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Thee Official PIRATE Thread

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VampiressRN posted on 05/22/2007

Avast ye heathen.....you best be postin all ye pix and links, and ANYTHING PIRATE like here. We'll be markin the secret treasure vault on the map and postin in the wink of an eye....so get ta work ya bunch o scally wags!!!

GROG posted on 05/22/2007

Sorry Vampy, but do we need a pirate thread on a tiki website? I'm sure there's a whole pirate network on the world wide web that people can check out if they want to see pirate stuff. It seems like there's already enough "Bilge" and "Beyond Tiki" stuff detracting from the core of tiki central and Polypop.

Polynesiac posted on 05/22/2007

MEOW!, grog! Pirates and tikis go well together, but if you want to do the pirate thing right, head on over to:


and post away ya skurvey landlubber!!!!

here's an old thread with pirate tikis in it:

[ Edited by: Polynesiac 2007-05-22 14:40 ]

Murph posted on 05/23/2007

Too funny.
I just posted these pics on Pyracy.com and saw this thread.
My buddy made me a big flag so we can properly fly our colors while we rape and pillage on Catalina Island. Arrrrgh!

hewey posted on 05/23/2007

Pirates rock! They're definitely a lot more relevant to tiki than a lot of the stuff in bilge and beyond, and even if they weren't, there's a lot of members on here who love the scurvey dogs! :D :D

Me pirate tiki!

VampiressRN posted on 05/23/2007

Ya best be loadin up dem canons Murph kus we ar gonna be bordin that fine craft o yurin and helpin aaarselves to any loot ya got stashed away and drinkin up all da spirits dat ain't tied down. ABSOLUTELY AWESOME FLAG AND JUST THE RIGHT SIZE!!!

We are hidin in the non-tiki section....and don't think any pirates will take over the board. Do avoid the hooks and wooden legs though. :wink:

Nice Pirate/Tiki Hewey and love the pupil and the patch!!! :)

Murph posted on 05/23/2007

If you should come upon the privateer Arrivederci on the high seas of SoCal, VampiressRN or any of you scurvy dogs of the TikiCentral crew are welcome to come aboard and share a ration of the ship's rum with her right good crew.
But make yourself known loud and true as you approach her broadsides because me crew is just itching to set fire to powder!

Small fact the tiki carvers will dig, she is all wood.

Mai Tai posted on 05/23/2007

On 2007-05-22 00:21, GROG wrote:
Sorry Vampy, but do we need a pirate thread on a tiki website? I'm sure there's a whole pirate network on the world wide web that people can check out if they want to see pirate stuff. It seems like there's already enough "Bilge" and "Beyond Tiki" stuff detracting from the core of tiki central and Polypop.

You mean stuff like this?

VampiressRN posted on 05/23/2007

Grog was just sharing his serious side there which I do appreciate. But the squirrel pictures make me laugh everytime I see them and that one is a keeper Mai Tai!!!

I gotta get my Pirates of the Caribbean DVDs fired up again in preparation of the release of At Worlds End. I don't go to the theater much any more but will for this movie....it has to be experienced on the big screen. I really need to watch Dead Mans Chest again and again cause I swear...I missed most of the movie cause I got all caught up in Davey Jones beard. I kept wondering if that was a mechanical thing or animation?It was totally insane.

RevBambooBen posted on 05/23/2007

On 2007-05-22 00:21, GROG wrote:
Sorry Vampy, but do we need a pirate thread on a tiki website? I'm sure there's a whole pirate network on the world wide web that people can check out if they want to see pirate stuff. It seems like there's already enough "Bilge" and "Beyond Tiki" stuff detracting from the core of tiki central and Polypop.

Here's a site for you GROG.........


Go back to yarrrr arrrrrrrt show!

Chongolio posted on 05/23/2007

A few tutorials to help ye unsalted landlubbers get your piratical lexicon afloat:

Tutorial one

Tutorial two


P.S. Grog, Aren't you were named after a refreshing piratey beverage?

Coconut Wired Podcast
Barefoot bloggin'

VampiressRN posted on 05/25/2007

I can't make it to POC Land's End until next week....if ya post something her avoid some of the plot ending thingys for right now. I am really looking forward to hearing how the movie was though....did ya like it. :)

RevBambooBen posted on 05/25/2007

On 2007-05-24 22:37, VampiressRN wrote:
I can't make it to POC Land's End until next week....if ya post something her avoid some of the plot ending thingys for right now. I am really looking forward to hearing how the movie was though....did ya like it. :)

....But a real pirate wouldn't care!!!

Better stay of this post!!!!!


We're going today and..................

RevBambooBen posted on 05/26/2007



It's too complex

fArrrrrrrrrrrrrr me to even try to tease you.

Arrrrrrrrsome flick!

Loved the parrrrrrrrt with K Rrrrrrrrrrrr and the GuitArrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

Off to the cArrrrrrrrrrribean we go!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jah love!


Who says Tiki, Pirate and The carribean can't be mixed??


Pure AnArrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrchy!!!

RevBambooBen posted on 05/26/2007

On 2007-05-22 17:36, Murph wrote:
Too funny.
I just posted these pics on Pyracy.com and saw this thread.
My buddy made me a big flag so we can properly fly our colors while we rape and pillage on Catalina Island. Arrrrgh!


hey Murph!

can i be y'Arrrrrrrrrrrr


VampiressRN posted on 05/27/2007

Watching the first and second installment of the Pirate of the Caribbean and looking forward to the third one....it sounds exciting. :)

FATIMA BLUSH: Oh, how reckless of me. I made you all wet.
JAMES BOND: Yes, but my martini is still dry.

[ Edited by: VampiressRN 2007-05-26 19:28 ]

Coco Loco posted on 05/27/2007

I would LOVE to see the third Pirates movie...but the gods seem to be against it. Mai Tai and I were set to see it at the El Capitan on Friday...but our Craigslist connection flaked out. And the El Capitan Pirates showings are sold out for THREE DAYS. So we thought, surely the Disney movie theatre in Downtown Disney will have 20 or more showings, since it is a Disney movie...zippo...they were sold out all day too. So, we'll see it when we get back to the Bay Area and things have died down a bit...hopefully. :)

hewey posted on 05/27/2007

Saw Pirates 3 yesterday - very cool :D

Polynesiac posted on 05/28/2007

Hey coco and mai tai - I saw the pirates at el capitan on Friday night - 11:40pm showing. When we got out at 3am - there were people lined up for the 3:15 showing!!! that's crazy!!!!

very confusing movie - too many twists and turns and what plot?!?!?! but who cares!!!! Kieth Richards was MADE for his part!!!!! He was the best!!!!

VampiressRN posted on 05/28/2007

I am waiting for the crowds to lessen and will try to see it this week. I am really looking forward to seeing Keith. :lol:

Queen Kamehameha posted on 05/29/2007

love the squirrel!

theres talk like a pirate day, Sept 19th every year.....The site is talklikeapirate.com. If this was already posted my appologies


VampiressRN posted on 05/29/2007

When September 19th hits....it will be mandatory to talk like a pirate here. :lol:

Queen Kamehameha posted on 05/29/2007

Hey Vam, I found this site, from one of the links in this thread, there's actually a dinner theater show on a pirate ship in southern cal... pictures look cool, a little weird,lol



[ Edited by: Queen Kamehameha 2007-05-29 07:33 ]

VampiressRN posted on 05/30/2007

Great find Amy...and they have a gift shop too. Gonna go back and check it out when I am not dead tired. May be able to hit this place when I head down to Oasis. THANKS :)

Mai Tai posted on 05/30/2007

I saw that place when I was down in Southern Calif over the weekend. I was thinking that it might have replaced Medieval Times in Buena Park. But it's actually right next to Medieval times, less than one block, really close to Knott's Berry Farm. I think it used to be called Wild Bill's or something like that, basically the Wild West version of Medieval Times. The building still looked semi western styled, but repainted into something more nautical or pirate themed, whatever that may be.

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Unga Bunga posted on 05/30/2007

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Haole'akamai posted on 05/30/2007

Since this is The OFFICIAL Pirate Thread I thought I'd make sure all the other UNOFFICIAL pirate threads were linked here, you know to make them all OFFICIAL-like...


Gee, how did we get along without this thread?

RevBambooBen posted on 05/31/2007

Got some new Pirate Decor ( Bars and Furniture, etc.)

for Pirate People

coming up real soon.

Just got to finger out how to use my new camera!


Polynesiac posted on 05/31/2007


A friend of mine went there for dinner and was sorely dissapointed. He said it wasn't even cheesy-good. I was hoping it would at least have a campy feel to it, but he squashed all hopes for that. bummer!! IF you go, let us know becuase I'm still curious!

Got some new Pirate Decor ( Bars and Furniture, etc.)

for Pirate People

coming up real soon.

Ben! COOL!!! can't wait to see it!!!!

VampiressRN posted on 05/31/2007

Thanks for linking all the pirate threads Haole'akamai...there is some great information in all of those (I've surfed them before). :)

Good luck with that digital camera Ben.....I still can't figure mine out. The funny thing is....they put pictures on the dials to make it easier to use....but I can't remember what the pictures stand for and can't frikken see em cause they are too small. I read an article once about how to be an expert with a digital camera and the bottom line was....you need to have your buttons all memorized so that you don't need to look at them, you should be able to move them to the right locations by touch memory. ARRRRRRGH!!!

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Mouse Art posted on 05/31/2007

......That sucks about your camera Vamp! Mines the same way. Hell, I dont even have the buttons on my belly memorized!!!! AAAAAHHHHHH

VampiressRN posted on 06/01/2007

Forgot ta saa Unga....dat cartoon made me fall out laffin!!! :lol:

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Dr.TikiMojo posted on 06/04/2007

On 2007-05-23 05:48, VampiressRN wrote:

I got all caught up in Davey Jones beard. I kept wondering if that was a mechanical thing or animation?It was totally insane.

Hey Vampi,

I believe you'll have a happy answer to that question if ya watch the DVD extras! It was so amazing because it was REAL....they did it with animatronics so they were all controlled off camera....freakin' amazing results! :D

For all ye pyrate fans round these here parts be it known that the 1st Annual Northern California Pirate Festival is bein' held right on my home port of Vallejo! http://www.norcalpiratefestival.com/
It will be on thar waterfront lookin' 'cross at ye ole Mare Island on the 16th & 17th of June in yer year of yer lord Two Thousand and Seven.

Tiki Hunter may be down thar vending....word still pending...so keep an eye out....aaaarrrrr!! :wink:

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Dr.TikiMojo posted on 06/04/2007

On 2007-05-30 21:27, RevBambooBen wrote:

Just got to finger out how to use my new camera!


On 2007-05-31 10:07, VampiressRN wrote:
Good luck with that digital camera Ben.....I still can't figure mine out. The funny thing is....they put pictures on the dials to make it easier to use....but I can't remember what the pictures stand for and can't frikken see em cause they are too small. I read an article once about how to be an expert with a digital camera and the bottom line was....you need to have your buttons all memorized so that you don't need to look at them, you should be able to move them to the right locations by touch memory. ARRRRRRGH!!!

Ya know I could definely help with that...1st lesson's free!
Or just HIRE ME and I'll take photos for ya!
If I don't start charging I'll never have a pirate ship in MY backyard! :(

VampiressRN posted on 06/04/2007

Thanks for the great link DrTikiMojo....we should get a group of TCers to make that event. Hope you get on as a vendor there. :)

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ErichTroudt posted on 06/22/2007

just a quick pic of the new addition in my backyard

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Howland posted on 06/23/2007

Neato--I just ran across this thread. The city I live in (or near--Charleston, SC) is rich in pirate history. There is a restaurant near here called 'Queene Anne's Revenge' , named after Blackbeard's ship. It's an 'arrrrrsome' place full of authentic pirate weapons, bottles, doubloons and other treasures, ship parts, etc. I think I've actually heard it called the largest pirvately owned collection of authentic pirate memorablia in the world, maybe?

Here's a link to their website. There is a page that has a virtual tour of some of the place. There's alot to look at there and the virt-tour really doesn't do the place much justice..guess ya'll just need to come on down and visit fer ye selves.

Being a graphic artist for several resortwear companies, I have to do some pirate graphics for t-shirts a good bit, especially after a new POC movie comes out.
I'll see If I can post ye some jpegs here of some pirate design stuff soon.

VampiressRN posted on 06/27/2007

Thanks for the link surf-n-turf.....fun. :)

I know Bincho went to that Vallejo Pirate extravaganza that DrTikiMojo posted....so hopefully he will weight in here with a review of the event. :)

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Haole'akamai posted on 07/02/2007

I know that there are alot of reviews of it (and other local pirate events) on the Tales of the Seven Seas website.


VampiressRN posted on 07/03/2007

Ooooh thanks...lot'o grate links dar!!!!

VampiressRN posted on 08/26/2007

Gonna have me first Pirate themed tiki party VampTiki #3 so wanted to make sure all you pirate enthusiasts knows ya are personally invited!!!

Plus had to link us all over to Queen Kamehameha's fabulous thread, cause that BambooBen ship in da backyard is dabomb!!!

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The Gnomon posted on 08/30/2007

On 2007-05-27 18:35, Polynesiac wrote:
very confusing movie - too many twists and turns and what plot?!?!?! but who cares!!!! Kieth Richards was MADE for his part!!!!! He was the best!!!!

He WAS made for his part.

This is just hearsay, but I heard said by a friend who is a Johnny Depp and Pirates fanatic that Johnny Depp originally patterned his Jack Sparrow look after Keith Richards. Makes sense when you think about it. When the script called for Jack's father to appear, it was only natural to call in the blueprint.

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talo ka posted on 09/02/2007

arrrrr ya scurvy tikilubbers. every year in tampa florida we have a big pirate invasion and party. check ye olde link and come get some pirate booty.


VampiressRN posted on 09/02/2007

Welcome to TC and thanks for the link. Looks like more of a children's event though...and ALCOHOL-FREE...not the kind of Piratey event most of us drinkers would attend. But it looks like it is well planned, so hope ya have fun!!!

Now off to my Grog Log to figure out how to make the Grog for my next party. :drink:

VampiressRN posted on 09/19/2007

Fair Hale you Heathen....
September 19th (every year) is International Talk Like A Pirate Day, so get ready for tomorrow. Slip nta yer native tongue you scallywags and talk pirate.

SoccerTiki posted a great test and way to get a pirate name....go get yer name here.

Thanks ST...that was fun. My name be Morgan Rackham.

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timidtiki posted on 09/21/2007

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[ Edited by: timidtiki 2007-09-21 08:41 ]

[ Edited by: timidtiki 2007-09-21 08:46 ]

VampiressRN posted on 09/22/2007

Ahhhh...dat be a reel fine ornament!!!

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Zeta posted on 07/14/2010

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Well done son, here's the map, let's get that treasure!

No father, it's my exam.

"Pirate and son"
Mixed Media

Pages: 1 2 77 replies