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Zaya's wood burnings, and a couple of new pictures.

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Your pieces are turning out so great!. Before you coat them with any clear-coat (I would use Lacquer, it dries Fast so No stickies!), I would lightly sand them with 220 or 350/380 sandpaper. That will get rid of a lot of that over burn between the lines. After sanding, just brush out all the lines with a fine brush. The Lacquer will bring out the Beautiful color of the wood!

Zaya posted on Tue, Jan 23, 2007 1:10 PM

On 2007-01-22 22:57, Sneakytiki wrote:
Burn Zaya burn, tiki inferno!

Sneakytiki, I love it! Thanks for the nice compliments. I'm really having fun burning, and am really trying to learn more with each piece. Thanks for looking!

Benzart, thank you so much for the great tips! I didn't even think about lightly sanding it to take away the over burn. I guess I just thought you were stuck with it! Now I have to go raid Buzzy's workshop for supplies. Of course there's always Home Depot, but Buzzy's is much more fun. :)

I've been busy cleaning out and organizing my garage. I have a nice area to work, but there was too much stuff taking over the space. It's fun getting it all set up though. Of course I wish I could just sit in my nice warm house and burn, but the smoke is too much. Thank goodness for that little space heater, it makes a lot more comfortable!

Back to the day job!


great stuff zaya...can't wait to see it all stained up. Makes we want to burn stuff.........wood also :wink:

Zaya posted on Wed, Jan 24, 2007 12:23 AM

Clysdalle, thanks! Yes, you must start burning. (Wood that is!) You'll see how addicting it can be!

Well I wanted to try something new tonight. It was a little different from what I normally do, but I really wanted to make something for my 7 1/2 year old son. He loves sharks, and we're going to redo his bedroom with an underwater shark and beach theme. I thought I'd make him a little something special to put in there. Since I figured I was just seeing if I could do it I used a little board I bought at Michaels figuring I could practice on it. Then as I started going I kind of liked how it turned out! Of course that's when I wished I used the nice piece of ficus that Buzzy made me, but what do you do. It made me realize that I'll just use whatever the best piece I have at the time when I start something new. Here are the progress pictures...

I think he's going to be excited!


hewey posted on Wed, Jan 24, 2007 5:56 PM

eek sharks! The more I scrolled down the more sharks that surrounded me. It was like a b-grade shark horror movie, you're just swimming along and then BAM billions of sharks crusing for a buffet and you're on the menu :)

The finished panel looks great :) sooo many lines

One finish to play with might be different coloured stains for different tones? That would be cool.

When is Buzzy going to let you go mad on one of his completed tikis?

Zaya posted on Thu, Jan 25, 2007 10:02 AM

On 2007-01-24 17:56, hewey wrote:
eek sharks! The more I scrolled down the more sharks that surrounded me. It was like a b-grade shark horror movie, you're just swimming along and then BAM billions of sharks crusing for a buffet and you're on the menu :)

Hey Hewey, that's funny! Yeah, my son's new favorite movie is Jaws. He loves playing the theme song on his guitar too. He asked if when we painted his room if we could put a big shark on the wall with people swimming up at the top like the movie poster! We'll have to see about that.

That's a good idea about using different color stains. I think before I do that I'm going to try doing some shading with the burner first and then go from there. I'm mad that the fin on the big shark is too long. Why didn't I realize that when I was burning it? Oh well, that's what I get for working on things too late in the day when I'm tired. I wish they had a wood burning eraser! :)

Thanks for the comps on the finished panel. I'm going to take Benzart's advice and sand it a little before staining. I can't wait to see how it turns out.

As for burning something of Buzzy's, I would be honored, but really he's so great at burning patterns himself he doesn't need me for that!

Gotta get back to work!


[ Edited by: Zaya 2007-01-25 10:23 ]

mieko posted on Thu, Jan 25, 2007 2:09 PM

Wow Zaya! those are great sharks!!! I was excited to see the first one, then more and more as I scrolled down! Hammerheads have always been a favorite of mine. As are jellyfish.
I might have some wood for you, my brother is getting some work done in his house, and they have some scraps of maple. Some of them are some kind of plywood, but look like they have a good amount of solid maple on each side, which I think would make them perfect for burning. :)
Ooo, you know what would be neat? A whole little underwater scene, with a few fish and some kelp coming up from the bottom. And a tiki in the middle. (gotta keep it in theme)
How long did it take you to do the sharks?

Zaya posted on Thu, Jan 25, 2007 9:55 PM

Hi Mieko, thank you for the nice compliments! It was funny because I wasn't originally going to do a hammerhead, but then I threw him in at the last minute, and actually that turned out to be my favorite one on the piece. Yeah, I have all kinds of ideas for this one, but now I wish the board was bigger! :) That wood that your brother has sounds great! Thanks for thinking of me! I haven't tried burning on maple yet. It's fun seeing how different each type of wood is. Also, if you need more logs let me know, I have a good connection! :)


Aloha Zaya, I love your finished burn Maori piece it's very very cool!
and this shark piece is coming on great too, congrats!


Zaya, you Really have a great talent, your son is Lucky to have a panel likie this for his room. Is he excited? Cool looking Sharks And Jellyfish too!

Zaya posted on Fri, Feb 2, 2007 10:47 PM

Clarita, thank you for the nice compliments!! It's great seeing you on TC again! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your candles.

Benzart, thank you so much! Actually I haven't shown it to him yet. I wanted to finish it up and surprise him when I'm done painting his room. Right now I'm on stage one with his room. Everything's all cleared out, and I'm having to deal with removing a wallpaper border that was in there. Oh the joy! Let me tell you, wallpaper and I just don't get along. Mostly because I always seem to be removing it, and it wants nothing more than to stay! I don't think there's such a thing as wallpaper paste, it's more like wallpaper crazy glue! Even with scoring and saturating it with special remover spray it's kicking my butt. It's going to be a late night, but I will win the battle! :wink:

Back to scraping!


HEY ZAYA! wow just finished looking at your thread and i just want to say that i love your work. i will always like that little circle and stick at the beginning that you did. i also love that shark burning you did. really cool and artistic. hope your boy likes it.
great work!

Zaya posted on Mon, Jul 2, 2007 12:09 AM

Well I finally dusted off my wood burner, and got to work on a little something this weekend! I know, I know, It's About Time!! I had a great day at the latest San Diego Chop Chop, and spent the afternoon burning a design into this piece of wood that Meiko gave me a while back. I didn't have my camera with me to take progress pictures, but here are a few shots of the final piece.

I also was able to work with some stone for the first time at the chop chop too! Thanks to PDrake for sharing his great set up. He had a big piece of Jade that he cut into smaller pieces so we could try it out. All I really did was smooth out the edges, shape it up, and buff it out a little. It was really fun!

Right now it reminds me of one of those "Worry Stones", all nice and smoooooooooth. I can see how you can easily get hooked on this. Thanks again Perry! It was great to have a relaxing time spending the day with good friends, and making some new ones too!!

Well I haven't been posting much since I haven't been doing much woodburning lately. I check in on TC daily to keep up with everything that's going on though. It seems like I've had so many other projects, and you know, just life.

One of my projects was painting my son's room. He picked out beach/ocean/shark theme. The painting is all finished, and his favorite part is the 7ft by 6ft great white shark wall mural!



Slowly but surely we're gathering other cool decorations, and I'll post more pictures as it's completed.

We also had a fun adventure in early June for my son's 8th birthday. I surprised him with a cool treasure hunt, and when we got to the X marks the spot the treasure was a helicopter ride all over San Diego! Here are some of the highlights of the trip..

Treasure Map (I secretly tried to make the X look like helicopter blades.)

Hey, look who gets shotgun!

Forget shotgun, I think it's copilot!

This shot was taken going straight down over the cliffs at Torrey Pines in La Jolla

La Jolla Shores

Sea World (Look, you can even see the whales in the big pools!)

Downtown San Diego

Petco Park (Home of the Padres!)

We even got to fly over Buzzy's house! It's the one with the tikis in the back yard! :) Actually, it's the one a little to the bottom left of center with the blue shade tarp in the back. Buzzy was even standing in the back yard taking a picture of us from the ground.

Finally, us after our great adventure.

So right now we're counting down the days to this Saturday when we leave for Hawaii for a week! We're really looking forward to it. I'm sure I'll have some good adventure pictures from our trip to share.

I'll see you soon!



Hey Zaya, really enjoyed meeting you at the chop and dig the burning you did. I told you I would show you some of the stuff I've done (with my crude lil' burner)
here is the sign I built in the back yard, the flash kinda slapped back but it's an overall shot...

one side pointing to Burbank where I work...

The other side to the Beach, Huntington to be more exact..

and here are those boxes I told you about...

But the work I'm most proud of was a set of signs I made as a gift for an Aunt in NY. She has 3 horses that we rode while on a visit she paid for and I noticed they didn't have any way to tell which stable was whose, so I made these for them with their names, the pics were of unfinished work but I didn't take any when done.

But that's just a few, thought I'd show you.
The Birdman

Zaya posted on Mon, Jul 2, 2007 8:16 AM

Hey T birdman, it was great meeting you too! Wow, your burnings are awesome! That sign is really cool. You got a lot of detail in there, and I like how you personalized it for yourself. Those boxes are cool too! Did you keep them the natural color? Wow, and those plaques with the horses names and pictures are just incredible! You really captured their faces, and I love how much detail you can get in there even with just a few light lines and shadowing. I'm going to try something like that next. I love pencil drawing, especially faces, so I'm going to give it a try. It seems so intimidating because there's no eraser! I guess that's why you have to plan it out before hand with your drawing, and then go from there. Thank you for sharing your work! It's getting me thinking about my next project. :)


No worries, thanks for looking. I'll be looking for the trick burner you use, I wouldn't have to sweat out some small detail work with the turd burner I have now! The boxes aren't finished yet, my son hasn't decided what stain he likes yet. The horses I had to draw from pics I took and was able to enlarge the images on the computer while I did the drawings. Funny thing is, when I sent them to my Aunt, she was raving about them and said she wasn't going to put them outside, she hung them in her living room! As long as she liked them, huh!

The Birdman

GROG posted on Mon, Jul 2, 2007 11:52 PM

Damn!!! A helicopter ride and then off to Hawaii for a week! Will you adopt GROG?


hi Zaya! Now I know why is taking so long for new burnings, you have an adventure after an other...now stop flying and go work girl! you do great stuff! Greetings!

pdrake posted on Sat, Jul 7, 2007 1:34 PM

wow, adopt me, too. i was happy to share. i'm glad you enjoyed it. it was a pleasure to see you again.

Zaya posted on Tue, Jul 17, 2007 12:46 AM

On 2007-07-02 23:52, GROG wrote:
Damn!!! A helicopter ride and then off to Hawaii for a week! Will you adopt GROG?

On 2007-07-07 13:34, pdrake wrote:
wow, adopt me, too. i was happy to share. i'm glad you enjoyed it. it was a pleasure to see you again.

Awwwwww, of course I'll adopt you guys! My son always wanted brothers! :)

Hi Clarita, it's nice to hear from you! We definitely like to have adventures around here. I think it's easier to do stuff when you have just one child. I'm thinking that might be ending soon now that I'm adopting GROG and pdrake though. I don't know if I can afford to take 3 "boys" on big adventures like that! We might have to start vacationing in lovely Tijuana, or somewhere close like that since it's much less expensive than Hawaii. Don't tell Grog and pdrake though. :wink:

So we're back from vacation! We spent 6 days on Oahu, and had an amazing time. I went with my son, my sister, her boyfriend and our cousin. We had all kinds of adventures while we were there, and were even able to meet up with some fellow TCers too. Here's some pictures of the fun!

This was the view from the balcony of our hotel suite...

In the mornings we could even see the elephants at the zoo from way up there!

This was the view from my room itself...

Of course we spent some time (and money!) at the International Marketplace.

We also were able to check out the Thor Stor right there next to the marketplace. It was great to meet Max (Moai) at the store, and he invited us over to the La Mariana Sailing Club where a few TCers were getting together. Here's some shots from the Thor Stor...

I saw some familiar faces on the shelves at the Thor Stor! Check these out Benzart!

Here are some shots from our fun night at the La Mariana Sailing Club. That place was absolutely beautiful. There was so much to see, great music, great food, and even better company! Here I am with my good friend Freddie. (House of Ku) It was so great to finally meet you! Cheers!

Our group shot...

Check out who was sitting right next to us! It was great meeting everyone! :)

The rest of the time we pretty much spent at the beach soaking up the sun, swimming, snorkeling with the sea turtles, trekking up to Waimea Bay Falls, went to a luau, and even went on an Outrigger Canoe ride!

While in the marketplace we were checking out places to have lunch, and when I walked into this cafe I looked at the menu, and then realized someone was staring back at me!

Here's a closer look.....

Benzart, did you know you are everywhere? :)

Since Buzzy couldn't come on vacation with us I took some sunset pictures for him while we were there...

I took about 300 pictures on our vacation, but I think I'd crash everyone's computers if I posted them all! We were able to attend the Oceanside Chop Chop the next day after we got back, and had a great time seeing everyone. So now I'm back to work, and I think I need a vacation from my vacation. It's definitely time to start planning the our next adventure! :)



Hey Zaya,

Looks like a killer time!! You and your son will carry this trip with you forever.


So many things you got to see and share with your son!
International Marketplace,Waterfalls,THOR,and sea turtles...Rad!
This trip should inspire even more art outta your beautiful brain!

Zaya, great pictures. I'm due for a Hawaii vay-kay.

Gosh!! Your sons room is SOOOOO COOOOOLLL!!! I wish my parents painted cool stuff like that for me when I was a kid!! I'm envious of your son! =P

Those pictures of Hawaii are breath taking!! I've heard so much about it, I think this year I'm actually going to go someplace warm. Might be Mexico. Might even be Hawaii now that I've got the time off.

I think Rex the beaked kitty is ready for a vacation too.

[ Edited by: GiantRobotTiki 2007-07-17 19:16 ]

hewey posted on Tue, Jul 17, 2007 7:53 PM

Nice work on that panel Z! :D Nice to see you back into it. Now you're back from a great holiday, I expect to see more! :D :lol:


Aloha Zaya, I had such a nice time meeting everyone. Can't wait for you to come back, this time with Buzzy. Sorry, forgot to reset the time/date stamp.


Zaya posted on Thu, Jul 19, 2007 9:22 AM

On 2007-07-17 10:59, Babalu wrote:
Hey Zaya,
Looks like a killer time!! You and your son will carry this trip with you forever.

Hi Rick, It was awesome. It was so cute because with every new experience he kept saying, "This is the best place I've ever been in my life!" I loved it.

On 2007-07-17 11:13, little lost tiki wrote:
So many things you got to see and share with your son!
International Marketplace,Waterfalls,THOR,and sea turtles...Rad!
This trip should inspire even more art outta your beautiful brain!

little lost tiki, Awwww, Hi new best friend! :) It's amazing what an experience like that can do to inspire you. I have a million ideas rolling around in my head. Now I just have to get to it. Darn day job cuts into my creative time! Ha Ha

On 2007-07-17 17:38, CheekyGirl wrote:
Zaya, great pictures. I'm due for a Hawaii vay-kay.

Hi Cheeky Girl, thanks for checking in! You definitely have to go. Even if it's for just a short time. It's like a different world, isn't it?

On 2007-07-17 19:00, GiantRobotTiki wrote:
Gosh!! Your sons room is SOOOOO COOOOOLLL!!! I wish my parents painted cool stuff like that for me when I was a kid!! I'm envious of your son! =P

Those pictures of Hawaii are breath taking!! I've heard so much about it, I think this year I'm actually going to go someplace warm. Might be Mexico. Might even be Hawaii now that I've got the time off.

Hey GiantRobotTiki, Nice to meet you! I have to tell you that I only painted the ocean blue walls, and the great white shark is a wallpaper wall mural so I can't take credit for that. I can take credit for lining it up all nice and putting it up there though! :) The other two walls in the room and the ceiling are the "beach" side. From the floor up to a chair rail half way is a sand color, and from the chair rail up and the ceiling it's a sky blue color. I'll post pictures soon of that side once we finish decorating it. It's looking pretty cool. It definitely beats my room when I was growing up too. My parents gave me Pink Shag Carpeting! Can you tell it was the 70's? Ha Ha Oh, and for your vacation, forget Mexico! It's all about Hawaii! :)

On 2007-07-17 19:53, hewey wrote:
Nice work on that panel Z! :D Nice to see you back into it. Now you're back from a great holiday, I expect to see more! :D :lol:

Hi Hewey, Thanks! It was nice to hear from you. Hey, I've been meaning to tell you, guess what we have here now? Pepsi MAX! I immediately thought of you when I saw it. :)

On 2007-07-19 02:57, HOUSE OF KU wrote:
Aloha Zaya, I had such a nice time meeting everyone. Can't wait for you to come back, this time with Buzzy. Sorry, forgot to reset the time/date stamp.

Aloha Freddie! Don't worry, I'll be dragging Buzzy over there one of these days soon whether he likes it or not. :) Thanks for the pictures from La Mariana. I wish I had taken more of the place itself. It's just beautiful there, and so much to see.

I don't have any woodburning updates right now, but I'm hoping to get to it real soon. Thanks for checking in everyone!


[ Edited by: Zaya 2007-07-19 09:23 ]

Hiya Zaya!! Pleased to meet you as well.

Can I be put up on the adoption list too??

Of course...I'm only doing it to have a cool room like your sons. :wink:

Ok.... Hawaii it is. I'll need to start doing research soon I guess. My vacation time is coming at the end of Sept. Was going to go to Europe and see relatives. But I guess it's high time I did a vacation for ME this time.

Thanks again for sharing.


[ Edited by: GiantRobotTiki 2007-07-22 13:44 ]

Zaya posted on Tue, Oct 7, 2008 12:17 PM

I can't believe it's been over a year since I posted here! Well after searching for my thread that was buried way back on page 7 of other crafts, I dusted it off and actually have a little something to share. I started this drawing last night, and thought I'd give you a couple of progress pictures. It's still in the works so there will be more to come soon.

I'm usually doing all that swirly Maori inspired stuff so drawing tikis is something new for me. This was my first try so we'll see how it goes!

I also did this picture the other night. It's not tiki related, but I might as well throw it in here. It's my Greek heritage that inspired me here...

Let's hope for some free time tonight!



Whoa, Zaya does an actual tiki! :o :P

I like em, is it charcoal? They would look good on a piece of wood, and so would the Medusa(?).

Don't stay away so long next time Zaya!
Cool new sketches...
Whatcha gonna do with em?
You've got the momentum started..
don't slow down!
Ride that creative wave!

Zaya posted on Wed, Oct 8, 2008 12:21 PM

On 2008-10-07 13:34, 4WDtiki wrote:
Whoa, Zaya does an actual tiki! :o :P

I like em, is it charcoal? They would look good on a piece of wood, and so would the Medusa(?).

Hi Bill! I know, can you believe it? That was a first for me. I might as well jump on the bandwagon. :) I actually just use a Staedtler mechanical drafting pencil. I don't know why, but I love that thing! I've been using it since college, and that was a loooong time ago. :) I definitely want to try woodburning something like this, but I figured I needed to get some practice in before I ruin a nice piece of wood. As for Medusa (Which is who I'm going to be for Halloween by the way!) I was drawing out an image for my sister because she's getting ideas for her next tattoo.

On 2008-10-08 11:28, little lost tiki wrote:
Don't stay away so long next time Zaya!
Cool new sketches...
Whatcha gonna do with em?
You've got the momentum started..
don't slow down!
Ride that creative wave!

Hey LLT! I'll definitely try to stick around for a while. :wink: I got out of my own creative routine, and it was great to sit and do a little something again. It's so theraputic! I don't know what I'm going to do with these. Actually I was going to put them in the pile with all the rest of my drawings, but I have a couple of people already "claiming" them. It's funny because if I knew that someone would actually want them I would have tried to make them a little more professional! Now I know for next time. :)

Well unfortunately I didn't get any drawing done last night because I was busy tending to a special guest here at Zaya's house. Kiva!!! It's always a good day when Kiva's around. We don't call her Best Friend for nothing!

Here she is lounging in my room on her special throne...

Everything was going great until "The Ruiner" barged in!

I'll get back to drawing hopefully tonight so I can finish this one, and start on something new. Thanks for looking guys!


Bowana posted on Wed, Oct 8, 2008 1:02 PM

Hi Zaya! Medusa for Halloween, eh? Be sure to post some pictures of your costume!

Cool drawings, nice to see you posting your work again!


On 2008-10-08 12:21, Zaya wrote:

As for Medusa (Which is who I'm going to be for Halloween by the way!)

Hope it's not too cold out. Be sure to get pics!


hewey posted on Wed, Oct 8, 2008 7:57 PM

Nice work Zaya, that sketch is looking great :D


Oh! Glad to see you around again, it was about time! (i missed you...) :)!
Nice drawings!


Keep those going Zaya!! Love the meduse costume description too!! I wanna see pictures!!


Zaya posted on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 1:25 PM

Well I was all excited to get some drawing time in this weekend. I had it all planned out that I was going to bring my gear to my son's baseball practice, and sit in the bleachers and draw for two whole hours. So we got there, and everything was great. I was all alone in the stands, it was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, and I had everything set up. I turned on my ipod, hit shuffle and was rockin to my favorite tunes and drawing. It was great! Then about 15 minutes before practice was over a lady came over and asked to see what I was drawing, and when I showed it to her this big gust of wind came out of no where and ripped my paper! Darn!! I just looked at it, took a deep breath and figured oh well, I guess I'm done with that one! I was bummed at first, but no big deal, it was just practice anyway. Here are some pictures after the big tragedy! :lol:

Nothing a little tape on the back can't fix. :)

On 2008-10-08 13:02, Bowana wrote:
Hi Zaya! Medusa for Halloween, eh? Be sure to post some pictures of your costume!

Cool drawings, nice to see you posting your work again!

Hi Tiki Dav, thank you! Oh, and You're Funny! See what you started Bowana? :) If only I knew someone who could scuplt me a really cool Medusa head dress. If only... :)

On 2008-10-08 15:36, 4WDtiki wrote:

On 2008-10-08 12:21, Zaya wrote:

As for Medusa (Which is who I'm going to be for Halloween by the way!)

Hope it's not too cold out. Be sure to get pics!


Oh my gosh Bill, how did you get a picture of my costume?!! I'm not worried if it gets too cold because I've trained my snakes to strategically place themselves in the appropriate places since I'm a little modest sometimes. :)

On 2008-10-08 19:57, hewey wrote:
Nice work Zaya, that sketch is looking great :D

Hi Hewey, thank you! It was great to hear from you!

On 2008-10-10 10:48, Clarita wrote:
Oh! Glad to see you around again, it was about time! (i missed you...) :)!
Nice drawings!

Awww, thank you Clarita! That's really nice! It's good to take some creative time for myself again. I think we all need that. You can't help but be inspired by all the amazing artists here.

On 2008-10-12 20:58, THOR's wrote:
Keep those going Zaya!! Love the meduse costume description too!! I wanna see pictures!!


Hi Tom, thank you! I saw your posts with the latest paintings "Trader Hick's" and "Finder's Peepers", and they're just incredible. The details are so cool. Oh, and you're a comedian too huh? :)

The pressure is on! I guess I'll have to take a couple of different versions of the pictures of my costume. The first will be the, "I'm picking my 9 year old son up at school dressed as Medusa costume." and the "other" version I'll have to have Buzzy take pictures of later that evening. :wink:

Thanks everyone! Hopefully I can start a new project soon.


[ Edited by: Zaya 2008-10-13 18:16 ]


Aloha Zaya! Wow! You can draw too!! All this hidden talent flowing out....Can't wait to see some Halloween picts....I'm afraid to ask what Buzzy has up his sleeve....Buckwheat in a head lock :)


wow zaya,great stuff!
and all this time i just thought you were buzzys pretty girlfriend who comes to our chops!


Zaya I'm sorry to hear that your drawing got ripped! eek!
But it's still real nice!
I love just having the good'ole sketchbook and pencil on-hand and drawin' away! :D
So seeing this is just rawkin!

Keep it up! and I totally dig this drawin ya did:

On 2008-10-07 12:17, Zaya wrote:

:D Can't wait to see s'more!

:D Ooh La La! Zaya's got da mad skillz!! Burn Baby Burn...!!! :D


I'm sooo proud of you for climbing back in the saddle. This work is really well executed. See ya tomorrow at the Chop! I hope that your tattooing sis is coming too? Your the BOMB Zaya! Oh, I guess you can bring that Buzzy guy too if ya have to. Peace Kiddo,

Zaya posted on Mon, Oct 20, 2008 12:33 PM

Well I got to attend the last Oceanside chop at Bill and Lennie's house this weekend, and had such a great time! Not only did we get to hang out with great friend's, but I also had a chance to do some woodburning! My poor burner's been feeling very neglected lately. Babalu and Billy took a couple of these pictures at the chop so I thought I'd share them.

Here I am in action...

Oh the excitement! :lol:

Here's what I was working on. It's a beautiful piece of ficus that Buzzy cut and stained for me a while ago...

It has a hidden "C" for myself Christina, and a hidden "J" for my son Jaden in there. So tricky! Ha Ha I thought I finished this at the chop, but when I got home I realized there were a few things I wanted to add so I'll get back to it real soon. In the mean time here a some pictures of what I did...

I love that woodburner!!

I also had the chance to sit with Kinny and try out some of his paints. Thanks Kinny! Here we are, and you can really see how talented I am with a dropper. Ha Ha (Look at how cute Ringo is!)

I thought it was neat how different the finished product was from the way the process went. Here's what it wound up looking like in the end...

That was fun! Now I have to come up with something cool to make from it.

On 2008-10-13 16:05, HOUSE OF KU wrote:
Aloha Zaya! Wow! You can draw too!! All this hidden talent flowing out....Can't wait to see some Halloween picts....I'm afraid to ask what Buzzy has up his sleeve....Buckwheat in a head lock :)

Hi Freddie! I know, who would have known? :) I try to stay on the sidelines, and not steal the spotlight from Buzzy with all of my amazing talents. :lol: Thanks for the ideas to help with my costume too. I'll let you know how it goes!

On 2008-10-13 20:54, buzzard wrote:
wow zaya,great stuff!
and all this time i just thought you were buzzys pretty girlfriend who comes to our chops!

Hey Buzzard, thanks!! Oh yeah, and :blush: .

On 2008-10-14 16:31, ravenne wrote:
Zaya I'm sorry to hear that your drawing got ripped! eek!
But it's still real nice!
I love just having the good'ole sketchbook and pencil on-hand and drawin' away! :D
So seeing this is just rawkin!

Keep it up! and I totally dig this drawin ya did:

On 2008-10-07 12:17, Zaya wrote:

:D Can't wait to see s'more!

Hi Ravenne! Thank you! It's really fun trying to come up with ideas, and sketching away. Hey, so where's the thread with your drawings???? Let's see them! :)

On 2008-10-15 16:44, TravelingJones wrote:
:D Ooh La La! Zaya's got da mad skillz!! Burn Baby Burn...!!! :D

Jonesesy!!!! Hi, and thank you! Speaking of mad skillz, are you working on anything these days? How about Zaya hula girl to go with the Buzzy's Coco Jonez! :wink: It was great to hear from you.

On 2008-10-17 22:43, Babalu wrote:
I'm sooo proud of you for climbing back in the saddle. This work is really well executed. See ya tomorrow at the Chop! I hope that your tattooing sis is coming too? Your the BOMB Zaya! Oh, I guess you can bring that Buzzy guy too if ya have to. Peace Kiddo,

Awww, thank you Babalu!! It was great seeing you at the chop yesterday. I have to admit that after seeing the clay you had there I haven't been able to stop thinking about it! You guys make it look like so much fun, and I can't help but want to try it out. In the mean time my mind's been spinning with different ideas so I'm prepared for the day I have the chance.

Now it's back to work. Darn day job! :)


I hear ya about that day job thing....
Your "CJ" piece is lookin sooooo good
it's cool to see it in person-all the light and shadows trailing up the grain and patterns...
Thanks for playing in paper and ink and tissue paper with us!
that were fun!
Hope you turn it into something magical!
You Rock!

On 2008-10-20 12:33, Zaya wrote:

Zaya, I really dig the organic feel and flow of this piece. Makes me want to jump into the ocean and splash around

Zaya posted on Sun, Oct 26, 2008 10:05 AM

On 2008-10-22 08:29, little lost tiki wrote:
I hear ya about that day job thing....
Your "CJ" piece is lookin sooooo good
it's cool to see it in person-all the light and shadows trailing up the grain and patterns...
Thanks for playing in paper and ink and tissue paper with us!
that were fun!
Hope you turn it into something magical!
You Rock!

Thanks Kinny! Yeah, the grain on that ficus is so amazing I hated to mess it up with all that woodburning! :) I'm still intending to do something fun with that paper, I'll keep you posted.

On 2008-10-22 09:17, Daves Not Home wrote:

On 2008-10-20 12:33, Zaya wrote:

Zaya, I really dig the organic feel and flow of this piece. Makes me want to jump into the ocean and splash around

Hi Daves Not Home, nice to hear from you! That's a cool compliment, I'm glad it could bring out a fun feeling! :)

So this weekend it was back to the baseball field for practice again so I took advantage of the free time. I picked up this piece of wood and decided to do a little drawing on it. Here is some of what I did...

It was the first time I ever tried to draw one of these guys. I think the most challenging part was to try and make the patterns appear as though they were carved. Still learning! It's been really fun though. Hopefully I'll get to do some more real soon.

Thanks for looking!


First a tiki drawing, now a tiki woodburning?!? Lookout, Zaya's on a Tiki Jag!!! :D

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