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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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Queen Kamehameha posted on 07/19/2007

Very cool Kinny, Can't wait to see it in person :)


Zaya posted on 07/19/2007

Wow, I don't know how you do it all. There's so much detail in every one of them. It's very impressive!


little lost tiki posted on 07/21/2007

Today is the DAY! Can't wait to see y'all there!
No time to reply,but will next posting! Thought i was done with new pieces for the BASH...
but NOOOOOOOOOO....so much for a hobby going dangerously wrong....
Anyways,did some more newbies and thought I'd post 'em before heading to the BASH!
last Bamboo Ben creation with LLT embellishments for the BASH!
I love this one!


"Angry Tiki"
got this cheesy seashell frame at the thrift store...



"Hungry Brothers"

"the Joyful Gaze"
This one was a total hens and butterfly tole painting when i got it....
So i guess one genre obliterated another....

"Blue Frowner/Orange Smiler"

"the Laugh"
i like how he jiggles!

and another one that made me smile for a spell..
"Portait of an Orongo Chief"
I tried to make it look like an old tinted etching..
like those ones of Maori Chieftains and such...
The frame is a weird mix of European Flourish and tribal motifs that hint of a navigation/compass...it kinda worked....

Well,I have to go say my goodbyes to all these guys as they will hopefully all reach good homes!
Thanks for visiting and Can't wait to see or meetcha! and if i forget your name ,it's because I'm a stoner,not an insensitive bassard....

GROG posted on 07/21/2007

You sure it's not because you're an insensitive stoner bastard?

Tiki Shark Art posted on 07/22/2007

The "Portait of an Orongo Chief" is really killer! I'm always getting a education is color when I leook at your work! Hope the BASH went really well.

KAHAKA posted on 07/23/2007

Any of these pieces left after the Bash???

hewey posted on 07/23/2007

"Portait of an Orongo Chief" is killer - awesome work! Some very nice stuff in there, as always :D

little lost tiki posted on 07/25/2007

Back from the Big Ol Tiki Bash! Wow! If you haven't checked out that thread and photos-GO NOW!
Also if you haven't purchased your Chongolio Ohana Hut raffle Tickets-yer dum! so many fantastic items and the tix are less than a Bushmills and Coke!
Chongo-droppin Yiddish now? I'd like to hear a coconut wired podcast in Hebrew! get on it!
and thank you for all your motivation and inspiration monkeyboy!
Paipo-Wore your Moai Tangata Manu proudly to the Bash! Saw a lot of paipos there! Represent!
A lot of folks seem to be diggin on the Cannibal King...maybe a painting or print could come outta that...Anyways,it survived the Bash,but got scooped up by Bullet yesterday! He has big plans for it,so watch the skies! I used to do everything with that crosshatch style,but after over 30 sketchbooks and hundreds of paintings ,me old joints were a bit achey,so I switched over to the sumi ink pen and water-or just ink washed to get the lighting down.This one felt real special so i went with the gut instinct and did the hatching! Thanks for noticing! Plus, I'm a big fan of Bruegel,Durer,and Crumb...go figure! As for the second one,I think i overdid the bleach ie: that snow effect! I was trying to get speckles on the rocks...I may actually do another wash over the rock areas to push it back a bit.
and then the stars kinda re-inforced the snowy vibe...I did put palms in there to no avail...Oh well! I've learned that every viewer will have a different take when viewing an object of art...Oi Vey!
Clysdalle-you like the pegboard? It took me the longest time to punch all those holes in there accurately!painter pants.....sheesh!
Queen Kamehameha-It was so great to see YOU in person at the Bash! Thanks for always making the time to visit us down here by the shoreline!
Zaya-details are what life is all about,and also they're the things that bring life to characters and landscapes in the paintings...It was fun seeing you and the buzz-AY on Saturday! Bring more tikis next time!
GROG-"You sure it's not because you're an insensitive stoner bastard?"
Why must you always view the glass as half-empty? It was okay seeing you on Saturday! :)
TikiShark-Brad! Thanks for the props and right back atcha! I went with an muted palette on the Orongo Chief and it gave it that old timey feeling-like an old hand tinted postcard...After this latest is done-take a break-buy some inks and some thick hot-press watercolor paper and PLAY! Everyone has a color sense,you just have to not be scared when it talks to you! Seriously! Check out your whole Mystic Tiki series...every single one of them has the most perfect and appropriate colors...so quit whining and get back to the canvas!
KAHAKA-"Any of these pieces left after the Bash???"
Yessirree! I brought about 150-200 drawings and around 40 paintings...still got a lot leftover! I may put some of the favorites up on Marketplace in a few weeks...or if you or anyone are interested in a piece,throw down a PM and I'll get the adoption papers ready!
Hewey! Thanks man! Seems like you and Brad are on the same wavelength!!!!
Alrighty,since the BASH,I've taken about 7 naps including my regular sleeping pattern...Was it Thoreau that said "Sleep is my only wings away"? Well, he nailed that ! Usually after a long period of creativity,the bod will just shut down for a few days and process all its learnt..great dreams during this period...yes,even dreams about Naples yellow can be rejuvenating!
BUT, i have been working on the final final stage of "Cannibal Island"....
the GLOW-IN-THE-DARK phase! This piece is 98.9% done,one more quick checkout tomorrow, a final coat of sealant,a signature,and off it goes to kingstiedye! then it's the 4 canvas commission and pieces for the november tiki magazine show! So be prepared for TikiShark speed entries...
Here's a lights on/lights off comparison for all y'all!
if you have any mushrooms,you should've dropped 'em about an hour ago...

2 different vibes...i hope bullet digs it!
well, it's sleeptime-goodnight friends!

ravenne posted on 07/25/2007

I never would've imagined the piece to turn out this trippy with the glow-in-the-dark paint!
I love it!

teaKEY posted on 07/25/2007

When you still get to enjoy your paintings in the dark, thats like a 50% greater return on your investment. I'll drink to that :drink:

Bora Boris posted on 07/25/2007

Very nice Ken, Glow in the dark is the coolest whether it's a Fruity Pebbles Dinosaur or tape on a stairway. I LOVE it.

I also like how TeaKEY in a Kayak is outlined so you can't see that he's sitting in a Sporting Goods store. Very Nice!

[ Edited by: Bora Boris 2007-07-25 12:04 ]

kingstiedye posted on 07/25/2007

On 2007-07-24 22:39, little lost tiki wrote:

i hope bullet digs it!

yeah, he really digs it! :D :D :D

[ Edited by: kingstiedye 2007-07-25 13:21 ]

Paipo posted on 07/26/2007

insert face melt

:lol: :lol: :lol:

TravelingJones posted on 07/26/2007

:D DAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaNG that's COooooooooooooOL! :D

SsweeetT strokes LLT...thumbs up KTD! Ground control to Major Tom? Major?

hewey posted on 07/26/2007

Thats very cool dude! Just when we thought you couldn't cram anything else into one of your paintings! :D I tried getting some glow in the dark paint years ago and got told it was no longer sold... I think I might have to try and track some down!

frostiki posted on 07/26/2007

Portait of an Orongo Chief= Bad @$$, very cool. ANd I like the glow in tne dark thing, very outside the box.

GROG posted on 07/26/2007

Glow in the dark paints are fun. They make GROG tongue glow when GROG lick it.

Clarita posted on 07/26/2007

uh I like that!! For night and day! I think is one of the first times a see something glow in the dark that a really like apart of the glowing paint it self

Tiki Shark Art posted on 07/28/2007

Oh... the glow in the dark treatment is the best freaking thing ever! Freakin A, freakin freaky freak freak!

Yeah! an what do ya mean "Tiki Shark Speed"? You mean you're gonna do one painting every six months or so, too? I think if you suddenly slowed all the way down to my speed, something bad would happen, like the earth would suddenly go off it's rotational axis and our planet would fall into the sun or something! Don't do it Ken!

I am really interested to see what you'll be working on for the big art show in Nov!


little lost tiki posted on 07/30/2007

Aloha Dear Friends!
Well, Funtime is over and it's time for me to get krack-a-lackin on the Tiki magazine Art show pieces and my 4-panel Journey piece,so don't stop believing! (that was a Journey joke...uh...eh...)
Lots of goodies to share this week so first i'll do the usual replies then we'll get right into it.....
ravenne-Mahalo! it IS REALLY trippy in person...the glow illuminates the actual piece a bit...something that gets lost in the pixels...
teaKS!-true!true! a piece that functions both day and night! HiHo! I'll kayak to that!
Boris!-gracias! my theory is that teaKs was on some Top Secret Kayak trip to the Sepik river to his Secret Spot,where he rules the natives with a clenched bloody fist of shrunken heads! Your theory probably holds more water,so to speak! joshKAYAK!
Bullet- :) x100! "Cannibal Island will be on the way to your home early this week! Listen for the Drums!
Paipo- :lol: my King Okloe waterpipe DOES resemble a sculpture!
Jonesy-Thanks! I'm floating in a most peculiar way! :lol:
hewey!-there's 2 types of glow in the dark i use...Tulip brand Glow in the Dark Dimensional Fabric Paint in the "natural glow" color and Scribbles brand 3-D paint in the "natural" glow in the dark color.(they also have green & orange and yellow i think,if you want gradations in color as they all look ALMOST the same except for intensity...the Tulip stuff glows off! It's the brightest of the batch! Practice with it first,as it's like icing a cake! And watch your elbows as it smears/takes a few hours to dry....Have fun!
frostiki -thank you! I'm gonna do some bigger old etching style pics of chiefs and maybe famous heroes from Tikiland!
GROG-don't lick glow in the dark paint! It's non-toxic! Stick with lead paint chips!
Clarita-Gracias Tiki Friend!Have you ever thought of glow in the dark candles! They're so beautiful that if they were glow in the dark,you wouldn't have to light them and could keep them around forever!
TikiShark-Hey Brad! Great talkin to you today! Your tales of alien suits and the glow in the dark hawaiian floral shirt are hilarious and enlightening! 'Tiki Shark Speed"-prolly not one painting every 6 months, but more quality and less quantity....slow and steady wins the race! I'll keep a slower than usual pace,but nothing that would affect the earth's rotation or anything! Ditto on the wanting to see what you come up with for the November show!
Whew! This typing can really tire ya out!
Anyways.....first we're gonna have a little fun....something different!
I got a few kudos and inquiries about the shirt i wore to the Big Ol Tiki Bash (not the Lynyrd Skynyrd one-the one with tikis on it!silly gooses!) Anyways, it was a woven shirt print i had designed while doin the art director thing at Hawaiian Island Creations..i worked there from about 95-2002 doin tees/wovens/boardshorts/graphics etc.Well, seeing as i had a BRAND NEW Pegboard, i thought "why not share some of the old shirts with the Ohana?" So here goes....
First shirt inspired by a certain book on Oceanic Arts book(the title eludes me and I'm too lazy to march out to the studio and check)
Here's the front



the next one was knocked off an old vintage 70's print.We took the flavor and style and a few of the motifs and built new stuff around it ....



the next one was inspired after reading hunter S. Thompson's "the Curse of Lono" illustrated by Ralph Steadman-the messiest genius on earth!
I did each of the tikis and tapa designs separately and scanned and arranged em on the MAC!



Here's a Thai/Bali/indo inspired one! This was printed on a natural barkcloth with navy and a gold metallic ink,so the details have a weathered,regal feel...real pimpin so to speak! not really! it just sounded funny!

Detail of front "lion tail" motif

We engineered the back,here's the top middle back

there's some dragons and even Garuda makes an appearance!

Here's the bottom

and here's some details of the dragons,just because they turned out Wham-a-zam!


Here's another engineered woven with Bali Dancers on it!


Bottom trim


and the other colorway!

hope you enjoyed that!
I also worked on a turkey serving tray from Squid!
it's renamed "Cannibal Serving Dish"

those grooves are to catch the juices and blood-filling the wood full of powerful Turkey Thanksgiving mana i guess!

Well, I've also been working on that Journey commission too,but I'll post those later and let y'all digest this crap! Thanks again fer comin by! :)

Chongolio posted on 07/30/2007

Oh man that Curse of Lono shirt is rad. You did good with the Steadman style. Extra dig that you did the art on the shirt in greyscale. That shirt has a sketchbook quality to it. All the shirts are pretty impressive LLT. You do good work,real good work.
The illustration of that ratty surfer dude by Ralph in Curse of Lono is an image burned into my head forever. Along with his work for Pink Floyd on The Wall.


little lost tiki posted on 07/30/2007

Thanks Chongo!
Rad Yakkin witchoo today!
Just to clear things up,the Pink Floyd artist was Gerald Scarfe,or Scharfe or Sharfe or something like that..very similiar styles,but now you got 2 artbooks on your wish list instead of 1! And that ratty punk of a surfer in the lono book is a crackup! That style is reeeeeeeal fun and messy! :)
Cheers to you island Bruthah from a Different Muthah!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2007-07-29 21:29 ]

Chongolio posted on 07/30/2007

On 2007-07-29 20:39, little lost tiki wrote:

Just to clear things up,the Pink Floyd artist was Gerald Scarfe,or something like that..very similiar styles.

No Kiddin'! I have thouhg that was Ralph's work since I was in Jr. High. Dang I talk about a Noobz. Sheesh! Anybody else out there know this ANYBODY!

Master LLT I have so much to learn from you. I am grateful for your teachings.


P.S Always good to Yak with you to my Brutha from the Earth Mutha!

Coconut Wired Podcast
Barefoot bloggin'

little lost tiki posted on 07/30/2007

Hello again!
Had a little bit of dinner and got "Cannibal Island" all prepped and ready to send up North!
So, I had mentioned a month or two back that i had received a commission of four canvases,each one a different stage of life,all depicting a journey ,inspired by some of my oarsmen pieces...well, i finally started it! The tricky part was a request by the patron to have a subtle picture of the oarsman built into the background,so when 2 canvases are placed together,you can read the background as well! Quite the challenge,but who else is insane enough to tackle such an epic theme and undertaking? :wink: Anyways, here's what was sketched up for the background earlier....

the top sketch is for the "birth/middle-age" canvases,and the bottom two are the "old age/death" canvases....the major problem is fitting the background subtle picture into the composition and have it"blend" in with the main painting on the surface....confused?
Let me show you....
Here's my sketches for the first canvas "birth" on the left...note the swooping angle of the composition and how the prow of the boat can be used for the "sweeping downward" area...
Also note, how the oarsman's head in the "background" picture will be located where the sun is....

The way to fit these perfectly was a problem, as i didn't want to use my opaque projector,as i wanted to freehand it on there (there's a certain freshness it gets....makes it a bit harder,but worth it!) So I figgured, i'd get the underpainting done,photograph it,print it out,and draw out the top composition over it to try out some options.....
Anyways,as if you aren't confused enough already...
here's the underpainting image so far....

that's 2 3 by 3 foot canvases,taped together on the back with mucho strong electrical tape...
That way,I can get the continuity of the image dialed!
here's the head

the hands (they still need a lil bit more working out...argh!)

the oar

I kept the style for this a bit loose,,,it's gonna get covered in areas,blended ,etc.
so no big loss....

and the side of the canoe so far...

More progress to come! I just need some time to chainsmoke and stare at it intensely....
Over and Out! :)

Queen Kamehameha posted on 07/30/2007

Kinny, the shirts ae amazing!!! another great idea, I think you found a new canvas!


ravenne posted on 07/30/2007

Wow, this beginning looks like it's going to result in a kick ass piece(s)!

On 2007-07-29 21:59, little lost tiki wrote:
the hands (they still need a lil bit more working out...argh!)

I actually like the way you started out the hands. The hand kinda reminds me of this Van Gogh sketch (of an old man...I can't remember which) we had to imitate in one of my past drawing clases (I've taken too many to remember them all).

Still, it's awesome!

Oh and those designs on the shirts are sweet!

kingstiedye posted on 07/30/2007

dude, you need to market those shirts. they are better than anything being made nowadays. i must have curse of lono! :tiki: as a huge fan of hst and ralph steadman i demand you make some! :D mystery patron's 4 piece project looks like a beauty.

[ Edited by: kingstiedye 2007-07-30 10:34 ]

JenTiki posted on 07/30/2007

On 2007-07-30 09:24, kingstiedye wrote:

Bullet - It's good to see you've added your latest DVA acquisition to the line up in your signature! :wink:

kingstiedye posted on 07/30/2007

On 2007-07-30 11:01, JenTiki wrote:

On 2007-07-30 09:24, kingstiedye wrote:

Bullet - It's good to see you've added your latest DVA acquisition to the line up in your signature! :wink:

mahalo jen. kinny's mug is a masterpiece. i keep changing which side is displayed. i also recently added tipsy's hari-kiri mug diarama. i haven't figured out how to add it to the lineup as it's glued to the bamboo mat.

teaKEY posted on 07/30/2007

I second KTD with making those shirts and that they are better than what is out there to buy. I like Oceanic Arts book shirt and maybe the book is South Seas Art but I need a XXXLXT size, the guns are just getting too large.

I like the approach that you are going with for the new paintings. Four littler paintings or two larger ones. That kinda makes it a Transformer. The new owner of those are going to be super happy happy happy.

Hey check out that new mug that made it into the above photo :up:

JenTiki posted on 07/30/2007

On 2007-07-30 11:16, kingstiedye wrote:
mahalo jen. kinny's mug is a masterpiece. i keep changing which side is displayed.

Yeah, I have to do the same thing with this one:

{note to self: Kinny's 2-dimensional pieces are easier to display}

kingstiedye posted on 07/30/2007

On 2007-07-30 11:38, JenTiki wrote:

{note to self: Kinny's 2-dimensional pieces are easier to display}

lol! great pics jen!

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RevBambooBen posted on 07/31/2007





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RevBambooBen posted on 07/31/2007




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Benzart posted on 07/31/2007

DAAAYUMMM, Awessome stufff. I'm with Bullet in I Demand you make those shirts available commercially. They are the Best around and I want one of each one and some Special ones too. Gimme Gimme Gimme (Fist crashes onto table spilling drink and sending pencil holder full of pencils and other junk flying across the room) ( But wait! Theres more.....)
NOW 8) :D

frostiki posted on 07/31/2007

You heard Ben, the decision is final

kingstiedye posted on 07/31/2007

ben, are you poking a little fun at my obsessiveness? :D

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Sneakytiki posted on 08/01/2007

On 2007-07-25 17:07, Paipo wrote:
insert face melt
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:lol: :lol: :lol:

Gotta love The FFFB'S (Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers)!

Those do indeed face melt LLT!!

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Paipo posted on 08/01/2007

Well, the shirts were made available commercially, but I guess they're long out of print now...I'm sure I'm not the only one who'll be searching high and low to find one! I have seen HIC stuff in surf shops here so who knows - maybe there will be one lurking somewhere in NZ.
Thanks for posting them Kinny...finally! I've only been hassling you for about 4 months!
Sneaky: Rip Off Press 4 life!

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dogbytes posted on 08/03/2007

here are my 2 LLT paintings ~ i found the perfect spots for them (well, for now, everything changes in my Rongorongo Room)
the orange painting
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and the yellow with skulls
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Benzart posted on 08/04/2007

Bullet, No, not YOUR Obsessiveness, MINE, but no one knows that yet sooo, when it comes toLLT's works I Really do want'em all.

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greentikipat posted on 08/05/2007

Kinney!! it's been too long since i gazed on your thread. wonderful things! can't wait to see some more pics of the journey works. cheers!!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/05/2007

The curse of Lono Shirt is amazing!
I'd really kill for one of those!
But, I know what a hassel it is to get clothing mass produced. Real pain in the old tukus! Guess I'll have to hunt e-bay in hopes of a long lost tiki shirt poping up!

Big Aloha Kenny,

U da Man!

little lost tiki posted on 08/08/2007

Howdee Doo folks!
Lot's to share with the ohana today! Got to finally meet the infamous art criminal Sam Gambino at SeaFood Sams on Saturday! He doesn't even resemble those other Gambino Gangsters!He must've been the one that got away! Anyways, if you haven't purchased any of Sam's art or mugs...shame on you! the guy's a talent plus a nice guy...ain't that enough reason?
Wow! i should post more...Now i gotta reply to all these clowns....OOPS!
Shouldn't type out loud...
Queen Kamehameha,Ravenne,Bullet (stoked you finally got the Cannibal Island! GLOW!),teaKS,Jentiki,Bamboo,Benzart,frostiki,Sneaky,Paipo,dogbytes,greentikipat,and TikiShark...phew! thank you for all the great comets :lol: and thanks for liking my old dusty shirts! I found the others, but most of em were cut up for pillows and/or a quilt my wife was supposed to sew out of them and some old Hawaiian shirts...that was about 3 years ago...even bought her a sewing machine....sigh!
Oh well, BUT i did find one more complete shirt and a pair of trunks that you may or may not like....
Seeing as these were produced betwixt 1995 and 2002,they are all spread around the globe or resting silently on a thrift store rack or someone's closet......All I have are my one copies of each,which i could part with for a half mil apiece :)
I'd love to do some more shirts.....perhaps someday!
well, i guess I'll show you the garments first...
here's a floral we did that was inspired by 3 shirts,vintage ones i had found at some of Orange's finer thrift establishments....
I painted up the flowers in gouache/scanned em and reassembled them according to the specs...we engineered it so it would stripe down the front and back of the garment ,and we engineered the sleeve pieces so they could get some flower on the cuff of the sleeve...
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Detail (if you look closely, you'll see scattered plumerias we printed white on the white fabric)
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Back detail
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Here's the trunks...the fun part of trunks is that you can pretty much "GO OFF" and get crazy with em......soooooooooooo...i decided to mix elements
hand-drawn as well as lifted from old Hawaiian shirts/matchbooks/sci-fi-futuristic pulps/and KungFu instructional manuals(the joys of having a splendid reference file!)We canned em and distressed em with halftones and line patterns and arranged the elements in a collage pattern..I got about 10 pages of these Sci-Fi tiki collage pages-i'll have to share them with ya someday!
here is the end result....
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Back (looking at the repeat on the back, i can see why i got THIS pair...
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Here's some KUNG FU/UFO/ICE CREAM CLOWN-I think we hijacked him from some ice cream Cone label or somethin...i hate /love clowns....
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and the Soviet Astronaut/hula Girl from an HIC tee shirt...
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and there you have it......
Next up is a quickie ink study for the travelling island painting for the Tiki Magazine Art Show in November...I really am stoked with the humid misty morning feel of this one! Ink and Bleachpen....Sepia rocks!
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here's a progress shot of the Cannibal Serving tray from Mr. Squidly!
love those blood grooves in it! Turkey Mana!!!
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Also did some work on the journey piece,here's a wide angle perspecto shot for ya!
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As you recall, these 2 canvases were for the "Birth" and "Middle Age" canvases...and the patron wanted an image of a canoe in the background...
Well, after much wrasslin, the composition is gettin clearer....
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Besides the huge Journey piece...i also got a 50 x 15 or 5 foot by 15 incher..can't recall...canvas for me birfday,so here's some studies for it before the actual undertaking...
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As usual, the last one is usually the most fleshed out....
Started this puppy with water soluble pencils-sketching out the rough design,then painting it in vewwy wuffly in acrylics...Then after that,the indigo paint pen adds the outlines and shadows....here is the first phase of operation Cannibal Totem....
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here's some close-ups to give you an idea of the rough lighting
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Here's one i took as i flew by on my tie-fighter!
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Here's a closer pass!VROOM!
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and here's how it looks tonight after a bit o work...
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Wellper.....that's all i got's for y'all right now! G'night!

frostiki posted on 08/08/2007

LLT, Those studies are coming along great. I can't wait until the Journey peice gets flushed out a little more. I am intrigued.

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Sneakytiki posted on 08/08/2007

Nice new studies LLT. I can't wait to see how your larger paintings look.

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Clysdalle posted on 08/08/2007

slow down you bitch!!!! I just can't keep up!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/09/2007

Faster Faster!
Perhaps your horrific speed will pick me up and carry me along faster too!
REALLLY like the Journey piece. I love seeing all the steps. From bare sketch on canvas to completion. I see you also go free hand on the canvas with no "lucy" work. Keepin it real! When a Patron pays for a piece it's gotta all come outa your head. No cheets! :)

Seeing a piece from start to finish is extremely inspirational for me. It's really my favorite thing about this are of TC. I love seeing everyone's process!

And, It's so BIG! It's gonna be a dam powerful, room dominating piece I think! Guess your Paton has a large Tiki Bar!

Really diggin the canibals totem. I'm glad you choose to go with the toothy guys!

Keep up the amazing work Kenny!
(And let me just tie this rope to you, and I'll hold the other end... okay now, on your mark, get set, ... make art!! Weeeeeeee!)

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