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Tiki Traveling with Kahuna Kawentzmann

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Kawentzmann posted on 05/18/2007

An 8 track mini album of all new exotica tracks - available for download.


ikitnrev posted on 05/18/2007

I've listened to all of the above previews - they sound absolutely great! I may have to soon step out of the world of vinyl, and start downloading music.

Here are the names of the above songs ... check them out.

Have Tiki Will Travel
Passage to Papeete
Tiki Traveling Theme
Kava Village
Fatu Hiva
West of Fiji
Three Taboos
The Travelling Twist

Kahuna Kawentzmann's video for 'Come Fly With Me' is also a real pleasure - one of my favorites of all time, capturing well the spirit of 50's-60's era jet-set travel ... great exotica music.



bigtikidude posted on 05/21/2007

Great stuff KK, I gotta get it and the last one too.
Now if I can just have somebody help me figure out how to download and burn stuff :(


Chongolio posted on 05/23/2007

These songs by the man they call Kahuna Kawentzmann are nothing short of amazing and I am surprised that Kahuna Kawentzmann isn't getting more recongnition for his contribution to modern exotica, surf and space age jazz. The dude is laying down some stuff that is ethereal and I will go so far as to say pan-dimensional. Check it out you will kiss yourself afterwards. guaranteedz!


VampiressRN posted on 05/24/2007

Prepare yourself.....dumb question comin thru!!! On "The Passage to Papeete" which is the second one down on the left hand side....what is the name of the instrument that starts out (like two pieces of wood hitting each other)? It would be a percussion item, and I would like to get a set but don't know the name to search for it on the net. Hope this makes sense.

What great music....I want the whole album. Since this is a foreign purchase....guess I am going to have to break down and get a Pay Pal account. I just hate them cause they are so spoofed it is rediculous. I just cancelled my account last year. ARGH!!!

congatiki posted on 05/24/2007

Vampiress...I believe the clicking sound is created by claves...either
real or digital....
claves are exactly what you think...two pieces of wood clacked together....
used very prominently in Cuban music. Latin Percussion makes a nice

[ Edited by: congatiki 2007-05-24 12:44 ]

Kawentzmann posted on 08/21/2007

My albums are available at eBay.com now as well.

Kawentzmann posted on 10/13/2007

If you are a little web experienced you might be interested in selling my 8-track, Exotica-Surf album Tiki Traveling, which is exclusively available for download.
You can built a little Tiki Traveling sales page and get a percentage of every copy you sold, each month.

Tiki Traveling
affiliate link at Payloadz

I will provide banner-ads, layouts and art in the future, for you to use if you like.


Don’t expect to make a fortune, but it might be an interesting product for your costumers/visitors. The music in the album is also used in the DVD doc Armchair Travelling in the World of Tiki, which is released this month.

[ Edited by: Kawentzmann 2007-10-13 06:04 ]

HelveTiki posted on 03/31/2011

right now i listen to KK's tiki traveling ...
this album is awesome !

Kawentzmann posted on 04/04/2011

Thanks Helvetiki!
Are you aware I just released a new single a couple of weeks ago?


[ Edited by: Kawentzmann 2011-04-04 13:49 ]

djlittledanny posted on 04/08/2011

Absolutely stunning artwork!

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