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Tiki Road Trip by James Teitelbaum

Pages: 1 2 90 replies

tikiluvgirl posted on 04/10/2003

The copies arrived just the other evening from fed ex...What a geat book/documentation
of Tiki culture. You west coast folks sure seem to be in Tiki bar heaven...I got a slice of it cooking in my house....I ve a question..My first Tiki bar was in Lee,MA. A
place called the Luau Hali..It was not mentioned in the book,yet I remember fantastic dinners there.It was my first taste of the Polynesian Tiki thing...It was 1983 and I was 12/13 years old and my intrigue began...Any East coasters out there
remember?..my internet searches have yeilded nada...It may even had a different name...20 years later and I am going on phoenetic spelling....and I bet I spelled that wrong! Oh Yes,I am proud that the store I purchase the gifts for,Junkmans Daughter was mentioned in Tiki Road Trip! We sell new tiki stuff..but the Blue Orchid Room right around the corner has nothing but VINTAGE Hawaiiana and Tiki stuff and clothes...So please check them out!!!

tikibars posted on 04/10/2003

Tikiluv -

Thanks for the kind words about my tome.

And, as I suspected: a missing Tiki Bar is reported already! :)

There are certain to be more.

As I say in the intro, "A book like this can never be truly complete...", and I imagine that TC'ers are going to be both my harshest critics - and my best source of research for a second edition - when it comes to this matter.

All omissions pointed out to me are being logged for future editions... so thanks in advance to any and all Tikiphiles who have helped in the past or will help the future of this ongoing project.

mrtikibar posted on 04/17/2003

Hey, this is even better then the new phone books arriving! There I am on page 11 and there is dear departed mom on page 22. Thanks James. I know Tiki Road Trip will be a big hit.

JTD posted on 04/17/2003

tikiluvgirl, JT, Berkshire-bound NYC-ers,

Luau Hale Restaurant
569 Pittsfield Lenox Road,
Lenox, MA 01240
Phone: (413) 443-4745

  • JTD
johntiki posted on 04/17/2003

Am I missing something or has the book already gone on sale? I pre-ordered with Amazon and am pretty unclear of why it says the item "usually ships in 24 hours" and when I go and check my Amazon account it estimates the arrival date as early May. What gives?

Doctor Z posted on 04/17/2003


I pre-ordered mine from Amazon when I first heard about it (on Christmas Day, to be exact!), and they told me not to expect it until mid-May. Well, after reading posts about folks getting theirs through Amazon already (and feeling just a little miffed knowing that I could have bought one at MONDO - and had it autographed - weeks before mid-May), I contacted Amazon about it. They said that, despite the fact that the book is "Available" and "Ships in 24 hours", blah, blah, blah, mine STILL wouldn't ship until mid-May! I wrote back again and bitched a lot about cancelling the order, and...

... it arrived today!

Don't want to wait? The squeeky wheel gets the grease, as they say...

trustar posted on 04/17/2003

I just received a shipping notice from Amazon that my pre-ordered book was shipped yesterday so whatch your mailboxes! Hope mine makes it before we leave on Friday to Vegas.

See ya all there


johntiki posted on 04/17/2003

It's very odd - after I went off on the bizarre happenings at Amazon, I got my e-mail notifying me that my item has shipped! I'm looking forward to it!

tikiluvgirl posted on 04/19/2003

I had the spelling wrong and James did put it in his book...I excitedly overlooked it in my frenzy of tiki information...The Luau Hale ... cool memories, thanx

RevBambooBen posted on 04/21/2003

ELI not ELY !!!

Can't anyone get the spelling right???

ELI!!! ELI!!! ELI!!!

What ever happend to checking the facts?

Cool book to add to the collection. Thanks James.

Tiki Diablo posted on 04/21/2003

I have been checking out this book since sunday morning. I think it is too cool! Way to go James, nice to finally meet you in person.

thejab posted on 04/22/2003

A very enjoyable book to read! Great pictures throughout, especially the shots of long lost tiki bars. (James- For your next edition, I think the photo of "Unknown tiki bar" on p. 17 is Clifton's in Los Angeles - before it was remodeled). Good selection of drink recipes and the glossary is a great idea. I can't believe how complete it is - you the man!

Bamboo Ben- I think it's funny how the Eli Kai is mentioned as possibly being named after "Ely Hedly". Then wouldn't it be the Ely Kai? Eli Eli Eli!

Biotron2000 posted on 04/22/2003

According to UPS, the book (along with Pad) is currently sitting on my doorstep. I can't wait to get home, but I have :music: band rehearsal :music: after work and won't get home 'til 10...gonna be a bleary-eyed day at work tomorrow! :D

Patrick McNeal
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[ Edited by: Biotron2000 on 2003-04-22 15:53 ]

johntiki posted on 04/22/2003

Got the book on Saturday morning! I nearly jumped out of the car while it was still rolling when I returned home and saw the Amazon package near the garage door! I spent all weekend reading the book and have found it to be an excellent resource - now I just gotta get the time to hit 'em all! Thanks James for a great and inspiring reference/read!

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mrsmiley posted on 04/23/2003

Anyone leaving San Francisco around 6pm for the book signing Friday at Trader Vics Emeryville. Otto and I might need a ride--bruce

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Scamboogah posted on 04/23/2003

Just got my copy last Saturday. Great book! At the very least, a great companion to the book of Tiki. Incredibly up to date as well.

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Sneakytiki posted on 04/23/2003

Jus' got that thar book, it kix a$$!!
I'm in ID. which is one of those states with "no evidence of Tiki bars past or present". Bummer!! One little place of note is Vicious Fish Tacos at 404 E Parkcenter Blvd. Boise, ID. 83706 ph.# 208-424-3888. Old surfboards, Some wood tiki panels, paintings and a couple of small tikis inside, pretty cool decor, no liquor, but good beer and Baha style food.

Thx 4 the great book!!

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Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 04/23/2003


I've always wondered about tiki in Idaho as well. It took a long while, but a matchbook finally came my way. Here's evidence of the Aku Aku restaurant in Caldwell, ID.


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thejab posted on 04/23/2003

I found this on the Saratoga Hotel in a web site about ghosts in Idaho:

"Canyon County - Caldwell - Old Saratoga Hotel/Restaurant - It is said that the upper floors, the restaurant and bar areas were haunted. Reports of a chilling cold feeling upon opening doors to some of the guest rooms. Many nights, employees that were left to close up after hours experience moving chairs, swinging glass racks, and footsteps. After demolition of the ruins, a new office strip mall was built and many employees complain of strange noises. "

excerpted from http://www.ghosthuntersinc.com/haunted/idaho.htm

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midnite posted on 04/23/2003

Heads up Bay Area TC'ers! :drink:

"$5 Mai Tais, Tiki music, Tiki Road Trips booksigning at Trader Vic's, Emeryville

Next Friday, April 25, James will be at Trader Vic's in Emeryville, CA for
his third west coast booksigning event. The Emeryville Trader Vic's staff love the local San Francisco Tiki community, and they
are offering discounted Mai Tais for anyone who comes down to meet James and have him
scribble on their copy of Tiki Road Trip. Be there from 6PM to 8PM for pupus, Mai Tais, the likely appearance of Tiki Central hardcores (love those guys!), music
selection by Otto von Stroheim, and a good ol' time in the hard-to-get-into Captain Cook Room at Trader Vic's! (adjacent to the bar for easy ordering)"

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Luckydesigns posted on 04/23/2003

I had a great time at Taboo Cove drinking Zombies with James. Head out to Vics and get your book. I'm sure it'll be a great time.

Sabu, do you have any pics or anything from the Tonga Lei in Malibu? My Dad used to park cars there when he was a kid. I'd love to buy or trade any of that stuff with you.

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Sneakytiki posted on 04/25/2003

Sabu, Jab,
Thanks 4 the info. I'll see what kind of flotsam I can track down from that place.

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mrsmiley posted on 04/26/2003

I had a great time at Trader Vics last night and James wanted to check out my pad. So...if any one else wants to be part of a casual BYOB event at 9pm at the UGH House in Oakland tonight, email me At and give me your name, what city you will be coming from and phone #.---thanks--Bruce

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christiki295 posted on 04/26/2003

The Tiki Road Trip is a tremendous tome.

It is very well researched and loving homage is paid to those Tiki bars unfortunately no longer with us.

I can only imagine what an unparalled thrill it would have been to have visited even half of those bars.

I am not bold enough to list an "omission," but merely to add a suggestion for what I hope will be annual updates:

Point Moorea
Wilshire Grand Hotel
Wilshire & Figueroa,
Downtown Los Angeles

Point Moorea is a Neo-tiki bar.
Tipsy factor: 1 or 2

There is a neon tiki outside,
a tiki in the doorway and the dance floor back drop consists of numerous smalller tikis, although not necessarily of South Pacific origin.

It calls itself a full service tiki bar and, true to its name, offers a Martini bar, has a full menu, has beautiful red, wing-back chairs, shows the Laker game on a theater-sized screen which rolls up for a dance floor and hosts salsa and rave dance clubs on the weekend
(low cover, unlike Venus-Taboo Cove).

While it is not a Tiki mecca like
Trader Vics or a classic Tiki bar like Tiki Ti or Purple Orchid, I am glad (and relieved) that developers have not entirely abandoned the Tiki manna
(like Papyrus at the Luxor).

I recommend Point Moorea for a very fun time, particularly if one works downtown or wants to stop for a drink after seeing the Lakers play at Staples Center.

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tikifish posted on 04/26/2003

Speaking of tiki deprived locales, Sabu, (or any other postcard collectors) does anyone have any old Canadian tiki postcards?

I'm hoping to find a pic of the Toronto Trader Vic's or Ports of Call, specifically, but of course anything else will make me happy too.

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Lake Surfer posted on 04/27/2003

Looking forward to getting a copy signed by the author in Chicago this summer... and hopping the tiki spots again!
Mahalo for your hard work James!

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kick_the_reverb posted on 04/27/2003

My Mother in law informed me that the book arrived a few days ago (to CA), so now I'll just have to wait until October to read it (!). My wife will be there in a few weeks, so she can enjoy the book before me.


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TikiHula posted on 04/28/2003

What a great time with everyone at Vic's Friday night! Thanks for having the book signing, James. It was fun meeting you and getting a signed copy....excellent book!

A Tonga Lei pc and menu from the tiki gallery:



And Montreal Kon Tiki menu:



Sabu probably has some postcards from there.

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Cultjam posted on 04/29/2003

After a busy week of Mondo, travel to Chicago and my first hopefully of many visits to Trader Vic's, and getting a new foster puppy, then finding out PayPal let someone use my bankcard for an $800 purchase, I finally had a moment to unpack my goodies from Mondo. No book. NO BOOK! It never made it to my room. Maybe I left it on a vendor table, maybe Crazy Al's, maybe the guy with the pics of the Hyundai Moai Tiki, oh I went to all the vendors. If you have the one signed to Lisa in AZ, take good care of it. Waaaahhhh....this is depressing!!!

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tikivixen posted on 04/29/2003

Dean, the Idaho/Saratoga Hotel ghost story tidbit is fascinating. Now I have to get out my equipment and go investigate. Make way for the intrepid parapsychologist! Er, after I win the lottery...

It was marvelous to see so many Bay Area TCers turn out for the book-signing! And such fun to watch the evening evolve into a delightfully inebriated, happy party--a true evocation of tiki spirit. I am of the opinion that there is no buzz more perfectly mellow than that provided by a Trader Vic's Mai Tai. Or three.

And (oh, my head, ow) the fun continued seamlessly into the next night at Mr Smiley's intimate and entertaining soiree in the fabulous Ugh House Tiki Bar, which featured, among other things, gypsy fortune-telling by no less a personage than legendary performer Ethel Merman (lovingly embodied by Tikihag)--with a chorus of enthusiastic backup Ethels to boot!

Anyone who skips an evening at the Ugh House, misses out Big Time.

As it happens, the Tiki Bar Review Pages were my first tiki-related Internet discovery, almost three years back.

I've enjoyed them ever since, and the book is a terrifically readable, comprehensive version. Funny, lively, informative, and very well-organized, it's a must for anyone into Tiki--or just in dire need of an excuse for a road trip. And what's more, I love to think that this book may help some of these establishments--both new and old--to survive and prosper.

James, it was a great pleasure to finally meet you! I have but one small suggestion: your next edition WILL include a chapter on landscaping and shrubbery issues, I hope?


Lisa aka Tikivixen

p.s. NI!

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tikivixen posted on 04/29/2003

Cindy, me too! That was very interesting. I've finally started really making time along my regular road trip routes to stop and photograph places like that. And it's already paid off when I've returned a few months later...and found them gone.

Just in time--

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TikiHula posted on 04/30/2003

James had your book at Trader Vic's Friday night...I'm assuming he still has it. I think he's driving back home right now...so email him and I'm sure he'll get back to you as soon as he can.

Crisis averted....I think.

On 2003-04-29 13:29, Cultjam wrote:
No book. NO BOOK! It never made it to my room. Maybe I left it on a vendor table, maybe Crazy Al's, maybe the guy with the pics of the Hyundai Moai Tiki, oh I went to all the vendors. If you have the one signed to Lisa in AZ, take good care of it. Waaaahhhh....this is depressing!!!

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Cultjam posted on 04/30/2003

On 2003-04-29 20:29, TikiHula wrote:
James had your book at Trader Vic's Friday night...

You know the geek on Crank Yankers that says YAY!! over and over again? That's me. YAY!!


Will email him.


[ Edited by: Cultjam on 2003-04-29 23:50 ]

tikibars posted on 05/01/2003

On 2003-04-29 15:39, tikivixen wrote:
It was marvelous to see so many Bay Area TCers turn out for the book-signing! And such fun to watch the evening evolve into a delightfully inebriated, happy party--a true evocation of tiki spirit. I am of the opinion that there is no buzz more perfectly mellow than that provided by a Trader Vic's Mai Tai. Or three.

And (oh, my head, ow) the fun continued seamlessly into the next night at Mr Smiley's intimate and entertaining soiree in the fabulous Ugh House Tiki Bar, which featured, among other things, gypsy fortune-telling by no less a personage than legendary performer Ethel Merman (lovingly embodied by Tikihag)--with a chorus of enthusiastic backup Ethels to boot!

Anyone who skips an evening at the Ugh House, misses out Big Time.

...the book is a terrifically readable, comprehensive version. Funny, lively, informative, and very well-organized, it's a must for anyone into Tiki--or just in dire need of an excuse for a road trip. And what's more, I love to think that this book may help some of these establishments--both new and old--to survive and prosper.

James, it was a great pleasure to finally meet you! I have but one small suggestion: your next edition WILL include a chapter on landscaping and shrubbery issues, I hope?

Lisa, I am currently talking my publisher into letting me do a companion volume, "Tiki Shrubbery Road Trip", with commentary by Roger the Shrubber, and cover art by Terry Gilliam.


And indeed: a night a Bruce and Enid's is not to be missed.

Did any of us ever successfully manage to bang out a chorus of 'Brazil' on that piano, or did we give up?

As for your commentts on the book... I'll send you that $50 soon.

Wanna publish the recipe for "James' Mistake" or did we agree to let that one die?

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tikivixen posted on 05/01/2003

Glad to see you made it home in one piece, James. That was fast!

Interesting news about the new book! Watch out for Roger though, he'll try to hog all the glory. Plus he always brings that creepy herring around.

I remember at one point I started singing "Brazil," but I don't think anyone else was even trying to keep up. You were probably all sniggering too hard.

Do I get another fifty for a five star review on Amazon?!

As for "James' Mistake"--I like that name; it has a sort of "Missionary's Downfall" ring to it. In any case, it's obviously a more sophisticated moniker than "Binaca Blast."

I dimly recall you took the Fifth when I asked for the recipe 8)...so the decision to withhold the information or share it with your interested public is entirely up to you! Ya never know--I liked it, and besides, who's to say adding mint mouthwash in the regrettable absence of a genuine mint sprig isn't a good idea??

minty-fresh tikivixen

tikibars posted on 05/01/2003

On 2003-05-01 13:15, tikivixen wrote:
As for "James' Mistake"--I like that name; it has a sort of "Missionary's Downfall" ring to it.

oooppss... I thought you got the reference the first time.

Any one wanna fill the Vixen in about one of Tiki Ti's most notorious concoctions?

Anyway, what WAS that green stuff under your bar?

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tikivixen posted on 05/01/2003

My Tiki Ti story is the same sad tale you've all heard before...I've only made it there ONCE when they were actually OPEN.

So yes, someone please fill me in!

As for the green stuff under my bar...oh, you mean the liquor! Frankly, I'm not sure what it is, much less how it got there.

thejab posted on 05/01/2003

On 2003-05-01 14:18, tikivixen wrote:
My Tiki Ti story is the same sad tale you've all heard before...I've only made it there ONCE when they were actually OPEN.

The first time I tried to go there in the mid 90s I couldn't find it! I thought Sunset Blvd. deadended near the Tiki Ti and didn't realize it makes a 45 degree turn and continues. How lame is that?!

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cynfulcynner posted on 05/01/2003

On 2003-05-01 13:29, tikibars wrote:
Any one wanna fill the Vixen in about one of Tiki Ti's most notorious concoctions?

The "Ray's Mistake" is a drink that Ray the bartender created by accident while attempting to make something else.


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dangergirl299 posted on 05/02/2003

On the topic of singing "Brazil" at Mr. Smiley's fabulous house last weekend: unfortunately I did not have my tape recorder going, but we were all singing along with the LP that Bruce put on. Now, as for the piano played one with the sheet music, that's another story...
I highly recommend the version performed by Portland's own "Pink Martini." It's perfect to sing to, and is like throwing your body into a warm, fruity and tropical drink.
In fact, I will mail a copy of this wonderful CD to the next 3 people who e-mail me a request. Not that I have a ton of money (depends on who you ask); but it's just that good.
In closing, I would just like to say:

Ke nono au, e kala mua mai, i keia manawa ho'i.
(If I snore, I would like to apologize in advance.)

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tikivixen posted on 05/02/2003

Dangergirl, if it's THAT good, you're on. I would love to hear it!!!

I only wish I had had my tape recorder on when Terry Gilliam sang "Brazil" to me and my friend Marcie in Berkeley, circa 1985.

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cynfulcynner posted on 05/02/2003

On 2003-05-01 18:41, dangergirl299 wrote:
I highly recommend the version performed by Portland's own "Pink Martini." It's perfect to sing to, and is like throwing your body into a warm, fruity and tropical drink.
In fact, I will mail a copy of this wonderful CD to the next 3 people who e-mail me a request.

I have "Sympathique;" have they recorded a new CD since then?

"Amado Mio" will be played at my wedding reception, if that ever happens....


tikibars posted on 05/02/2003

On 2003-05-01 18:41, dangergirl299 wrote:
In fact, I will mail a copy of this wonderful CD to the next 3 people who e-mail me a request.
Ke nono au, e kala mua mai, i keia manawa ho'i.
(If I snore, I would like to apologize in advance.)

Well, heck, consider this a request!

...and no problem about the snoring, I hardly noticed!


T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/40a240062c12d067ec794c727f52936a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
tikiboy posted on 05/02/2003

This book will be great when touring the countryside looking for that great Rhum Libation.
Thanks for mentioning my Dad's old sailing buddy, Skipper Kent. The last time I saw Frank Kent was just before he and his wife moved to the Kona Coast in the early Sixties. After the visit to our home in Oakland, they drove off in their 1943 Red LaSalle. The Skipper bought a spit of land along the coast in Hawaii and was planning to build a resort there. However, an ancient Heiau and other native ruins were discovered on the property and the resort was never built.

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DawnTiki posted on 05/02/2003

James, I was one of the unfortunates to miss Mondo. The ONLY redeeming moment was that Friday I opened my front door to look outside and sitting on my doorstep was "Surprise" my Tiki Road Trip from Amazon. Thanks so much, I read it from cover to cover that weekend. It was a fun read, it's going in my car's glovebox (does anyone put gloves in this thing?) I can't tell you how many times I have gotten in the car for a joyride and forgot my Tiki list with addresses and directions. Well,not ever again! Cheers!

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dangergirl299 posted on 05/02/2003

I will bring some extra copies of Pink Martini's CD with me to trader vic's tuesday, if I can make it back from merced in time. (work is now sending me out there once a week, which means I get to experience the two tiki bars nearby in modesto, eventually).
as for requests from the greater chicago area, I might have to see a trade of one "prolusion" for one pink martini.
by the way, pink martini has promised to come out with another album by this fall, although they were saying earlier it would be out already. they play sometimes in SF, which is a good show; we should do a TC group next time maybe. Represen'ing the TC, yo.
Danger Jen

E ke kuene, ua milimili 'e 'ia neia mikana!
(Waiter, my papaya has been previously fondled)

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tikivixen posted on 05/02/2003

Jen, what I really long for is a copy of the fascinating Hawaiian/English phrase book you're using :)

However, if there's anything musically that you're looking for let me know (this includes LPs or CDs...I don't have a CD burner, but I know someone who does and who owes me...heh), and I'll definitely see you at Trader Vic's.

By the way, I love the Modesto Tiki Tour and if you want someone to do it with--or a whole gang, actually--pick/project a date and post about it. I myself go out there frequently to thrift, and moreover, I am not limited to weekend nights. My feeling is both Minnie's and the Tiki Bar are far mellower and old-fashioned on any night BUT Sat. nights...


p.s. What's the Hawaiian for "my outrigger is full of pufferfish"?

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dangergirl299 posted on 05/02/2003

It's actually a website of "slightly bent hawaiian phrases." http://www.kbeamer.com/bent.html
he is a hawaiian slack key guitarist, according to his website. also has a link to some EXCELLENT haiku to spam, e.g.:
"Pink beefy temptress
I can no longer remain
as for modesto, I'll probably be swinging those places every wed. night, indefinitely, coming back from merced. don't know if I want to make an extra trip out there on the weekend.
does the TC ever do a camping trip to yosemite or something like that? that would be fun!

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