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Tiki and iPhone

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aloha.taboo posted on 06/25/2007

I was watching (and drooling over) the iPhone intro movie, and spotted a nice little wallpaper image included in its default set.

sneakyjack posted on 06/25/2007

june 29 lets go!

VampiressRN posted on 06/25/2007

It looks pretty awesome...I have some friends that are ready to buy. How kewl is that tiki!!!!

TikiLaLe posted on 06/25/2007

Thanks for buying ...I'm long APPLE !!!!

Howland posted on 06/25/2007

iLove it! iMust have one! However I'm going to wait it out for a short while until the retail price drops a bit. Long time Apple user, m'self.

aloha.taboo posted on 06/25/2007

Not knowing what they're going to charge for the service is a drawback. I figure I'll wait until the 2nd generation when the price drops and all the bugs get worked out

Tipsy McStagger posted on 06/25/2007

better to wait till the 2nd or 3rd revolution....after they get all the bugs worked out and the cost is lower....don't want to get in the middle of an iphone recall (pun intended) after they find some sort of glitch....

frostiki posted on 06/25/2007

I'd be the firt to buy one right out of the gate if I had and extra $600 laying around. But alas I have foolisly squandered it on utilities, food, and gas.

rupe33 posted on 06/25/2007

That shot looks like this guy here (only with eyes intact):

Here he is with some of his favorite music. He's a bit old and something of a luddite, so he kicks it old school on vinyl:

tikiyaki posted on 06/25/2007

Folks...any Apple geek will tell you, DO NOT BUY VERSION 1 of ANYTHING by APPLE....not right out of the gate.

It's always best to wait a good 6 months before buying any brand new apple product, so they can work out the bugs.

Unfortunately, Apple BETA tests on the buying public....they won't admit that, but their stuff is typically more faulty in the first 3-6 months of initial release, and it's the foaming at the mouth, paying public who becomes guinea pig for the product.

I experienced this first hand with the very first run of ClamShell iBooks that came out in 1998. My drive went down in 2 months, and I lost alot of data.

I'm a dedicated Apple user, and love their stuff, but I learned my lesson....So have alot of other people.

Also, the rest of the non apple 3rd parties are not yet compatible with their new stuff yet, so until THEY get up to speed, your brand spankin new Apple product isn't compatible with the rest of the world yet.

So, best to wait...and when you DO buy, ALWAYS buy Applecare if it's available.

My 2 cents.

VampiressRN posted on 06/26/2007

I agree....don't get caught up in the beta frenzy.....wait till it is out a while. I suggest emailing them and tell them you will only buy one if they have more tiki wallpaper and exotica ring tones. :lol:

Rattiki posted on 06/27/2007

I don't know much about the iPhone or what it can do differently than any other cell phone, but I had a politcal watch group that I recieve notices from e-mail me that in the USA, Apple will "lock" it's iPhone service to AT&T! :(

stuff-o-rama posted on 06/27/2007

On 2007-06-25 13:04, aloha.taboo wrote:
Not knowing what they're going to charge for the service is a drawback. I figure I'll wait until the 2nd generation when the price drops and all the bugs get worked out

I received a notice today with this link attached for the rate plans...


aloha.taboo posted on 06/27/2007

The price is pretty good. They still need to add a few features in the upcoming software releases if they want to switch over more users. There's a fairly favorable revue in the NY Times.

tikipedia posted on 06/27/2007

Here is the user interface Apple didn't take, but I hear Motorola is interested.

aloha.taboo posted on 06/27/2007

I think that when you get a call, the hula girl dances and the volcano erupts when a text message comes through!

johnnievelour posted on 06/29/2007

Are you in line yet?

Just like tiki mugs, you only get to buy 2 at the apple store and 1 at the ATnT stores.

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 01/07/2008

Head Shrinker got me an IPhone. I like it. Kinda wish she researched, but no big deal. It is freakin neat.

Since I am not super 'puter savvy any negative issues aren't really gonna be noticed by me.

The only issue I have is sending a nice person a PM from the iphone and butchering her name because of the touch screen and my FAT FREAKEN SAUSAGE FINGERS and bad eyes.

I got dibs on "FAT FREAKEN SAUSAGE FINGERS" as my new band. And if you steal it you have to give me credit and free entry into any of your concerts. :)

Unga Bunga posted on 03/03/2009

The Iphone game "Pocket God" has Tiki in it.

Humuhumu posted on 03/03/2009

I've created special mobile versions of both Critiki and Ooga-Mooga that are both optimized for the iPhone.

Critiki Mobile

Ooga-Mooga Mobile

Just this evening I added the ability to look up locations nearest you in Critiki Mobile. It requires a free iPhone app called Alocola that detects your location and passes it to Critiki. Pretty spiffy.

The mobile sites work on many other web-enabled mobile devices, but they work best on iPhones ('cause that's what I have).

Jason Wickedly posted on 03/03/2009

Looks great! Any chance of creating a stand-alone Critiki app sometime in the future?

Humuhumu posted on 03/03/2009

Thanks! There's a chance, but not a very high chance right now... iPhone app development can only happen on a Mac, and the only Mac I have full access to is too old to run the dev kit. Plus, not everyone has an iPhone, this way iPhone users are happy, and so are BlackBerry users, and Treo users, and Android users, and Pre users, etc.

thefuzz posted on 03/03/2009

The app. "Pocket God" has a Moai....And its fun too.

Unga Bunga posted on 04/24/2010

Anybody try this yet
Tiki Bar Mixing Game

bigbrotiki posted on 04/24/2010

Why would they, the way it looks.

Pittsburgh pauly posted on 04/25/2010

Speaking of iphone... anybody try this case yet?

tikimnky posted on 04/25/2010

I ventured $2 on that drink-mixing game, and I was pleasantly surprised. Unlike the preponderance of iPhone games, this one actually uses the different components of the iPhone UI in interesting ways (you tip the phone to "pour" ingredients, drag bits and bobs around to assemble garnishes, etc.).

The music and setting are not bad. I wouldn't claim that they're really the "tiki bar atmosphere" that, say, this community would create if given free reign to make art assets for such a game (an Indian chief? Really?), but at least it's not Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville(tm) Mix-o-lator or what have you.

I will simply say that I find the lounge-y soundtrack and classic bent of the cocktail recipes to be a nice addition to a well-made, fun bartending/drink-mixing game. I don't feel like I wasted my $2.

tikiyaki posted on 04/25/2010

On 2010-04-25 11:44, Pittsburgh pauly wrote:
Speaking of iphone... anybody try this case yet?

At $30, I'll pass.

Sorry, but for a rubber iPhone cover, that's WAY overpriced.

zerostreet posted on 04/26/2010

...and speaking further about iphones...I have a few iphone wallpapers for download on my site http://www.tikitower.com with more coming soon (including some desktop wallpapers).

I am working on launching my store in a week or so. Read about my giveaways to Tiki Central members here:


blue.octopus posted on 06/24/2010

i'm sure I'm not the only one here thinking of buying the new iPhone4 - but while looking for cases I came across a couple of options that I'm sure will appeal to readers of TC.

  1. A fantastic retro phone dock

    full details here http://www.iphonesavior.com/2010/04/retro-iphone-dock-lets-you-make-calls-like-its-1937.html
    Also available in a hot-rod version

  2. A real bamboo case for which you can upload your own design for custom laser etching.

    full details here http://www.grovemade.com/
    I can just imagine how good this would look with great Tiki artwork.

[ Edited by: blue.octopus 2010-06-24 06:29 ]

TheTikiZombie posted on 06/25/2010

Holy crap the bamboo skull case starts at $89!! I thought the rubber tikicase was kinda pricy. I know it bamboo and all, but good grief!

TikiPug posted on 07/01/2010

I wish they would start making some tiki apps for the Droid

Unga Bunga posted on 08/31/2011

Has anyone bought this app yet?
Maui Revealed

Good reviews but $6.00.

KAHAKA posted on 09/01/2011

If it has everything that's in the book, then that might not be a bad deal. Leaving for Maui in November... I might have to get.

Piratiki posted on 09/20/2012

Upgraded to iOS 6 today, and in the default "emoji" set that is included, there are a few Tiki-type images--a Moai, a Pineapple, what looks to be a Kabuki Mask that sort of looks like it could be on a Mug...

Kinda cool!


Beachbumz posted on 09/21/2012

#1 reason why I upgraded!! :wink:

PollyJoyceAnnA posted on 09/23/2012

I don't have the "wallpaper", but I decorate my own case. I have a clear back and put card stock or scrap booking paper with designs inside the clear case. Right now I have a Hawaiian print paper and added tiki stickers. The case can look different any time you want it too!

Holler Waller posted on 05/28/2016

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