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Polynesian(?) Pop painting for my home office

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tikipedia posted on 05/13/2007

I am wrapping up a remodel of my home office. I had a large open spot on the wall above my couch. BTW, the blueish wall was supposed to be more of a gray. :x

By chance, I found this painting at a thrift store yesterday. It is five feet wide, and has some damage on the right side.

Ok, so the painting probably isn't Polynesian Pop... more Filipino perhaps? And the wahine is a bit ambivalent about having this old painting in the new office, and she is considering an ultimatum... keep it until I get something else. Perhaps a Shag serigraph? Hmmmmm....

The painting over my new couch. BTW, the couch folds flat, and is perfect place to take a snooze. :)

Close up of the painting. Signed by 'Carlos'.

The Tikipedia

[ Edited by: tikipedia 2007-05-13 20:54 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 05/14/2007

I think it's a cool painting. The outrigger really pulls this piece out of the generic tropic genre, and into Poly pop.
Actually, It would be perfect for adding a scale Tiki to it. Ask one of the talented artists here to paint one into the scene that fits in perspective, lighting and brush style, so one can not tell that it was added later ....maybe even in the foreground! I have a couple of these embellished thrift store art pieces, it works great!

Tiki Matt posted on 05/14/2007

Is it "Carlos" or "CARLO"? It looks like it may be a Carlo, if it is it may be worth a few hundred bucks, I wouldn't paint a tiki on it until your sure. You used to be able to pick up his paintings for cheap years ago, but they're getting more scarce and more expensive. Post a picture of the signature and I'll let you know....
Check out this website: http://www.carloofhollywood.net

tikipedia posted on 05/15/2007

I guess this should teach me not to post after drinking Mai Tais

But yes, the artist name is Carlo. There is no label on the back, but the website link you sent was extremely helpful. Thanks!

Here are some closeup pix:

Signature which reads 'Carlo', not 'Carlos' as I first posted:

A closeup of the outrigger, and the damage, which is pretty much scratched paint. I hope this can be fixed.

Mr&Mrs BPHoptiki posted on 05/15/2007

I LIKE it!


VampiressRN posted on 05/15/2007

I like it...good colors and size to compliment your couch and wall. You can contact Carlo off that website link. Might be of interest to him where his painting is now living and he may be able to determine worth and suggest whether to repair or not (in order to retain its value).

bigbrotiki posted on 05/15/2007

On 2007-05-13 19:12, bigbrotiki wrote:
...Actually, It would be perfect for adding a scale Tiki to it. Ask one of the talented artists here to paint one into the scene that fits in perspective, lighting and brush style, so one can not tell that it was added later ....maybe even in the foreground!

Oooops! :D

Kona Chris posted on 05/15/2007

Honestly I think that painting looks completely awesome! And it looks good right where you have it. Probably worth having repaired I would think. It's nicer than some of the other Carlo paintings I've seen. I know I would have picked it up too.


Tiki Matt posted on 05/15/2007

Yep, it's a Carlo. Very cool, and great find. What did ya pay (if you don't mind me asking)?

kctiki posted on 05/16/2007

Nothing like a vintage find that fits the space & theme perfectly - well worth repairing the damage I think.

I just gave away a Carlo of Hollywood painting to a charity store. It didn't look right anywhere in my house, but maybe someone will give it a good home.

tikipedia posted on 05/16/2007

Wow, this is more fun and educational than Antiques Road Show!

Thanks for all of the valuable information and comments. I've learned a lot about Carlo of Hollywood, and you have all guaranteed that the painting will safely stay in it's current location for a long time to come.

By the way Tiki Matt, I originally paid $14.95 + tax. Not bad or an original Carlo of Hollywood!

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