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Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

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HOUSE OF KU posted on 05/01/2007

Aloha Buzzy! I like your Tiki carving chamber and your new coffee/carving table :) I like your style. Freddie :tiki:

Cammo posted on 05/01/2007

Thanks Buzz,

You probably have the largest stock of red-tinted stain on the West Coast. The one we ended up picking was Red Chestnut, which looks just great mixed with Jacobean (an almost black, very transparent stain) for the dark parts. I think I'll hit it once again with Dark Chestnut in the nooks & crannies.

Sorry for my little OkiDoki soaking up 3 1/2 pints of it. A thirsty little rascal.

It was fun visiting the House of Buzz in person, kind of like the difference between seeing a picture of a space shuttle launch and being right there. Buzzy kept wandering in and out, wheeling and dealing on the phone and Ebay. Chips everywhere. A wall of stain and varnish. Elvis Cds. You know.

Next time I'll take some shots of the new Tiki Palace wall. Apparently he spent less than 3 bucks on everything you see there, dang!

Cammo OUT from the FUMES.

4WDtiki posted on 05/01/2007

C'mon Cam, let's see a pic of that tiki!

Cammo posted on 05/01/2007

Still staining, 4WD. Got a problem making the face white; Minwax "Pickled Oak", their whitest stain, just doesn't work. Fan palm is not what it was designed for, shall we say.
Will try a test with thinned-down white paint, but I wanna finish it with that Zizzner Amber Shellac, and it may not work. That's what's fun with this Tiki stuff; crazy combinations of crap. On the Shellac can it says not to sand between coats, but that's exactly what I'm gonna do in spades.

Anyway, OkiDoki is lookin' way better after GETTING BUZZED.

Tiki Duddy posted on 05/02/2007

Hey buzzy, i like the carvings and those shells are CRAZY! why are there so many there? thats really cool. never seen anything like that

Tiki-Kate posted on 05/02/2007

Hey Buzzy. I'm taking pictures of all the sunrises and sunsets in Maui for you. I'll send you a photo album when I get home.

Benzart posted on 05/02/2007

Crazy Stuff Buzz and then we bring in Cammo who seems to be a dead ringer for your Twin personality, like 2 peas in a corn husk. Love your styles!. Coolness abounds and the coffee table is perfect And Functional to boot. Hey what more could you ask for?

RevBambooBen posted on 05/02/2007

On 2007-05-01 19:46, Benzart wrote:
Crazy Stuff Buzz and then we bring in Cammo who seems to be a dead ringer for your Twin personality, like 2 peas in a corn husk. Love your styles!. Coolness abounds and the coffee table is perfect And Functional to boot. Hey what more could you ask for?

What more could Buzzy ask for?

A Buzzy Web Cam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love the coffee table!

Did you get the matching end and sofa tables too??

Do the make entertainment centers also?

What about the Dining table?

And, why even have carpet??

Carpet is for losers!!

p.s. Hi Benzart!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 05/02/2007

On 2007-05-01 18:11, Tiki-Kate wrote:
Hey Buzzy. I'm taking pictures of all the sunrises and sunsets in Maui for you.

Thanks Kate! I'll probably need them in the coming couple of months. it's been cloudy every night, with barely a sliver of sun. A couple years ago, it stayed like this all the way through July. I might have to feature other sunsets while mine are hiding

Speaking of sunsets
Yesterday the clouds broke for a couple minutes at sunset:

On 2007-05-01 18:09, Tiki Duddy wrote:
Hey buzzy, those shells are CRAZY! why are there so many there?

This would usually indicate that for a couple hundred years, the Indians used this spot to harvest seafood, and found an abundance of shellfish there to eat. That many shells is usually evidence that there was a well established permanent or seasonal Indian village there with a sizable community at some period in historical times. The shells are refered to as midden(trash), and there were obviously a lot shells harvested there for food over a long period of time. This was still a pretty desolate part of baja, so people have not taken all the shells yet. If they pave the road out there, the shells probably wouldn't last more than a year.
I've seen a few spots like this up and down the coast of baja, but this one was the most extensive and undisturbed that I have seen so far.

On 2007-05-01 19:46, Benzart wrote:
Hey what more could you ask for?

Better sunsets and a maid...for starters.

On 2007-05-01 20:27, RevBambooBen wrote:
Carpet is for losers!!

Most of you guys didn't even know I had carpet until I cleaned up a couple weeks ago...
It came with the house.

I got a double dose of our government yesterday: the DMV and the Post Office. The only thing more inefficient is a Mexican Bank. I was inspired to do nothing after those visits.

I still love my country though! And my wall to wall carpet. And my new coffee table. And my dog...

Buzzy Out!

hiltiki posted on 05/02/2007

Buzzy the only thing missing in your Architectural Digest approved wall is leopard skin something. You need something leoperdy in there. :tiki:n :tiki: :tiki: :tiki:

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 05/02/2007

On 2007-05-02 10:04, hiltiki wrote:
You need something leoperdy in there.

Buzzy Out!

McTiki posted on 05/02/2007

Beautiful carves as usual Buzz.

Now reality:

TV show Trading Spaces = cool show

Except if yer tradin with Buzzy.



Cammo posted on 05/02/2007

Found this mint condition La-Z-Boy chair on Ebay. I outbid Bamboozled Ben, BigBigBigBroTiki, and FootballTiki for it. Will trade Zinznzer Amber Shellac for it.

It matches your coffee table perfectly;

Check out the Comfo-Pedic cushions with their patented Snoozo-Matic (TM.) Technology;

And it reclines!

Babalu posted on 05/02/2007

Buzz Master....

Lookie see what Babalu has!!! (dangle carrot)

How about a trade Captain? A couple-o-logs from that massive log pile collection of yours for these beauties?

Look it has an extension cord so that you can build your self that much needed helmet cam set up.

What say you?

4WDtiki posted on 05/02/2007

"Buzz-Cam - All Buzzy, All The Time!" 8)

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 05/03/2007

Today's lack of sunset:

Babalu: You could just have the logs, but if you're donating the camera for the good of the tiki nation, then Deal!
Cammo: That might be a Witco chair, actually. Nice score!

Sometimes I wish I wasn't known as just Buzzy. Sometimes I wish I had chosen Tiki________(insert cool tiki guy name in blank)for my name. I cannot call myself Tiki Buzzy, or Buzzy Tiki, because both of those sound stupid to me. The reason I was thinking about this was because I was hanging out and talking with Tiki Dan and Tiki Sol and I realized that I was the only guy there without Tiki in his name. Then I thought what kind of tiki guy am I without tiki in my name? It seemed like I had no credibilty because I didn't have a tiki name, or rather, a real tiki guy name.

I took my show on "the road" today:

Barely got anything done, though

It wasn't "the road", but it looked like the road from my view

I can almost see my house on the hill behind the wall, over to the left. If you can see the one with the tikis in the yard, that's my house!

Buzzy Out!

Babalu posted on 05/03/2007


Yes, yes, thank you...Babalu has mucho ideas, and only a few rotten - green logs in the arsenal.

Not sure if Buzzy can use, but I was was given a "one size fits all" hat by a guy who lived down the street, under the bridge for a spell. As we sat in the shade together one day, watching the cars go by, having a sack lunch...he handed over the hat and said that it possessed "certain magical island powers"? He gave this hat to me when we parted, and told me that someday it's purpose would become clear to me. I cleaned it up, and sat it on a shelf...lately, I've been getting this strange feeling that it needs to be passed on...

So, whether it gets used, or ends up on a shelf at AM Vets...I would like to humbly donate it to the good of the Tiki Nation too.

Let's PM...

PS. Props to the Godfather!

Tornhalo posted on 05/04/2007

Just think of all the webcam sunsets...

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 05/05/2007

Remember when you had tests as a youngster and you were asked to compare and contrast different things? Well finally you can utilize a skill you learned in school in your adult life: Compare and contrast yesterday's sunset...

...with today's.

You have the rest of your life to answer this question.

Everyone present gets an A today. Tomorrow too...
Class is cancelled if it rains.

Oh yeah, all I'm doing tikiwise is sanding the big fence tiki. I forgot to take a picture of it. I'll describe it though: It looks the same, but smooth now. Not smooth all over. But smooth in a lot of parts. It looks whiter too. But still dark in the rough spots.

Buzzy Out!

Cammo posted on 05/05/2007

Saw this sunset while driving home tonight, and immediately thought "SNAP IT BUZZY!"

Good 'un, Buzz.

Tornhalo posted on 05/06/2007

I think the "sky on fire" sunsets are the best.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 05/06/2007

On 2007-05-06 00:47, Tornhalo wrote:
I think the "sky on fire" sunsets are the best.

Last night came close:

Babalu brought over the webcam yesterday. Look for me to go live soon.

I'll try to post some tiki work on the little On the Road Tiki later.
Buzzy Out!

hiltiki posted on 05/07/2007

Buzzy I think you have gone from a real man to a tiki man. With all the carvings, changing decor of your house, and now all the tiki finds I see posted in Collecting Tiki. In this order I see Mai Tais as the liquid for the day, Hawaiian shirts, wild tiki parties and least but not last Hawaiian, Exotica Music..ha???
well I am still a fan and check here on a daily basis, and you know why I do this? Please ask me why cause I will tell you why. Because..... IT IS FUN

hiltiki posted on 05/07/2007

Oh and I like your carvings duh!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 05/07/2007

Sunday sunset:

And here is where I am with this guy:

I spent a litle time since last update refining the body. I've still been having trouble with arms, but after it was too late, I think I finally figured out the adjustment I need to make. You will not see what I learned on this tiki, on this tiki, but you will see it on every tiki I carve after this one. And those are the important ones, because this one is just for practice. I think I've said that about them all...
Got the face edges all drawn up and I'm going to hit it after I get something to eat. I feel like having In n Out. It's late, so since I shouldn't be eating, I'll have them hold the lettuce on my two cheeseburgers.

Hiltiki: First of all, I always have been, and always will be, a real man. Secondly, there is no such thing as a "tiki man." There is only the Tiki Guy, which I am not yet one of. It takes more than shirts and decor to become a true tiki guy. As for changing my decor, I didn't change anything. Before, I had no decor. Or furniture. I finally have something to decorate with. Finally, those finds, it's more like inventory. And as I kind of explained in finds, I believe that male humans are genetically predisposed to hunting and gathering, but modern conveniences have made these inherent skills unecessary. Finding those things are me just expressing my natural urges, in my most primal and natural fashion.
My music of choice is talk radio: Traffic and news every ten minutes, sports at 47 and 17 minutes after the hour.
I gave all my hawaiian shirts to amvets when Homer got that Hawaiian shirt.

In and Wait and Finally Out Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2007-05-07 00:21 ]

hiltiki posted on 05/07/2007

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
oh yeah? what about the cheesberger with no lettuce then????? that's a tiki man, guy thing to do. What's up with the arms, what kind of trouble? too short, too long? too fat? what?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 05/07/2007

Bought a couple new toys this morning:

I'm finding these to be extremely helpful in sanding this guy. I think i did what usually takes 3 hours in about a half an hour.

Buzzy Out!

AlohaStation posted on 05/07/2007

You should try carving with the ngle grinder. You production time will shrivel. I will rough out my shapes with the grinder and finish with chisels and sanding. the bad part is those sandingpads don't last very long. AND it is a very dirty process - you won't be doing it in your living room - maybe?

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 05/07/2007

Aloha, AlohaS.: Yeah, I think these are outside toys...

Going to try to do that angle grinder carving thing in a little bit.
For now, I'm going to do a little work on this guy:

Sunny and very hot today.
Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 05/07/2007

Progress shots are all the rage these days.
More of my today's progress shots:
Roughed in deepest parts first and marked out more details

Then I used the hooknife to round it out:

Oh, close up, what's next?

Mouth, nose, or Keep working the upper head...

Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 05/07/2007

Pretty much all hookknife for the last hour's work:

Pretty soon you might see all this unfold live
Buzzy Out(but I'll be back!)

RevBambooBen posted on 05/08/2007

I like how you left on the pencil lines.


Is the Buzz Cam really in the future??

Dat wood be Arrrsome!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 05/08/2007

RevyBaby: There are actions being taken behind the scenes presently...Oops! I've said enough already.


From the factory floor:

Just have those black lines in the deepest crevices to sand on this one:

Progress on this guy too:

Lot of hook knife and a little everything else.

Buzzy Out!

RevBambooBen posted on 05/08/2007

No sand!!!

Leave lines!!

Half finished!!

When I buy one from you, that's the way I want it!

So.......when we meet up together in the rest home in the sky......

you can finish it for me!

I like "not finished art."

Now....... Back to that Buzz TV ??

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 05/08/2007

BambiBen: I just didn't finish this tiki for you.

See you on the other side.

Last progress update for the day:

We've seen a lot of changes together on this guy today. I'm sure you'll miss him when we all move on to the next one. That's the way it has to be, I'm afraid.

Buzzy Out!

Tornhalo posted on 05/08/2007

Maybe he can narrate the webcam?

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 05/09/2007

He can't be the commentator because he's non-union...

Last night's sunset was typical for this time of year:

The bay was real glassy as the sun set yesterday

I put some stain on this guy today:

Side view shows it's really a relief carving:

I didn't sand any of it

Look how "primitive" it looks when you cut corners

I do like those cracks in it.

This is fun! What's next?
Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 05/10/2007

I added some highlights to this guy:

I only wanted to bring out the peaks between the sweeps...

so i used a fingernail file...

because i didn't want it to rub on the lower parts of the tool marks.

I saw Cammo do something like this with his okidoki tiki and thought I might try it some day.
Today is that day.

I also finished sanding the fence post:

and I stained the chair he is sitting on

Now all I have to do is cut a bunch of pieces of bamboo down 12" and stain him.

That's it for now.
Buzzy Out!

Tiki Duddy posted on 05/10/2007

looks great buzz. really like the aged look on the one and the sitting guy is turning out real well. always like seeing updates on the big guy there.
hope to see more updates soon!

hewey posted on 05/10/2007

Cool work mate :D

Tornhalo posted on 05/10/2007

Great shots Buzzy!

The little guy looks great, I hope he can find work somewhere someday.

When do you think you'll have the fence ready?

Cammo posted on 05/10/2007

I take no credit whatsoever for that sand-after-staining technique. It's like a 3000 year old German woodcarving trick from the Olde Countrie. One thing I noticed is you can just sand the places you want, like outside edges and tops, subtly defining the shapes more.

Hit that thing with watered down Zisnznzzer Amber Shellac now, and the thing will look like it's from 1933. You could sell it to Genuine Handicrafts Musem in Balboa Park for 3 large.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 05/11/2007

Catalina is burning right now, so we have a smoke enhanced sunset:

Tornhalo: I have to cut all of these (and a bunch more you cant see) a little shorter...

that's it.

The most important part was finishing the corner piece. Which I did today:

And I stained this guy too:

I want to try and carve something big now. Haven't done a big piece in a while.

Stay tuned for video news...
Buzzy Out!

Tornhalo posted on 05/11/2007

That sunset is the best yet, Maybe I can start a tire fire here or something to get one like that. The big guy looks great, and I think the little guy is my favorite so far. I can't wait for hurrican season to get into full swing so I can go down south and pick up some logs!!

(not that I wish doom and gloom on any of my southen neighbors.. just on their trees!)

RevBambooBen posted on 05/11/2007

On 2007-05-10 21:11, Tornhalo wrote:
That sunset is the best yet, Maybe I can start a tire fire here or something to get one like that. The big guy looks great, and I think the little guy is my favorite so far. I can't wait for hurrican season to get into full swing so I can go down south and pick up some logs!!

(not that I wish doom and gloom on any of my southen neighbors.. just on their trees!)

You sound cool Torn!

Rock on!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 05/11/2007

Ladies and Gentlemen, a short preview of some fine things you will be seeing in the future on the Buzzy Cam:

Click here

I would like to thank the following people, because if they hadn't done everything, none of this would have been possible:
Film and Narration by Babalu
Button Pushing by Professor Robot
Music by Pufferfish

I hope you enjoyed that.
Buzzy Out!

Tornhalo posted on 05/11/2007

I laughed so hard it scared the dog, and he nipped me on the hand.

Wait a minute... I'm getting a vision! (The loss of blood must have awakened my latent fortune telling powers) I see Buzzy TV picked up by HGTV, Buzz becomes the next Rachel Rae, earning bazillions of dollars, Earning an army of fans.. BUT WAIT! DARKNESS!! People begin to accuse him of being a sell-out.. Hundreds of thousands of people turn on our hero and begin to form "We hate the Buzzy show" hate-clubs.. Death threats, Palm trees everywhere are spiked.. firebombed log piles, Tikis are crucified and chainsawed all around the world.. a giant sailcloth is erected next to the house so the sunsets can no longer be seen.. Chisels are outlawed! Rum is taken off the shelves!

the horror.. the horror..

Well screw them. I'll still watch.

After I go get a band-aid.

G Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/09845a0a5fdbf142ab6c6c187b75b9fc?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
GMAN posted on 05/11/2007

Oh yeah! I need one of these at least once a week. I love it. It's like the Beastie Boys meets Animal House! Hurray for Buzzy and the Wonder Dog! Dude, that pendant is the schnizzel :D


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