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One-Of-A-Kind Decanters at DvA Gallery

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frostiki posted on 06/04/2007

That's great news, I'll be keeping my eye out for the questions, hopefully I get one right.

DaTiki posted on 06/05/2007

Hey everyone. I came into work today and a bunch new mugs arrived. Check 'em out!

Alan Forbes


Joe Vitale

Donella Vitale

Crazy Al

Dawn Frasier


[ Edited by: DaTiki 2007-06-05 11:46 ]

Monkeyman posted on 06/05/2007

There is some INCREDIBLY AMAZING Talent in this group....

Wow !!!!

Tipsy McStagger posted on 06/05/2007

goddamnit!! those are fantastic!! joe vitales decanter is how tiki farm should have made the decanter to begin with!! that's hot....all are winners so far!! i curse myself for being a lousy painter and illustrator.....arrrghhh!! looks like i gotta really step it up now......

DaTiki posted on 06/05/2007


Derek Yaniger
"Blast Off"
$365 price includes shipping and handling. Good luck!

Joe V. posted on 06/05/2007

Hey, just checkin' these out!! Wow, they all look killer!

[ Edited by: Joe V. 2007-06-05 13:49 ]

hala bullhiki posted on 06/05/2007

cant wait to see them all in person in a few weeks!....woohoo!

DaTiki posted on 06/05/2007

Thanks Joe. I replaced them. A couple people have already asked, what did you use to make the tiki and smoke?

[ Edited by: DaTiki 2007-06-05 11:48 ]

teaKEY posted on 06/05/2007

Wow, Flounder and Sam had a lot of the same ideas. Like one is dusk and one is night.

Joe V. posted on 06/05/2007

On 2007-06-05 11:47, DaTiki wrote:
Thanks Joe. I replaced them. A couple people have already asked, what did you use to make the tiki and smoke?

Resin, and epoxy putty. Like sculpting with bubble gum.

spatula posted on 06/06/2007

All incredible so far!!

frostiki posted on 06/06/2007

Wow, those are all great. I keep being floored by all of the submissions, I only wish I could make it there for the show.

visit us at http://www.frostiki.com

[ Edited by: frostiki 2007-06-07 10:03 ]

Paipo posted on 06/06/2007

On 2007-06-05 10:55, DaTiki wrote:

Crazy Al

There's a lot of great ideas there, but this is something else. Just incredible!

crazy al posted on 06/06/2007

Thanks for the support on this one!!
"Tiki in Martian Hut: My favorite Martian Hut"

Notice the Mo'de'pearl details... vintage hand me down 'hand collected Los Angeles Mo-pearl' from Bamboo Ben... was it gathered yp by Eli Hedley himself????????? AS WELL AS -hand me down- Tapa from original Eli Lamps ... AND! real shrunken coconuts!...

properly lit the details are very cool... maybe I'll get a chance to post some pics.

[ Edited by: crazy al 2007-06-06 14:40 ]

kbgator posted on 06/06/2007

thats definitely tikified rocket

Chongolio posted on 06/07/2007

DANG! C'Al that decanter is crazy go nutz. Nice Job! Excelllent submissions by all. WOW!!!!


kbgator posted on 06/07/2007

I can not wait to see a picture of all the rockets together, maybe DVA gallery could make a stellar print of them all to sell. Hey thats an idea because some of us can't afford to buy the real rockets.

By the way I really like the both Vitales as well. Both of the them are out of this world.

net-tiki posted on 06/07/2007

These are all really outstanding. C'AL's is will how to say, its super dooper astronautical.

little lost tiki posted on 06/07/2007

Bitchen and totally original!
I was wondering what you would create
and this just goes above and beyond!
What a great show this is turning out to be!

DaTiki posted on 06/07/2007

Just soeveryone know- Not only is there going to be decanters but lots of paintings too! Here are a couple that I just received. Enjoy!

Mike Maas

Jampur Fraize

Bora Boris posted on 06/07/2007

Jeez! Aren't you going to show anything that isn't cool? There's got to be something.

DaTiki posted on 06/07/2007


Next up is Crazy Al's AMAZING decanter. Price is $950. Good Luck!

Hiphipahula posted on 06/07/2007

Crazy Al! some Ben in there!! I love it!!!!!! I want it

Hiphipahula posted on 06/07/2007

here me?? :D :lol: :lol:

[ Edited by: Hiphipahula 2007-06-07 11:43 ]

DaTiki posted on 06/07/2007

Holy cow that was quick!! Within the first minute Hiphipahula snatched it up. Also sold was Mike Maas's painting "Anartiki" to Tipsy McStagger. Congrats to both!

hala bullhiki posted on 06/07/2007

so did the derek y. decanter already go to? just curious at this point

alohacurrent posted on 06/08/2007

That is such a great painting. The upside cop car and the anarchy sticker on the scooter crack me up. All the elements really just make me smile.

FreddieBallsomic posted on 06/08/2007

Yo, Tipsy!! That painting suits you, Bro!! If anyone should have it, its you, meng. Congrats!! fBalls~

Hiphipahula posted on 06/08/2007

On 2007-06-07 11:40, DaTiki wrote:

Crazy Al's AMAZING decanter.

Crazy Al.. How bout more Pic's, good light & all that... Facts, Facts, Facts!..... Ben you rock!-it-ship (ok my bad)

crazy al posted on 06/08/2007


oh'and FLOUNDER Rules!!

Tipsy McStagger posted on 06/08/2007

On 2007-06-07 17:12, FreddieBallsomic wrote:
Yo, Tipsy!! That painting suits you, Bro!! If anyone should have it, its you, meng. Congrats!! fBalls~

thanks!! now if only i can sell one of my pieces in the show i can pay for it!!!

DaTiki posted on 06/09/2007

Todays mug up for sale is from Jet Wrench. "We Came Back" $295 price includes shipping and handling. Good luck.

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DaTiki posted on 06/12/2007


Kirsten Easthope $325 includes shipping and handling.

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DaTiki posted on 06/12/2007

Here is an updated list on what decanters have sold and which are still available.

Alan Forbes
Scott Scheidly
Kirsten Easthope
Tony Murphy (Tiki Tony)
Sam Gambino SOLD
Rick Rietveld
Crazy Al SOLD
Moritz Reichelt
Mitch O’Connell
Ken Ruzic
Dave Krys
David Van Alphen
Derek Yaniger SOLD
Johnny Crap Design
Mr. G
Mark Pilon
Von Franco
Joe & Donella Vitale BOTH SOLD
Dave Burke SOLD


A big thanks to Louie Lazos at Tucson's own Kon Tiki for allowing DvA Gallery and Tiki Farm to sell these magnificant bowls! There will be ONLY 30 available and only to those who come to the opening and the rest will be available at the DvA booth at Exotica! The price is is only $25 each and sorry but no holdsies and only 1 per person!

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[ Edited by: DaTiki 2007-06-12 13:42 ]

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DaTiki posted on 06/12/2007

Just wanted to share with you some more pics of some of the artwork for the show.

Mark "Atomos" Pilon

Nathan Ota

Jason Chalker

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kingstiedye posted on 06/12/2007

wow! the new paintings are fantastic. kirsten easthope's decanter is beautiful, as is everything she does. nathan ota just blows me away.

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hala bullhiki posted on 06/12/2007

damn, i must have been sleeping, didnt see the joe vitalle,donna vitalle, or dave burke ones go up for sale here....ah well, everything looks so great, cant wait to see them all next weekend!

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hewey posted on 06/13/2007

Soooo much drool worthy art in this thread. Awesome! :D

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DaTiki posted on 06/14/2007


Next mug up for sale is Ken Rusic's masterpiece. Price is $725 and includes shipping and handling.

Also, the only two remaining mug from last years show are for sale at 25% OFF and FREE shipping!! Scoop them up now!

The Pizz $300

Matt Sharp $95

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Tipsy McStagger posted on 06/15/2007

..gee...wonder why the pizz wasn't invited to participate in this years show??

..... i wonder what the decanter would have looked like after being pulled out of his ass like that mug must have been!!

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Hiphipahula posted on 06/15/2007


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DaTiki posted on 06/19/2007


Next up is Mark "Atomos" Pilons decanter Price is $275 and includes shipping and handling. Good luck!

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Sophista-tiki posted on 06/20/2007

I like this one , its simple but cool, the colors are so 60's

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kingstiedye posted on 06/20/2007

On 2007-06-14 17:57, Tipsy McStagger wrote:
..gee...wonder why the pizz wasn't invited to participate in this years show??

..... i wonder what the decanter would have looked like after being pulled out of his ass like that mug must have been!!

you crack me up tipsy. i dig how you'll write what others might only think (myself included). the pizz is a fantastic artist, that's why this piece is so puzzling to me.

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Tipsy McStagger posted on 06/20/2007

pizz is an awesome artist...i've been in shows with him at la luz years ago...he's very funny and i think this was just an attempt at humor and poking alittle fun at the whole "painted items" thing...but alot of hard work goes into these painted items as you have seen from past as well as this present show coming up and all jokes aside, it really is a sort of slap in the face to all those who go the extra mile to make their decanters as cool as possible.....i understand his commentary, but if he really wasn't up to the challenge, he should have declined painting a mug to begin with..

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DaTiki posted on 06/20/2007

Just wanted to let everyone know that I have put all available mugs and artwork on the website http://www.dvagallery.com/07jun.htm. I am still updating so more info is coming. If there isn't a price on a decanter or if you don't see a decanter from a particular artist, it is because I don't have it or the price yet. I will post it as soon as I get it from the artists. Thanks a bunch. Cheers,

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tikitony posted on 06/21/2007

Wow, there are some amazing mugs here. Here's mine. "Wicky World Rocket Landing"
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little lost tiki posted on 06/21/2007

Very Cool Tony! You and Tipsy and Vitale,all going that extra mile and just SHINING with creativity and genius! YAY! What a great show this is gonna be!
2 more days!!! :)

Pages: 1 2 3 115 replies