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2007 Hukilau Roll Call

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Loki posted on 06/09/2007

Roll call for all attending the 2007 Hukilau.

JETSETTER posted on 06/09/2007

I'm in for Thursday, Friday, and of course Sunday here at the Intergalactic Grand Finale!

Unfortunately we have a private party here at the Jetsetter on Saturday night, so no Mai Kai for Mikey!

See you poolside @ the Cabana!

rupe33 posted on 06/09/2007

We're in, although we're dim for not arriving until Friday.... ah well!


JTD posted on 06/09/2007

JTD and the Missus are in.

pablus posted on 06/09/2007

Here... I mean... there.

Digitiki posted on 06/10/2007

I'm there...actually working the event. Can't wait for a Mai Kai Rum Barrel or Moonkissed Coconut!!!

Pomaika i posted on 06/10/2007

My husband and I will be there, although we can't make it until Saturday morning :(

We haven't been back to the Mai Kai since we got married in the gardens in October.

tikibars posted on 06/10/2007

I'm thinking of heading down there.


Basement Kahuna posted on 06/10/2007


ZuluMagoo posted on 06/10/2007

We are heading down from Denver and getting in Weds. at 4:00 (PremEx, I think I will be on the same flight you are taking from LA). Trying the Cabana this year, last year stayed at the Clipper. We will be hitting the Mai Kai Weds. night and tourist stuff on Thurs. before the fun begins.


Fallenstar posted on 06/10/2007

I will be there only for the party Thursday night. I am going to be in West Palm on business for the Navy, and have to head out of town early Friday. Wish I could at least make the bazaar, but it looks like it won't happen.

PremEx posted on 06/10/2007

On 2007-06-09 20:00, ZuluMagoo wrote:
We are heading down from Denver and getting in Weds. at 4:00 (PremEx, I think I will be on the same flight you are taking from LA).

Indeed it sounds like we're both flying on the same Teddy! You've got a PM. :)

Formikahini posted on 06/10/2007

All aboard! Present and acounted for, sir!

SouthBamaTiki posted on 06/10/2007

Trevor and I will be there Thursday through the event Sunday night, heading home Monday morning. Wish I could convince him to be there for the pre-deal at Molokai Wednesday night, but he's not going for that one. We will be in Key West Wednesday. Can't wait to see some old friends from last and make some new ones!

Mogambo posted on 06/10/2007

I'm in. Flying in Wednesday in Miami, heading straight to the Maikai.

Whollycat posted on 06/10/2007

Obviously "in" and bringing the "Blonde"..... Will give you and Elizabeth a call later today.
Note : Southbamatiki > Savannah apologizes for not getting back to you in the emails (she'll explain when we hook up)
The Kats are looking forward to seeing everyone again....Can't wait !!!!

Aloha All
Joe/Haole Kats

Hula Cat posted on 06/10/2007

On a wing and a prayer...A suitcase full of aloha wear and a prototype of the Kahiki fireplace mug!....Thursday thru Sunday(unless they get me for vagrancy!) can't wait!

Chip and Andy posted on 06/10/2007

Andy and I are in. This year we got a room at the Clipper so we can stagger back after drinking our fill (and your fill, and anyone eleses fill when they aren't looking...)

Bodotikiman posted on 06/10/2007

We will be at the clipper Thursday to Monday morning ! Looking forward to meeting everyone. All events, except Mai Kai.

Matt Last

TravelingJones posted on 06/10/2007

Flip-flOp-fLipPp... $N@P! :D

Karbora posted on 06/10/2007

It's all about the Hukilau and I am definately IN. I just got finished listening to VOODOO II and cannot believe I will be hearing Robert Drasnin perform these exotic sounds live on Friday night. That is insane. This is a major production and each of the tracks has so many layers. His first performance at Hukilau was a great lifetime memory and this promises to be the same. The first few days of the week can not go by fast enough! See you at Hukilau 2007......

Swanky posted on 06/11/2007

Ms. Swanky and I arrive Thursday. Very excited again. Sneaking over to the Mai Kai for Happy Hour before the kick-off party. Looking forward to seeing all the ohana. Looking forward to being in the womb of tiki again. The greatest place on earth: Mai Kai.

finkdaddy posted on 06/11/2007

Only 3 more days! :D I'll be arriving Thursday evening and staying at the Cabana until Sunday morning. I can't wait!

MobileTikiBar posted on 06/11/2007

Jen and I, as well as Laura and Andy will be there. We're arriving on Thursday and departing on Sunday.

Mogambo posted on 06/11/2007

Hopefully someone will show up who has scientific/philosophic knowledge on the following topics:

The Pacific before 1900
James Cook and the Explorers
The myth of the South Seas Paradise
The universal longing for the concept of "Paradise"

That is something that I would like to capture in an interview while I am there. Yep, on Hukilau 2007 I will be filming the very last bits and pieces for the DVD.

We are busy working to make it til autumn.

Please PM me if you have something to tell about the topics above.


Rev. Tiki posted on 06/11/2007

Ariving 10:45 pm Thursday, leaving noonish on Sunday. Staying at Cabana.
Can't wait!
Rev. Tiki

Rogue Trader posted on 06/11/2007

Rogue Trader will be attending. Can't Wait for the Festivites!!!

Tiki Chris posted on 06/11/2007

See you there!

Formikahini posted on 06/11/2007

On 2007-06-11 12:51, Tiki Chris wrote:
See you there!

You mean I FI-nally get to meet you?!
Hooray! Hukilau just got even better!!
alice b

Tiki Chris posted on 06/11/2007

On 2007-06-11 13:50, Formikahini wrote:

You mean I FI-nally get to meet you?!
Hooray! Hukilau just got even better!!
alice b

Yep, I'm really looking forward to finally meeting! Perseverance, my dear, eventually pays off.

First Mai Tai's on me,

[ Edited by: Tiki Chris 2007-06-11 14:17 ]

PremEx posted on 06/11/2007

I'm a fifty-two year old geezer that feels like he's a little kid making his first trip to Disneyland.



SouthBamaTiki posted on 06/12/2007

Heading down to Key West tomorrow, then up to Ft Lauderdale Thursday morning! See y'all then! Can't wait to make some new acquaintances and renew some old ones...gotta get another pic of Elizabeth to post! lol Chip and Andy, can't wait to sit down and get to know y'all over a drink. Hmm...maybe we will see someone dance on a table with bananas on her head again. I knew I'd found a friend when I saw that! :)

suzanne posted on 06/12/2007

I will be there, I can't wait! Arriving on Thursday evening! Come and see me in the Bazzar too, with The Diva Pinup hair accessories :)


Swanky posted on 06/12/2007

On 2007-06-11 14:15, Tiki Chris wrote:

On 2007-06-11 13:50, Formikahini wrote:

You mean I FI-nally get to meet you?!
Hooray! Hukilau just got even better!!
alice b

Yep, I'm really looking forward to finally meeting! Perseverance, my dear, eventually pays off.

First Mai Tai's on me,

[ Edited by: Tiki Chris 2007-06-11 14:17 ]

Oh hell yeah! Do not let the chance to meet slip by! I have been emailing you for years now...

virani posted on 06/12/2007

I am coming tomorrow evening. Yeah !

finkdaddy posted on 06/12/2007

I can't wait to meet everybody. I just made up a Finkdaddy name tag, so everyone make sure and say hi!

Lunchbox posted on 06/12/2007

Moai Lisa and I'll be hitting FTL just in time for the kickoff party.

King Leisure

uncle trav posted on 06/12/2007

Flying down on Friday. Four years without a vacation. Damn good and ready!!!!

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Formikahini posted on 06/12/2007

On 2007-06-12 07:03, finkdaddy wrote:
I can't wait to meet everybody. I just made up a Finkdaddy name tag, so everyone make sure and say hi!
You makin' a second one for Johnny Dollar? :wink:

I am so excited you were able to swing this after all, FD!!!
Yay!! See you soon!

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mieko posted on 06/12/2007

Hubby and I are coming from San Diego! I'm bringing some resin pendants to sell, vendor space was such a deal! Can't wait to meet people and to see the Mai Kai! and the Wreck bar... and... :)

I like the nametag idea Finkdaddy, I think I'll try to make one up for me.

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PremEx posted on 06/13/2007

Just finished my LAX-DEN leg...now sitting on the plane waiting for Zulumagoo to board and then take off for FLL! Hukilau...here we come! :)

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stoked posted on 06/14/2007

Ah, less than 48 hours and I'll be enjoying a Rum Barrel and partaking in my favorite pastime; Tiki watching.

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Mogambo posted on 06/14/2007

damn, i missed my connecting flight in zurich and they made me stay for 24h in a little hotel in the swiss country sidem with cows under my room.

now i am at the airport back on toute over frankfurt to miami will arrive thurday afternoon. see you

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GatorRob posted on 06/14/2007

In L.A. right now. Just finishing off our whirlwind tiki tour of Hawaii and California. Disneyland tomorrow, then fly into Orlando Friday and drive into Ft Lauderdale early Sat morning. See everyone at the Bum's seminar, the Disney seminar and of course the Mai-Kai. Can't wait!

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kungfugimp posted on 06/15/2007

I'm sitting at work, waiting for the end of my day and then we'll be heading on over. My husband and I will be at the check in desk on Saturday, so we're looking forward to meeting old and new friends.

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kbgator posted on 06/15/2007

Cut out this afternoon at lunch to investigate and will be back tonight for the main event.
Got to talk to Tiki Tony at the bazaar. Really a nice guy plus has great tiki's for sale.

Thors section is incrediable, I wonder whats under wraps in the corner. Says its a new painting he will unveil on Saturday.

Lake Tiki wall hangings and pendants are really nice and look authentic. I should have bought some.

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