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Tiki Central / Other Crafts

Tiki Hut Kits -

Pages: 1 3 replies

TikiJill posted on 07/24/2007

Does anyone have any personal experience positvie or negative about some of the kits you can purchase online? I am planning on ordering from http://www.tropicalshade.net

Please let me know your thoughts/opinions.



VampiressRN posted on 07/24/2007

Welcome to TC TikiJill...not a builder myself, but know some of the experts will be by with suggestions. Don't forget to post pictures of your project. Have fun!!! :)

McTiki posted on 07/24/2007

Welcome to TC Tiki Jill. It really depends on what you need/want. Kits are great for those that just need a quickly assembled shelter or shady spot, and don't adequately possess the resources to build from scratch. Many many nice examples of scratch built; Huts/Shelters/Chickies/Bars/Nooks are abound here. Just use the search feature and check it all out before you dive into the kit.



Bay Park Buzzy posted on 07/24/2007

Hey Jill,
I can get you a better price on everything that those guys stock on that website. Check your personal messages for ordering info.

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