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Paintings for the tiki show at DVA gallery, Chicago

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greenfuzz posted on 06/07/2007

Here are 2 paintings I did for the "Anniversary Gala Tiki Exhibition and Party" at the DVA Gallery in Chicago. The show opens on June 23rd. Both paintings are done in acrylics on masonite that I cut out then assemble in different layers. The one with the scooter is called "Anartiki" and the moai sitting on the bed of nails is called "Feelin' No Pain". If you're in Chicago, go have a lookie!

little lost tiki posted on 06/07/2007

Killer pieces! Great execution and style!
Love the colors and the concepts!
That's gonna be one cool show!

greenfuzz posted on 06/08/2007

Thanks!! I think it will be a really cool show, too bad I'll be stuck here in Arizona!

suburbanpagan posted on 06/08/2007

Those are great! Love your style, greenfuzz!

Limey posted on 06/10/2007

Love your style bro. Cool, graphic and made. Look forward to seeing some more of these fine works.
Ka kité

Sam Gambino posted on 06/10/2007

Both are really cool... I like the moai's face especially. The layer effect is a great idea. I paint on masonite sometimes, but I itch and sneeze like crazy when I'm cutting it!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 06/10/2007

I LOVE dimensional art. Especially when it's SO FREAKING perfect! VERY nice! The expressions! THE movement! The color choices! The craftsmanship! All 100%! I bet they are fanfreakingtastic in person too! Some lucky collector is gonna take those puppies home from DVA!

greenfuzz posted on 06/11/2007

Thanks for all the positive feedback!! This is my first time posting here and didn't know what to expect. Most of my work falls along the pop culture/classic monster lines, but I do have a few more pieces featuring tikis:

Clarita posted on 06/11/2007

Great work greenfuzz!! very nice style you got there! Congrats and welcome!!

frostiki posted on 06/11/2007

You dimiensional paintings are great, I love the style, nice and clean. Very Cool.

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