with three fish tanks...found not bought because it was just shy of $3,500.00 to purchase. If anyone is interested in this let me know...I will take pictures for you.

This weeks finds...
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Mr. Bali Hai salt and pepper shakers with original OMC sticker.
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Nice vintage Mermaid wall plaque.
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Bartender's Guide...By Trader Vic. About a thousnd differnt drinks and so far, I do not see a receipe for a Mai Tai!
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Coco Joe's San Surfer Menehune. Label says "This is a North Shore long-hair, have gun, will surf sort of guy. You have seen the day when the surf's down wih an off-shore wind blowing...no hope for change. So! Like this little menehune you let your feelings show. Sad, isn't it? Share his misery, send one to a surfing friend". Aloha! Bottom is stamped "Po-Niu, Niu Made from Lava, Coco Joe '63 Hawaii.
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Coco Joes bottle opener tapa wood, Hawaii.

That's all she wrote,

Psycho Tiki D (I know I am and I told you it was a slow week)!

Psycho Tiki D posted on 05/15/2007

I hate to say this, but this was a painfully slow week. I did find a few things though.

I even found a three sided vintage tall bamboo tiki bar with three fish tanks...found not bought because it was just shy of $3,500.00 to purchase. If anyone is interested in this let me know...I will take pictures for you.

This weeks finds...
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Mr. Bali Hai salt and pepper shakers with original OMC sticker.
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Nice vintage Mermaid wall plaque.
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Bartender's Guide...By Trader Vic. About a thousnd differnt drinks and so far, I do not see a receipe for a Mai Tai!
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Coco Joe's San Surfer Menehune. Label says "This is a North Shore long-hair, have gun, will surf sort of guy. You have seen the day when the surf's down wih an off-shore wind blowing...no hope for change. So! Like this little menehune you let your feelings show. Sad, isn't it? Share his misery, send one to a surfing friend". Aloha! Bottom is stamped "Po-Niu, Niu Made from Lava, Coco Joe '63 Hawaii.
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Coco Joes bottle opener tapa wood, Hawaii.

That's all she wrote,

Psycho Tiki D (I know I am and I told you it was a slow week)!

[ Edited by: Psycho Tiki D 2007-05-14 18:12 ]

Psycho Tiki D posted on 05/15/2007

I have no idea how this posted twice??



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TikiMookie posted on 05/16/2007

We've got our room done! It's our family room we call the lounge, our home is called Keno Kai (Keno is part of our last name)... We have the tiki bar in our home, but this new addition turned out so great!

And our tiki find? Our vintage Paul Frankl 40's furniture!!

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Thanks for Viewing!!


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Tiki Royale posted on 05/16/2007

Nice job TikiMookie!
I like your treatment on the walls and ceiling. The cushions on your sofa and chairs looks great... I have the same banana leaf barkcloth on a few pieces in The Aloha Room.

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Swanky posted on 05/16/2007

On 2007-05-08 05:27, tiki410 wrote:

That blue Bali Hai bowl looks like a Tepco.

The bowl came from the Bali Hai which was located at Pontchartrain Beach in New Orleans. There is a sticker on the bottom labeled Norleans, Japan.

There was one at the antique store across from Dallas Love Field but they wanted $75 for it! It sat there for years

I think I would have paid that price for it mostly for the sentimental value.

That bowl is not the same as the Tepco. It is better cast and has bigger menon the edges, etc. Same style, but a different maker I think.

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Tipsy McStagger posted on 05/16/2007

On 2007-05-11 13:06, tiki_fever wrote:
While doing errands today I stopped by one of the local Antique Shops. I ran into this set of "Islander Earring mugs" in perfect condition, although I don't know if all the mugs were supposed to have white earrings. I picked up the lot of 4 for only $10.00 each.

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..all mugs had white earrings, but it was cold painted on after the last firing of the mug...over time it gets easily scratched off. sometimes folks will remove the white entirely if it appears that most of it has worn away anyway to make them look nicer.

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holiday posted on 05/16/2007

I live right by Morro Bay and the poor Harbor Hut is not what it was once in it's hey day. We used to go there in our younger days and pickup "harbor sluts" that hung out there. The drinks were strong and exotic with lot's of Pacific art hanging around but now it's resigned to just a couple of the built in tikis, no tiki mugs for the drinks and an expensive menu. Food is pretty good though just kind of pricy.
I have added numerous tiki mugs from yard sales along the coast over the years and often find them in the many antique (many, many) from Cambria to Pismo. If anyone is planning to attend the Paso Car Show Memorial Day in my home town of Paso Robles I often find cool tiki and low brow art there and there are plenty of carved tikis for sale. (bring your wallet!)

holiday on the ocean

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holiday posted on 05/16/2007

i hae joining a thread 189 pages too late

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Koolau posted on 05/17/2007

No way, holiday - it's too late to buy an Ohana Hut, but never too late to join this topic.

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caffeinated posted on 05/18/2007

Here are some of my recent finds. These were picked up at garage & estate sales.

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From left to right:

A cast expanded foam Kahlua bottle display, Westwood jigger/shot, Green/brown Frankoma coconut, & a Latitude 20 coconut.

I'm surprised by how heavy & solid the Latitude 20 mug is as compared to any of the other coconut mugs I have.

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tiki_fever posted on 05/18/2007

While running around today I found this hanging shrunken tiki head.

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Bay Park Buzzy posted on 05/19/2007

Today's find:
Hawaii/Tiki chess set
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Buzzy Out!

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Tiki-Kate posted on 05/19/2007

Holy crap Buzzy! That's the coolest thing ever.

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FreddieBallsomic posted on 05/20/2007

Daaaaamn, Buzzy.......the only one in the ohana I have ever seen pull this much stuff/or have the most continuous scores...was Basement Kahuna. Good for you, Homes! So whats the secret?...good karma, lucky rabbits foot, loyal friends..whatever it is,dude, Keep It Rollin'!!

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