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Allow me to introduce myself

Pages: 1 5 replies

hannah posted on 06/29/2007

Hi all,

hannah here, typing to you from Maine. I ran across your forum about a year back when using Google to find something...and I made a mental note to re-visit. Well, it's been some time, and again while using Google - this forum came up in a search on Atomic Ranch homes. Ah HA! So I read a little this morning before work and decided to join. I just purchased the book Atomic Ranch yesterday and LOVE it! I also ran across a site for a book called Little Boxes http://www.littleboxesbook.com/ which thrilled me no end.

The reason for the fascination of these homes is; 1) I play a game (The Sims2) which allows the player to build homes, and business lots, parks and such, 2) I find with my parents and brother all gone now, that revisiting this home and decor style takes me back to better days (60s/70s). Tiki fits right in, as do cocktail parties, and anything kitsch (I grew up in a home where cocktail parties were the norm, and I wouldn't trade it for anything).

Let's see if this forum will read a img file from photobucket, if it does, this is a little Atomic Ranch home I built over last weekend:

If not, I'll edit. Anyway, aside from all the above I'm a very young minded 53 year old, and I work with Scientists, which has proved fascinating to this aging hippie. I hang out at Sim forums, build in the game, eBay for kitsch and do the antique/thrift shop search for same.

I think that's it. Now, to check out the rest of this forum!

reedalong posted on 07/05/2007

Cute house, Hanna! I'd like to live there...

squid posted on 07/06/2007

Maine is OK by me. Welcome aboard. I found some of my best mugs in an antique store outside of Lewiston. Happy hunting.

VampiressRN posted on 07/07/2007

Welcome to TC Hannah. I also am a young-minded 53 year old...and reminiscing about the atomic age warms the cockles of my heart too. That Atomic Ranch book is lots of fun. I like decorating all the rooms in my house a little differently and am going to do my guest bedroom in Atomic....there are some great sites for fabrics and such. Love the pic of the home you built....what program is that?

Have fun!!! :D

hannah posted on 07/09/2007


Lewiston is about 30 minutes north of here. I've grown to love Maine - but I sure miss the big cities of Los Angeles, and San Diego. I think the only head shop in Maine is in Lewiston. lol Yeah, an old hippie takes note of such things.

The "program" you ask about is a game, called The Sims2. Same guy who "invented" Sim City games. Only here, you run the families (work, love, eat, shower, pee, swim, read, do dishes), and not the city. But we have a build mode, where we can fashion structures of all types and styles. It's only as limited as your imagination. I'm really in it for the building, which is highly addicting.

Thanks for saying hi. :)

Hi Hannah,
I am in Maine too (Portland) but just for a little while longer. We are selling our place and moving to Albuquerque.

However, you should check the Events forum for the New England thread. There are a bunch of great folks (Bargoyle, Johnman, Pappy, Tikisgrl and many many more) who are also from NE. The rest of them all live outside of Vacationland but you should meet up with them.

There will be a couple of events before I leave town. One will be a party at my place to get rid of the booze so I don't have to transport it to NM, and the other will be one last New England gathering at a yet to be determined location in MA.

so welcome and goodbye! or... Aloha!


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