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"Do you really wish it was back to one forum?"

Pages: 1 16 replies

woofmutt posted on 07/02/2002

(The subject of this post is a question asked by hanford_lemoore in the "eBay ads and new product offers" post. Rather than spin that one in new direction I started this one.)

No-! I like the multiple forums and I wouldn't mind seeing more (if it's not some strain on the computer). Multiple forums save me time. I come to the main forum first, then I check the Collecting forum. I rarely look at the Events forum as it's unlikely anything is happening that I can go to. If there were a seperate "Look at my Tiki ____ on eBay" forum I'd probably not look at that one either. I may miss important announcements or musings, but I eventually look at nearly every post when the activity is low and I'm craving Tiki communion.

Tiki Chris posted on 07/02/2002

Multiple forums save me time. I come to the main forum first, then I check the Collecting forum.

I gotta agree w/ Sr. Mutt on this topic. I don't think the creation of a zillion forums is a good idea, but the creation of an ebay forum seems like a good idea to me. unless they happen to be specifically about an item in which i'm really interested (which usually isn't the case), ebay-topic postings just get in the way of an otherwise fluid reading experience. i'm not against posting messages about tiki-related items for sale. i recently put some aloha shirts on ebay.co.uk & figured by posting a message here at tiki central those shirts might make it into the hands of a more appreciative/aware buyer. & when i do see an ebay-topic message that interests me, i'm glad that tiki central's here to provide an outlet for such information.

ebay is a big part of many centralites tiki experience, but for other centralites it's not a part of their tiki experiences at all; thus, a separate forum dedicated to ebay-related topics could give ebayers (active & semi-active) what they want & in a concentrated form while sparring those centralites who may wish that they didn't have to deal w/ stepping over all the ebay crap.

tiki chris

Swanky posted on 07/02/2002

Having many forums is a very good thing (I hear Martha Stewart). If we were still in the Yahoo world, you'd scan through a bunch of email subjects and delete the ones you didn't care for, or, online, same thing, you'd pass up uninteresting emails. There's no solution to the "message that is unrelated to the subject line being skipped" other than, when you make that left turn in thought, you start a new topic.

theandrewssister posted on 07/02/2002

what they said -- I think we've got it pretty right at the moment, splitting out the events and the collecting stuff. Maybe that's selfish - it suits me just fine, as I am stuck in London, so the events are mostly irrelevant/plain distressing (I REALLY wanted to go to Caliente Tropics, it looked great!), and also there is no point my looking on eBay for unshippable stuff. I vote we keep the multiple forums. There's more than enough on the main forum to keep me busy in my working day!

PolynesianPop posted on 07/02/2002

"what they said -- I think we've got it pretty right at the moment, splitting out the events and the collecting stuff."


TheMuggler posted on 07/02/2002

I read this forum via email, so I have a different experience from some of the folks on this thread. I prefer email, as I can use my email program to filter, and I can run through an entire days worth of posts in about 5 minutes, since I'm not at the mercy of the server's speed or my internet connection.

That being said, I don't like the split forums when I do visit the site. I find it slower to navigate. I do, however, like that the emails come through with the forum listed before the subject -- this helps me filter through what I want to read, so here is a suggestion that may please everyone, or no one:

What if you had one forum, but in addition to typing in your subject, you HAD to select a "topic" from a pull down menu? Then you could break out as many subjects in the pull down menu as you wished (sales, events, collecting, eBay, blather, grog talk, questions, off topic, whatever). These topics could appear before the subject on the site and in email form, so that you can look at the subject immediately and know whether you want to read it or not. Also, topics that might get heavy discussion for a brief amount of time could be easily added and then taken away after a bit (i.e. Caliente Tropics, Hukilau). People who want one forum would be satisfied, and people who like to filter could do that as well.


kingslod posted on 07/02/2002

What if you had one forum, but in addition to typing in your subject, you HAD to select a "topic" from a pull down menu? Then you could break out as many subjects in the pull down menu as you wished (sales, events, collecting, eBay, blather, grog talk, questions, off topic, whatever). These topics could appear before the subject on the site and in email form, so that you can look at the subject immediately and know whether you want to read it or not. Also, topics that might get heavy discussion for a brief amount of time could be easily added and then taken away after a bit (i.e. Caliente Tropics, Hukilau). People who want one forum would be satisfied, and people who like to filter could do that as well.

Interesting, and potentially really cool idea...but, the forum is at the mercy of the software that runs it. I'm not sure how easy it would be to re-program the whole site....

hanford_lemoore posted on 07/02/2002

On 2002-07-02 09:54, TheMuggler wrote:
What if you had one forum, but in addition to typing in your subject, you HAD to select a "topic" from a pull down menu?

Mig and I talked discussed this actually. We weren't sure how well it would work since we've never seen this on another fourm site (although UBB has icons, but it's not the same) AND I would have to add it myself via PHP (something that I'm up to the challenge of but a lot of work for an experiment).

I may do this in addition to the multiple forums if it turns out we need it. I'm stilling thinking of it.


hanford_lemoore posted on 07/02/2002

One more thing people:

I'm really happy that I got feedback on the multiple forums... keep it coming.

One thing that is important for me is that when I make a change to this site that I get people's immediate and long-term reactions to it. Right now there's no way I can pre-discuss every single change before I do it, so it's good to hear what club members think.

Please don't ever hesitate to post your thoughts, or email them to me privately if you'd feel more comfortable that way.



floratina posted on 07/02/2002

No! I like multiple fora.

Unga Bunga posted on 06/28/2014

On 2002-07-02 14:08, hanford_lemoore wrote:

On 2002-07-02 09:54, TheMuggler wrote:
What if you had one forum, but in addition to typing in your subject, you HAD to select a "topic" from a pull down menu?

Mig and I talked discussed this actually. We weren't sure how well it would work since we've never seen this on another fourm site (although UBB has icons, but it's not the same) AND I would have to add it myself via PHP (something that I'm up to the challenge of but a lot of work for an experiment).

I may do this in addition to the multiple forums if it turns out we need it. I'm stilling thinking of it.


Who the fuck is this guy?!
Moderaters! You're never around when we need trolling patrol, are you?
Obviously this guy wants to hack this website, and you're spending most of your time at the Exotica thread while he does his dirty work.
This place is goin' down hill!

GROG posted on 06/28/2014

Drudging up a 12 year old thread that has nothing to do with anything current. Looks like Unga Bunga need to lay off the pot before him post.

tikigreg posted on 06/28/2014

Outraged delayed is outrage denied.

AceExplorer posted on 06/28/2014

Just for fun I'm going to go look for a post that's older than 12 years. Then I'll respond and get all bent out of shape, cry, and more. Then I'll discover a new tiki cocktail in another very old thread, make 5 or 6 and drink them, and then I'll discover that my navel looks like a moai. Of course I'll have to start crying all over again cuz that, too, would be such an emotional and potentially life-changing experience.

Wow, the book and movie rights would be amazingly valuable, what a story! Watch out, Casablanca.


christiki295 posted on 06/29/2014


TC now has 16 different sections!
Far too many. I liked seeing all Tiki concepts in one section.

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 06/29/2014

There are 763 title matches for Trader Vic. I wonder how many titles could be eliminated if people used the "search" function.
Or combined.

[ Edited by: Mr. NoNaMe 2014-06-29 17:43 ]

AceExplorer posted on 06/30/2014

On 2014-06-29 10:53, christiki295 wrote:
TC now has 16 different sections!
Far too many. I liked seeing all Tiki concepts in one section.

And if we put everything into one single section (call it "tiki," maybe) and then moved all posts into one single big post in that section (call the post, also, "tiki" maybe) then we would simply have to search once and find everything we needed regardless of where it was filed in the old days. Then - another benefit - all new posts would show up at the end of the big "master post." So easy!

So glad I'm drinking right now, ha!

Ignore the man behind the tapa cloth curtain. He's been drinking and he's g-o-n-e gone.

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