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Dracula Tiki Mug

Pages: 1 7 replies

aloha.taboo posted on 05/18/2007

Some friends brought this back from the Transylvania region of Romania. It was the last one in the shop. Has anyone ever seen one like it?

VampiressRN posted on 05/18/2007

Uh...hellllo...he is one of my kind!!! Way kewl. :D

tikipedia posted on 05/18/2007

What do you drink out of it.... Bloody Marys? (ugh!)

Mai Tai posted on 05/18/2007

There's a whole thread discussing this mug on DraculaCentral.com

Hiphipahula posted on 05/18/2007

On 2007-05-17 19:16, aloha.taboo wrote:
Some friends brought this back from the Transylvania region of Romania. It was the last one in the shop. Has anyone ever seen one like it?

well, not exactly, no, but this looks kind of familiar... huh..

p.s. pic of "PsychobillyTiki" Mug by kreepy Tiki

[ Edited by: Hiphipahula 2007-05-18 01:42 ]

VampiressRN posted on 05/18/2007

Oooooh, I like Psychobilly....sucking a zombie from him would be good. :tiki:

midnite posted on 05/18/2007
  • Mai Tai wrote:
    There's a whole thread discussing this mug on DraculaCentral.com

Yeah, I used to hang out there a lot, upside down. Now I pretty much just post at Bela Hijinks.

Good night, suckers...and all you who bite, as well.

count midnite

54 house of bamboo posted on 06/09/2007

On the theme of Transylvanian tiki... a 'Maori' meeting house

I love the bear - native to the Carpathian mountains but tiki-style!

More at http://www.art-newzealand.com/Issue114/huts.htm

Crown Princess Marie also lived in Castle Bran, the inspiration for the castle in Bram Stoker's Dracula...

So annoyed to have just found this out - we honeymooned in Transylvania in January 2007.

[ Edited by: 54 house of bamboo 2007-06-09 03:13 ]

Pages: 1 7 replies