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Bachelor Pad Magazine Is Here!

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Bachelor Pad Magazine
New digest-size retro-themed magazine
Launching September 2007

The Java’s Bachelor Pad Empire is expanding! First it was the retro-themed website Java’s Bachelor Pad (www.javasbachelorpad.com). Then came The Bachelor Pad Radio Show. That was followed by the popular on-line pin-up contest, the JBP Cheesecake Contest. Then came events like the Cocktails and Cheesecake Party, Atomic Frolic, and Mondo Lounge Atomic Frolic. Now, Jason “Java” Croft brings his love of atomic-age culture to the printed page with his newest project titled, simply enough, Bachelor Pad Magazine.

Issue #1, slated from September 2007, will feature pin-ups from Kay O’Hara, Bernie Dexter, and other popular modern pin-up models; lifestyle advice from Cherry Capri; movie reviews from Will "The Thrill" Viharo; entertaining tips from Penny Starr Jr.; a tell-all tale from burlesque producer Lili VonSchtupp; pin-up modeling tips from Heidi Van Horne; drink recipes from mixologist Dr. Bamboo; and comics from the guys behind Untamed Highway.

Subscribe now!
Single Issue (issue 1):
$4 ($1 shipping) U.S./Canada
$4 ($3 shipping) elsewhere

Subscriptions (starting with Issue 1):
4 Issues (1 year)-$15 (shipping included) U.S./Canada
4 Issues (1 Year)-$20 (shipping included) elsewhere

Bachelor Pad Magazine is also looking for advertisers and wholesale distributors. Be a part of this printed cocktail party! Deadline for ad submissions is July 30th.

Check out http://www.bachelorpadmagazine.net for ad rates and more subscription information.

[ Edited by: javabachelor 2007-09-26 13:46 ]

Awesome, Java-san! The Demented Menehunes swear they're taking real good care of your "Java's Bachelor Pad on YoYo Island"... (Hard to take out some pizza stains underwater, though...) And the new subscriptions to "Bachelor Pad Magazine" explain the heavier postal bag that just arrived on the Dillard's Deli delivery boat...

Dammit, I can't get the little punaheles to do enough work around here as it is -- now they'll all be layin' about reading Your new retro-pop rag... Thanks a Lot.

Ever wishing Your Loungesty long and controversial reign, and much aloha,

SOK / JohnnyC

Thanks! Make sure to tell everyone to buy a subscription.

How exciting.....got my subscription order in. :D

I saw! Thank you! You will not be disappointed.

For those people who have been asking me...No, this is not another hot rod/pin-up magazine. I actually have a "no hot rod" rule. Not that I don't like them, it's just there are plenty of other magazine out there for that. Bachelor Pad Magazine is going to focus on the three B's...Booze, Babes, and Burly-Q! :wink:

Keep Swinging!


I'll have to get my subscription ordered, and also find
out about advertising, might need to put in an ad for the Hooch and Smooch in Vegas this year.

Just drop me a line and I'm sure we can work something out. :wink:


Got mine!

Thank you! For those of you who like the pin-up girls, I have been told by Kay O'Hara her centerfold will be the stuff of legend. With a gal like her, I can believe it! :wink:


This mag looks like a real cool idea, i hope it works well and cant wait for the first issue!


For those looking to place ads in the debut issue, space is going quickly! All the covers have been bought or they have buys pending and there are only a limited number of color ad pages left. Ad deadline is July 30th.

Here are the rates:
Banner ("Bargain") (5"x1"): B&W--$30/ Color--$37
Quarter Page (2.5"x3.25"): B&W--$40/ Color--$62
Half Page (5"x3.25") : B&W $70/ Color--$95
Full Page (5"x7"): B&W --$140/ Color--$190
Inside Back Cover: Color--$250 (AD BUY PENDING)
Inside Front Cover: Color--$275 (TAKEN FOR ISSUE 1)
Back Cover: Color--$350 (TAKEN FOR ISSUE 1)

Place ads in consecutive issues and get 25% discount.

Ads need to be either high-quality (300dpi) .jpg or .tiff. Submission deadline is July 30th. More information can be found at: http://www.bachelorpadmagazineonline.com.

Thanks for supporting Bachelor Pad Magazine!

Keep Swinging!

I was so pleased to be asked by Java to write yet another "Dear Cherry" advice column. As some of you know, I wrote for the first 6 issues of Tiki Magazine, but then I got super busy looking for my parents in Hawaii for the last several months. I was able to get away long enough to meet Java in Las Vegas during Miss Exotic World in early June when he quite graciously proposed the concept!

In any case, I have been able to procure a Young Thai Coconut-run satelite hookup for my laptop so that I will be able to get my columns in for both Java's Bachelor Pad Magazine AND Tiki Magazine - no matter where I am in the world. Unfortunately I missed the date for Issue 7 (With the sensational Von Franco cover :( ) but look for more fun "Dear Cherry" advice in Tiki Mag Issue 9!!!

Each column will have a different set of questions and answers, so be sure to subscribe to both! And with 3 columns now...(including a decorating style advice column for CA Modern Magazine) Please please please don't forget to send me more potential questions through my thread here on T.C.:

or on my myspace page:

Aloha and Cheers!


This won't arrive in a brown paperbag ... Me thinks my mailman stealing me porn !!!

On 2007-07-15 07:38, TikiLaLe wrote:
This won't arrive in a brown paperbag ... Me thinks my mailman stealing me porn !!!

I'll make sure to stamp "Not Porn. Do Not Steal" on yours. :wink:

On 2007-07-14 23:23, Cherry Capri wrote:
I was so pleased to be asked by Java to write yet another "Dear Cherry" advice column...[snip]

Thank you, Cherry! And thanks for the pin-up photo. :wink: I think Kay O'Hara better watch out. We might have a new centerfold on our hands.

Java, do you have an idea of when (month) each issue will be coming out? I will want to put in an ad in the issue that would be out for at least a month before Viva Las Vegas.
Thanks much!
Going to subscribe right now.
PS, I would LOVE to see miss Cherry Capri as the Centerfold!

Thanks for your subscription, Sweetpea! You rock!

If everything keeps on schedule, publication will look like this: March (Spring), June (Summer), September (Fall), and December (Winter).

So, You would be looking at Issue 3--March 2008.


jordan capri would be O.K.


if I can get a flyer done, I might even do it for the December issue, so it's out for a while. When it's finished I'll letcha know! Thanks so much! Can't wait for issue #1~

This is going to be a great mag Java doesn't know the definition of rest thats for sure.....here's to you Java


On 2007-07-17 14:04, teaKEY wrote:
jordan capri would be O.K.

yeah if ya like 12 year olds, ewwwwwwww

On 2007-07-17 16:20, Dr. Shocker wrote:
This is going to be a great mag Java doesn't know the definition of rest thats for sure.....here's to you Java

I'm not called Java because of my love for Pacific islands. :wink: Right now, I'm main-lining Dunkin' Donuts iced coffee. Beautiful women and coffee...I wouldn't want it any other way!

On 2007-07-17 11:05, sweetpea wrote:
I would LOVE to see miss Cherry Capri as the Centerfold!

Maybe someday if Winky Tiki took the pics :wink:


Whatever it takes for a Cherry Capri centerfold, I say it's worth it.

sweetpea wrote about jordan capri "yeah if ya like 12 year olds, ewwwwwwww". I have to agree. I have this idea... I still get invited to bachelor parties from time to time and I have to say they're not as much fun now that the girls are the same age as my daughter. I still go but not as much fun. Since the baby boomers have a lot of disposable income what about a business, a gentlemans club, that had only older and more mature dancers? Would there be a market for that? Strictly an academic question, because while my wife has no problem with me having a night out with the guys, if I came home and said my new career was going to be interviewing older exotic dancers for employment in my new club I'd be sleeping in the shed (or with the fishes).

On 2007-07-19 19:05, Cherry Capri wrote:

On 2007-07-17 11:05, sweetpea wrote:
I would LOVE to see miss Cherry Capri as the Centerfold!

Maybe someday if Winky Tiki took the pics :wink:

I think we can work something out. :wink:

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