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Drinks of Hawaii, vintage recipe book (image heavy)

Pages: 1 28 replies

uncle trav posted on 06/29/2007

Found this cool little book full of great recipes. Dated 1972. Gotta love the graphics. Enjoy.

MrBaliHai posted on 06/29/2007

Great stuff! Thanks for posting it.

pappythesailor posted on 06/29/2007

Hey, don't stop! That is a great find.

bb moondog posted on 06/29/2007

they used to sell books with that cartoonists art in a lot of the ADULT areas of 70s gift shops--you know like the pseudo DIRTY gifts and the OVER THE HILL type birthday presents

hiltiki posted on 06/29/2007

I have the same book which I bought several years ago in Hawaii. It is the 1971 version. I have actually used some of the recipes already. It is a great find. Harry Lyons art work is great.

virani posted on 06/29/2007

more, more !!

Swanky posted on 06/29/2007

Looks like the Hawaiian Punch guy after he was washed up and bloated and trying to get back his career.

jingleheimerschmidt posted on 06/29/2007

How scandalous is that claim about the mai tai?

Swanky posted on 06/29/2007

On 2007-06-29 08:47, jingleheimerschmidt wrote:
How scandalous is that claim about the mai tai?

The "Surf Room Mai Tai" in the Grog Log is one of my favorites, and damned potent. Not to be confused with the Trader Vic's Mai Tai, except in this book...

Digitiki posted on 06/29/2007

Oh yeah, the Royla Hawaiian Hotel was where the Mai Tai was invented? It is interesting how so many different people have claimed the Mai Tai over the decades.

uncle trav posted on 06/29/2007

Thanks for the feedback. I'll post some more pages in a little while. Found in a thrift store during the Hukilau. Glad to hear some of you have tried some of the drinks.

uncle trav posted on 06/29/2007

Some more for your enjoyment

MrBaliHai posted on 06/30/2007

On 2007-06-29 15:05, uncle trav wrote:

Or "Instant Death" from salmonella in the raw egg.

uncle trav posted on 07/01/2007

Three more

The Gnomon posted on 07/02/2007

On 2007-06-29 08:47, jingleheimerschmidt wrote:
How scandalous is that claim about the mai tai?

Not very, when you think about it. Unlike other Mai Tai claims of origin, the Royal Hawaiian hotel on Waikiki does have considerbable stature in Mai Tai history.

I had my first Mai Tai (actually, it was Aunt Mary's Mai Tai; hee hee) in 1964 at the Lahaina Inn on Maui about a block and a half from the world's second largest banyan tree. That would be a good topic—when and where did everyone have their first "real" Mai Tai along with the exciting details. I'll have to check to see if there's already a viable thread out there collecting dust.

Anyway, the Royal Hawaiian hotel is probably one of the, if not THE place where the Mai Tai was launched into global popularity. The hotel was taken over by the Navy during WWII as an R&R center. With the great influence and inspiration of South Pacific adventure, it was a perfect place for the Mai Tai to thrive. In 1947, the hotel reopened to the public and became a major hotspot, not only for locals, but for anyone visiting the islands via Honolulu.

In many people's minds, that is where the Mai Tai was born. We all know it was born in Oakland, CA, but it was raised in Honolulu where it called the Royal Hawaiian home. I don't believe the Mai Tai would ever have acheived the worldwide acclaim it did had it not been for its upbringing at the Royal Hawaiian.

So, while the claim does not reflect the true origin of the Mai Tai, it is also not totally incorrect. "Legend" is, generally, part fact and part fiction. If no one ever heard of a Mai Tai before visiting Honolulu, they knew about it before they left.

[ Edited by: The Gnomon 2007-07-02 07:21 ]

The Gnomon posted on 07/02/2007

Forgot to say thanks for sharing the book. Thanks.

GROG posted on 07/02/2007

What a fun little book. GROG love the illustrations. Thanks for sharing.

arriano posted on 07/11/2007

How many pages and how many recipes are in this book? Any more pages you're willing to share?

naugatiki posted on 07/11/2007

Drinks of Hawaii also comes in a 3rd edition with a different illustrator (Rixford)that isn't as playful this one, it has over 100 tropical drink recipes but what I find disturbing is an ad on the inside cover for a drink called a "Spanish Bull" this is 1/2 tomato juice and 1/2 Schlitz Stout Malt Liquor, yuk, on the back is a quote by Don Ho saying "May a flock of mynah birds fly slowly over you Mai Tai!" not sure how to take that one.

uncle trav posted on 07/14/2007

Some more for you to enjoy!

uncle trav posted on 07/23/2007

Well over a thousand views now! Has anyone tried any of the cocktails? can you give a review? any favorites? any revisions? I have tried only a couple and was pleased with the end results. thanks

"Anyone who has ever seen them is thereafter haunted as if by a feverish dream" Karl Woermann

[ Edited by: uncle trav 2007-07-23 16:15 ]

[ Edited by: uncle trav 2007-07-23 16:16 ]

arriano posted on 07/26/2007

I was just now looking at the recipe for Cooler Pants. How many people remember that "Uncola" is 7-Up?

bigbrotiki posted on 07/26/2007

Here's a record cover I have by the same artist, Harry Lyons, he definetely had that "funny greeting card" style down:

Lukeulele posted on 09/04/2009

Here's the back cover. Love the "testimonials", especially the last one!
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ErkNoLikeFire posted on 11/25/2010

I sure would like to see more pages of this!

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ErkNoLikeFire posted on 02/20/2011


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Chippy posted on 12/11/2013

Just got a copy of this book off eBay for $9 which included postage.

It is great fun and really has a great retro vibe.

Thanks for the recommendation.

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kevincrossman posted on 05/11/2022

This book is notable in that it is the first documented use of pineapple juice/orange juice in the Mai Tai from the Royal Hawaiian.

Interestingly, the 1st edition from 1971 has two Mai Tai recipes but neither is for the Royal Hawaiian (there's a generic Mai Tai similar to the 1956 Mai Tai, and an Ili Tai from the Ilikai Hotel).

This 1972 edition was where Beachbum Berry got the RH Mai Tai for his books and the app.

I did research and near as I can tell Paul K. Dick appears to have been an insurance man based in Honolulu and otherwise did not have any claim to fame as an author or bartender. One presumes he was quite the barfly.


The first Mai Tai is the “authentic unadulterated copy of the original recipe” which is:
1 oz Light Puerto Rican Rum
1 oz Dark Jamaican Rum
½ oz Orange Curacao
½ oz Orgeat
½ oz Simple Syrup
Juice of ½ Lemon and ¼ Lime

The second recipe in the 1971 edition comes from the iconic Ilikai Hotel: The Ili Tai
1 oz “Appleton Punch” Jamaican Rum
1 oz Dark Puerto Rican Rum
¾ oz Orange Curacao
¾ oz Orgeat
1 oz Sweet & Sour
2 oz Pineapple Juice
¼ Lime

Appleton Punch rum was the successor to the Dagger line and was a dark Jamaican rum at 43% ABV.

[ Edited by kevincrossman on 2022-05-11 16:28:25 ]

[ Edited by kevincrossman on 2022-05-11 16:29:52 ]

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TIKIGIKI posted on 09/11/2022

Very interesting! I really enjoyed the little book. Thanks for posting. Call me a purist but I lose interest in any so-called "Mai Tai" recipe no matter how "authentic" it claims to be that starts to list ANY fruit juices in the ingredients with the sole exception of lime. And that's REAL lime juice freshly squeezed from the citrus fruit itself. None of those sinister "Mai Tai Mixes", which should be banned forever along with those equally abysmal "Margarita Mixes"! And DEFINITELY no pineapple or orange, even if genuine.

The first recipe comes closest, although it really does NOT need the simple syrup at all. And I suspect the half lemon was just to expand the more expensive lime juice in areas where limes were dear. Use 100% lime.

[ Edited by TIKIGIKI on 2022-09-10 19:30:26 ]

Pages: 1 28 replies